density = 400 400 x (in) = y (in) = output file x pixel limits = output file y pixel limits = speed = 100 % turbo-optimize = 0 scan line orientation = 4 deskew angle = 0.000 output file size = scan time = Invert: OFF Mirror: OFF basic thresholding speckle size = 0 x 0 pixels hole filling size = 0 x 0 pixels distortion correction: OFF Scan Type: Lineart Format : Image Systems RLC The scanned lines were vectorized with the CADCORE program. Additional lines and point observations were added using a digitizer tablet with resolution of 0.001 inch. Most positions on the map are estimated to be accurate closer than 30 m horizontally. There is no elevation data in the database.
Lines were primarily positioned by interpretation of published preexisting geological mapping, thesis maps, and unpublished geological mapping. Lines were scanned from the basemap using a scanner with the following parameters: density = 400 400 x (in) = y (in) = output file x pixel limits = output file y pixel limits = speed = 100 % turbo-optimize = 0 scan line orientation = 4 deskew angle = 0.000 output file size = scan time = Invert: OFF Mirror: OFF basic thresholding speckle size = 0 x 0 pixels hole filling size = 0 x 0 pixels distortion correction: OFF Scan Type: Lineart Format : Image Systems RLC The scanned lines were vectorized with the CADCORE program. Additional lines and point observations were added using a digitizer tablet with resolution of 0.001 inch. Most positions on the map are estimated to be accurate closer than 30 m horizontally. There is no elevation data in the database.
Available with all of this is ennis100.doc, A Word for Windows format text file which contains a complete Description of Map Units. DATA STRUCTURE - GRAPHICS A postscript file ennis.eps created from an ARC/INFO graphics file. This file was then converted to a printable RTL file using Image Alchemy (v 1.11). DATA STRUCTURE - SDTS Not available DATA STRUCTURE - ARC/INFO ARC/INFO coverages are available as export files with the root of individual coverages described below and the extension .e00 The database of the map consists of six coverages (ennis_poly; ennis_line; ennis_text; ennis_dec; ennis_sym; and ennis_dip) and a basemap coverage, ennis_base. There are also nine additional coverages (ennis_corr; struct_poly; struct_line; struct_dec; struct_anno1; struct_anno2; struct_expln; source_line; source_anno), eleven shade-key and text files (strshd1.key; strshd2.key; source1.key; source2.key; rockshd1.key; rockshd2.key; rockshd3.key; rockline1.key; rockline2.key; acknowledge.key; projection.key) that are used in plotting the marginalia of the map (i.e. a correlation of map units diagram, list of map unit symbols and names, a structure map and explanation of symbols, a source map, a list of references, projection information, and a list of acknowledgements. ennis_poly coverage: Contains all contact lines and labelpoints for each polygon. The character item LINE_TYPE and the integer item LINE_CODE define the line type which bounds the polygon. The LINE_SYM item defines the symbol from the alcwrg.lin lineset used to draw the lines. The UNIT_SYM defines the type of polygon using the format of wyo.txt for geologic symbols; Proterozoic(!); Cambrian(_); Pennslyvianian(&); Triassic(@). SHADE_SYM defines the unique color for each polygon. ennis_line coverage: Contains faults, fold axis, and other non-contact lines. Faults that are contacts also appear in the ennispoly coverage. The line attributes in ennis_line are the same as those in ennis_poly. ennis_text coverage: Contains text poygon labels to appear on the face of the map. Also includes arcs that draw leaders from the text to the appropriate polygons. This coverage is for cartographic purposes and does not include data critical to the database information. The UNIT_SYM item defines the text to appear on the map using the wyo.txt format. ennis_dec coverage: Contains lines which decorate faults. This coverage is for cartographic purposes and does not include data critical to the database information. ennis_sym coverage: Contains lines which make up symbols which decorate the map. This coverage is for cartographic purposes and does not include data critical to the database information. ennis_dip coverage: Contains points associated with ennis_sym coverage. DIP item defines the dip that appears on the map. ennis_base coverage: Contains lines vectorized from a scanned image (Ennis, MT 1:100,000-scale topographic sheet). ennis_corr coverage: Contains polygons, arcs, and annotation (subclass DXF) for the correlation of map units. struct_poly coverage: Contains all contact lines and labelpoints for each polygon in the Structure Map. GEO_NAME item defines the type of polygon. SHADE_SYM defines the unique color for each polygon. struct_line coverage: Contains faults, fold axes and other non-contact lines on the Structure Map. Faults that