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(1,Tsp,60,rhyolite ash flow tuff,Miocene) (3,Qb,1,N.A.,Quaternary) (4,lake,21,N.A.,Quaternary) (7,Tcl,74,rhyolite ash flow tuff,Oligocene) (8,Ti,96,intrusions of unknown composition,Tertiary), (9,Qu,16,undifferentiated surficial deposits,Quaternary) (10,Qtg,17,talus,glacial till and rock glacier deposits,Quaternary) (11,Qal,6,unconsolidated fluvial deposits including alluvial fans, Quaternary) (12,Qcl,95,landslide and colluvium deposits,Quaternary) (19,Tir,118,rhyolite dikes and plugs,Miocene) (20,Tid,109,dacite intrusions,Oligocene to Miocene) (22,Tse,71,rhyolitic to dacitic ash flow tuff,Oligocene) (24,Ts,71,rhyolitic ash flow tuff,Oligocene) (25,Td,69,rhyolitic ash flow tuff,Oligocene) (27,Tb,68,rhyolitic ash flow tuff,Oligocene) (28,Tur,70,dacitic ash flow tuff,Oligocene) (29,Tig,25,monzonite to granodiorite stock,Oligocene) (30,Tsv,12,mostly intermediate comp. lava flows,volcaniclastics, Oligocene) (32,Tip,84,andesite to dacite ash flow tuff and breccia,Oligocene) (34,Tsj,24,mostly intermediate comp. volcaniclastics,lavas,Oligocene) (35,Tt,127,conglomerate and sandstone,Eocene) (36,Kg,113,granodiorite,Cretaceous) (37,Jm,65,sandstone and calcareous mudstone,Jurassic) (38,Je,58,sandstone,Jurassic) (39,Trd,49,siltst.,sandst., with limest.&congl. interbeds,Triassic) (40,Pc,36,shale,sandst.,&congl., locally calcareous,Permian) (41,Ph,23,sandst., with shale,sandst.,&congl.interbeds,Pennsylvanian) (42,Phm,30,shale, sandstone, and conglomerate,Pennsylvanian) (43,Pm,48,calcareous shale, sandstone, and conglomerate,Pennsylvanian) (44,Ml,36,limestone w. chert/shale interbeds (top),Mississippian) (45,Mdu,128,altered limestone,Mississippian) (45,Mdu?,128,altered limestone,Mississippian) (46,De,129,dol. limest., w. calc. shale & sandst. interbeds,Devonian) (48,Ci,52,quartzite,Cambrian) (49,pCu,121,schist,quartzite,and gneiss,Precambrian) (50,Do,93,dolomite and limestone,Devonian) (51,Jw,63,calc. mudst.&siltst., w. limest. sandst. interbeds,Jurassic) (52,Km,19,shale,Cretaceous) (53,Kd,20,sandst. w. siltst. & calc. shale interbeds,Cretaceous) (59,Tf,59,dacite ash flow tuff,Oligocene) (60,UM,2,Not mapped)The INFO file GEO.AAT contains the attribute field LINE_ID, which in all cases is equal to "1" and which represents a solid contact.
D.B. Yager compiled and digitized geology for the Ironton, Ophir, Howardsville, and Silverton quadrangles with contribution of a digital coverage provided by R.G. Luedke for the Silverton quadrangle. D.J. Bove compiled geology for the Handies Peak quadrangle.
This map data was compiled for the purpose of comparing multiple Animas River Watershed Abandoned Mine Lands Project datasets such as geophysical, biologic, remote sensing, and geochemical datasets in a geologic context.
Are there legal restrictions on access or use of the data?Access_Constraints: None
Use_Constraints:The intended scale of use for this data is 1:48,000. Over 90 percent of the data were compiled at 1:24,000 scale. Data for granitic intrusions in the southwest part of the project area were compiled from 1:250,000-scale data sources. Acknowledgment of the U.S. Geological Survey would be appreciated in products derived from these data.
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) provides these geographic data " as is". The USGS makes no guarantee or warranty concerning the accuracy of information contained in the geographic data. The USGS further makes no warranties, either expressed or implied as to any other matter whatsoever, including, without limitation, the condition of the product, or its fitness for any particular purpose. The burden for determining fitness for use lies entirely with the user. Although these data have been processed successfully on computers at the USGS, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS regarding the use of these data on any other system, nor does the fact of distribution constitute or imply any such warranty.
Data format: | Geologic units and structural features in format ARCE (version 7.2.1) |
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Data format: | Geologic units and structural features in format Shapefile (version 1.0) |
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