Originator: David S. Fullerton
Originator: Susan M. Ringrose
Originator: Lee Clayton
Originator: Bryan T. Schreiner
Originator: Joseph E. Goebel
Publication_Date: 2000
Quaternary geologic map of the Winnipeg 4° × 6° quadrangle, United
States and Canada
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: Map
Series_Name: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map
Issue_Identification: I-1420 (NM-14)
Publication_Place: Denver, Colorado
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
Originator: U.S. Geological Survey
Publication_Date: 1983
Title: Quaternary geologic atlas of the United States
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: Map
Series_Name: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map
Issue_Identification: I-1420
Publication_Place: Denver, Colorado
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
The Quaternary Geologic Map of the Winnipeg 4° × 6° Degree
Quadrangle, United States and Canada, is a component of the U.S.
Geological Survey Quaternary Geologic Atlas of the United States map
series (Miscellaneous Investigations Series I-1420), an
effort to produce 4° × 6° Quaternary geologic maps, at
1:1 million scale, of the entire conterminous United States and
adjacent Canada. The map and the accompanying text and supplemental
illustrations provide a regional overview of the
areal distributions and characteristics of surficial deposits and
materials of Quaternary age (~1.8 Ma to present) in parts of
North Dakota, Minnesota, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan. The map is not a
map of soils as soils are recognized in agriculture.
Rather, it is a map of soils as recognized in engineering geology, or of
substrata or parent materials in which agricultural soils are formed.
The map units are distinguished chiefly on the basis of (1)genesis
(processes of origin) or environments of deposition: for example,
sediments deposited primarily by glacial ice (glacial deposits or till),
sediments deposited in lakes (lacustrine deposits), or
sediments deposited by wind (eolian deposits); (2) age: for example,
how long ago the deposits accumulated; (3) texture (grain size)of the
deposits or materials; (4) composition (particle lithology) of the
deposits or materials; (5) thickness; and (6) other physical,
chemical, and engineering properties. Supplemental illustrations show
(1) temporal correlation of the map units, (2) the areal
relationships of late Wisconsin glacial ice lobes and sublobes,
(3) temporal and spatial correlation of late Wisconsin glacial phases,
readvance limits, and ice margin stillstands, (4) temporal and
stratigraphic correlation of surface and subsurface glacial deposits in
the Winnipeg quadrangle and in adjacent 4° × 6° quadrangles,
and (5) responsibility for state and province compilations.
The database provides information related to geologic hazards (for
example, materials that are characterized by expansive clay minerals;
landslide deposits or landslide-prone deposits), natural resources
(for example, sources of aggregate, peat, and clay; potential shallow
sources of groundwater), and areas of environmental concern (for example,
areas that are potentially suitable for specific ecosystem habitats;
areas of potential soil and groundwater contamination). All of these
aspects of the database relate directly to land use, management, and
policy. The map, text, and accompanying illustrations provide
a database of regional scope related to geologic history, climatic
changes, the stratigraphic and chronologic frameworks of surface and
subsurface deposits and materials of Quaternary age, and other
problems and concerns.
The primary objectives were (1) to produce a map of surficial deposits and
materials of Quaternary age in the Winnipeg 4° × 6° quadrangle,
integrating the Quaternary geology across the International Boundary
between North Dakota and Minnesota (in the United States), and Manitoba
and Saskatchewan (in Canada), and (2) to compile descriptive information
related to the deposits and materials. Based on that integration of
data, a secondary objective was to reconstruct the stratigraphic and
chronologic frameworks of the surface and subsurface glacial deposits and
to reconstruct the glacial history in the region. The data set is a
compilation and a synthesis of available data from the region.
Because of the generalization required to produce
a map at 1:1 million scale, the map is intended for regional analysis,
rather than for detailed analysis in specific areas.
The map data were compiled from many sources, including maps at scales as
large as 1:24,000. Sources of information are listed in a 16-page
pamphlet that accompanies the printed edition of the map. The pamphlet is
also available online as a PDF file that accompanies the browse graphic
for the map.
Most of the original map data were compiled at 1:250,000 scale by the
compilers. Those data were provided to the editor/integrator by the
compilers, at either 1:250,000 scale, 1:500,000 scale, or 1:1,000,000
scale. Data provided at smaller scales were photographically reduced to
1:1,000,000 scale by the editor/integrator.
The source data were greatly simplified or generalized for the purposes of
this compilation. Consequently, this map, at 1:1,000,000 scale, is
intended to be used for regional analysis, rather than for detailed
analysis of specific areas in the region.
The digital file was prepared at 1:1,000,000 nominal viewing scale. If
the map is enlarged to larger scales (for example, 1:250,000, 1:100,000,
or 1:24,000 scale), resolution of the map data is greatly diminished.
Enlargement will not restore resolution that was lost by simplification or
generalization of data.
Beginning_Date: 1976
Ending_Date: 1996
The Quaternary geology of the Winnipeg quadrangle was
compiled 1976-85, 1987, and 1990-96.
