Online Links:
Value | Definition |
Qf | Fluvial deposits (Holocene) |
Qcl | Colluvium (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
Qls | Landslide deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
Qft | Fluvial terrace deposits (Pleistocene) |
Qoft | Older Fluvial terrace deposits (Pleistocene) |
Td | Upper dacite (late Eocene) |
Tbcu | Tuff of Bond Creek (late Eocene) upper unit |
Tbcl | Tuff of Bond Creek (late Eocene) lower unit |
Tbf | Basalt of Brown Mountain (late Eocene) |
Taf | Andesite flows (late Eocene) |
Tsf | Rhyolite and dacite flows (late Eocene) |
Tvs | Volcanolithic sandstone, conglomerate, and laharic breccia (late Eocene) |
Tc | Colestin Formation (late Eocene?) |
Tis | Rhyolite and dacite intrusions (late and middle Eocene) |
Tib | Diabase and basalt intrusions (late and middle Eocene) |
Tia | Andesite dikes and sills (late and middle Eocene) |
Tes | Spencer Formation (late and middle Eocene) |
Teb | Bateman Formation (late and middle Eocene) |
Tebm | Bateman Formation mudstone (late and middle Eocene) |
Tee | Elkton Formation mudstone (middle Eocene) |
Ttbs | Tyee Formation, Baughman Member (middle Eocene) |
Ttbm | Tyee Formation, Baughman Member mudstone (middle and early Eocene) |
Tth | Tyee Formation, Hubbard Creek Member (middle and early Eocene) |
Tths | Tyee Formation, Hubbard Creek Member sandstone (middle Eocene) |
Ttts | Tyee Formation, Tyee Mountain Member (middle and early Eocene) |
Tttm | Tyee Formation, Tyee Mountain Member mudstone (middle and early Eocene) |
Tcv | Camas Valley Formation (early Eocene) |
Tw | White Tail Ridge Formation, undivided (early Eocene) |
Twrc | White Tail Ridge Formation, Rasler Creek tongue (early Eocene) |
Twc | White Tail Ridge Formation, Coquille River Member (early Eocene) |
Twr | White Tail Ridge Formation, Remote Member (early Eocene) |
Twrm | White Tail Ridge Formation, Remote Member Mudstone (early Eocene) |
Twbc | White Tail Ridge Formation, Berry Creek Member (early Eocene) |
Twst | White Tail Ridge Formation, Unnamed siltstone member (early Eocene) |
Tm | Tenmile Formation, undivided (early Eocene) |
Tmsl | Tenmile Formation, Slope mudstone (early Eocene) |
Tmsm | Tenmile Formation, Turbidite sandstone and mudstone (early Eocene) |
Tmss | Tenmile Formation, Turbidite sandstone (early Eocene) |
Tmm | Tenmile Formation, Basin plain mudstone (early Eocene) |
Tmms | Tenmile Formation, Mudstone and turbidite sandstone (early Eocene) |
Tmcs | Tenmile Formation, Submarine fan channel sandstone (early Eocene) |
Tbsc | Bushnell Rock Formation, Slater Creek Member (early Eocene) |
Tbr | Bushnell Rock Formation, conglomerate (early Eocene) |
Tbrm | Bushnell Rock Formation, Debris flow deposits (early Eocene) |
Trbs | Siletz River Volcanics, Roseburg Member, Basaltic sandstone (early Eocene) |
Trs | Siletz River Volcanics, Roseburg Member, Turbidite sandstone and mudstone (early Eocene) |
Trc | Siletz River Volcanics, Roseburg Member, Conglomerate (early Eocene) |
Tsrt | Siletz River Volcanics, Basalt tuff (early Eocene) |
Tsru | Siletz River Volcanics, Subaerial basalt flows (early Eocene and late Paleocene) |
Tsr | Siletz River Volcanics, submarine basalt flows (early Eocene) |
Tidb | Diabase (early Eocene) |
KJda | Dothan Formation, turbidite sandstone broken formation (early Cretaceous and late Jurassic) |
KJdm | Dothan Formation, mudstone matrix melange (early Cretaceous and late Jurassic) |
