Geologic maps and structure sections of the southwestern Santa Clara Valley and southern Santa Cruz Mountains, Santa Clara and Santa Cruz Counties, California

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Geologic maps and structure sections of the southwestern Santa Clara Valley and southern Santa Cruz Mountains, Santa Clara and Santa Cruz Counties, California
This digital map database, compiled from previously published and unpublished data, and new mapping by the authors, represents the general distribution of bedrock and surficial deposits in the mapped area. Together with the accompanying text file (, scvmf.pdf, scvmf.txt), it provides current information on the geologic structure and stratigraphy of the area covered. The database delineates map units that are identified by general age and lithology following the stratigraphic nomenclature of the U.S. Geological Survey. The scale of the source maps limits the spatial resolution (scale) of the database to 1:24,000 or smaller.
  1. How might this data set be cited?
    McLaughlin, R.J., Clark, J.C., Brabb, E.E., Helley, E.J., Colón, C.J., Valin, Z.C., Wentworth, C.M., Minnick, J.L., May, T.E., Randolph, C.R., Gerhardt, Lisa, Nelson, C.E., Showalter, Patrick, and Lindquist, T.A., 2001, Geologic maps and structure sections of the southwestern Santa Clara Valley and southern Santa Cruz Mountains, Santa Clara and Santa Cruz Counties, California: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Report MF-2373, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA.

    Online Links:

