Geospatial data files included in this data set: cnmpoly: geologic units cnmline: faults, fold axes, dikes, and other line features cnmpoint: strike and dip measurements and other point features cnmsym: cartographic decorations-strike/dip symbols, leaders, line decorations, etc. cnmtext: text labels for map units cnmborder: neatline of map cnmboundary: boundary of Colorado National Monument cnmhydro: hydrologic features cnmhypso: elevation contours cnmrailroads: railroads cnmroads: roads
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COVERAGE NAME: CNMBORDER DESCRIPTION: Neatline of map DATABASE STRUCTURE OF CNMBORDER.PAT: COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME INDEXED? 1 AREA 8 18 F 5 - 9 PERIMETER 8 18 F 5 - 17 CNMBORDER# 4 5 B - - 21 CNMBORDER-ID 4 5 B - - this database has no user-defined attributes. DATABASE STRUCTURE OF CNMBORDER.AAT: COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME INDEXED? 1 FNODE# 4 5 B - - 5 TNODE# 4 5 B - - 9 LPOLY# 4 5 B - - 13 RPOLY# 4 5 B - - 17 LENGTH 8 18 F 5 - 25 CNMBORDER# 4 5 B - - 29 CNMBORDER-ID 4 5 B - - this database has no user-defined attributes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COVERAGE NAME: CNMBOUNDARY DESCRIPTION: Outline (border) of Colorado National Monument DATABASE STRUCTURE OF CNMBOUNDARY.AAT: COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME INDEXED? 1 FNODE# 4 5 B - - 5 TNODE# 4 5 B - - 9 LPOLY# 4 5 B - - 13 RPOLY# 4 5 B - - 17 LENGTH 4 12 F 3 - 21 CNMBOUNDARY# 4 5 B - - 25 CNMBOUNDARY-ID 4 5 B - - 29 AREA 8 12 F 3 - 37 PERIMETER 8 12 F 3 - this database has no user-defined attributes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COVERAGE NAME: CNMHYDRO DESCRIPTION: Hydrologic linework (mainly rivers and streams) DATABASE STRUCTURE OF CNMHYDRO.AAT: COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME INDEXED? 1 FNODE# 4 5 B - - 5 TNODE# 4 5 B - - 9 LPOLY# 4 5 B - - 13 RPOLY# 4 5 B - - 17 LENGTH 8 18 F 5 - 25 CNMHYDRO# 4 5 B - - 29 CNMHYDRO-ID 4 5 B - - 33 MAJOR1 6 6 I - - 39 MINOR1 6 6 I - - 45 MAJOR2 6 6 I - - 51 MINOR2 6 6 I - - The MAJOR-MINOR code pairs in this database are standard Digital Line Graph (DLG) codes for 1:24,000-scale DLG datasets. The document "Digital Line Graphs from 1:24,000-scale Maps: Data Users Guide" lists the meanings of the DLG codes. ATTRIBUTE NAME: MAJOR1 DESCRIPTION: DLG 'major' code UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'MAJOR1': 50 hydrologic feature ATTRIBUTE NAME: MINOR1 DESCRIPTION: DLG 'minor' code UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'MINOR1': 200 shoreline 412 stream 414 ditch or canal 415 aqueduct ATTRIBUTE NAME: MAJOR2 DESCRIPTION: DLG 'major' code UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'MAJOR2': -99999 no data 50 hydrologic feature ATTRIBUTE NAME: MINOR2 DESCRIPTION: DLG 'minor' code UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'MINOR2': -99999 no data 414 ditch or canal 610 intermittant 617 underpassing --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COVERAGE NAME: CNMHYPSO DESCRIPTION: elevation contours DATABASE STRUCTURE OF CNMHYPSO.AAT: COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME INDEXED? 1 FNODE# 4 5 B - - 5 TNODE# 4 5 B - - 9 LPOLY# 4 5 B - - 13 RPOLY# 4 5 B - - 17 LENGTH 8 18 F 5 - 25 CNMHYPSO# 4 5 B - - 29 CNMHYPSO-ID 4 5 B - - 33 MAJOR1 6 6 I - - 39 MINOR1 6 6 I - - 45 MAJOR2 6 6 I - - 51 MINOR2 6 6 I - - The MAJOR-MINOR code pairs in this database are standard Digital Line Graph (DLG) codes for 1:24,000-scale DLG datasets. The document "Digital Line Graphs from 1:24,000-scale Maps: Data Users Guide" lists the meanings of the DLG codes. ATTRIBUTE NAME: MAJOR1 DESCRIPTION: DLG 'major' code UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'MAJOR1': 20 hypsography ATTRIBUTE NAME: MINOR1 DESCRIPTION: DLG 'minor' code UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'MINOR1': 200 contour (index or intermediate) 201 carrying contour ATTRIBUTE NAME: MAJOR2 DESCRIPTION: DLG 'major' code UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'MAJOR2': 22 elevation value ATTRIBUTE NAME: MINOR2 DESCRIPTION: DLG 'minor' code UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'MINOR2': the values for this attribute are the elevation of the contour in integer feet, ranging from 4480 to 7240. