mkgeol.e00 (UTM zone 5), uggeol.e00 (UTM zone 4), cggeol.e00 (UTM zone 4), pmgeol.e00 (UTM zone 4), cbgeol.e00 (UTM zone 3), krc45.e00 (UTM zone 4)In Albers Equal-area projection:
mkfld-alb.e00, ugfld-alb.e00, cgfld-alb.e00, pmfld-alb.e00, cbfld-alb.e00In geographic coordinates:
mkgeolg.e00, mkfldg.e00, uggeolg.e00, ugfldg.e00, cggeolg.e00, cgfldg.e00, pmgeolg.e00, pmfldg.e00, cbgeolg.e00, cbfldg.e00,Graphics files--
akpen.eps (entire map sheet), akpencor.eps, (correlation chart), penindex.eps (index map), inseta.eps (Karluk inset map), akpen.pdf (map), aptext.pdf (text), akpen.gra (A/I graphics file of complete map), akpencor.gra (A/I graphics file of correlation chart), penindex.gra (A/I graphics file of index map), inseta.gra (A/I graphics file of Karluk inset map), akpen.jet (HPGL file of entire map sheet)ARC related files--
mapcred.pen, basecred.pen, penin1d.key, penin2d.key, penin3d.key, geoline.key, utm3-alb.prj, utm4-alb.prj, utm5-alb.prjLookup tables and symbolsets:
fnt020, fnt025, fnt036, fnt040, geoline.lut.e00, geology.lin.e00, geology.mrk.e00, geology.shd.e00, geology4.lut.e00, geology5.lut.e00, geology6.lut.e00Other files--
akpencst.e00 (annotation and shoreline in Albers proj.), akpencstg.e00 (anno. and shoreline in geographic coord.), AKPENRDME.TXT (readme text file), APMAP.DOC (MS Word97/98 version of text to accompany map),
Online Links:
Value | Definition |
0 | arc used to subdivide very large polygons |
1 | Stratigraphic or intrusive contact, location certain |
2 | Stratigraphic or intrusive contact, location approximate or inferred |
3 | Stratigraphic or intrusive contact, location inferred |
4 | Normal fault, location certain |
5 | Normal fault, location approximate |
6 | Normal fault, location inferred |
7 | Shoreline or riverbank |
9 | Boundary of altered zone or hornfels |
10 | Thrust fault, location certain; teeth on right from origin |
11 | Thrust fault, location approximate; teeth on right from origin |
12 | Thrust fault, location inferred; teeth on right from origin |
14 | Caldera or crater rim |
15 | Ice contact |
18 | Internal contact |
21 | Syncline, location certain; digitized in direction of plunge |
22 | Syncline, location approximate; digitized in direction of plunge |
23 | Syncline, location inferred; digitized in direction of plunge |
24 | Anticline, location certain; digitized in direction of plunge |
25 | Anticline, location approximate, digitized in direction of plunge |
26 | Anticline, location inferred; digitized in direction of plunge |
41 | Syncline, overturned, location certain; digitized in direction of plunge |
42 | Syncline, overturned, location approximate; digitized in direction of plunge |
43 | Syncline, overturned, location inferred; digitized in direction of plunge |
44 | Anticline, overturned, location certain; digitized in direction of plunge |
45 | Anticline, overturned, location approximate; digitized in direction of plunge |
46 | Anticline, overturned, location inferred; digitized in direction of plunge |
50 | Dikes and sills |
51 | Concealed contact |
52 | Concealed fault |
53 | Concealed thrust fault |
61 | Syncline, location certain, no plunge |
62 | Syncline, location approximate, no plunge |
63 | Syncline, location inferred, no plunge |
64 | Anticline, location certain, no plunge |
65 | Anticline, location approximate, no plunge |
66 | Anticline, location inferred, no plunge |
71 | Normal fault, location certain, having right lateral oblique slip |
72 | Normal fault, location approximate, having right lateral oblique slip |
73 | Normal fault, location certain, having left lateral oblique slip |
74 | Normal fault, location approximate, having left lateral oblique slip |
75 | Normal fault, location inferred, having left lateral oblique slip |
77 | Fault, location certain, sense of displacement unknown |
78 | Fault, location inferred, sense of displacement unknown |
79 | Fault, location approximate, sense of displacement unknown |
87 | Right lateral fault, location certain |
88 | Right lateral fault, location approximate |
89 | Right lateral fault, location inferred |
90 | Left lateral fault, location certain |
91 | Left lateral fault, location approximate |
92 | Left lateral fault, location inferred |
93 | Lineament |
99 | Bounding line of coverage |
Value | Definition |
99 | bu - Unknown bedrock |
100 | Qa - Alluvial deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
101 | g - Glaciers |
