Although this Federal Geographic Data Committee-compliant metadata file is intended to document the data set in nonproprietary form, as well as in ARC/INFO format, this metadata file may include some ARC/INFO-specific terminology. FILES INCLUDED IN THIS DATA SET: skmpoly: polygon coverage containing geologic unit contacts, faults, and labels. skmline: arc coverage containing fold axes, lines of cross- sections, and other linear map entities. skmpnt: point coverage containing strike and dip attitudes of bedding and foliation, and other point-data map entities.
Polygonal features of the geologic data in SKMPOLY.PAT: COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC 1 AREA 8 18 F 5 9 PERIMETER 8 18 F 5 17 SKMPOLY# 4 5 B - 21 SKMPOLY-ID 4 5 B - 25 SYMBOL 8 8 I - 33 LABEL 17 17 C - 50 TEXT 17 17 C - 67 DESCRIPTION 64 64 C _ Linear features of the geologic unit data in SKMPOLY.AAT: COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC 1 FNODE# 4 5 B - 5 TNODE# 4 5 B - 9 LPOLY# 4 5 B - 13 RPOLY# 4 5 B - 17 LENGTH 8 18 F 5 25 SKMPOLY# 4 5 B - 29 SKMPOLY-ID 4 5 B - 33 DESCRIPTION 80 80 C - 113 SYMBOL 3 3 I - 116 SYMSET 10 10 C - Features of the geologic line data in SKMLINE.AAT: COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC 1 FNODE# 4 5 B - 5 TNODE# 4 5 B - 9 LPOLY# 4 5 B - 13 RPOLY# 4 5 B - 17 LENGTH 8 18 F 5 25 SKMLINE# 4 5 B - 29 SKMLINE-ID 4 5 B - 33 DESCRIPTION 80 80 C - 113 SYMBOL 3 3 I - 116 SYMSET 10 10 C - Features of the geologic point data in SKMPNT.PAT: COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC 1 AREA 8 18 F 5 9 PERIMETER 8 18 F 5 17 SKMPNT# 4 5 B - 21 SKMPNT-ID 4 5 B - 25 DESCRIPTION 80 80 C - 105 SYMBOL 3 3 I - 108 STRIKE 3 3 I - 111 DIP 3 3 I - 114 SYMSET 10 10 C - 124 DETAILS 50 50 C -Field values in this database commonly occur in combinations that are described by the following table. FREQUENCY here represents the number of occurrences within the data of the combination of field values shown. Characters in the LABEL field are used to signify special geologic symbols, # signifies Triassic, @ signifies Pennsylvanian, and { signifies Cambrian.
Field value combinations in SKMPOLY.PAT FREQUENCY SYMBOL LABEL TEXT DESCRIPTION 14 4 Qsw Qsw Sheetwash deposits 13 5 Qto Qto Older terrace alluvium 17 8 af af artificial fill 24 9 Qta Qta Talus deposits 2 10 Qlo Qlo Loess 100 12 Qc Qc Colluvium 37 13 Qti Qti Till 5 14 Qtt Qtt Oldest terrace alluvium 4 15 Qdy Qdy Younger debris-flow deposits 53 16 Qls Qls Landslide deposits 11 18 Kw Kw Williams Fork Formation 82 25 Qac Qac Undivided alluvium and colluvium 2 28 Qlo/Qp Qlo/Qp Loess and pediment deposits 4 29 Qlo/Qty Qlo/Qty Loess and younger terrace alluvium 4 30 QTd QTd Oldest debris-flow deposits 42 32 Qfy Qfy Younger fan alluvium and debris-flow deposits 5 33 Qfo Qfo Older fan alluvium and debris-flow deposits 1 34 Qlo/Qtt Qlo/Qtt Loess and oldest terrace alluvium 17 41 {s Cs Sawatch Quartzite 13 47 Tcc Tcc Conglomerate of Canyon Creek 7 52 Qlo/Qfo Qlo/Qfo Loess, older fan alluvium and debris-flow deposits 4 64 Xg Xg Granodiorite gneiss 19 71 Twu Twu Upper member Wasatch Formation 7 91 Dcp Dcp Parting Formation 21 101 O{u OCu Manitou Dolomite and Dotsero Formation, undivided 7 104 