apx1.tab 1 Depth (feet) apx1.tab 2 Depth (meters) apx1.tab 3 Grain size description apx1.tab 4 Color of material apx1.tab 5 Bedding / sedimentary structures apx1.tab 6 Miscellaneous notesBlack Rock Core Paleomagnetic Data. Paleomagnetic inclination measured by either Alternating Field demagnetization method or thermal demagnetization method.
apx2.tab 1 Sample Label apx2.tab 2 Depth of sample (feet) apx2.tab 3 Depth of sample (meters) apx2.tab 4 Declination (degrees) apx2.tab 5 Inclination (degrees) apx2.tab 6 Delta (degrees) apx2.tab 7 Intensity apx2.tab 8 Polarity (Reversed/Not Reversed) apx2.tab 9 Method of Demagnetization (Thermal/Alternating Field)Black Rock Core Pollen Data. Counts of 57 pollen taxa from 159 samples from the Black Rock core.
apx3.tab 1 Depth (feet) apx3.tab 2 Sum Terrestrial Pollen Sum apx3.tab 3 Abies Abies count apx3.tab 4 Junip. Juniperus-type count apx3.tab 5 Picea Picea count apx3.tab 6 Pinus Pinus count apx3.tab 7 Ps./La. Pseudotsuga/Larix count apx3.tab 8 Ts.he. Tsuga heterophylla count apx3.tab 9 Ve.un. Vesiculate conifer undif. count apx3.tab 10 Ep.tr. Ephedra trifurca-type count apx3.tab 11 Ep.vi. Ephedra viridis-type apx3.tab 12 Acer Acer count apx3.tab 13 Alnus Alnus count apx3.tab 14 Arce. Arceuthobium count apx3.tab 15 Betula Betula count apx3.tab 16 Celtis Celtis count apx3.tab 17 Cerc. Cercocarpus-type count apx3.tab 18 Frax. Fraxinus count apx3.tab 19 Frem. Fremontodendron? count apx3.tab 20 Holo. Holodiscus-type count apx3.tab 21 Popu. Populus count apx3.tab 22 Pote. Potentilla count apx3.tab 23 Pter. Pterocarya? count apx3.tab 24 Quer. Quercus count apx3.tab 25 Rham. Rhamnaceae count apx3.tab 26 Rosa. Rosaceae count apx3.tab 27 Salix Salix count apx3.tab 28 Sh./E. Shepherdia/Elaegnus count apx3.tab 29 Symp. Symphoricarpos/Lonicera count apx3.tab 30 Ulmus Ulmus count apx3.tab 31 Ambr. Ambrosia-type count apx3.tab 32 Arte. Artemisia count apx3.tab 33 Tubu. Tubuliflorae count apx3.tab 34 Ligu. Liguliflorae count apx3.tab 35 Ch.Am. Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthus count apx3.tab 36 Sarc. Sarcobatus count apx3.tab 37 Poac. Poaceae count apx3.tab 38 Apia. Apiaceae count apx3.tab 39 Bras. Brassicaceae count apx3.tab 40 Cary. Caryophyllaceae count apx3.tab 41 Erio. Eriogonum count apx3.tab 42 Euph. Euphorbiaceae count apx3.tab 43 Faba. Fabaceae count apx3.tab 44 Gili. Gilia-type count apx3.tab 45 Onag. Onagraceae count apx3.tab 46 Phlox Phlox count apx3.tab 47 Pole. Polemonium count apx3.tab 48 Poly. Polygonaceae count apx3.tab 49 Sola. Solanaceae count apx3.tab 50 Thal. Thalictrum count apx3.tab 51 Unkn. Unknown count apx3.tab 52 Inde. Indeterminate count apx3.tab 53 Mono. Monlete spores count apx3.tab 54 Tril. Trilete spores count apx3.tab 55 Cype. Cyperaceae count apx3.tab 56 Myri. Myriophyllum count apx3.tab 57 Ty.Sp. Typha/Sparganium count apx3.tab 58 Pota. Potamogeton count apx3.tab 59 Rupp. Ruppia count apx3.tab 60 Botr. Botryococcus count apx3.tab 61 Pedi. Pediastrum count apx3.tab 62 Tracers Tracers countPit of Death Core Log. Lithologic description of the Pit of Death Core containing information on grain size, color, bedding structures, sedimentary structures and occurance of plant-macrofossils.