102 | Water |
105 | Qa - Alluvial deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
106 | Qaf - Alluvial fan and landslide deposits (Holocene and
107 | Qaf - Alluvial fan and landslide deposits (Holocene and
108 | Qa - Alluvial deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
110 | Qa - Alluvial deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
111 | Qa - Alluvial deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
112 | Qa - Alluvial deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
113 | Qa - Alluvial deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
115 | Qb - Marine beach and estuarine deposits (Holocene and
116 | Qb - Marine beach and estuarine deposits (Holocene and
117 | Qmt - Marine terrace deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
120 | Qa - Alluvial deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
125 | Qm - Moraines and other glacial deposits (Holocene and
126 | Qm - Moraines and other glacial deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
127 | Qa - Alluvial deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
130 | Qm - Moraines and other glacial deposits (Holocene and
131 | Qa - Alluvial deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
135 | Qm - Moraines and other glacial deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
136 | Qm - Moraines and other glacial deposits (Holocene and
137 | Qm - Moraines and other glacial deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
138 | Qm - Moraines and other glacial deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
139 | Qm - Moraines and other glacial deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
140 | Qa - Alluvial deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
142 | Qm - Moraines and other glacial deposits (Holocene and
143 | Qa - Alluvial deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
145 | Qm - Moraines and other glacial deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
146 | Qa - Alluvial deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
150 | Qv - Volcanic rocks (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
151 | Qv - Volcanic rocks (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
152 | Qv - Volcanic rocks (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
153 | Qv - Volcanic rocks (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
154 | Qpd - Pyroclastic and debris-flow deposits (Holocene and
late Pleistocene?)
155 | Qv - Volcanic rocks (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
160 | Qpd - Pyroclastic and debris-flow deposits (Holocene and late Pleistocene?) |
161 | Qpd - Pyroclastic and debris-flow deposits (Holocene and
late Pleistocene?)
162 | Qpd - Pyroclastic and debris-flow deposits (Holocene and late Pleistocene?) |
164 | Qpd - Pyroclastic and debris-flow deposits (Holocene and late Pleistocene?) |
165 | Qpd - Pyroclastic and debris-flow deposits (Holocene and late Pleistocene?) |
170 | Qv - Volcanic rocks (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
171 | Qi - Intrusive rocks (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
172 | Qpd - Pyroclastic and debris-flow deposits (Holocene and
late Pleistocene?)
180 | Qi - Intrusive rocks (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
181 | Qi - Intrusive rocks (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
182 | Qi - Intrusive rocks (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
190 | QTv - Volcanic rocks (Quaternary and Pliocene?) |
191 | QTm - Morzhovoi Volcanics (early Quaternary?, Pliocene, and late Miocene?) |
192 | QTp - Pyroclastic deposits (Pleistocene? and Pliocene) |
193 | QTv - Volcanic rocks (Quaternary and Pliocene?) |
210 | Tmr - Milky River Formation (Pliocene) |
211 | Tmr - Milky River Formation (Pliocene) |
221 | Tta - Tachilni Formation (late Miocene) |
222 | Tbl - Bear Lake Formation (late and middle Miocene) |
230 | Tu - Unga Formation (middle Miocene to late Oligocene) |
231 | Th - Hemlock Conglomerate (late Oligocene) |
232 | Tbe - Belkofski Formation (middle Miocene? to late Oligocene?) |
240 | Ts - Stepovak Formation (early Oligocene and late Eocene) |
250 | Tc - Copper Lake Formation (early Eocene and Paleocene?) |
260 | Tt - Tolstoi Formation (middle Eocene to late Paleocene) |
300 | Tvu - Volcanic rocks, undivided (Tertiary) |
301 | Tvu - Volcanic rocks, undivided (Tertiary) |