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COVERAGE NAME: CNMLINE DESCRIPTION: Geologic line features (folds, faults) DATABASE STRUCTURE OF CNMLINE.AAT: COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME INDEXED? 1 FNODE# 4 5 B - - 5 TNODE# 4 5 B - - 9 LPOLY# 4 5 B - - 13 RPOLY# 4 5 B - - 17 LENGTH 4 12 F 3 - 21 CNMLINE# 4 5 B - - 25 CNMLINE-ID 4 5 B - - 29 TYPE 3 3 I - - 32 SYMBOL 5 5 I - - 37 DESCRIPTION 100 100 C - - ATTRIBUTE NAME: TYPE DESCRIPTION: numeric code for type of line feature UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'TYPE': The values of this attribute correspond to items in the 'DESCRIPTION' field as follows: 2 contact; concealed 4 airfield line 5 line of cross-section 10 fault contact; certain 11 fault; concealed 14 fault contact; inferred 17 line; hinge 92 contact line; topographic escarpment ATTRIBUTE NAME: SYMBOL DESCRIPTION: line symbol (in lineset alcwrg.lin) used to draw feature UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'SYMBOL': 0 1 3 5 25 29 ATTRIBUTE NAME: DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: type of line feature UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'DESCRIPTION': see above --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COVERAGE NAME: CNMPOINT DESCRIPTION: point features DATABASE STRUCTURE OF CNMPOINT.PAT: COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME INDEXED? 1 AREA 8 18 F 5 - 9 PERIMETER 8 18 F 5 - 17 CNMPOINT# 4 5 B - - 21 CNMPOINT-ID 4 5 B - - 25 DESCRIPTION 80 80 C - - 105 CODE 3 3 I - - 108 STRIKE 7 7 I - - 115 DIP 5 5 I - - ATTRIBUTE NAME: DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: type of point feature UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'DESCRIPTION': see below ATTRIBUTE NAME: CODE DESCRIPTION: numeric code for feature type UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'CODE': The values of this attribute correspond to items in the 'DESCRIPTION' field as follows: 201 strike and dip of inclined beds 202 strike and dip of foliation 203 dip of fault plane 207 ball & bar symbol 208 dip of inclined feature 219 overturned bed symbol 220 approximate strike and dip of inclined beds 222 strike of vertical foliation 241 direction of plunge of fold axis 268 diamond symbol indicating dip of slickensides 302 water well 312 prospect 362 horizontal bedding ATTRIBUTE NAME: STRIKE DESCRIPTION: compass orientation of measurement ITEM VALUES FOR 'STRIKE': integer degrees in the range 0-359 ATTRIBUTE NAME: DIP DESCRIPTION: inclination from horizontal of measurement ITEM VALUES FOR 'DIP': integer degrees in the range 0-90 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COVERAGE NAME: CNMPOLY DESCRIPTION: geology polygon features DATABASE STRUCTURE OF CNMPOLY.PAT: COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME INDEXED? 1 AREA 4 12 F 3 - 5 PERIMETER 4 12 F 3 - 9 CNMPOLY# 4 5 B - - 13 CNMPOLY-ID 4 5 B - - 17 LABEL 6 6 C - - 23 TEXT 6 6 C - - 29 SYMBOL 6 6 I - - ATTRIBUTE NAME: LABEL DESCRIPTION: text label (to be used with font fnt003); enables use of special geologic age symbols UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'LABEL': @c Jeb Jes Jk Jmb Jms Jmt Jw Jwek Jwg Kb Kd Km Qal Qaso Qasy Qc Qcg Qe Qfp Qfy Qlg Qlso Qlsy Qr Qrg Qse Qsw Qvf Water Xi Xm af ATTRIBUTE NAME: TEXT DESCRIPTION: geologic unit label UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'TEXT': geologic unit text abbreviations are defined as follows: af