Digital Mapping Techniques 2003 -- Workshop Proceedings
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-471
Peter N. Schweitzer (U.S. Geological Survey, Reston VA 20192)
Since 1995, Federal and state agencies have put a lot of work into the National Spatial Data Clearinghouse. While that work has been fruitful, we've learned some useful things by looking closely at the character and usage of the clearinghouse and of the metadata it contains. The distributed search system designed for the national clearinghouse, though functional, receives scant attention from the public it ostensibly serves. Are its contents irrelevant? By no means! Usage statistics from a well-monitored site reveal a public with an overwhelming preference for standard web search tools and a willingness to use local site navigation to find information. These observations support a new view of data catalog presentation that relies less on centralized search infrastructure, building instead on the consistency inherent in metadata, increased use of controlled index terms, greater innovation in presenting information, and monitoring of actual use.
Geological surveys and other scientific organizations increasingly recognize the value of spatial data and the importance of well documented digital data for users both within and outside their walls. Efforts to communicate spatial data and metadata that cross organizational boundaries thus represent a common interest and a potential avenue for increasing the efficiency and improving the usefulness of the results of their research and monitoring. Once these efforts pass beyond the planning and promotional stages of development to operation, however, it becomes possible and important to evaluate their effectiveness in practice.
This report is intended to assess the effectiveness of the National Geospatial Data Clearinghouse search system from the point of view of an organization that distributes scientific data and metadata of broad appeal to the public.
With Executive Order 12906 signed by President Clinton in 1994 the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) became a significant goal for Federal agencies and their funded cooperators, to which other organizations were encouraged to contribute. Briefly, the NSDI required data produced by Federal agencies to be documented using the metadata standard developed by the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC), an interagency group charged with coordinating spatial data activities of and cooperation among Federal agencies. The metadata produced by the agencies was to be stored in a clearinghouse whose design was not finely specified in the order, and agencies were required to consult the clearinghouse before spending money to gather or purchase spatial data. The executive order also described the creation of the national geospatial data framework and stressed partnerships and standards development as well, but this discussion focuses on the spatial data clearinghouse.
Charged with the development of a clearinghouse that agencies would consult, yet not given the mandate to centralize spatial data delivery, the FGDC developed an architecture for the clearinghouse in which the metadata from different organizations would be stored and maintained in computer systems distributed widely across the country. Using internet protocols well established in the library computing community, the FGDC would devise search interfaces that would communicate requests from users to these widely-dispersed servers and, upon receiving results from them, pass the search results to the person who requested the information. This architecture is illustrated diagrammatically in figure 1.
Figure 1: Diagram showing architecture of clearinghouse: user wishing to search multiple metadata sources enters a dialog with the gateway machine, which communicates search requests to each of the metadata servers
This figure available as
The factors that motivated FGDC to choose this clearinghouse architecture are important for the present discussion:
Supporting the clearinghouse are a wide variety of people doing several rather different activities. Writing metadata is perhaps the best-known of these, since it often faces scientific and technical experts with the unfamiliar and sometimes daunting structure of standard metadata. An organization with more than a few data producers will find it needs to dedicate attention to the task of gathering metadata, arranging them in a collection and imposing consistency in the expression of common terms such as publication series, keywords, disclaimer statements, format descriptions, and network addresses. The same people typically configure and run one or more clearinghouse servers, computers that understand the Z39.50 internet protocol used for searching distributed collections, and they often administer web servers distributing the same information using hypertext transfer protocol. Farther along the chain are those who design, set up, and run gateway systems, which provide the search interface people can use to query the clearinghouse.
This report focuses on the concerns of the metadata collection manager and clearinghouse node administrator. In this role the chief concern is that the information to be provided to the public can be found, obtained, and used appropriately. Within USGS I carry out this function for geologic data. I begin this discussion with the frank admission that I find the search interface that FGDC has developed to be cumbersome and confusing, enough that I believe if alternative interfaces provided to users they will be employed in preference to the clearinghouse interface.
For a person maintaining information to be made available to the public, the most important performance measure can only be to what extent that information is obtained by the public and, with care, the context within which the information is provided.
The USGS Geoscience Data Catalog is a collection of metadata records describing a wide variety of research results produced in the course of geological research conducted by USGS. These records are generally highly detailed and of excellent quality and consistency. At this writing the collection contains 1589 records but during the period in which statistics were gathered for this report the collection contained 1117 records.
The records in this collection are accessible both using the Z39.50 protocol of the NSDI clearinghouse and using the typical hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) used by most web sites. By examining the distribution of metadata records using these two protocols, we can learn how effectively they are distributing information to the public. An examination of this sort proceeds by analyzing in detail the log entries produced by the web server and Z39.50 server software.
Specialized programs were written for these analyses because general log analysis programs confound several unimportant influences in their results. For example, many requests for documents on the web are the result of automated "robots" also called "spiders" run by general search engines; the spiders read pages and the search engines create indexes of the contents of those pages to assess their relevance to queries that users type. Similarly, many web sites log requests for files that are not complete documents but are ancillary information such as images. Likewise web servers write log entries for requests even when the user already has a current copy of the information requested or when the information is known to be on a different server.
