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COLUMN--ITEM_NAME----------WIDTH-----OUTPUT-----TYPE---#_DECIMALS 1-------FNODE#---------------4----------5---------B---------\ 5-------TNODE#---------------4----------5---------B---------\ 9-------LPOLY#---------------4----------5---------B---------\ 13------RPOLY#---------------4----------5---------B---------\ 17------LENGTH---------------8---------18---------F---------5 25------<cover>#-------------4----------5---------B---------\ 29------<cover>-ID-----------4----------5---------B---------\For polygons these attributes are:
COLUMN--ITEM_NAME----------WIDTH-----OUTPUT-----TYPE---#_DECIMALS 1-------AREA-----------------8---------18---------F---------5 9-------PERIMETER------------8---------18---------F---------5 17------<cover>#-------------4----------5---------B---------\ 21------<cover>-ID-----------4----------5---------B---------\ ****The following coverages were used in both Map A and Map B**** COVERAGE--------ENTITIES---------DESCRIPTION dvrfspoly-------lines/polygons---base map halo_bd---------lines------------flow model boundary hstruc2---------lines------------faults; attributed with ITEM h_code as follows: ITEM: h_code DESCRIPTION SYMBOL 1 Normal fault 1 (color.lin) 2 Strike-slip fault 2 (color.lin) 3 Detachment fault 83 (geoscamp1.lin) 4 Caldera Boundary 83 (geoscamp1.lin) 5 Transverse fault 5 (color.lin) 6 Thrust fault 27 (geology.lin) 7 Thrust fault (inferred) 37 (geology.lin) hydrostruc_bb---lines------------displacement symbols on faults dvrfs_rd--------lines------------roads (minor and major) dvrfs_hptxt-----points-----------text labels for physiographic features, including town names. county_100k-----lines------------county boundaries nts_outline-----lines------------boundary of Nevada Test Site nvca------------lines------------State line boundary between California and Nevada. stipplebuffer---polygons---------stippled area on faults that have measurable late Pleistocene or younger displacement. townpts---------points-----------locations of towns pot_cont--------lines------------potentiometric contours with elevations posted on each contour line. cald_txt--------points-----------text lables for calderas flt_txt---------points-----------text lables for faults ****The following coverages are used on Map A only**** hueb, satb, valb-----------------color shaded-relief map, composited from 83-m DEM data from the following USGS 1:250,000-scale quadrangles: Tonapah, Lund, Las Vegas, Death Valley, Caliente, Goldfield, Kingman, and Trona and include depth to pre-Tertiary surface. coldsprgs-------points-----------locations of cold springs springreg-------points-----------locations of regional springs (24 degrees C to 35 degrees C). ****The following coverages are used on Map B only**** red, green, blue-----------------color shaded-relief map, composited from 83-m DEM data from the following USGS 1:250,000-scale quadrangles: Tonapah, Lund, Las Vegas, Death Valley, Caliente, Goldfield, Kingman, and Trona. polybuffer------polygons---------zones that have special geologic characteristics, as well as seismicity clusters, that may be consistent with relatively large hydraulic conductivities. polynums--------points-----------roman numeral values used to label the "polybuffer" cover. eq78to86--------points-----------earthquake epicenter locations. Four (4) ITEMS from this cover were used: magnitude, date, x-coord and y-coord. The date values that fell in the range of 1978 to 1986 were used for this map.
Neogene and pre-Tertiary faults modified from Workman and others, 2002, by C.J. Potter. Late Pleistocene and Holocene faults from Piety, 1996. Modified faults digitized by M. L. Killgore.
These maps (maps A and B) were prepared in support of a regional three-dimensional ground-water model currently being constructed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) for the DVRFS. The maps identify regional geologic structures whose possible hydrologic significance merits their inclusion in the HFM for the DVRFS.
Are there legal restrictions on access or use of the data?Access_Constraints: None
Use_Constraints:None. Acknowledgment of the U.S. Geological Survey would be appreciated in products derived from these data.
Although these digital spatial data have been subjected to rigorous review and are substantially complete, they are released on the condition that neither the USGS nor the United States Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from their authorized or unauthorized use.
Data format: | Flow model data and structural geologic features in format ARCE (version 8.0.2) Size: 78 |
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Data format: | Flow model data and structural geologic features in format Shapefile (version 1.0) Size: 78 |
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