KJdd | Dothan Formation, phyllitic siltstone and metagreywacke (early Cretaceous and late Jurassic) |
KJd2 | Dothan Formation, semischist and phyllite (early Cretaceous and late Jurassic) |
Kdc | Myrtle Group, Days Creek Formation (middle and early Cretaceous) |
KJr | Riddle Formation (Early Cretaceous to Late Jurassic?) |
KJrc | Riddle Formation conglomerate (Early Cretaceous to Late Jurassic?) |
KJms | Metasedimentary rock (early Cretaceous and late Jurassic) |
KJhf | Mafic silicified hornfels (Cretaceous, Jurassic, or both) |
KJag | Augen gneiss (Cretaceous, Jurassic, or both) |
KJi | Intrusive rocks (Cretaceous, Jurassic, or both) |
KJgd | Granodiorite (Cretaceous, Jurassic, or both) |
KJhd | Hornblende diorite (Cretaceous, Jurassic, or both) |
KJdi | Diorite (Cretaceous, Jurassic, or both) |
KJdt | Tectonized diorite (Cretaceous, Jurassic, or both) |
m | Metamorphic complex (Jurassic or older) |
Jrv | Rogue volcanics? (late Jurassic?) |
Jri | Mafic intrusive unit (late Jurassic?) |
Jrvs | Schistose Rogue volcanics (late Jurassic) |
Jris | Schistose mafic intrusive unit (late Jurassic) |
Jrs | Serpentinized ultramafic rock (Jurassic?) |
amp | |
bs | |
cht | |
di | |
dio | |
gs | |
gs-di | |
kn | |
ls | |
mv | |
sp | |
sp+gs | |
water |
Value | Definition |
atten. fault, certain | |
atten. fault, concealed | |
atten. fault, inferred | |
atten. fault, inferred, queried | |
contact, certain | |
contact, concealed | |
contact, concealed, queried | |
contact, inferred | |
contact, inferred, queried | |
dike | |
fault inferred | |
fault, approx. located | |
fault, certain | |
fault, certainm | |
fault, concealed | |
fault, concealed, queried | |
detachment fault, certain | |
detachment fault, inferred | |
detachment fault, inferred, queried | |
fault, inferred | |
fault, inferred, queried | |
map boundary, certain | |
normal fault, certain | |
normal fault, certainm | |
normal fault, concealed | |
normal fault, concealedm | |
normal fault, inferred | |
normal fault, inferred, queried | |
normal fault, inferred, queriedm | |
normal fault, inferredm | |
s.s. fault, l.l., certain | |
s.s. fault, r.l., certain | |
s.s. fault, r.l., concealed | |
scratch boundary, certain | |
shear zone, certain | |
thrust fault, certain | |
thrust fault, concealed | |
thrust fault, concealed, queried | |
thrust fault, inferred | |
thrust fault, inferred, queried | |
thrust fault, inferred, queried_ | |
water boundary, certain |
Value | Definition |
_l_lineation_i_ | |
air photo attitude | |
anticline | |
bedding | |
bedding w/tops | |
crumpled bedding | |
crumpled foliation | |
fault dip | |
fault plane | |
fault, ss, ll | |
fault, ss, rl | |
flat bedding | |
flow_2dir | |
flow_dir | |
fold axis | |
fold_axis | |
foliation | |
foliation and bedding | |
igneous foliation | |
inclined cleavage | |
joint | |
joint unmineralized | |
_l_slick_i_r_ | |
lava_tube | |
lineation | |
ot bedding | |
ot bedding w/tops | |
slick | |
small syncline | |
vert bedding | |
vert bedding w/tops | |
vert foliation | |
vert foliation and bedding | |
vert joint | |
vertical bedding | |
vertical fault plane | |
zfold |
Value | Definition |
f.a., anticline, certain | |
f.a., anticline, certainm | |
f.a., anticline, concealed | |
f.a., anticline, concealed, queried | |
f.a., anticline, concealedm | |
f.a., anticline, inferred | |
f.a., anticline, inferred, queried | |
f.a., anticline, inferredm | |
f.a., anticline, plunge | |
f.a., o.t. anticline, certain | |
f.a., o.t. anticline, certainm | |