  2. What geographic area does the data set cover?
    West_Bounding_Coordinate: -121.99997057
    East_Bounding_Coordinate: -121.54756309
    North_Bounding_Coordinate: 37.25153532
    South_Bounding_Coordinate: 36.99845865
  3. What does it look like? (JPEG)
    Index map of 7.5' quadrangles in the 1:100,000 San Jose quadrangle. Area of report shown in red. 500x311 pixels, 32-bit RGB true color, 35 kbytes. (PDF)
    PDF file containing an image of the entire geologic map and base maps of the Los Gatos quadrangle at a scale of 1:24,000 intended for viewing. 4 megabytes. (PDF)
    PDF file containing an image of the geologic map and base maps of the Loma Prieta quadrangle at a scale of 1:24,000 intended for viewing. 2.7 megabytes. (PDF)
    PDF file containing an image of the geologic map and base maps of the Laurel quadrangle at a scale of 1:24,000 intended for viewing. 3.9 megabytes. (PDF)
    PDF file containing an image of the geologic map and base maps of the Santa Teresa Hills and southwestern part of the Morgan Hill quadrangle at a scale of 1:24,000 intended for viewing. 3.9 megabytes. (PDF)
    PDF file containing an image of the geologic map and base maps of the Mount Madonna and southwestern part of the Gilroy quadrangle at a scale of 1:24,000 intended for viewing. 3.2 megabytes.
  4. Does the data set describe conditions during a particular time period?
    Beginning_Date: 1988
    Ending_Date: 1997
    mapping carried out during this period
  5. What is the general form of this data set?
    Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: map
  6. How does the data set represent geographic features?
    1. How are geographic features stored in the data set?
      This is a Vector data set. It contains the following vector data types (SDTS terminology):
      • Point
      • String
      • GT-polygon composed of chains
    2. What coordinate system is used to represent geographic features?
      Grid_Coordinate_System_Name: State Plane Coordinate System 1927
      SPCS_Zone_Identifier: 3326
      Standard_Parallel: 37.066667
      Standard_Parallel: 38.433333
      Longitude_of_Central_Meridian: -120.5
      Latitude_of_Projection_Origin: 36.5
      False_Easting: 609601.219202
      False_Northing: 0.0
      Planar coordinates are encoded using coordinate pair
      Abscissae (x-coordinates) are specified to the nearest 1.0
      Ordinates (y-coordinates) are specified to the nearest 1.0
      Planar coordinates are specified in METERS
      The horizontal datum used is NAD27.
      The ellipsoid used is Clarke 1866.
      The semi-major axis of the ellipsoid used is 6378206.4.
      The flattening of the ellipsoid used is 1/294.98.
  7. How does the data set describe geographic features?
    Attribute table of LG-GEO.PAT. (Source: ARC/INFO)
    Geologic unit label (Source: author)
    JdbDiabase breccia of Mount Umunhum
    JogGabbro cumulates
    JoiIntrusive complex
    JosSerpentinized ultramafic rocks
    Jos?Serpentinized ultramafic rocks, identification uncertain
    JouUltramafic cumulates
    Jou?Ultramafic cumulates, identification uncertain
    JovBasalt, andesite, and dacite
    Jov?Basalt, andesite, and dacite, identification uncertain
    JtAltered tuff of Mount Umunhum
    KJmMudstone (Lower Cretaceous and Upper Jurassic)
    KJm?Mudstone (Lower Cretaceous and Upper Jurassic), identification uncertain
    KucConglomerate (Upper Cretaceous)
    KusSandstone and shale
    Kus?Sandstone and shale, identification uncertain
    MDMine dump
    PPPercolation pond
    QTscSanta Clara Formation
    QTsc?Santa Clara Formation, identification uncertain
    QalAlluvium, undivided
    QhcStream Channel deposits
    Qhc?Stream Channel deposits, identification uncertain
    QhfAlluvial fan deposits (Holocene)
    QlsLandslide deposits, undivided
    Qls?Landslide deposits, undivided, identification uncertain
    QoaOlder alluvium, undivided
    QpfAlluvial fan deposits (Pleistocene)
    QtAlluvial terrace deposits, undivided
    TbmMudstone (late Eocene)
    TbuUndivided sandstone and shale
    TcmMottled mudstone and sandstone of Mount Chual
    Tcm?Mottled mudstone and sandstone of Mount Chual, identification uncertain
    TlsSandstone and mudstone
    Tls?Sandstone and mudstone, identification uncertain
    TmsMonterey Shale
    TpPurisima Formation
    TsrRices Mudstone Member
    Tsr?Rices Mudstone Member, identification uncertain
    TstTwobar Shale Member
    TtTemblor Sandstone
    TtvVolcanic and intrusive rocks
    TusUnnamed sandstone
    TvVaqueros Formation
    Tv?Vaqueros Formation, identification uncertain
    Tvb?Basalt flows, identification uncertain
    afArtificial fill
    amAmphibolite blocks
    bsBlueschist blocks
    chChert blocks
    dbmDiabase and gabbro of Morrell Cutoff Road and Laurel Creek
    fmMelange of the Central belt
    fm?Melange of the Central belt, identification uncertain
    fmcRadiolarian chert
    fmc?Radiolarian chert, identification uncertain
    fmsSandstone (Upper and (or) Lower Cretaceous)
    fms?Sandstone (Upper and (or) Lower Cretaceous), identification uncertain
    fmvBasaltic volcanic rocks
    fmv?Basaltic volcanic rocks, identification uncertain
    fplForaminiferal limestone
    fpvVolcanic rocks
    fpv?Volcanic rocks, identification uncertain
    scSilica-carbonate rock
    vBasaltic volcanic rock blocks
    Attribute table of LG-GEO. (Source: ARC/INFO)
    Type of geologic or geographic feature denoted by a line in the database. (Source: author)
    atten. fault, approx. locatedFault at low angle to bedding, interpreted as low-angle normal fault, double hachures on down-dropped (upper plate) side. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    atten. fault, certainFault at low angle to bedding, interpreted as low-angle normal fault, double hachures on down-dropped (upper plate) side. The fault has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    atten. fault, concealedFault at low angle to bedding, interpreted as low-angle normal fault, double hachures on down-dropped (upper plate) side. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    atten. fault, concealed, queriedFault at low angle to bedding, interpreted as low-angle normal fault, double hachures on down-dropped (upper plate) side. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground.
    atten. fault, inferredFault at low angle to bedding, interpreted as low-angle normal fault, double hachures on down-dropped (upper plate) side. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground. The existence of the fault is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    contact, approx. locatedBoundary between two mapped units that retains the original depositional or intrusive relationship (i.e. not faulted). The contact has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    contact, certainBoundary between two mapped units that retains the original depositional or intrusive relationship (i.e. not faulted). The contact has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    contact, concealedBoundary between two mapped units that retains the original depositional or intrusive relationship (i.e. not faulted). The contact is obscured by overlying map units, so it is not well-located as described in positional accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    contact, inferredBoundary between two mapped units that retains the original depositional or intrusive relationship (i.e. not faulted). The contact has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground. The existence of the contact is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    crack, 10/17/89Surface crack recognized as deformation that occurred during Loma Prieta earthquake of October 17, 1989.
    damThe edge of a dam.
    fault, approx. locatedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    fault, certainStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    fault, concealedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    fault, concealed, queriedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground.
    fault, inferredStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground. The existence of the fault is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    fault, inferred, queriedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground. The existence of the fault is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    glauconitic markerMappable sedimentary horizon composed largely of glauconite pellets (³ 30%); consistently occurs at same stratigraphic level.
    map boundaryEdge of the mapped area. Used primarily to bound polygons at the edge of the map database. The location of the boundary is well located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    thrust fault, approx. locatedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced thrust offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    thrust fault, certainStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced thrust offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    thrust fault, concealedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced thrust offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    topographic escarpmentApproximately linear steep topographic gradient separating less steep topography.
    water boundaryThe edge of a mapped body of water. This line is derived from the base map, and therefore is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    Attribute table of LG-STR. (Source: ARC/INFO)
    The type of planar feature which was observed and the orientation of which was measured at this point. (Source: author)
    approx. attitudeDip and strike of planar feature approximated at a distance in the field or inferred from air photos.
    axial trend, small anticlineLine delineates trend direction of small anticline.
    axial trend, small synclineLine delineates trend direction of small syncline.
    beddingOriginally horizontal sedimentary layers were observed at this point.
    bedding w/topsOriginally horizontal sedimentary layers were observed at this point. In addition, a geopedal indicator was observed that showed the beds were upright.
    bedding, in trenchSymbol denotes dip and strike measured from exposures at geotechnical or construction trench site.
    complex foldsSymbol denotes axial trend and plunge direction(s) of outcrop-scale folds.
    flat beddingSedimentary layers that retain their original horizontal position were observed at this point.
    fold axis dipArrow and number define direction and degree of inclination of axial plane of fold.
    foliationMetamorphic foliation was observed at this point.
    inclined lineationArrow and number denotes direction and amount of rake of linear feature on surface of a plane.
    lava flow or dike attitudeSymbol denotes dip and strike of volcanic flow or dike.
    lava flow attitude, w/topsBall on symbol denotes that top of flow unit is known from texture or pillow surface.
    ot beddingOriginally horizontal sedimentary layers were observed at this point. Evidence that the beds are overturned was observed, although that observation may not have been made at this point.
    ot bedding w/topsOriginally horizontal sedimentary layers were observed at this point. In addition, a geopedal indicator was observed that showed the beds were overturned.
    vert beddingOriginally horizontal sedimentary layers were observed at this point. These layers are now vertical.
    vert bedding w/topsOriginally horizontal sedimentary layers were observed at this point. In addition, a geopedal indicator was observed that showed the beds were upright. These layers are now vertical.
    vert foliationSymbol denotes that foliation in rock is vertical.
    vert lava flow or dike or sillSymbol denotes that volcanic flow or dike or sill is vertical.
    The inclination of planar structures measured in degrees down from horizontal. (Source: author)
    Range of values
    The orientation of a horizontal line in an inclined planar structure measured in degrees clockwise from north. (Source: author)
    Range of values
    Attribute table of LG-STR. (Source: ARC/INFO)
    The type of fold axis or other structural linear feature that does not bound geologic units. Faults and contacts are described in a separate coverage. (Source: author)
    f.a., anticline, certainThe surface trace of the axis of an anticline. The axis has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    f.a., anticline, concealedThe surface trace of the axis of an anticline. The axis is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    f.a., anticline, inferred, queriedThe surface trace of the axis of an anticline. The axis has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground. The existence of the fold is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    f.a., syncline, certainThe surface trace of the axis of a syncline. The axis has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    f.a., syncline, concealedThe surface trace of the axis of a syncline. The axis is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    f.a., syncline, inferred, queriedThe surface trace of the axis of a syncline. The axis has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground. The existence of the fold is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    Attribute table of GL-GEO.PAT (Source: ARC/INFO)
    Geologic unit label (Source: author)
    JosSerpentinized ultramafic rocks
    PPPercolation pond
    QalAlluvium, undivided
    QhbBasin deposits
    QhcStream Channel deposits
    QhfAlluvial fan deposits (Holocene)
    QhfpFloodplain deposits
    QhlLevee deposits
    QpfAlluvial fan deposits (Pleistocene)
    TmsMonterey Shale
    TtTemblor Sandstone
    Tt?Temblor Sandstone, identification uncertain
    Tus?Unnamed sandstone, identification uncertain
    afArtificial fill
    fmMelange of the Central belt
    fmcRadiolarian chert
    fmsSandstone (Upper and (or) Lower Cretaceous)
    fms?Sandstone (Upper and (or) Lower Cretaceous), identification uncertain
    fpvVolcanic rocks
    Attribute table of GL-GEO.AAT (Source: ARC/INFO)
    Type of geologic or geographic feature denoted by a line in the database. (Source: author)
    contact, approx. locatedBoundary between two mapped units that retains the original depositional or intrusive relationship (i.e. not faulted). The contact has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    contact, certainBoundary between two mapped units that retains the original depositional or intrusive relationship (i.e. not faulted). The contact has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    contact, concealedBoundary between two mapped units that retains the original depositional or intrusive relationship (i.e. not faulted). The contact is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    fault, approx. locatedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    fault, certainStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    fault, concealedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    fault, concealed, queriedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground.
    fault, inferred, queriedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground. The existence of the fault is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    map boundaryEdge of the mapped area. Used primarily to bound polygons at the edge of the map database. The location of the boundary is well located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    water boundaryThe edge of a mapped body of water. This line is derived from the base map, and therefore is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    Attribute table of GL-STR.PAT (Source: ARC/INFO)
    The type of planar feature which was observed and the orientation of which was measured at this point. (Source: author)
    beddingOriginally horizontal sedimentary layers were observed at this point.
    ot beddingOriginally horizontal sedimentary layers were observed at this point. Evidence that the beds are overturned was observed, although that observation may not have been made at this point.
    The inclination of planar structures measured in degrees down from horizontal. (Source: author)
    Range of values
    The orientation of a horizontal line in an inclined planar structure measured in degrees clockwise from north. (Source: author)
    Range of values
    Attribute table of GL-STR. (Source: ARC/INFO)