Artificial fill Qal Alluvium Qfp Flood-plain deposits Qvf Valley-fill deposits Qrg River-gravel terrace deposits Qfy Younger fan-alluvium and debris-flow deposits Qasy Younger alluvial-slope deposits Qaso Older alluvial-slope deposits Qlg Local gravel deposits Qc Colluvium Qr Rock-fall deposits Qlsy Young landslide deposits Qlso Old landslide deposits Qsw Sheetwash deposits Qe Eolian deposits Qse Eolian and sheetwash deposits Qcg Cienaga deposits Km Mancos Shale Kd Dakota Formation Kb Burro Canyon Formation Jmb Brushy Basin Member of the Morrison Formation Jms Salt Wash Member Member of the Morrison Formation Jmt Tidwell Member Member of the Morrison Formation Jw Wanakah Formation Jeb "Board beds" unit of the Entrada Sandstone Jes Slickrock Member of the Entrada Sandstone Jk Kayenta Formation Jwek Kayenta Formation, Entrada Sandstone, and Wanakah Formation, undivided Jwg Wingate Sandstone TRc Chinle Formation Xi Meta-igneous gneiss Xm Migmatic meta-sedimentary rocks Water water features (lakes and ponds) ATTRIBUTE NAME: SYMBOL DESCRIPTION: value of shade symbol in shadeset color524.shd to fill polygons ITEM VALUES FOR 'SYMBOL': integer numbers in the range 0 - 510 DATABASE STRUCTURE OF CNMPOLY.AAT: COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME INDEXED? 1 FNODE# 4 5 B - - 5 TNODE# 4 5 B - - 9 LPOLY# 4 5 B - - 13 RPOLY# 4 5 B - - 17 LENGTH 4 12 F 3 - 21 CNMPOLY# 4 5 B - - 25 CNMPOLY-ID 4 5 B - - 29 TYPE 3 3 I - - 32 SYMBOL 5 5 I - - 37 DESCRIPTION 100 100 C - - ATTRIBUTE NAME: TYPE DESCRIPTION: numeric code for line type UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'TYPE': The values of this attribute correspond to items in the 'DESCRIPTION' field as follows: 1 contact; certain 2 contact; concealed 3 contact; inferred 10 fault contact; certain 14 fault contact; inferred 92 contact line; topographic escarpment 93 water boundary, certain 99 map boundary ATTRIBUTE NAME: SYMBOL DESCRIPTION: line symbol (in lineset alcwrg.lin) to use for plotting feature UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'SYMBOL': 1 3 25 27 29 ATTRIBUTE NAME: DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: (add brief description here) UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'DESCRIPTION': see above --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COVERAGE NAME: CNMRAILROADS DESCRIPTION: transportation: railroads DATABASE STRUCTURE OF CNMRAILROADS.AAT: COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME INDEXED? 1 FNODE# 4 5 B - - 5 TNODE# 4 5 B - - 9 LPOLY# 4 5 B - - 13 RPOLY# 4 5 B - - 17 LENGTH 4 12 F 3 - 21 CNMRAILROADS# 4 5 B - - 25 CNMRAILROADS-ID 4 5 B - - 29 MAJOR1 6 6 I - - 35 MINOR1 6 6 I - - 41 MAJOR2 6 6 I - - 47 MINOR2 6 6 I - - The MAJOR-MINOR code pairs in this database are standard Digital Line Graph (DLG) codes for 1:24,000-scale DLG datasets. The document "Digital Line Graphs from 1:24,000-scale Maps: Data Users Guide" lists the meanings of the DLG codes. ATTRIBUTE NAME: MAJOR1 DESCRIPTION: (add brief description here) UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'MAJOR1': 180 ATTRIBUTE NAME: MINOR1 DESCRIPTION: (add brief description here) UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'MINOR1': 201 208 ATTRIBUTE NAME: MAJOR2 DESCRIPTION: (add brief description here) UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'MAJOR2': -99999 180 ATTRIBUTE NAME: MINOR2 DESCRIPTION: (add brief description here) UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'MINOR2': -99999 605 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COVERAGE NAME: CNMROADS DESCRIPTION: transportation: roads DATABASE STRUCTURE OF CNMROADS.AAT: COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME INDEXED? 