The web log analysis program written for this study examines all entries in the HTTP server log and counts only those requests that
Metadata records on this server are available in several different formats: parseable (indented) text, outline-style HTML, FAQ-style HTML, SGML, and Directory Interchange Format. The output of this program is the number of metadata records of each available format requested by real users outside USGS during the previous day. As ancillary information, the program also creates a file containing only the HTTP user-agent identifiers for these downloads, and another file containing the HTTP referrer, which is, for each download, the address of the web page containing the link the user clicked in order to download the metadata record.
The summary of web downloads is updated daily and is available at
The Z39.50 server software used at this site is Isite, which was developed by the Center for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval at the University of North Carolina and is maintained by the FGDC for use with the NSDI clearinghouse. As distributed, the server software produces logs that are not sufficiently detailed to answer the question posed here; it records the search and present requests and the number of bytes transferred in the present request, but it does not record the type of record requested. Several record types can be requested: full, brief, and summary. Of these, only full records are significant. The brief and summary records provide only the document titles and are used by the gateway to compose a list of relevant documents which the user may request. To carry out this study, I modified the source code of Isite, recompiled it, and use the modified version to obtain more complete logs in XML format. These modifications have been passed on to the maintainer of the server software, Archie Warnock, who has incorporated them into the current release.
The modifications to Isite to improve logging are described at
The modified Z39.50 server log is analyzed using a script written in PHP ( The script creates an HTML document containing several tables:
In order to keep the log to a manageable size and the analysis to a manageable time, the log file is changed each month so that the current log contains only activity from the current month; logs from previous months are stored separately.
To evaluate the relative effectiveness of the Z39.50 and HTTP mechanisms, we compare the number of full records downloaded through the Z39.50 server with the number of metadata records downloaded by real users through the HTTP server.
During the 142 day period from 7 January through 28 May 2003, 102,945 records were downloaded by real users through the HTTP server. In the same time period, 1,180 full records were downloaded through the Z39.50 server. Overall, 87 times more records were downloaded through HTTP than through Z39.50. (These were the statistics reported at the DMT meeting.) From 7 January through the end of August, 2003, there were 142,179 downloads by real users through the HTTP server and 1,589 downloads through the Z39.50 server, giving a ratio of 89:1 in favor of HTTP.
The HTTP referer statistics for real users provide additional important information: The most frequent referer by a wide margin is the commercial search service "Google", but the second most frequent referer is a browse interface that is local to this data server: browse interface allows people to locate metadata records by choosing from a limited set of commonly-known place names that are arranged hierarchically (continents, countries, states or provinces, and counties). This interface could be built only by ensuring that the metadata records used a rigidly consistent set of place keywords. (Note that the FGDC metadata standard allows a record to be categorized using terms from many different controlled vocabulary as well as using non-controlled terms; the recommendation that consistent place keywords be used does not prevent other vocabularies--even other geographic terms--to be used as well, but the vocabulary that is used should be identified in the Place_Keyword_Thesaurus field.)
In the development of the clearinghouse architecture, much attention was paid to the need for users to carry out a single search on numerous distributed servers, and to restrict the search to specific fields of interest. These are reasonable concerns that general web- search engines cannot be expected to address. Notwithstanding these concerns, however, real people have chosen to use the web in preference to the clearinghouse by a wide margin. This finding implies that clearinghouse administrators who wish to maximize the distribution of their information to real users will
From this analysis it is reasonable to ask whether continuation of Z39.50 service is cost-effective. The answer depends on several factors, the most important of which will vary from site to site, that is, the cost of administering the Z39.50 server software. In my experience this is not difficult, so I would not recommend that people who are already running the software discontinue it. But from the perspective of maximizing effectiveness, it is clear that the Z39.50 service is not contributing significantly to meeting the needs of the user community.
It should be noted that the large number of metadata records downloaded through the web indicates that this information is desired by users. If the experiment were simply looking at the number of downloads by Z39.50 on a single server, one might infer from a low number of downloads that people simply don't want this type of information. But since the same information is here available by a different method, that conclusion cannot be sustained. People want these metadata records, and they get them through typical web interactions, not through the clearinghouse.
The Z39.50 server is receiving a large number of search requests, yet is receiving few requests for full records. An examination of the search terms gives us some insight into this problem. Many searches appear to be requests for general topics, such as books and music both classical and popular. Indeed the most commonly searched field is the ISBN, or international standard book number; none of our data sets have this identifier. Many of these requests originate in university libraries, judging from the hostnames from which the searches originate. I believe that commercial software commonly sold to libraries is configured to query all available Z39.50 servers with all searches. It is therefore important not to regard the number or frequency of search requests as a measure of the effectiveness of the clearinghouse.
Clearinghouse search works but people don't use it. Web search wasn't expected to work but apparently does. While it's tempting to blame the unpopularity of the clearinghouse interface on lack of publicity or the complexity of the search form, the explanation may be simply that people prefer the familiar to the unfamiliar, and that they will use such a system if it works well enough, even though a more complex, less familiar system would be arguably more comprehensive.