    The type of fold axis or other structural linear feature that does not bound geologic units. Faults and contacts are described in a separate coverage. (Source: author)
    f.a., anticline, certainThe surface trace of the axis of an anticline. The axis has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    f.a., syncline, certainThe surface trace of the axis of a syncline. The axis has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    f.a., syncline, concealedThe surface trace of the axis of a syncline. The axis is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    Attribute table of LR-GEO. (Source: ARC/INFO)
    Geologic unit label (Source: author)
    JogGabbro cumulates
    JoiIntrusive complex
    JosSerpentinized ultramafic rocks
    KgrGranitic and metamorphic rocks
    KucConglomerate (Upper Cretaceous)
    KusSandstone and shale
    QaAromas Sand
    QalAlluvium, undivided
    QlsLandslide deposits, undivided
    Qls?Landslide deposits, undivided, identification uncertain
    QmtAlluvium, undivided
    QofOlder floodplain deposits
    Qof?Older floodplain deposits, Identification uncertain
    QtAlluvial terrace deposits, undivided
    TbcConglomerate (middle Eocene or younger)
    TbmMudstone (late Eocene)
    TbsSandstone (middle Eocene or younger)
    TbuUndivided sandstone and shale
    TcmMottled mudstone and sandstone of Mount Chual
    TcmsUndivided sandstone and shale
    TlaLambert Shale
    TloLompico Sandstone
    TlsSandstone and mudstone
    TmMonterey Formation
    TpPurisima Formation
    Tp?Purisima Formation, identification uncertain
    TscSanta Cruz Mudstone
    TsmSanta Margarita Sandstone
    Tsm?Santa Margarita Sandstone, identification uncertain
    TsrRices Mudstone Member
    Tsr?Rices Mudstone Member, identification uncertain
    TstTwobar Shale Member
    TvVaqueros Formation
    TvbBasalt flows
    TzZayante Sandstone
    dbmDiabase and gabbro of Morrell Cutoff Road and Laurel Creek
    scSilica-carbonate rock
    Attribute table of LR-GEO. (Source: ARC/INFO)
    Type of geologic or geographic feature denoted by a line in the database. (Source: author)
    atten. fault, approx. locatedFault at low angle to bedding, interpreted as low-angle normal fault, double hachures on down-dropped (upper plate) side. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    atten. fault, certainFault at low angle to bedding, interpreted as low-angle normal fault, double hachures on down-dropped (upper plate) side. The fault has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    atten. fault, concealedFault at low angle to bedding, interpreted as low-angle normal fault, double hachures on down-dropped (upper plate) side. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    atten. fault, inferredFault at low angle to bedding, interpreted as low-angle normal fault, double hachures on down-dropped (upper plate) side. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground. The existence of the fault is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    contact, approx. locatedBoundary between two mapped units that retains the original depositional or intrusive relationship (i.e. not faulted). The contact has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    contact, certainBoundary between two mapped units that retains the original depositional or intrusive relationship (i.e. not faulted). The contact has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    contact, concealedBoundary between two mapped units that retains the original depositional or intrusive relationship (i.e. not faulted). The contact is obscured by overlying map units, so it is not well-located as described in positional accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    contact, concealed, queriedBoundary between two mapped units that retains the original depositional or intrusive relationship (i.e. not faulted). The contact is obscured by overlying map units, so it is not well-located as described in positional accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground.
    contact, inferredBoundary between two mapped units that retains the original depositional or intrusive relationship (i.e. not faulted). The contact has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground. The existence of the contact is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    contact, inferred, queriedBoundary between two mapped units that retains the original depositional or intrusive relationship (i.e. not faulted). The contact has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground. The existence of the contact is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    fault, approx. locatedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    fault, certainStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    fault, concealedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    fault, concealed, queriedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground.
    fault, inferredStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground. The existence of the fault is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    fault, inferred, queriedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground. The existence of the fault is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    glauconitic markerMappable sedimentary horizon composed largely of glauconite pellets (³ 30%); consistently occurs at same stratigraphic level.
    map boundaryEdge of the mapped area. Used primarily to bound polygons at the edge of the map database. The location of the boundary is well located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    normal fault, approx. locatedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced normal offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    normal fault, certainStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced normal offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    normal fault, concealedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced normal offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    normal fault, inferred, queriedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced normal offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground. The existence of the fault is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    s.s. fault, approx. locatedFault that has dominantly lateral slip, with opposite sides displaced either to the right or left. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    s.s. fault, certainFault that has dominantly lateral slip, with opposite sides displaced either to the right or left. The fault has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    s.s. fault, l.l., certainStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced sinistral offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    s.s. fault, r.l., approx. locatedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced dextral offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    s.s. fault, r.l., certainStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced dextral offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    s.s. fault, r.l., concealedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced dextral offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    s.s. fault, r.l., inferredStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced dextral offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    thrust fault, concealed, queriedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced thrust offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground. The existence of this fault has been inferred from probable stratigraphic and structural relationships observed at a regional scale.
    topographic escarpmentApproximately linear steep topographic gradient separating less steep topography.
    water boundaryThe edge of a mapped body of water. This line is derived from the base map, and therefore is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    Attribute table of LR-STR. (Source: ARC/INFO)
    The type of planar feature which was observed and the orientation of which was measured at this point. (Source: author)
    approx. attitudeDip and strike of planar feature approximated at a distance in the field or inferred from air photos.
    beddingOriginally horizontal sedimentary layers were observed at this point.
    bedding w/topsOriginally horizontal sedimentary layers were observed at this point. In addition, a geopedal indicator was observed that showed the beds were upright.
    flat beddingSedimentary layers that retain their original horizontal position were observed at this point.
    foliationMetamorphic foliation was observed at this point.
    inclined lineationArrow and number denotes direction and amount of rake of linear feature on surface of a plane.
    lava flow or dike attitudeSymbol denotes dip and strike of volcanic flow or dike.
    ot beddingOriginally horizontal sedimentary layers were observed at this point. Evidence that the beds are overturned was observed, although that observation may not have been made at this point.
    ot bedding w/topsOriginally horizontal sedimentary layers were observed at this point. In addition, a geopedal indicator was observed that showed the beds were overturned.
    vert beddingOriginally horizontal sedimentary layers were observed at this point. These layers are now vertical.
    vert bedding w/topsOriginally horizontal sedimentary layers were observed at this point. In addition, a geopedal indicator was observed that showed the beds were upright. These layers are now vertical.
    The inclination of planar structures measured in degrees down from horizontal. (Source: author)
    Range of values
    The orientation of a horizontal line in an inclined planar structure measured in degrees clockwise from north. (Source: author)
    Range of values
    Attribute table of LR-STR. (Source: ARC/INFO)
    The type of fold axis or other structural linear feature that does not bound geologic units. Faults and contacts are described in a separate coverage. (Source: author)
    f.a., anticline, approx. locatedThe surface trace of the axis of an anticline. The axis has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    f.a., anticline, certainThe surface trace of the axis of an anticline. The axis has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    f.a., anticline, concealedThe surface trace of the axis of an anticline. The axis is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    f.a., anticline, inferred, queriedThe surface trace of the axis of an anticline. The axis has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground. The existence of the fold is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    f.a., ot anticline, approx. locatedThe surface trace of the axis of an anticline. The axis has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground. Evidence that the anticline is overturned was observed, although that observation may not have been made at this point.
    f.a., ot anticline, concealedThe surface trace of the axis of an anticline. The axis is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground. Evidence that the anticline is overturned was observed, although that observation may not have been made at this point.
    f.a., syncline, approx. locatedThe surface trace of the axis of a syncline. The axis has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    f.a., syncline, certainThe surface trace of the axis of a syncline. The axis has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    f.a., syncline, concealedThe surface trace of the axis of a syncline. The axis is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    f.a., syncline, inferred, queriedThe surface trace of the axis of a syncline. The axis has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground. The existence of the fold is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    Attribute table of LP-GEO. (Source: ARC/INFO)
    Geologic unit label (Source: author)
    JogGabbro cumulates
    JoiIntrusive complex
    JosSerpentinized ultramafic rocks
    Jos?Serpentinized ultramafic rocks, identification uncertain
    JouUltramafic cumulates
    JovBasalt, andesite, and dacite
    JovbQuartz-keratophyre breccia and siliceous tuff
    JslSlate of Loma Prieta Peak
    KJmMudstone (Lower Cretaceous and Upper Jurassic)
    KusSandstone and shale
    QTfFluvial deposits, undivided
    QaAromas Sand
    QadDune deposits
    QafFluvial deposits
    QalAlluvium, undivided
    QlsLandslide deposits, undivided
    QoaOlder alluvium, undivided
    QofOlder floodplain deposits
    QpfAlluvial fan deposits (Pleistocene)
    TbmMudstone (late Eocene)
    TbuUndivided sandstone and shale
    TcmMottled mudstone and sandstone of Mount Chual
    Tcm?Mottled mudstone and sandstone of Mount Chual, identification uncertain
    TcmsSandstone lenses
    TlmSiliceous mudstone
    Tlm?Siliceous mudstone, identification uncertain
    TlsSandstone and mudstone
    TmeShale and sandstone of Highland Way
    TmsMonterey Shale
    TpPurisima Formation
    Tp?Purisima Formation, identification uncertain
    TsrRices Mudstone Member
    Tsr?Rices Mudstone Member, identification uncertain
    TstTwobar Shale Member
    TtTemblor Sandstone
    TvVaqueros Formation
    TzZayante Sandstone
    chChert blocks
    dbcDiabase of Corralitos Creek
    dbc?Diabase of Corralitos Creek, identification uncertain
    fmMelange of the Central belt
    fm?Melange of the Central belt, identification uncertain
    fmsSandstone (Upper and (or) Lower Cretaceous)
    fplForaminiferal limestone
    fptSiliceous radiolarian-bearing tuff
    fpvVolcanic rocks
    Attribute table of LP-GEO. (Source: ARC/INFO)
    Type of geologic or geographic feature denoted by a line in the database. (Source: author)
    atten. fault, approx. locatedFault at low angle to bedding, interpreted as low-angle normal fault, double hachures on down-dropped (upper plate) side. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    atten. fault, certainFault at low angle to bedding, interpreted as low-angle normal fault, double hachures on down-dropped (upper plate) side. The fault has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    atten. fault, concealedFault at low angle to bedding, interpreted as low-angle normal fault, double hachures on down-dropped (upper plate) side. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    atten. fault, concealed, queriedFault at low angle to bedding, interpreted as low-angle normal fault, double hachures on down-dropped (upper plate) side. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground.
    atten. fault, inferred, queriedFault at low angle to bedding, interpreted as low-angle normal fault, double hachures on down-dropped (upper plate) side. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground. The existence of the fault is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    conglomeratic markerMappable sedimentary unit composed of pebble to boulder-size clastic material; recognizable as distant horizon.
    contact, approx. locatedBoundary between two mapped units that retains the original depositional or intrusive relationship (i.e. not faulted). The contact has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    contact, certainBoundary between two mapped units that retains the original depositional or intrusive relationship (i.e. not faulted). The contact has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    contact, concealedBoundary between two mapped units that retains the original depositional or intrusive relationship (i.e. not faulted). The contact is obscured by overlying map units, so it is not well-located as described in positional accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    contact, inferred, queriedBoundary between two mapped units that retains the original depositional or intrusive relationship (i.e. not faulted). The contact has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground. The existence of the contact is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    fault, approx. locatedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    fault, certainStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    fault, concealedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    fault, concealed, queriedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground.
