bernalillo: Geologic units, tephra beds berngeoline: Geologic contacts, faults, anticlines, synclines bernaline: Aeromagnetic anomalies, cross-section lines bernapoint: Strike and dip symbols, fault dips, paleocurrent vectors, sample pointsAlthough this metadata file is intended to document the data set in nonproprietary form, as well as in ArcInfo format, this metadata file may include some ArcInfo-specific terminology.
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------------------------------ COVERAGE NAME: bernalillo ------------------------------ DATABASE STRUCTURE OF BERNALILLO.PAT: COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME 1 AREA 8 18 F 5 9 PERIMETER 8 18 F 5 17 BERNALILLO# 4 5 B - B 21 BERNALILLO-ID 4 5 B - 25 SYMBOL 4 4 I - S 29 UNIT 15 15 C - 44 DESCRIPTION 100 100 C - D ATTRIBUTE NAMES: SYMBOL; UNIT; DESCRIPTION. DESCRIPTIONS OF ATTRIBUTE NAMES: --SYMBOL: Number given to geological map unit representing a value of color used from shadeset "color524.shd". --UNIT: Label given to polygons representing name of geological entities. --DESCRIPTION: Brief geological explanation of unit. ITEM VALUES FOR 'UNIT' AND 'DESCRIPTION' UNIT DESCRIPTION ------------------------------ Qaj2 Alluvium 2 of Jemez River (middle Pleistocene) Qaj3 Alluvium 3 of Jemez River (middle Pleistocene) Qaj4 Alluvium 4 of Jemez River (middle Pleistocene) Qaj5 Alluvium 5 of Jemez River (upper to middle(?) Pleistocene) Qaj6a Alluvium 6a of Jemez River (Holocene) Qaj6b Alluvium 6b of Jemez River (Holocene) Qalh Active channel alluvium (historic) Qalo Older arroyo alluvium (Holocene to lower(?) Pleistocene) Qaly Younger arroyo alluvium (Holocene) Qesd Active sand dunes (historic) Qeso Older eolian sand (Holocene to middle(?) Pleistocene) Qeso/Qalo Older eolian sand over older arroyo alluvium (Holocene to middle(?) Pleistocene) Qesy Younger eolian sand (Holocene) Qesy/Qaj6a Younger eolian sand over alluvium 6a of Jemez River (Holocene) Qesy/Qalo Younger eolian sand over older arroyo alluvium (Holocene) Qesy/Qaly Younger eolian sand over younger arroyo alluvium (Holocene) Qf Artificial fill (Historic) Tob Arroyo Ojito Formation, Loma Barbon Member (Pliocene to upper Miocene) Toc Arroyo Ojito Formation, Ceja Member (Pliocene) Tocf Arroyo Ojito Formation, fault-related rocks in Ceja Member (Pliocene) Ton Arroyo Ojito Formation, Navajo Draw Member (upper Miocene) Tonl Arroyo Ojito Formation, lower part of Navajo Draw Member (upper Miocene) Tonlr Arroyo Ojito Formation, red zone in lower part of Navajo Draw Member (upper Miocene) Tonm Arroyo Ojito Formation, middle part of Navajo Draw Member (upper Miocene) Tonu Arroyo Ojito Formation, upper part of Navajo Draw Member (upper Miocene) Tsfu Santa Fe Group, undivided (Miocene) Tzcc Zia Formation, Cerro Conejo Member (upper and middle Miocene) Tzccc Zia Formation, cemented Cerro Conejo Member (upper and middle Miocene) Tzcci Zia Formation, interbedded upper part of Cerro Conejo Member (upper Miocene) DATABASE STRUCTURE OF BERNALILLO.AAT: COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME 1 FNODE# 4 5 B - 5 TNODE# 4 5 B - 9 LPOLY# 4 5 B - 13 RPOLY# 4 5 B - 17 LENGTH 8 18 F 5 25 BERNALILLO# 4 5 B - 29 BERNALILLO-ID 4 5 B - 33 SYMBOL 3 3 I - S 36 LINESET 25 25 C - 61 DESCRIPTION 50 50 C - D ATTRIBUTE NAMES: SYMBOL; LINESET; DESCRIPTION. DESCRIPTIONS OF ATTRIBUTE NAMES: --SYMBOL: Numbers given to lines representing line symbol used from specified lineset. --LINESET: Arc/Info symbolset corresponding line symbol with given symbol number. --DESCRIPTION: Brief geological explanation of type of line. ITEM VALUES FOR 'SYMBOL', 'LINESET', AND 'DESCRIPTION': SYMBOL LINESET DESCRIPTION -------------------------------------------------------- 1 geol_sfo.lin contact-certain 3 geol_sfo.lin contact-approximately located 3 geol_sfo.lin contact-approximately located,queried 51 geol_sfo.lin fault with known sense of displacement-certain 52 geoscamp1.lin fault with unknown sense of displacement-approximately