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Value | Definition |
water | bodies of water |
Qaf | Artificial fill (Holocene) |
Qaf/tf | Artificial fill over tidal flat (Holocene) |
Qafs | Artificial fill, Native American shellmound (Holocene) |
Ql | Landslide deposits (Holocene) |
Qal | Alluvium (Holocene) |
Qb | Beach deposits (Holocene) |
Qm | Bay mud (Holocene) |
Qd | Dune sand (Holocene) |
Qt | Marine terrace deposits (Pleistocene) |
Qsr | Slope debris and ravine fill (Pleistocene) |
Qc | Colma Formation (Pleistocene) |
Qu | Sedimentary deposits, undifferentiated (Pleistocene) |
fr | Fault rocks (Holocene to Pleistocene) |
QTm | Merced Formation (Pleistocene and Pliocene) |
KJs | Sandstone and shale: Franciscan complex (Cretaceous and Jurassic) |
KJsk | Sandstone and shale: Franciscan Complex (Cretaceous nad Jurassic) |
KJc | Chert: Franciscan Complex (Cretaceous and Jurassic) |
KJg | Greenstone: Fransciscan Complex (Cretaceous and Jurassic) |
KJm | Metamorphic rocks: Franciscan Complex (Cretaceous and Jurassic) |
sp | Serpentine: Franciscan Complex (Cretaceous nad Jurassic) |
KJu | Sheared rocks: Franciscan Complex (Cretaceous and Jurassic) |
Value | Definition |
'1800s shoreline', certain | Observed shoreline of the 1800s |
'1800s stream channel', certain | Observed stream channel from the 1800s |
contact, approx. located | Geologic contact whose position is not precisely known |
contact, certain | Observed geologic contact |
contact, concealed | Geologic contact that is concealed and position inferred |
contact, gradational or inferred | Geologic contact whose position is either gradational or inferred |
fault, certain | Observed fault |
fault, concealed | Fault that is concealed and its position inferred |
fault, concealed, queried | Fault that is concealed and its position questionable |
fault, inferred | Fault whose position is inferred |
map boundary, certain | extent of mapped area |
topographic escarpment | Location of topographic escarpment |
water boundary, certain | Boundary of a body of water |
Value | Definition |
f.a., anticline, approx. located | Anticlinal fold-axis whose position is not precisely known |
f.a., anticline, certain | Observed anticlinal fold-axis |
f.a., monocline, approx. located | Monoclinal fold-axis whose position is not precisely known |
fault, approx. located | Fault whose position is not precisely known |
f.a., syncline, approx. located | Synclinal fold-axis whose position is not precisely known |
Value | Definition |
bedding | bedding orientation |
approx bedding | approximate bedding orientation |
flat bedding | flat bedding orientation |
vertical bedding | vertical bedding orientation |
joint | joint orientation |
foliation | foliation orientation |
foreset beds | foreset beds orientation |
fault attitude | Fault attitude |
shear planes | shear planes orientation |
_l_lineation_i_ | Lineation orientation |
vertical joint | vertical joint orientation |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 0 |
Maximum: | 90 |
Units: | degrees |
Resolution: | 1 |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 0 |
Maximum: | 359 |
Units: | degrees |
Resolution: | 1 |
Carl M. Wentworth, Todd T. Fitzgibbon, and Geoffrey A. Phelps graciously provided assistance with Alacarte and ARC/INFO. The scanning of the whole 1:24,000 quad and initial editing of the quarters of the map after it was divided was done by the following individuals: Heather Schoonover (northwest), Marjorie Lucks (southeast), Scott Graham (southwest), and Carl Wentworth (northeast). Marjorie Lucks compiled the sub-quadrangles, skillfully made many changes requested by the author, and did much of the final editing of the whole map along with Thomas May.
To provide it provides basic information on the stratigraphy and structure of the area of the San Francisco South 7.5' quadrangle and the western part of the Hunters Point 7.5 quadrangle to the public.
Are there legal restrictions on access or use of the data?Access_Constraints: none
Use_Constraints: none
This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards or with the North American Stratigraphic Code. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
This database, identified as "Preliminary Geologic Map of the San Francisco South 7.5 Quadrangle and Part of the Hunters Point 7.5 Quadrangle, San Francisco Bay Area, California: A digital database," has been approved for release and publication by the Director of the USGS. Although this database has been subjected to rigorous review and is substantially complete, the USGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. Furthermore, it is released on condition that neither the USGS nor the United States Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use.
Data format: | Depositional contacts, faults, lineations, fault dips, and unit labels, strike and dip information and fold axes, and cartographic base maps in format ARCE (version 7.x) Size: 6.2 |
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