    fault, inferredStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground. The existence of the fault is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    fault, inferred, queriedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground. The existence of the fault is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    glauconitic markerMappable sedimentary horizon composed largely of glauconite pellets (³ 30%); consistently occurs at same stratigraphic level.
    map boundaryEdge of the mapped area. Used primarily to bound polygons at the edge of the map database. The location of the boundary is well located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    marker bedMappable sedimentary horizon with known stratigraphic position, having distinct lithologic attributes.
    normal fault, approx. locatedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced normal offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    normal fault, certainStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced normal offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    normal fault, concealedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced normal offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    normal fault, inferred, queriedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced normal offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground. The existence of the fault is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    photo lineamentLinear physiographic feature, delineated by alignment of topographic features, i.e., offsets or alignments of drainages, gullys, ridges, valley fronts, scarps or steps in topography. They are generally delineated from aerial photographs. They are inferred to be related to faulting, although are seldom checked in the field.
    s.s. fault, r.l., approx. locatedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced dextral offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    s.s. fault, r.l., certainStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced dextral offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    s.s. fault, r.l., concealedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced dextral offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    s.s. fault, r.l., inferred, queriedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced dextral offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground.
    thrust fault, approx. locatedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced thrust offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    thrust fault, certainStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced thrust offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    thrust fault, concealedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced thrust offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    thrust fault, concealed, queriedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced thrust offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground.
    thrust fault, inferredStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced thrust offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground. The existence of the fault is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    thrust fault, inferred, queriedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced thrust offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground. The existence of the fault is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    topographic escarpmentApproximately linear steep topographic gradient separating less steep topography.
    Attribute table of LP-STR. (Source: ARC/INFO)
    The type of planar feature which was observed and the orientation of which was measured at this point. (Source: author)
    approx. attitudeDip and strike of planar feature approximated at a distance in the field or inferred from air photos.
    axial trend, small anticlineLine delineates trend direction of small anticline.
    axial trend, small anticline_Line delineates trend direction of small anticline.
    axial trend, small synclineLine delineates trend direction of small syncline.
    beddingOriginally horizontal sedimentary layers were observed at this point.
    bedding w/topsOriginally horizontal sedimentary layers were observed at this point. In addition, a geopedal indicator was observed that showed the beds were upright.
    complex foldsSymbol denotes axial trend and plunge direction(s) of outcrop-scale folds.
    complex folds_Symbol denotes axial trend of outcrop-scale folds.
    fold axis dipArrow and number define direction and degree of inclination of axial plane of fold.
    foliationMetamorphic foliation was observed at this point.
    inclined lineationArrow and number denotes direction and amount of rake of linear feature on surface of a plane.
    lava flow or dike attitudeSymbol denotes dip and strike of volcanic flow or dike.
    lava flow attitude, w/topsBall on symbol denotes that top of flow unit is known from texture or pillow surface.
    ot beddingOriginally horizontal sedimentary layers were observed at this point. Evidence that the beds are overturned was observed, although that observation may not have been made at this point.
    ot bedding w/topsOriginally horizontal sedimentary layers were observed at this point. In addition, a geopedal indicator was observed that showed the beds were overturned.
    vert beddingOriginally horizontal sedimentary layers were observed at this point. These layers are now vertical.
    vert bedding w/topsOriginally horizontal sedimentary layers were observed at this point. In addition, a geopedal indicator was observed that showed the beds were upright. These layers are now vertical.
    vert foliationSymbol denotes that foliation in rock is vertical.
    vert lava flow or dike or sillSymbol denotes that volcanic flow or dike or sill is vertical.
    The inclination of planar structures measured in degrees down from horizontal. (Source: author)
    Range of values
    The orientation of a horizontal line in an inclined planar structure measured in degrees clockwise from north. (Source: author)
    Range of values
    Attribute table of LP-STR. (Source: ARC/INFO)
    The type of fold axis or other structural linear feature that does not bound geologic units. Faults and contacts are described in a separate coverage. (Source: author)
    f.a., antiform, inferred, queriedSurface denotes axial trend of anticlinal warp in penetratively sheared rocks. The axis has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground. The existence of the fold is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    f.a., anticline, certainThe surface trace of the axis of an anticline. The axis has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    f.a., anticline, concealedThe surface trace of the axis of an anticline. The axis is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    f.a., anticline, inferredThe surface trace of the axis of an anticline. The axis has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground. The existence of the fold is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    f.a., anticline, inferred, queriedThe surface trace of the axis of an anticline. The axis has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground. The existence of the fold is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    f.a., ot syncline, certainThe surface trace of the axis of a syncline. The axis has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy. Evidence that the syncline is overturned was observed, although that observation may not have been made at this point.
    f.a., ot syncline, concealedThe surface trace of the axis of an syncline. The axis is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground. Evidence that the syncline is overturned was observed, although that observation may not have been made at this point.
    f.a., syncline, approx. locatedThe surface trace of the axis of a syncline. The axis has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    f.a., syncline, certainThe surface trace of the axis of a syncline. The axis has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    f.a., syncline, concealedThe surface trace of the axis of a syncline. The axis is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    f.a., syncline, inferredThe surface trace of the axis of a syncline. The axis has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    f.a., syncline, inferred, queriedThe surface trace of the axis of a syncline. The axis has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground. The existence of the fold is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    Attribute table of MH-GEO. (Source: ARC/INFO)
    Geologic unit label (Source: author)
    JosSerpentinized ultramafic rocks
    Jos?Serpentinized ultramafic rocks, identification uncertain
    QalAlluvium, undivided
    QhbBasin deposits
    QhcStream Channel deposits
    QhfAlluvial fan deposits (Holocene)
    QhlLevee deposits
    QlsLandslide deposits, undivided
    QpfAlluvial fan deposits (Pleistocene)
    amAmphibolite blocks
    chChert blocks
    fmMelange of the Central belt
    fm?Melange of the Central belt, identification uncertain
    fmcRadiolarian chert
    fmsSandstone (Upper and (or) Lower Cretaceous)
    fms?Sandstone (Upper and (or) Lower Cretaceous), identification uncertain
    fmvBasaltic volcanic rocks
    fplForaminiferal limestone
    fpvVolcanic rocks
    fpv?Volcanic rocks, identification uncertain
    scSilica-carbonate rock
    sc?Silica-carbonate rock, identification uncertain
    vBasaltic volcanic rock blocks
    Attribute table of MH-GEO. (Source: ARC/INFO)
    Type of geologic or geographic feature denoted by a line in the database. (Source: author)
    contact, approx. locatedBoundary between two mapped units that retains the original depositional or intrusive relationship (i.e. not faulted). The contact has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    contact, certainBoundary between two mapped units that retains the original depositional or intrusive relationship (i.e. not faulted). The contact has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    contact, concealedBoundary between two mapped units that retains the original depositional or intrusive relationship (i.e. not faulted). The contact is obscured by overlying map units, so it is not well-located as described in positional accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    contact, inferred, queriedBoundary between two mapped units that retains the original depositional or intrusive relationship (i.e. not faulted). The contact has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground. The existence of the contact is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    fault, approx. locatedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    fault, certainStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    fault, concealedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    fault, concealed, queriedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground.
    fault, inferredStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground. The existence of the fault is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    fault, inferred, queriedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground. The existence of the fault is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    map boundaryEdge of the mapped area. Used primarily to bound polygons at the edge of the map database. The location of the boundary is well located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    photo lineamentLinear physiographic feature, delineated by alignment of topographic features, i.e., offsets or alignments of drainages, gullys, ridges, valley fronts, scarps or steps in topography. They are generally delineated from aerial photographs. They are inferred to be related to faulting, although are seldom checked in the field.
    thrust fault, approx. locatedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced thrust offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    thrust fault, certainStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced thrust offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    thrust fault, concealedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced thrust offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    water boundaryThe edge of a mapped body of water. This line is derived from the base map, and therefore is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    Attribute table of MH-STR. (Source: ARC/INFO)
    The type of planar feature which was observed and the orientation of which was measured at this point. (Source: author)
    approx. attitudeDip and strike of planar feature approximated at a distance in the field or inferred from air photos.
    axial trend, small anticlineLine delineates trend direction of small anticline.
    beddingOriginally horizontal sedimentary layers were observed at this point.
    bedding w/topsOriginally horizontal sedimentary layers were observed at this point. In addition, a geopedal indicator was observed that showed the beds were upright.
    foliationMetamorphic foliation was observed at this point.
    jointSurface of fracture or parting, with no displacement, was observed here.
    lava flow or dike attitudeSymbol denotes dip and strike of volcanic flow or dike.
    The inclination of planar structures measured in degrees down from horizontal. (Source: author)
    Range of values
    The orientation of a horizontal line in an inclined planar structure measured in degrees clockwise from north. (Source: author)
    Range of values
    Attribute table of MM-GEO. (Source: ARC/INFO)
    Geologic unit label (Source: author)
    JogGabbro cumulates
    JosSerpentinized ultramafic rocks
    KJmMudstone (Lower Cretaceous and Upper Jurassic)
    KucConglomerate (Upper Cretaceous)
    KusSandstone and shale
    Kus?Sandstone and shale, identification uncertain
    PPPercolation pond
    QalAlluvium, undivided
    QhcStream Channel deposits
    QhfAlluvial fan deposits (Holocene)
    QhfpFloodplain deposits
    QhlLevee deposits
    QlsLandslide deposits, undivided
    QpfAlluvial fan deposits (Pleistocene)
    Qpf?Alluvial fan deposits (Pleistocene), identification uncertain
    QtAlluvial terrace deposits, undivided
    Qt?Alluvial terrace deposits, undivided, identification uncertain
    TcmMottled mudstone and sandstone of Mount Chual
    Tcm?Mottled mudstone and sandstone of Mount Chual, identification uncertain
    TlsSandstone and mudstone
    Tls?Sandstone and mudstone, identification uncertain
    TmeShale and sandstone of Highland Way
    TmsMonterey Shale
    TpPurisima Formation
    TtTemblor Sandstone
    TtvVolcanic and intrusive rocks
    TusUnnamed sandstone
    afArtificial fill
    bsBlueschist blocks
    cgConglomerate block
    chChert blocks
    fmMelange of the Central belt
    fm?Melange of the Central belt, identification uncertain
    fmcRadiolarian chert
    fmsSandstone (Upper and (or) Lower Cretaceous)
    fmvBasaltic volcanic rocks
    fplForaminiferal limestone
    fpvVolcanic rocks
    fpv?Volcanic rocks, identification uncertain
    mdiMetadiorite block
    scSilica-carbonate rock
    vBasaltic volcanic rock blocks
    Attribute table of MM-GEO. (Source: ARC/INFO)
    Type of geologic or geographic feature denoted by a line in the database. (Source: author)
    atten. fault, approx. locatedFault at low angle to bedding, interpreted as low-angle normal fault, double hachures on down-dropped (upper plate) side. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    atten. fault, certainFault at low angle to bedding, interpreted as low-angle normal fault, double hachures on down-dropped (upper plate) side. The fault has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    atten. fault, concealedFault at low angle to bedding, interpreted as low-angle normal fault, double hachures on down-dropped (upper plate) side. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    atten. fault, inferred, queriedFault at low angle to bedding, interpreted as low-angle normal fault, double hachures on down-dropped (upper plate) side. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground. The existence of the fault is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    contact, approx. locatedBoundary between two mapped units that retains the original depositional or intrusive relationship (i.e. not faulted). The contact has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    contact, certainBoundary between two mapped units that retains the original depositional or intrusive relationship (i.e. not faulted). The contact has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    contact, concealedBoundary between two mapped units that retains the original depositional or intrusive relationship (i.e. not faulted). The contact is obscured by overlying map units, so it is not well-located as described in positional accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    contact, concealed, queriedBoundary between two mapped units that retains the original depositional or intrusive relationship (i.e. not faulted). The contact is obscured by overlying map units, so it is not well-located as described in positional accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground.