f.a., o.t. syncline, certain | |
f.a., o.t. syncline, certainm | |
f.a., o.t. syncline, inferred | |
f.a., syncline, certain | |
f.a., syncline, certainm | |
f.a., syncline, concealed | |
f.a., syncline, concealedm | |
f.a., syncline, inferred | |
f.a., syncline, inferred, queried | |
f.a., syncline, inferredm | |
f.a., syncline, plunge |
Value | Definition |
cross-section line |
This database and accompanying plot files depict the distribution of geologic materials and structures at a regional (1:100,000) scale. The report is intended to provide geologic information for the regional study of materials properties, earthquake shaking, landslide potential, mineral hazards, seismic velocity, and earthquake faults. In addition, the report contains new information and interpretations about the regional geologic history and framework. However, the regional scale of this report does not provide sufficient detail for site development purposes. In addition, this map does not take the place of fault-rupture hazard zones designated by the Oregon State Geologist. Similarly, the database cannot be used to identify or delineate landslides in the region.
Golden Falls: Molenaar, Black, Wells (1996) Ivers Peak: Molenaar, Black, Wells, Wheeler (1996) Kelly Butte: Baldwin, unpublished, Wells Tyee: Baldwin, unpublished, Wells Tyee Mountain: Wells, 1994 mapping Sutherlin: Wells, 1994 mapping Nonpareil: Wells, 1994 mapping Hinkle Creek: Wells, 1995 mapping Coos Mountain: Molenaar, Black, Wells (1996) Tioga: Wells, Molenaar and Black (1996) Cedar Creek: Wells, 1995 mapping Callahan: Wells and Smith, 1994 mapping Garden Valley: Felger, Abolins, and Wells (1992) Winchester: Wells, 1992 mapping Oak Creek Valley: Wells, 1993 mapping Glide: Wells and Niem, 1995 mapping Dora: Wiley (1995) Sitkum: Wiley (1995) Mt. Gurney: Wiley, Priest and Black (1994) Reston: Black (1990) Roseburg West: Wells, 1990-1991 mapping Roseburg East: Wells, 1990-1991 mapping Dixonville: Jayko and Wells (1999) Lane Mountain: Jayko(1996) Remote: Black (1995) Kenyon Mountain: Black (1994) Camas Valley: Black and Priest (1993) Tenmile: Black (1990) Winston: Jayko (unpublished mapping) Myrtle Creek: Jayko and Gallagher (1997) Dodson Butte: Jayko (1997) White Rock: Jayko (1996)Data sources produced in this process:
Are there legal restrictions on access or use of the data?Access_Constraints: none
Use_Constraints:Uses of this digital geologic map should not violate the spatial resolution of the data. Although the digital form of the data removes the constraint imposed by the scale of a paper map, the detail and accuracy inherent in map scale are also present in the digital data. The fact that this database was edited for a scale of 1:100,000 means that higher resolution information is not present in the dataset. Plotting at scales larger than 1:100,000 will not yield greater real detail, although it may reveal fine- scale irregularities below the intended resolution of the database. Similarly, where this database is used in combination with other data of higher resolution, the resolution of the combined output will be limited by the lower resolution of these data.
This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards or with the North American Stratigraphic Code. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
Data format: | Exported coverages rb_geo, rb_well, rb_stx, and rb_xsec and supporting files in format ARCE (version 7.2.1) Size: 31 |
Network links: | |