Progress: Complete
Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: None planned
West_Bounding_Coordinate: -102.0
East_Bounding_Coordinate: -96.0
North_Bounding_Coordinate: 52.0
South_Bounding_Coordinate: 48.0
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: USGS Thesaurus
Theme_Keyword: geology
Theme_Keyword: geologic maps
Theme_Keyword: surficial geologic units
Theme_Keyword: unconsolidated deposits
Theme_Keyword: geospatial datasets
Theme_Keyword: Quaternary
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: ISO 19115 Topic Categories
Theme_Keyword: geoscientificInformation
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: National Geologic Map Database Catalog themes, augmented
Theme_Keyword: 3100 - Vector
Theme_Keyword: 3110 - ESRI
Theme_Keyword: 3112 - export
Theme_Keyword: 1100 - Geology
Theme_Keyword: 1101 - General
American Geological Institute (AGI)
Glossary of Geology
Theme_Keyword: Alluvial fan deposit
Theme_Keyword: Alluvium
Theme_Keyword: Catastrophic flood
Theme_Keyword: Colluvium
Theme_Keyword: Corrugated moraine
Theme_Keyword: Debris-flow deposit
Theme_Keyword: Delta deposit
Theme_Keyword: Density-current underflow-fan deposit
Theme_Keyword: Dune
Theme_Keyword: Earthflow deposit
Theme_Keyword: End moraine
Theme_Keyword: Eolian deposit
Theme_Keyword: Esker
Theme_Keyword: Flood deposit
Theme_Keyword: Geologic history
Theme_Keyword: Geologic map
Theme_Keyword: Geology
Theme_Keyword: Glacial deposit
Theme_Keyword: GLacial history
Theme_Keyword: Glacial lake
Theme_Keyword: Glacial limit
Theme_Keyword: Glacial lobe
Theme_Keyword: Glacial sublobe
Theme_Keyword: Glaciation
Theme_Keyword: Glaciofluvial deposit
Theme_Keyword: Glaciotectonic deposit
Theme_Keyword: Glaciotectonic terrain
Theme_Keyword: Ground moraine
Theme_Keyword: Ice-contact deposit
Theme_Keyword: Interlobate moraine
Theme_Keyword: Kame
Theme_Keyword: Kame moraine
Theme_Keyword: Lacustrine deposit
Theme_Keyword: Limit of glaciation
Theme_Keyword: Minor moraine
Theme_Keyword: Muck
Theme_Keyword: Mudflow deposit
Theme_Keyword: Outwash deposit
Theme_Keyword: Paleosol
Theme_Keyword: Peat
Theme_Keyword: Quaternary stratigraphy
Theme_Keyword: Remanent geomagnetic polarity
Theme_Keyword: Sheetwash alluvium
Theme_Keyword: Slump-block deposit
Theme_Keyword: Stagnation moraine
Theme_Keyword: Surficial geology
Theme_Keyword: Swamp deposit
Theme_Keyword: Tephra
Theme_Keyword: Till
Theme_Keyword: Washboard moraine
Theme_Keyword: Weathered zone
U.S. Board on Geographic Names (BGN) Geographic Names Information System
(GNIS) and Gazateer of Canada (Natural Resources Canada)
Place_Keyword: Canada
Place_Keyword: Duck Mountain
Place_Keyword: Lake Manitoba
Place_Keyword: Lake Winnipeg
Place_Keyword: Manitoba
Place_Keyword: Minnesota
Place_Keyword: North Dakota
Place_Keyword: Riding Mountain
Place_Keyword: Saskatchewan
Place_Keyword: Turtle Mountain
Place_Keyword: United States
American Geological Institute (AGI) Glossary
of Geology
Temporal_Keyword: Calibrated (CAL) age
Temporal_Keyword: Early Wisconsin
Temporal_Keyword: Holocene
Temporal_Keyword: Illinoian
Temporal_Keyword: Late Wisconsin
Temporal_Keyword: Middle Wisconsin
Temporal_Keyword: Pleistocene
Temporal_Keyword: Pliocene
Temporal_Keyword: Pre-Illinoian
Temporal_Keyword: Pre-Wisconsin
Temporal_Keyword: Quaternary
Temporal_Keyword: Radiocarbon age
Temporal_Keyword: Sangamon
Temporal_Keyword: Tertiary
Temporal_Keyword: Wisconsin
Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: Augmented FIPS 10-4 and FIPS 6-4
Place_Keyword: CA03 = Manitoba
Place_Keyword: CA11 = Saskatchewan
Place_Keyword: US27 = Minnesota
Place_Keyword: US38 = North Dakota
Access_Constraints: None
Acknowledgment of the Quaternary Geologic Atlas of the
United States and (or) the U.S. Geological Survey in products
derived from these data will be appreciated.
Contact_Person: David S. Fullerton
Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Address_Type: Mailing
Address: Box 25046, Mail Stop 913, Denver Federal Center
City: Denver
State_or_Province: Colorado
Postal_Code: 80225
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: (303) 236-1232
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: (303) 236-0214
Complete map layout, including supplemental illustrations, correlation
diagram, full description of map units and symbols, and location and
description of 43 stratigraphic sections. An accompanying
pamphlet contains references cited.
Browse_Graphic_File_Type: PDF
The Quaternary geology of the Winnipeg quadrangle was compiled by David S.
Fullerton, U.S. Geological Survey, Susan M. Ringrose, Manitoba Department of
Energy and Mines, Lee Clayton, North Dakota Geological Survey, Bryan T.
Schreiner, Saskatchewan Research Council, and Joseph E. Goebel, Minnesota
Geological Survey; the state and province compilations were edited and
integrated by David S. Fullerton; the draft compilation was converted to
digital form by Techni Graphic Systems, Inc., of Fort Collins, CO, under
contract with the U.S. Geological Survey, and by Nancy Shock, U.S.
Geological Survey. The map was edited and the digitized product proofread
by Diane E. Lane, U.S. Geological Survey.
Native_Data_Set_Environment: ARC/INFO v. 7.2.1, Solaris 2.6.