    contact, inferred, queriedBoundary between two mapped units that retains the original depositional or intrusive relationship (i.e. not faulted). The contact has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground. The existence of the contact is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    fault, approx. locatedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    fault, certainStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    fault, concealedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    fault, concealed, queriedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground.
    fault, inferred, queriedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground. The existence of the fault is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    map boundaryEdge of the mapped area. Used primarily to bound polygons at the edge of the map database. The location of the boundary is well located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    normal fault, approx. locatedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced normal offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    normal fault, certainStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced normal offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    normal fault, concealedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced normal offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    normal fault, inferred, queriedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced normal offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground. The existence of the fault is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    photo lineamentLinear physiographic feature, delineated by alignment of topographic features, i.e., offsets or alignments of drainages, gullys, ridges, valley fronts, scarps or steps in topography. They are generally delineated from aerial photographs. They are inferred to be related to faulting, although are seldom checked in the field.
    thrust fault, approx. locatedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced thrust offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    thrust fault, certainStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced thrust offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    thrust fault, concealedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced thrust offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    thrust fault, concealed, queriedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced thrust offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground.
    thrust fault, inferred, queriedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced thrust offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground. The existence of the fault is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    water boundaryThe edge of a mapped body of water. This line is derived from the base map, and therefore is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    Attribute table of MM-STR. (Source: ARC/INFO)
    The type of planar feature which was observed and the orientation of which was measured at this point. (Source: author)
    axial trend, small anticlineLine delineates trend direction of small anticline.
    beddingOriginally horizontal sedimentary layers were observed at this point.
    bedding w/topsOriginally horizontal sedimentary layers were observed at this point. In addition, a geopedal indicator was observed that showed the beds were upright.
    complex foldsSymbol denotes axial trend and plunge direction(s) of outcrop-scale folds.
    fold axis dipArrow and number define direction and degree of inclination of axial plane of fold.
    foliationMetamorphic foliation was observed at this point.
    lava flow or dike attitudeSymbol denotes dip and strike of volcanic flow or dike.
    lava flow attitude, w/tops 
    ot beddingOriginally horizontal sedimentary layers were observed at this point. Evidence that the beds are overturned was observed, although that observation may not have been made at this point.
    ot bedding w/topsOriginally horizontal sedimentary layers were observed at this point. In addition, a geopedal indicator was observed that showed the beds were overturned.
    vert beddingOriginally horizontal sedimentary layers were observed at this point. These layers are now vertical.
    vert foliationSymbol denotes that foliation in rock is vertical.
    The inclination of planar structures measured in degrees down from horizontal. (Source: author)
    Range of values
    The orientation of a horizontal line in an inclined planar structure measured in degrees clockwise from north. (Source: author)
    Range of values
    Attribute table of MM-STR. (Source: ARC/INFO)
    The type of fold axis or other structural linear feature that does not bound geologic units. Faults and contacts are described in a separate coverage. (Source: author)
    f.a., antiform, certainSurface denotes axial trend of anticlinal warp in penetratively sheared rocks. The axis has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    f.a., antiform, concealedSurface denotes axial trend of anticlinal warp in penetratively sheared rocks. The axis is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    f.a., antiform, inferredSurface denotes axial trend of anticlinal warp in penetratively sheared rocks. The axis has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground. The existence of the fold is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    f.a., anticline, certainThe surface trace of the axis of an anticline. The axis has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    f.a., anticline, concealedThe surface trace of the axis of an anticline. The axis is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    f.a., anticline, inferredThe surface trace of the axis of an anticline. The axis has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground. The existence of the fold is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    f.a., anticline, inferred, queriedThe surface trace of the axis of an anticline. The axis has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground. The existence of the fold is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    f.a., syncline, approx. locatedThe surface trace of the axis of a syncline. The axis has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    f.a., syncline, certainThe surface trace of the axis of a syncline. The axis has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    f.a., syncline, concealedThe surface trace of the axis of a syncline. The axis is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    f.a., syncline, concealed, queriedThe surface trace of the axis of a syncline. The axis is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground.
    f.a., syncline, inferredThe surface trace of the axis of a syncline. The axis has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    f.a., syncline, inferred, queriedThe surface trace of the axis of a syncline. The axis has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground. The existence of the fold is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    Attribute table of STH-GEO. (Source: ARC/INFO)
    Geologic unit label (Source: author)
    GPGravel pit
    JoiIntrusive complex
    JosSerpentinized ultramafic rocks
    JovBasalt, andesite, and dacite
    JsspSedimentary serpentinite
    KucConglomerate (Upper Cretaceous)
    Kuc?Conglomerate (Upper Cretaceous), identification uncertain
    KusSandstone and shale
    MDMine dump
    PPPercolation pond
    QTscSanta Clara Formation
    QTsc?Santa Clara Formation, identification uncertain
    QalAlluvium, undivided
    QhbBasin deposits
    QhcStream channel deposits
    QhfAlluvial fan deposits (Holocene)
    QhlLevee deposits
    QlsLandslide deposits, undivided
    QpfAlluvial fan deposits (Pleistocene)
    TcmMottled mudstone and sandstone of Mount Chual
    TlsSandstone and mudstone
    TmsMonterey Shale
    TtTemblor Sandstone
    TtvVolcanic and intrusive rocks
    afArtificial fill
    amAmphibolite blocks
    bsBlueschist blocks
    chChert blocks
    fmMelange of the Central belt
    fm?Melange of the Central belt, identification uncertain
    fmcRadiolarian chert
    fmc?Radiolarian chert, identification uncertain
    fmsSandstone (Upper and (or) Lower Cretaceous)
    fms?Sandstone (Upper and (or) Lower Cretaceous), identification uncertain
    fmvBasaltic volcanic rocks
    fmv?Basaltic volcanic rocks, identification uncertain
    fplForaminiferal limestone
    fpvVolcanic rocks
    fpv?Volcanic rocks, identification uncertain
    scSilica-carbonate rock
    vBasaltic volcanic rock blocks
    Attribute table of STH-GEO. (Source: ARC/INFO)
    Type of geologic or geographic feature denoted by a line in the database. (Source: author)
    atten. fault, approx. locatedFault at low angle to bedding, interpreted as low-angle normal fault, double hachures on down-dropped (upper plate) side. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    atten. fault, certainFault at low angle to bedding, interpreted as low-angle normal fault, double hachures on down-dropped (upper plate) side. The fault has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    atten. fault, concealedFault at low angle to bedding, interpreted as low-angle normal fault, double hachures on down-dropped (upper plate) side. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    contact, approx. locatedBoundary between two mapped units that retains the original depositional or intrusive relationship (i.e. not faulted). The contact has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    contact, certainBoundary between two mapped units that retains the original depositional or intrusive relationship (i.e. not faulted). The contact has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    contact, concealedBoundary between two mapped units that retains the original depositional or intrusive relationship (i.e. not faulted). The contact is obscured by overlying map units, so it is not well-located as described in positional accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    fault, approx. locatedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    fault, certainStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    fault, concealedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    fault, concealed, queriedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground.
    fault, inferred, queriedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground. The existence of the fault is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    map boundaryEdge of the mapped area. Used primarily to bound polygons at the edge of the map database. The location of the boundary is well located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    normal fault, approx. locatedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced normal offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    thrust fault, approx. locatedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced thrust offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 2 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 48 meters on the ground.
    thrust fault, certainStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced thrust offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    thrust fault, concealedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced thrust offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    thrust fault, concealed, queriedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced thrust offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground.
    thrust fault, inferred, queriedStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced thrust offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground. The existence of the fault is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    water boundaryThe edge of a mapped body of water. This line is derived from the base map, and therefore is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    Attribute table of STH-STR. (Source: ARC/INFO)
    The type of planar feature which was observed and the orientation of which was measured at this point. (Source: author)
    approx. attitudeDip and strike of planar feature approximated at a distance in the field or inferred from air photos.
    beddingOriginally horizontal sedimentary layers were observed at this point.
    foliationMetamorphic foliation was observed at this point.
    lava flow or dike attitudeSymbol denotes dip and strike of volcanic flow or dike.
    vert beddingOriginally horizontal sedimentary layers were observed at this point. These layers are now vertical.
    vert foliationSymbol denotes that foliation in rock is vertical.
    vert lava flow or dike or sillSymbol denotes that volcanic flow or dike or sill is vertical.
    The inclination of planar structures measured in degrees down from horizontal. (Source: author)
    Range of values
    The orientation of a horizontal line in an inclined planar structure measured in degrees clockwise from north. (Source: author)
    Range of values
    Attribute table of STH-STR. (Source: ARC/INFO)
    The type of fold axis or other structural linear feature that does not bound geologic units. Faults and contacts are described in a separate coverage. (Source: author)
    f.a., antiform, certainSurface denotes axial trend of anticlinal warp in penetratively sheared rocks. The axis has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    f.a., anticline, certainThe surface trace of the axis of an anticline. The axis has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    f.a., anticline, concealedThe surface trace of the axis of an anticline. The axis is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 120 meters on the ground.
    f.a., syncline, certainThe surface trace of the axis of a syncline. The axis has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    f.a., syncline, inferred, queriedThe surface trace of the axis of a syncline. The axis has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within about 10 mm at map scale (1:24,000) or within about 240 meters on the ground. The existence of the fold is inferred from structural and stratigraphic relationships observed elsewhere.
    The databases in this report were compiled in ARC/INFO, a commercial Geographic Information System (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Redlands, California). Almost all the attributes in the various attribute tables of the coverages included in the report are set or calculated by Arc/Info. The exceptions are "coveragename"-ID, LTYPE, PTYPE, PTTYPE, STRIKE, and DIP. "coveragename"-ID is required by internal policy to be sequential. This ensures the highest compatibility of our databases with other GISs. Therefore "coveragename"-ID is calculated equal to "coveragename"#, which is a unique, sequential integer assigned by Arc/Info to each data record. LTYPE, PTYPE, and PTTYPE are author added items to the coverage AAT or PAT that are used to describe the type of line (LTYPE), area (PTYPE), or point (PTTYPE) being recorded. All coverages with AAT and PAT present include these items in the data structure. Each has WIDTH 35, OUTPUT 35, TYPE C. STRIKE and DIP are author added items to the coverage PAT that record information about the orientation of planar geologic structures. Both have WIDTH 3, OUTPUT 3, TYPE I. These items are recorded in the tables XX-STR.PAT of the structure coverages. The base map layers are included for visual reference only and contain no data attributes or attribute tables.