1 FNODE# 4 5 B - - 5 TNODE# 4 5 B - - 9 LPOLY# 4 5 B - - 13 RPOLY# 4 5 B - - 17 LENGTH 8 18 F 5 - 25 CNMROADS# 4 5 B - - 29 CNMROADS-ID 4 5 B - - 33 MAJOR1 6 6 I - - 39 MINOR1 6 6 I - - 45 MAJOR2 6 6 I - - 51 MINOR2 6 6 I - - The MAJOR-MINOR code pairs in this database are standard Digital Line Graph (DLG) codes for 1:24,000-scale DLG datasets. The document "Digital Line Graphs from 1:24,000-scale Maps: Data Users Guide" lists the meanings of the DLG codes. ATTRIBUTE NAME: MAJOR1 DESCRIPTION: (add brief description here) UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'MAJOR1': 170 ATTRIBUTE NAME: MINOR1 DESCRIPTION: (add brief description here) UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'MINOR1': 201 203 205 209 210 211 212 402 ATTRIBUTE NAME: MAJOR2 DESCRIPTION: (add brief description here) UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'MAJOR2': -99999 0 170 172 173 174 ATTRIBUTE NAME: MINOR2 DESCRIPTION: (add brief description here) UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'MINOR2': -99999 0 6 70 340 601 607 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COVERAGE NAME: CNMSYM DESCRIPTION: decoration symbols DATABASE STRUCTURE OF CNMSYM.PAT: COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME INDEXED? 1 AREA 4 12 F 3 - 5 PERIMETER 4 12 F 3 - 9 CNMSYM# 4 5 B - - 13 CNMSYM-ID 4 5 B - - 17 TYPE 3 3 I - - 20 STRIKE 7 7 I - - 27 DIP 3 3 I - - 30 BNUM 4 5 B - - ATTRIBUTE NAME: TYPE DESCRIPTION: type of feature UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'TYPE': 201 strike and dip of inclined beds 202 strike and dip of foliation 203 dip of fault plane 207 ball & bar symbol 208 dip of inclined feature 219 overturned bed symbol 220 approximate strike and dip of inclined beds 222 strike of vertical foliation 241 direction of plunge of fold axis 268 diamond symbol indicating dip of slickensides 302 water well 312 prospect 362 horizontal bedding ATTRIBUTE NAME: STRIKE DESCRIPTION: compass orientation of measurement ITEM VALUES FOR 'STRIKE': integer degrees in the range 0-359 ATTRIBUTE NAME: DIP DESCRIPTION: inclination from horizontal of measurement ITEM VALUES FOR 'DIP': integer degrees in the range 0-90 ATTRIBUTE NAME: BNUM DESCRIPTION: unique identifier used to place numeric dip values near inclination symbols ITEM VALUES FOR 'BNUM': positive and negative integer values; positive values of BNUM indicate that a symbol is to be drawn at that point; the dip values are placed at points with negative BNUM values. DATABASE STRUCTURE OF CNMSYM.AAT: COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME INDEXED? 1 FNODE# 4 5 B - - 5 TNODE# 4 5 B - - 9 LPOLY# 4 5 B - - 13 RPOLY# 4 5 B - - 17 LENGTH 4 12 F 3 - 21 CNMSYM# 4 5 B - - 25 CNMSYM-ID 4 5 B - - 29 TYPE 3 3 I - - 32 SYMBOL 5 5 I - - 37 DESCRIPTION 100 100 C - - ATTRIBUTE NAME: TYPE DESCRIPTION: numeric code for symbol UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'TYPE': The values of this attribute correspond to items in the 'DESCRIPTION' field as follows: 92 contact line; topographic escarpment 201 strike and dip of inclined beds 202 strike and dip of foliation 203 dip of fault plane 207 ball & bar symbol 208 dip of inclined feature 219 overturned bed symbol 220 approximate strike and dip of inclined beds 222 strike of vertical foliation 241 direction of plunge of fold axis 268 diamond symbol indicating dip of slickensides 302 water well 312 prospect 362 horizontal bedding ATTRIBUTE NAME: SYMBOL DESCRIPTION: line symbol (in alcwrg.lin) to use for plotting UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'SYMBOL': 1 ATTRIBUTE NAME: DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: type of symbol UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'DESCRIPTION': see above --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COVERAGE NAME: CNMTEXT DESCRIPTION: text labels for printed map DATABASE STRUCTURE OF CNMTEXT.PAT: COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME INDEXED? 