This digital map publication, generated from new mapping by the
author, shows the general distribution of bedrock and surficial
deposits in the Battle Ground 7.5' quadrangle. Together with the
accompanying geologic description pamphlet, it presents current
knowledge of the geologic structure and stratigraphy of the area
covered. The database identifies map units that are classified by
general age and lithology following the stratigraphic nomenclature
of the U.S. Geological Survey. The scale of the source map limits
the spatial resolution (scale) of the database to 1:24,000 or
smaller. The content and character of the digital publication, as
well as methods of obtaining the digital files, are described
The databases in this report were compiled in ARC/INFO, a
commercial Geographic Information System by Environmental Systems
Research Institute (ESRI) in Redlands, California, with version
3.0 of the menu interface ALACARTE (Fitzgibbon and Wentworth,
1991; Fitzgibbon, 1991; Wentworth and Fitzgibbon, 1991). The files
are in either GRID (ARC/INFO raster data) format or COVERAGE
(ARC/INFO vector data) format. Coverages are stored in
uncompressed ARC export format (ARC/INFO version 8.1.2 for Unix).
ARC/INFO export files (files with the .e00 extension) can be
converted into ARC/INFO coverages in ARC/INFO (see below) and can
be read by some other Geographic Information Systems, such as
MapInfo, via ArcLink and ESRI's ArcView (version 1.0 for Windows
3.1 to 3.11 is available for free from ESRI's web site: The digital compilation was done in version
8.1.2 of ARC/INFO for Unix.
Several different coverages were generated during the construction
of the Battle Ground quadrangle geologic map. The topographic base
map remains as an image and then is converted to a grid, and is
merged at the last step with the colored geology polygrids. The
image was merged with the geology grid to give an apparent
transparent color image of both combined. The raster geology grids
were converted to vector coverages with ARC/INFO's gridline
routine. Alacarte and some custom menus and AMLs (ARC Macro
Language) were used to project, transform, edit, tag, and build
lines, polygons, and points in the map. A digital layout or map
collar was made with Adobe Illustrator. The plot AMLs run in
ARC/INFO and call the coverages, grids, and Adobe Illustrator EPS
files to make uncompressed PostScript files.