Who produced the data set?

  1. Who are the originators of the data set? (may include formal authors, digital compilers, and editors)
    • McLaughlin, R.J.
    • Clark, J.C.
    • Brabb, E.E.
    • Helley, E.J.
    • Colón, C.J.
    • Valin, Z.C.
    • Wentworth, C.M.
    • Minnick, J.L.
    • May, T.E.
    • Randolph, C.R.
    • Gerhardt, Lisa
    • Nelson, C.E.
    • Showalter, Patrick
    • Lindquist, T.A.
  2. Who also contributed to the data set?
    The geology of this area was mapped by R. J. McLaughlin, J. C. Clark, E. E. Brabb, and E. J. Helley between 1988 and 1996; part of the Mt. Madonna quadrangle was mapped by C. J. Colon from 1991-1992. The geology of the New Almaden area is partly compiled from Bailey and Everhart, 1964. The geology along the San Andreas fault is partly incorporated from Sarna-Wojcicki and others, 1975 and from U. S. Geological Survey Staff, 1989.
    Numerous scientists within the U.S. Geological Survey and from academia, have contributed to this database:
    Critical paleontologic support was provided by: K. McDougall-Reid and Richard Pierce (deceased), Tertiary benthic foraminifers; D. Bukry, Tertiary nannofossils; J. Barron, Tertiary diatoms; C. Powell, W. Addicott, and J. Vedder, Tertiary macrofossils; W. V. Sliter (deceased), Mesozoic foraminifers; B. Murchey, Y. Isozaki, and I. Hattori, Mesozoic radiolaria; and W. Elder and D.L. Jones, Mesozoic macrofossils.
    Isotopic data for age and provenance determinations were provided by R. Kistler and D. Champion, Rubidium and Strontium; J. Nakata, D. Sorg and P. Russell, K-Ar and Ar-Ar radiometric ages; and J. Wooden, U-Pb radiometric age.
    A fission track age investigation, conducted in the map region in 1992-1994 by T. Dumitru, R. BŸrgmann, and Ramon Aerosmith, of Stanford University, in cooperation with the senior author, has contributed substantially to an understanding of the structural history of this area.
    The senior author (McLaughlin) also wishes to acknowledge the following scientists for their collaborative and cooperative work, that has strongly influenced interpretations of the geology and crustal structure of the map region: R. Jachens, A. Griscom and V. Langenheim (U.S.G.S.), modeling of gravity and aeromagnetic data; R. BŸrgmann (Stanford, now at U.C. Berkeley), geodetic data; C.M. Wentworth and R.G. Stanley (U.S.G.S.), regional geology; R. Wells, D. Ponti, C. Prentice, D. Schwartz, S. Ellen, and K. Schmidt, (all at the U.S.G.S.), and W. Cotton ( W. Cotton and Associates), detailed work on surface deformation and active fault relationships following the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake.
    The authors wish to acknowledge the many owners of large land parcels and ranches in rural areas of Santa Clara and Santa Cruz Counties, who have cooperated with these mapping investigations by providing access to their properties and showing interest in the work. We also thank the following private and public agencies for their cooperation in allowing access and gate keys to their properties, including the San Jose Water Company; Mid- Peninsula Open-Space District; and the Santa Clara County Park system.
    We also wish to thank the California Division of Forestry, particularly CDF Burrel Fire Station of Santa Cruz County, for providing lodging to the senior author (McLaughlin) in the course of mapping investigations.
    This digital database was compiled in ARC/INFO, a commercial G.I. S.(ESRI). The digital compilation was done using the 1996 version 3.0 of the menu interface ALACARTE (originally published as version 1.0 by Fitzgibbon and Wentworth, 1991). The digitization of geologic contacts, development and integration of various data sets into the digital map database were largely supervised by C. M. Wentworth (1988-1997). Numerous individuals have compiled and edited parts of the digital files for this publication at different times, including T. A. Lindquist (1988), P. Showalter (1989-1990), C. E. Nelson (1994), L. Gerhardt ( 1996), C. R. Randolph, T. E. May, and J. L. Minnick (1996-1998), and Z. C. Valin (1996-2001). The digital geology was initially compiled as a part of the geologic map database for the San Jose, California 1:100,000-scale quadrangle (Wentworth and others, unpublished, 1999) but the maps are herein released at 1:24,000.
    Geologic mapping was at a scale of 1:24,000, which is therefore the scale of maximum resolution. Enlargement of these maps to scales substantially less than 1:24,000 is here considered inappropriate.
    Technical reviews of this report were provided by P. Stone ( Western Earth Surface Processes Team, U.S.G.S.) and by M. C. Blake, Jr., (Emeritus). R. Graymer (Western Earth Surface Processes Team, U.S.G.S.) reviewed the database. Technical editing of this report for publication by the U.S. Geological Survey was provided by J. Zigler, and preparation of the database website was by R. Koch and C. Donlin (all at Western Publications Unit, U.S.G.S.).
    Note: Authorship of the geology of this publication resides in the first five names in the author list in the order given. The last nine names starting with Z.C. Valin, are the digital database authors in the order given.
  3. To whom should users address questions about the data?
    USGS Western Earth Surface Processes Team
    Attn: Database coordinator
    345 Middlefield Road, MS 975
    Menlo Park, CA