1 AREA 4 12 F 3 - 5 PERIMETER 4 12 F 3 - 9 CNMTEXT# 4 5 B - - 13 CNMTEXT-ID 4 5 B - - 17 TYPE 5 5 I - - 22 TEXT 100 101 C - - 122 WSLANT 3 3 I - - ATTRIBUTE NAME: TYPE DESCRIPTION: numeric code for type of text item UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'TYPE': 80 geologic unit labels and other text rendered in small typesize 200 cross-section endpoint labels and other large type labels ATTRIBUTE NAME: TEXT DESCRIPTION: text labels (uses font fnt003 to print special geologic age symbols) UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'TEXT': @c A A ,B,B C1 C10 C11 C13 C2 C3 C4 C5-9 GLADE PARK FAULT Jeb Jes Jk Jmb Jms Jmt Jw Jwek Jwg K98.8.10F Kb Kd Km NT 11C Qal Qaso Qasy Qc Qcg Qe Qfp Qfy Qlg Qlso Qlsy Qr Qrg Qse Qsw Qvf REDLANDS FAULT UTE CANYON STOCK Ute 1 Xi Xm Yl a af gravel pits ATTRIBUTE NAME: WSLANT DESCRIPTION: slant angle of text labels UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'WSLANT': -59 -45 -42 -35 -11 -3 0 DATABASE STRUCTURE OF CNMTEXT.AAT: COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME INDEXED? 1 FNODE# 4 5 B - - 5 TNODE# 4 5 B - - 9 LPOLY# 4 5 B - - 13 RPOLY# 4 5 B - - 17 LENGTH 4 12 F 3 - 21 CNMTEXT# 4 5 B - - 25 CNMTEXT-ID 4 5 B - - 29 SYMBOL 3 3 I - - ATTRIBUTE NAME: SYMBOL DESCRIPTION: line symbol (in alcwrg.lin) to use for plotting UNIQUE ITEM VALUES FOR 'SYMBOL': 1
The hospitality and cooperation of the staff of Colorado National Monument added significantly to the pleasure of mapping the Monument and surrounding area, especially by providing housing with showers, kitchen, and a terrific view. In particular, the friendly support of the Superintendent Steve Hickman and his staff of park rangers made normally difficult tasks much easier. Pat Perrotti, Resource Manager for the Monument, went out of his way to fill us in on current geologic events at the Monument. Bill Rodgers, Protection Ranger, spent a day in the field with us to locate critical boundaries in the new southern addition to the Monument. Bruce Heise, National Park Service Geologic Resources Division liaison to the USGS, helped make the map a high-priority product. Joe Gregson, also with the Geologic Resources Division, obtained and transferred digital line graph (DLG) data critical for a legible topographic base for the map. The partnership with both the Colorado National Monument Association and the National Park Service has been instrumental in creation of this product for the public. In the USGS Earth Surface Processes Team, Paco Van Sistine provided prompt and critical GIS help. The constructive reviews by Bruce Bryant and Jim Yount of the USGS significantly improved the quality of the map and text. Discussions with Robert Young of Grand Junction were valuable and invigorating. The radiometric dating by Mick Kunk and Dan Unruh of the USGS provided critical constraints on the ages of Proterozoic events. The Carbon-14 dates supplied by Jack McGeehin of the USGS not only gave us the timing for geologic events during the late Quaternary, but also allowed us to date the minimum period of Native American habitation in the canyons of Colorado National Monument.
To update the interpretation and increase the scale of geologic mapping, provide a geologic map for the public to use at Colorado National Monument, and to provide sufficient geologic information for land-use and land-management decisions.
Are there legal restrictions on access or use of the data?Access_Constraints: none
Use_Constraints:none. Acknowledgment of the U.S. Geological Survey would be appreciated in products derived from these data.
Although these digital spatial data have been subjected to rigorous review and are substantially complete, they are released on the condition that neither the USGS nor the United States Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from their authorized or unauthorized use.
Data format: | ARCE (version 7.1.2) Size: 65 |
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