Reviewing and editing geospatial metadata A presentation to the Association of Earth Science Editors by Peter N. Schweitzer (U.S. Geological Survey, Reston VA) in Shepherdstown, WV on 7 September 2005 Overview of the concepts of metadata: what's it for Overall motivation Why publish anything? So other people can use the information to see what we have done so they can judge our interpretations and conclusions so they will value us and our organizations to get their work done The more detailed the information we make available, the more confidence people have in their use of it, and consequently in us. Relationship of metadata to data: semantics and structure of files Metadata is structured documentation. FGDC metadata is specifically intended for documenting geospatial data. You can use it for documenting almost anything, if you want. But to help people understand the data, show them maps and provide usable legends as data. Resource: Metadata in Plain Language FGDC metadata is not a complete explanation of the knowledge represented in the data; it is a summary whose degree of detail is a compromise between what we think we know and what we think the user knows already. There is no way to prescribe the proper level of detail that should be given in a metadata record. FGDC metadata does not normally include a table of contents or list of files that come with the publication. You can include it in the metadata as an extension but it's also important to provide a text file containing this information. Overview of software tools that may be helpful for review Reviewing data and metadata Structure and format of information Content (readability, consistency, accuracy, precision) Tools GIS and other scientific software mp, tkme, dbfmeta specialized programs and scripts (mq) Resource: Formal metadata: information and software Consistency and common problems, conceptual and detailed Too little information Missing pieces Perfunctory answers Too much information Putting things in the wrong places Difficult elements Attribute_Accuracy_Report Completeness_Report Logical_Consistency_Report Supplemental_Information See-sickness Resource: Top ten metadata mistakes What's worth arguing about and what isn't Do insist on Readability Answering the key questions Understanding what you want to enable people to do Understanding what you expect people to know already not because you want to state prerequisite knowledge, but because your expectations will color your opinions during review. Reasonable packaging Economy of scale If there's a simple change that will help lots of users, don't make everybody do it. Don't fret about metadata elements that should have reasonable defaults Attribute_Definition_Source Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source aren't done by the community with any consistency Latitude_Resolution Longitude_Resolution Abscissa_Resolution Ordinate_Resolution aren't the responsibility of the authors URL for the data and web site: web people disclaimers, liability for use: policy people formal keywords: librarians or collection managers Resource: How to review metadata A word about technical support No amount of review will catch all errors. People will do things with the data that nobody can anticipate. When they do, they will find problems, some of which can or should be fixed. Do it. Don't argue for a hopeless principle (for example, the sanctity of the approval of the publication) over usability of the data. Yes, your organization will act as though technical support is not its job. Argue against them, and then do it anyway. The result is that you will become known as someone who is useful, and this will reflect well on your role within the organization. (end)