Why was the data set created?

This database and accompanying plot files depict the distribution of geologic materials and structures at a regional (1:24,000) scale. The report is intended to provide geologic information for the regional study of materials properties, earthquake shaking, landslide potential, mineral hazards, seismic velocity, and earthquake faults. In addition, the report contains new information and interpretations about the regional geologic history and framework. However, the regional scale of this report does not provide sufficient detail for site development purposes. In addition, this map does not take the place of fault-rupture hazard zones designated by the California State Geologist (Hart and Bryant, 1997). Similarly, the database cannot be substituted for comprehensive maps that systematically identify and classify landslide hazards.

How was the data set created?

  1. From what previous works were the data drawn?
    Clark field work (1961) (source 1 of 36)
    Clark, J.C., 1961, (field work).

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    Dibblee and others (1978) (source 2 of 36)
    Dibblee, T.W., Jr., Brabb, E.E., and Clark, J.C., 1978, Preliminary geologic map of the Laurel quadrangle, Santa Cruz and Santa Clara Counties, California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Map 78-84.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 24000
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    Burford (1961) (source 3 of 36)
    Burford, R.O., 1961, Geology of the Glenwood Basin area, Santa Cruz Mountains, California: Stanford University, Palo Alto, California.

    Other_Citation_Details: graduate report
    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 24000
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    Smith (1971) (source 4 of 36)
    Smith, R.K., 1971, Foraminiferal studies in the lower and middle Tertiary of Soquel Creek, Santa Clara County, California: University of California Publications in Geological Sciences 91.

    Other_Citation_Details: p1-111
    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    Dupré (1975) (source 5 of 36)
    Dupré, W.R., 1975, Maps showing geology and liquefaction potential of Quaternary deposits in Santa Cruz County, California: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-648.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 62500
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    Clark and Brabb field work (1988-89) (source 6 of 36)
    Clark, J.C., and Brabb, E.E., 1989, (field work).

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    Clark and McLauglin field work (1989) (source 7 of 36)
    Clark, J.C., and McLaughlin, R.J., 1989, (field work).

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    Sarna-Wojcicki and others (1975) (source 8 of 36)
    Sarna-Wojcicki, A.M., Pampeyan, E.H., and Hall, N.T., 1975, Map showing recently active breaks along the San Andreas fault between the central Santa Cruz Mountains and the northern Gablin Range, California: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-640.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 24000
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    McLaughlin field work (1988-91) (source 9 of 36)
    McLaughlin, R.J., 1991, (field work).

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    Clark and Rietman (1973) (source 10 of 36)
    Clark, J.C., and Rietman, J.D., 1973, Oligocene stratigraphy, tectonics, and paleogeography southwest of the San Andreas fault, Santa Cruz Mountains and Gabilan Range, California Coast Ranges: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 783.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 125000
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    Dibblee and Brabb (1980) (source 11 of 36)
    Dibblee, T.W., Jr., and Brabb, E.E., 1980, Preliminary geologic map of the Loma Prieta quadrangle, Santa Cruz and Santa Clara Counties, California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Map 80-944.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 24000
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    McLaughlin field work (1988) (source 12 of 36)
    McLaughlin, R.J., 1988, (field work).

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    McLaughlin and others (1971) (source 13 of 36)
    McLaughlin, R.J., Simoni, T.R., Osbun, E.D., and Bauer, P.G., 1971, Preliminary geologic map of the Loma Prieta-Mount Madonna area, Santa Clara and Santa Cruz Counties, California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Map.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 24000
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    Osbun (1975) (source 14 of 36)
    Osbun, E.D., 1975, Geology of the Sveadal area, Southern Santa Cruz Mountains, California: San Jose State University, San Jose, California.

    Other_Citation_Details: M.S. thesis
    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 12000
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    Simoni (1974) (source 15 of 36)
    Simoni, T.R., Jr., 1974, Geology of the Loma Prieta area, Santa Clara and Santa Cruz Counties, California: San Jose State University, San Jose, California.

    Other_Citation_Details: M.S. thesis
    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 12000
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    Bailey and Everhart (1964) (source 16 of 36)
    Bailey, E.H., and Everhart, D.C., 1964, Geology and quicksilver deposits of the New Almaden District, Santa Clara County, California: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 360.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Minor modifications to geology by McLaughlin, R.J., 1990-96. Also, Stanley, R.G., and McLaughlin, R.J., 1995-97, field work and sampling for petroleum source rock and biostratigraphic studies.
    Brabb field work (1969) (source 17 of 36)
    Brabb, E.E., 1969, (field work).

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    Clark and Brabb field work (1990-91) (source 18 of 36)
    Clark, J.C., and Brabb, E.E., 1991, (field work).

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    Clark and McLaughlin field work (1990-91) (source 19 of 36)
    Clark, J.C., and McLaughlin, R.J., 1991, (field work).

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    Dibblee and Brabb (1978) (source 20 of 36)
    Dibblee, T.W., Jr., and Brabb, E.E., 1978, Preliminary geologic map of the Los Gatos Quadrangle, Santa Clara and Santa Cruz Counties, California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 78-453.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 24000
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    Helley field checking (1989-91) (source 21 of 36)
    Helley, E.J., 1989-91, (photogeology and field checking, with additions by McLaughlin in uplands tributary stream valleys, and along valley margins).