302 | Tvu - Volcanic rocks, undivided (Tertiary) |
303 | Tvu - Volcanic rocks, undivided (Tertiary) |
305 | Tvu - Volcanic rocks, undivided (Tertiary) |
310 | Tv - Volcanic rocks (late Miocene) |
311 | Tv - Volcanic rocks (late Miocene) |
331 | Tm - Meshik Volcanics (early Oligocene and late Eocene) |
332 | Tm - Meshik Volcanics (early Oligocene and late Eocene) |
333 | Tm - Meshik Volcanics (early Oligocene and late Eocene) |
334 | Tm - Meshik Volcanics (early Oligocene and late Eocene) |
335 | Tm - Meshik Volcanics (early Oligocene and late Eocene) |
350 | Tiu - Intrusive rocks, undivided (Tertiary) |
351 | Tiu - Intrusive rocks, undivided (Tertiary) |
352 | Tgd - Granodiorite (Oligocene) |
353 | Tqd - Quartz diorite (Oligocene) |
361 | Ti - Intrusive rocks (Pliocene and late Miocene) |
362 | Ti - Intrusive rocks (Pliocene and late Miocene) |
372 | Tiu - Intrusive rocks, undivided (Tertiary) |
391 | Tg - Granodiorite (Paleocene) |
411 | Kc - Chignik Formation (Late Cretaceous; Maestrichtian and Campanian) |
412 | Ks - Shumagin Formation (Late Cretaceous; Maestrichtian) |
413 | Kh - Hoodoo Formation (Late Cretaceous; Maestrichtian and Campanian) |
414 | Kc - Chignik Formation (Late Cretaceous; Maestrichtian and Campanian) |
415 | Kk - Kaguyak Formation (Late Cretaceous; Maestrichtian and Campanian) |
416 | Ksm - Shumagin Formation, Mudstone (Late Cretaceous; Maestrichtian) |
431 | Kp - Pedmar Formation (Early Cretaceous; Albian) |
441 | Khe - Herendeen Formation (Early Cretaceous; Barremian and Hauterivian) |
442 | Kst - Staniukovich Formation (Early Cretaceous; Valanginian and Berriasian) |
490 | KJcv - Chert and volcanic sequence (Early Cretaceous or Jurassic) |
505 | Jn? - Naknek Formation (Late Jurassic; Tithonian to Oxfordian) |
510 | Jn - Naknek Formation (Late Jurassic; Tithonian to Oxfordian) |
511 | Jnc - Naknek Formation Chisik Conglomerate Member (Oxfordian) |
512 | Jnn - Naknek Formation Northeast Creek Sandstone Member (Oxfordian) |
513 | Jns - Naknek Formation Snug Harbor Siltstone Member (Kimmeridgian and Oxfordian) |
514 | Jni - Naknek Formation Indecision Creek Sandstone Member (Tithonian and Kimmeridgian) |
515 | Jnk - Naknek Formation Katolinat Conglomerate Member (Tithonian) |
516 | Jn - Naknek Formation (Late Jurassic; Tithonian to Oxfordian) |
517 | Jn - Naknek Formation (Late Jurassic; Tithonian to Oxfordian) |
518 | Jn - Naknek Formation (Late Jurassic; Tithonian to Oxfordian) |
520 | Js - Shelikof Formation (Middle Jurassic; Callovian) |
521 | Js - Shelikof Formation (Middle Jurassic; Callovian) |
522 | Js - Shelikof Formation (Middle Jurassic; Callovian) |
523 | Js - Shelikof Formation (Middle Jurassic; Callovian) |
530 | Jk - Kialagvik Formation (Middle and Early Jurassic; Callovian to late Toarcian) |
540 | Jt - Talkeetna Formation (Early Jurassic) |
571 | JPk - Kakhonak(?) Complex (Late Jurassic? to Permian?) |
591 | Jgd - Granodiorite (Late? and Middle Jurassic) |
592 | Jgr - Granite (Late? and Middle Jurassic) |
593 | Jqd - Tonalite and quartz diorite (Late? and Middle Jurassic) |
594 | Jgb - Diorite and gabbro (Late? and Middle Jurassic) |
601 | Trk - Kamishak Formation (Late Triassic; Norian) |
625 | Trv - Volcanic rocks (Late Triassic) |
650 | Trc - Cottonwood Bay Greenstone (Late Triassic; Norian?) |
701 | Pls - Limestone (Permian; early Guadalupian) |
750 | Pv - Volcanic rocks (Permian?) |
800 | QTc - Contact-metamorphosed rocks (early Quaternary or late Tertiary) |
1000 - 1999 | Hydrothermally altered unit, rock unit = CLASS - 1,000 |
2000 - 2999 | Hornfelsed unit, rock unit = CLASS - 2,000 |
This compilation was done as part of the U.S. Geological Survey's Alaska Mineral Resource Assessment project (AMRAP), whose goal was to create and assemble geologic, geochemical, geophysical, and other data in order to perform mineral resource assessments on a quadrangle, regional, or statewide basis. The digital data here was created to assist in the compilation of a regional mineral resource assessment of the Alaska Peninsula.
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Although this data has been used by the USGS, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS as to the accuracy of the data and related materials. The act of distribution shall not constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the USGS in the use of these data, software, or related materials.
Data format: | ARCE (version 7.x) |
Network links: | |