TKu TKu Undivided unit 2 107 Tgy Tgy Younger gravel 2 108 Tgo Tgo Older gravel 9 130 Tb Tb Basalt and trachybasalt 1 143 {d Cd Dotsero Formation 7 156 Twl Twl Lower member Wasatch Formation 8 168 Dc Dc Chaffee Group 8 177 Dcd Dcd Dyer Formation 27 241 @e Pe Eagle Valley Formation 13 243 @ee Pee Eagle Valley Evaporite 1 313 Colorado River Colorado River Colorado River 1 313 Porter Reservoir Porter Reservoir Porter Reservoir 16 316 Pms Pms Schoolhouse Member Maroon Formation 9 320 P@m PPm Main body Maroon Formation 16 323 Ml Ml Leadville Limestone 8 327 @ml Pml Lower member Maroon Formation 14 365 Je Je Entrada Sandstone 14 372 #Ps TRPs State Bridge Formation 12 387 Kml Kml Lower member Mancos Shale 13 398 Kic Kic Cozzette and Corcoran Sandstone members Iles Formation 11 401 Ki Ki Main body Iles Formation 5 411 Ks Ks Sandstone, siltstone, claystone, and conglomerate 10 427 Jm Jm Morrison Formation 11 429 Qfp Qfp Flood-plain and stream- channel deposits 15 442 Kmn Kmn Niobrara member Mancos Shale 34 444 Qdo Qdo Older debris-flow deposits 1 451 Qp Qp Pediment deposit 8 454 Kd Kd Dakota Sandstone 4 476 Xf Xf Felsic gneiss 27 483 Kmu Kmu Upper member Mancos Shale 1 500 Qlo/Qto Qlo/Qto Loess and older terrace alluvium 18 510 #c TRc Chinle Formation 5 515 @b Pb Belden Formation 1 524 MDu MDu Leadville Limestone and Chaffee Group, undivided Field value combinations in SKMPOLY.AAT FREQUENCY SYMBOL SYMSET DESCRIPTION 2 1 geol_sfo Wheeler coal bed-certain 1768 1 geol_sfo Contact-certain 4 3 geol_sfo Wheeler coal bed-approximately located 39 3 geol_sfo Contact-approximately located 13 15 geol_sfo Thrust fault-certain 1 23 geol_sfo Thrust fault-approximately located 9 25 geol_sfo Thrust fault-concealed 100 51 geol_sfo Normal fault-certain 2 59 geol_sfo Clinkered Wheeler coal bed-certain 16 185 geol_sfo Normal fault-approximately located 109 186 geol_sfo Normal fault-concealed 29 190 geol_sfo Strike-slip fault, right-lateral located offset-concealed 47 222 geol_sfo Water boundary 28 225 alcwrg Intrusive contact-certain 216 227 geol_sfo Map boundary 42 229 alcwrg Intrusive contact-concealed Field value combinations in SKMLINE.AAT FREQUENCY SYMBOL SYMSET DESCRIPTION 9 60 geol_sfo Anticline-certain 2 63 geol_sfo Anticline-concealed 14 164 geol_sfo Crest line of moraine, sense of symmetry unspecified 1 94 geol_sfo Syncline-approximately located 18 92 geol_sfo Syncline-certain 10 95 geol_sfo Syncline-concealed 1 227 geol_sfo cross-section line A 1 227 geol_sfo cross-section line B Field value combinations in SKMPNT.PAT FREQUENCY SYMBOL SYMSET DESCRIPTION 3 22 water2 Dry hole-unsuccessful hole drilled during hydrocarbon exploration 5 1 geoscamp2 Horizontal bedding 7 7 alcgeol Inclined bedding-showing approximate strike and dip 483 2 geoscamp2 Inclined bedding-showing strike and dip 16 103 usgs Inclined tunnel or adit 44 6 geoscamp2 Overturned bedding-showing strike and dip 1 9 usgs2 Prospect pit 3 81 geoscamp2 Strike and dip of foliation 1 70 geoscamp2 Strike and dip of inclined foliation where layering is parallel to foliation 1 71 geoscamp2 Strike of vertical foliation where layering is parallel to foliation 7 4 geoscamp2 Vertical bedding-showing strike 1 53 plotter Fossil locality