apx4.tab 1 Depth (feet) apx4.tab 2 Depth (meters) apx4.tab 3 Grain size description apx4.tab 4 Color of material apx4.tab 5 Nature of boundary apx4.tab 6 Bedding / sedimentary structures apx4.tab 7 Miscellaneous notesPit of Death Core Paleomagnetic Data. Paleomagnetic inclination measured by either Alternating Field demagnetization method or thermal demagnetization method.
apx5.tab 1 Sample Label apx5.tab 2 Depth of sample (feet) apx5.tab 3 Depth of sample (meters) apx5.tab 4 Declination (degrees) apx5.tab 5 Inclination (degrees) apx5.tab 6 Delta (degrees) apx5.tab 7 Intensity apx5.tab 8 Polarity (Reversed/Not Reversed) apx5.tab 9 Method of Demagnetization (Thermal/Alternating Field) 2-material/fig2.psVector component diagrams indicating representative demagnetizationbehavior of paleomagnetic samples.
http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1995/of95-001/3-black_rock/fig3.gif http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1995/of95-001/3-black_rock/fig3.psDiagram showing paleomagnetic interpretation, lithology, occurance of seeds, occurance of root traces, occurance of leaf impressions and magnetic susceptibility in the Black Rock core.
http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1995/of95-001/3-black_rock/fig4.gif http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1995/of95-001/3-black_rock/fig4.psDiagram showing the paleomagnetic inclination record of the Black Rock core.
http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1995/of95-001/3-black_rock/fig5.gif http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1995/of95-001/3-black_rock/fig5.psDiagram showing age vs. depth relationship based on paleomagnetics and tephrochronology in the Black Rock Core.
http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1995/of95-001/3-black_rock/fig6.gif http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1995/of95-001/3-black_rock/fig6.psDiagram showing paleomagnetic record and pollen percentages of 15 taxa in the Black Rock core.
http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1995/of95-001/3-black_rock/fig7.gif http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1995/of95-001/3-black_rock/fig7.psDiagram showing paleomagnetic record and pollen summary diagram of Conifers vs. Steppe plants vs. Other taxa. vs aquatic pollen types occuring in the Black Rock Core
http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1995/of95-001/3-black_rock/fig8.gif http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1995/of95-001/3-black_rock/fig8.psDiagram of Three-level moving averages of conifer and steppe pollen from the Black Rock Core vs. time.
http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1995/of95-001/4-pit_of_death/fig9.gif http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1995/of95-001/4-pit_of_death/fig9.psDiagram showing paleomagnetic interpretation, lithology, occurance of mud cracks and magnetic susceptibility in the Pit of Death core.
http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1995/of95-001/4-pit_of_death/fig10.gif http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1995/of95-001/4-pit_of_death/fig10.psDiagram showing the paleomagnetic inclination record of the Pit of Death core.
http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1995/of95-001/4-pit_of_death/fig11.gif http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1995/of95-001/4-pit_of_death/fig11.psDiagram showing age vs. depth relationship based on paleomagnetics and tephrochronology in the Pit of Death Core.
http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1995/of95-001/4-pit_of_death/fig12.gif http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1995/of95-001/4-pit_of_death/fig12.psDiagram comparing the magnetic susceptibiliy records of the Black Rock and Pit of Death cores.
http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1995/of95-001/4-pit_of_death/fig13.gif http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1995/of95-001/4-pit_of_death/fig13.psDiagram comparing the chronologies and depositional rates of the Black Rock and Pit of Death cores.
http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1995/of95-001/5-discussion/fig14.gif http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1995/of95-001/5-discussion/fig14.psDiagram comparing the lacustrine histories of Pliocene through Pleistocene sites in western Utah.