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    Johnson and Associates (1989) (source 22 of 36)
    Johnson, R.E. and Associates, 1989, Fault investigation report, Loma Prieta Elementary School, Santa Clara County, California: Loma Prieta School District Open-File Report.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    Keefer (1991) (source 23 of 36)
    Keefer, D.K., 1991, Geologic hazards in the Summit Ridge area of the Santa Cruz Mountains, Santa Cruz County, California, evaluated in response to the October 17, 1989, Loma Prieta Earthquake: Report of the technical advisory group: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 91-618.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    McLaughlin and others (1989) (source 24 of 36)
    McLaughlin, R.J., and Harden, J.W., 1989, (site visit to Shannon fault trenched by Emcon Associates).

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    McLaughlin (1989) (source 25 of 36)
    McLaughlin, R.J., 1989, Loma Prieta earthquake investigation, surface deformation data.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    Ponti and Wells (1991) (source 26 of 36)
    Ponti, D.J., and Wells, R.E., 1991, Off-fault ground ruptures in the Santa Cruz Mountains, California: Ridge-top spreading versus tectonic extension during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 81.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    Sorg and McLaughlin (1975) (source 27 of 36)
    Sorg, D.H., and McLaughlin, R.J., 1975, Geologic Map of the Sargent-Berrocal fault zone between Los Gatos and Los Altos Hills, Santa Clara County, California: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Investigations Map MF-643.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 24000
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    Short (1986) (source 28 of 36)
    Short, W.R., Jr., 1986, Geology of the Santa Teresa Hills, Santa Clara County, California: California State University, Hayward, California.

    Other_Citation_Details: M.S. thesis
    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    Coleman (1991) (source 29 of 36)
    Coleman, R.G., 1991, Serpentines of Santa Clara Valley, California [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs volume 23, number 2.

    Other_Citation_Details: page 15
    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Contribution: unpublished mapping associated with this abstract
    McLaughlin and Elder (1991) (source 30 of 36)
    McLaughlin, R.J., and Elder, W.P., 1991, (field work with J.L. Nelson and R. Baker, Terratech).

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    Dibblee (1973a) (source 31 of 36)
    Dibblee, T.W., 1973, Preliminary geologic map of the Morgan Hill 7.5' quadrangle, Santa Clara County, California,: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 24000
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    McLaughlin field mapping investigations (1996) (source 32 of 36)
    McLaughlin, R.J., 1996, (field mapping investigations).

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    Dibblee (1973b) (source 33 of 36)
    Dibblee, T.W., 1973, Preliminary geologic map of the Mt. Madonna 7.5' quadrangle, Santa Clara and Santa Cruz Counties, California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 24000
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    Dibblee (1973c) (source 34 of 36)
    Dibblee, T.W., 1973, Preliminary geologic map of the Gilroy 7.5' quadrangle, Santa Clara County, California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 24000
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    McLaughlin (1971) (source 35 of 36)
    McLaughlin, R.J., 1971, Geologic Map of the Sargent Fault zone in the vicinity of Mount Madonna, Santa Clara County, California: U.S. Geological Survey Basic Data Contribution 13.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 12000
    Source_Contribution: preliminary mapping
    Jové-Colón (1992) (source 36 of 36)
    Jové-Colón, C.F., 19992, (field work).

    Field work 1991-1992 while graduate intern with U.S. Geological Survey, with field checking by McLaughlin, R.J., in 1996.
  2. How were the data generated, processed, and modified?
    Date: 1975 (process 1 of 2)
    Field work was carried out by a variety of investigators over many years, consulting previously published works as well.
    Geologic linework was scanned, converted to vector data, and edited on-screen to repair errors visible at map scale. Polygon topology was created and each polygon tagged on- screen. Structural information was digitized by hand using a digitizing table. Plotfiles were created in ArcPlot.
    The databases in this report were compiled in ARC/INFO, a commercial Geographic Information System (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Redlands, California), with version 3.0 of the menu interface ALACARTE (Fitzgibbon and Wentworth, 1991, Fitzgibbon, 1991, Wentworth and Fitzgibbon, 1991). The files are COVERAGE (ARC/INFO vector data) format. Coverages are stored in uncompressed ARC export format (ARC/INFO version 8.0.2). ARC/INFO export files ( files with the .e00 extension) can be converted into ARC/ INFO coverages in ARC/INFO (see below) and can be read by some other Geographic Information Systems, such as MapInfo via ArcLink and ESRI's ArcView (version 1.0 for Windows 3.1 to 3.11 is available for free from ESRI's web site. The digital compilation was done in version 7.2.1 of ARC/INFO with version 3.0 of the menu interface ALACARTE (Fitzgibbon and Wentworth, 1991, Fitzgibbon, 1991, Wentworth and Fitzgibbon, 1991). The geologic map information was digitized from stable originals of the geologic maps at 1:24,000 scale. The author manuscripts (pen on mylar) were scanned using a Altek monochrome scanner with a resolution of 800 dots per inch. The scanned images were vectorized and transformed from scanner coordinates to projection coordinates with digital tics placed by hand at quadrangle corners. The scanned lines were edited interactively by hand using ALACARTE, color boundaries were tagged as appropriate, and some scanning artifacts visible at 1:24,000 were removed.
    Date: 27-Jul-2009 (process 2 of 2)
    Creation of original metadata record Person who carried out this activity:
    Z.C. Valin
    U.S. Geological Survey
    345 Middlefield Rd., M/S 975
    Menlo Park, CA

  3. What similar or related data should the user be aware of?

How reliable are the data; what problems remain in the data set?

  1. How well have the observations been checked?
    This report has undergone two scientific peer reviews, one digital database review, one review for conformity with geologic names policy, and review of the plotfiles for conformity with USGS map standards.
  2. How accurate are the geographic locations?
    Well located data items are intended to have a horizontal positional accuracy within .5 mm at 1:24,000 scale, or within 12 meters on the ground. The general positional accuracy of each line in the database is indicated within the LTYPE field in the Arc Attribute Table (see below). Points in the database are generally considered to be well located. The position of each data item is derived from the USGS topographic base map, and therefore additional inaccuracies arising from inaccuracies in the base map may also be encountered.
  3. How accurate are the heights or depths?
  4. Where are the gaps in the data? What is missing?
    The report is intended to describe completely the surficial deposits and bedrock geology at 1:24,000 scale. Geologic information only mappable at larger scale has been omitted.
  5. How consistent are the relationships among the observations, including topology?
    Polygon and chain-node topology present

How can someone get a copy of the data set?

Are there legal restrictions on access or use of the data?
Access_Constraints: None
Uses of this digital geologic map should not violate the spatial resolution of the data. Although the digital form of the data removes the constraint imposed by the scale of a paper map, the detail and accuracy inherent in map scale are also present in the digital data. The fact that this database was edited for a scale of 1:24,000 means that higher resolution information is not present in the dataset. Plotting at scales larger than 1:24,000 will not yield greater real detail, although it may reveal fine- scale irregularities below the intended resolution of the database. Similarly, where this database is used in combination with other data of higher resolution, the resolution of the combined output will be limited by the lower resolution of these data.
  1. Who distributes the data set? (Distributor 1 of 1)
    Database Coordinator
    U.S. Geological Survey
    345 Middlefield Rd., M/S 975
    Menlo Park, CA

  2. What's the catalog number I need to order this data set? USGS Miscellaneous Field Studies Report MF-2373
  3. What legal disclaimers am I supposed to read?
    Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Although this publication has been subjected to rigorous review and is substantially complete, the USGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. Furthermore, it is released on condition that neither the USGS nor the United States Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use.
  4. How can I download or order the data?
    • Availability in digital form:
      Data format: Plotfiles, one for each map sheet, one for the pamphlet, one for this database pamphlet, two for the cross section sheets, and one for the explanation sheet. in format PDF (version 1.3) Adobe Acrobat PDF files, v. 3.0
      Network links:
      Data format: Geologic units and structural features along with supporting documentation in format ARCE (version 7.2.1) Size: 17
      Network links:
    • Cost to order the data: none

Who wrote the metadata?

Last modified: 13-Jun-2016
Metadata author:
Peter N Schweitzer
USGS Midwest Area
Collection manager, USGS Geoscience Data Clearinghouse,
Mail Stop 954
12201 Sunrise Valley Dr
Reston, VA

703-648-6533 (voice)
703-648-6252 (FAX)
Metadata standard:
Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (FGDC-STD-001-1998)

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