located 53 geoscamp1.lin fault with unknown sense of displacement-concealed 54 geoscamp1.lin fault with known sense of displacement-approximately located,queried 60 geol_sfo.lin anticline-certain 92 geol_sfo.lin syncline-certain 185 geol_sfo.lin fault with known sense of displacement-approximately located 186 geol_sfo.lin fault with known sense of displacement-concealed 186 geol_sfo.lin fault with known sense of displacement-concealed,queried 210 geoscamp1.lin fault with unknown sense of displacement-certain 218 geol_sfo.lin tephra deposit -------------------------- COVERAGE NAME: bernaline -------------------------- DATABASE STRUCTURE OF BERNALINE.AAT: COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME INDEXED? 1 FNODE# 4 5 B - - 5 TNODE# 4 5 B - - 9 LPOLY# 4 5 B - - 13 RPOLY# 4 5 B - - 17 LENGTH 8 18 F 5 - 25 BERNALINE# 4 5 B - - 29 BERNALINE-ID 4 5 B - - 33 SYMBOL 3 3 I - - 36 DESCRIPTION 25 25 C - - ATTRIBUTE NAMES: SYMBOL; DESCRIPTION. DESCRIPTIONS OF ATTRIBUTE NAMES: --SYMBOL: Numbers given to lines representing line symbol used from specified lineset. --DESCRIPTION: Brief geological explanation of type of line. ITEM VALUES FOR 'SYMBOL' AND 'DESCRIPTION': DESCRIPTION SYMBOL ------------------------------------------- cross-section A - A' 1 aeromagnetic anomaly 164 --------------------------- COVERAGE NAME: bernapoint --------------------------- DATABASE STRUCTURE OF BERNAPOINT.PAT: BERNAPOINT.PAT COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME INDEXED? 1 AREA 4 12 F 3 - 5 PERIMETER 4 12 F 3 - 9 BERNAPOINT# 4 5 B - - 13 BERNAPOINT-ID 4 5 B - - 17 DESCRIPTION 100 100 C - D - 117 SYMBOL 4 4 I - S - 121 DIP 4 4 I - DI - 125 STRIKE 4 4 I - ST - 129 TEXT 100 100 C - ATTRIBUTE NAMES: STRIKE; DIP; DESCRIPTION; SYMBOL; TEXT. DESCRIPTIONS OF ATTRIBUTE NAMES: --STRIKE: Compass direction of bedding trend, in degrees. --DIP: Angle of bedding dip, in degrees from horizontal. --DESCRIPTION: Brief geologic explanation of point type. --SYMBOL: Numerical value given to each point from Arc/Info symbolset geoscamp2.mrk. --TEXT: Sample point map labels indicating name or date of sample taken from point locality. ITEM VALUES FOR 'SYMBOL', 'TEXT', AND 'DESCRIPTION'. SYMBOL TEXT DESCRIPTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 A point A of cross-section 0 A' point A prime of cross-section - 2 inclined bedding-showing strike and dip 130 paleocurrent vector 233 8/26/97-1 sample point 233 MRGB-17-BNW sample point 233 MRGB-19-BN sample point 233 Tamara # 1-Y well location 233 M1 sample point 233 8h sample point 233 11c sample point 233 11e sample point 241 dip of fault 493 plunge of anticline ITEM VALUES FOR 'STRIKE': range of values: 0 - 359 ITEM VALUES FOR 'DIP': range of values: 0 - 90
Production of this map was funded by the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program.
The geology of the Bernalillo NW quadrangle was mapped as part of the USGS Middle Rio Grande Basin project to explore the geologic framework of water resources in the region.
Are there legal restrictions on access or use of the data?Access_Constraints: none
Use_Constraints:None. However, acknowledgment of the U.S. Geological survey would be appreciated in products derived from these data.
Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
Although these data have been used by the U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Department of the Interior, no warranty expressed or implied is made by the U.S. Geological Survey as to the accuracy of the data.
The act of distribution shall not constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the U.S. Geological Survey in the use of this data, software, or related materials.
Data format: | Geologic units and structural features in format ARCE (version 7.1.2) Size: 2.1 |
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Data format: | Geologic units and structural features in format Shapefile (version 1.0) Size: 2.1 |
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