are contacts also appear in the structpoly coverage. LINE_SYM items defines the significance of the line. struct_dec coverage: Contains lines which decorate faults on the Structure Map. This coverage is for cartographic purposes and does not include data critical to the database information. struct_anno1 coverage: Contains lines and annotation which describe the Structure Map. . This coverage is for cartographic purposes and does not include data critical to the database information. struct_anno2 coverage: Contains lines and annotation which describe the Structure Map. This coverage is for cartographic purposes and does not include data critical to the database information. struct_expln coverage: Contains lines and text points used to plot the explanation of map symbols for the structure map. This coverage is for cartographic purposes and does not include data critical to the database information. source_line coverage: Contains lines which appear on the Sources of Geologic Data Map. source_anno coverage: Contains text and leaders which appear on the Sources of Geologic Data Map. strshd1.key: ASCII text file used to create the boxes and descriptive text for the Explanation of the Structure Map. strshd2.key: ASCII text file used to create the text in the boxes for the Explanation of the Structure Map. source1.key: ASCII text file used to list the sources of geologic data. source2.key: ASCII text file used to list the sources of geologic data. rockshd1.key: ASCII text file used to create the shaded boxes, symbols, and descriptive text for the List of Map Units. rockshd2.key: ASCII text file used to create the shaded boxes, symbols, and descriptive text for the List of Map Units. rockshd3.key: ASCII text file used to create the shaded boxes, symbols, and descriptive text for the List of Map Units. rockline1.key: ASCII text file used to create the line symbol, and descriptive text for the List of Map Units. rockline2.key: ASCII text file used to create the line symbol, and descriptive text for the List of Map Units. acknowledge.key: ASCII text file used to list credits for work in map compilation. projection.key: ASCII text file used to list projection information for the main map. The importennis.aml file is included to constitute an ARC/INFO macro language program that will import the data into ARC/INFO coverages from the export (*.e00) format and organize the data into several subdirectories. The coverages containing data for the main geologic map will be stored into the /covers-map directory. The covers containing data for the Correlation of map Units will be stored in the /covers-corr directory. The covers containing the data for the the Source Map will be stored in the /covers-source directory. The covers containing the data for the Structure Map will be stored in the covers-struct directory. Images used in the plotting of the map will be moved to the /images directory. All ASCII key-files will be placed in the /keys directory. All documentation will be stored in the /Documents directory. The drawennis.aml file is included to constitute an ARC/INFO macro language program that will extract information from the ennis coverages to produce a graphics (.gra) file depicting the ennis geologic map. The graphics file can be viewed on screen or plotted with appropriate equipment. The aml program calls shadeset ctr269.shd; textset wyo.txt; linesets alcwrg.lin, plotter.lin, carto.lin, alcgeol.lin; and image cusgs_2_0.tif, so these are also included in the archive file. Other files can be substituted, but special geologic characters may not plot properly with a different font.
Database root name: ennis FEATURES IN THE DATABASE LINE_TYPE LINE_CODE LINE_SYM --------------------------------------------- solid contact 1 25 dashed contact 2 26 dotted contact 3 43 solid fault 4 1 dashed fault 5 3 dotted fault 6 44 solid normal fault 7 1 dashed normal fault 8 3 dotted normal fault 9 44 solid reverse fault 10 1 dashed reverse fault 11 3 dotted reverse fault 12 44 solid thrust fault 13 1 dashed thrust fault 14 3 dotted thrust fault 15 44 detachment fault 16 3 solid fold axis 20 25 dashed fold axis 21 26 dotted fold axis 22 43 dacite sill 30 1 diabase dike 40 1 gabbro sill 50 1 marble 60 1 water contact 90 25 7.5 min tic marks 98 25 map boundary 99 1 UNIT_SYM SHADE_SYM ----------------------- !Abg 109 !Abs 71 !Agg 107 !Aif 118 !Amd 88 !Ams 72 !Aph 69 !Ass 155 !di 99 &Mqa 246 Aag 127 Aam 155 Abh 97 Abm 132 Abs 159 Agd 201 Agg 65 Agn 102 Agp 85 Ags 114 Aif 99 Ama 84 Amb 88 Aq 172 Aqf 91 At 67 Aum 140 J@ed 125 J@u 234 Jm 235 Kb 50 Kc 124 Kd 77 Kev 120 Kf 144 Kgd 75 Kk 208 Kl 79 Kll 82 Klm 81 Klu 80 Kmo 145 Kmt 164 Ks 49 Ktc 122 Ku 242 MDtj 250 Mbs 247 Ml 252 Mm 248 Mmc 240 O_rm 257 PMu 244 Ps 245 QTbf 62 Qal 1 Qcl 2 Qd 16 Qf 4 Qfc 10 Qg 218 Qgc 3 Ql 11 Qr 7 Qs 11 Qt 9 Qti 37 TKf 30 TKg 45 Tai 22 Tam 21 Tas 20 Tc 25 Tg 48 Tht 18 Ti 34 Tl 14 Tls 64 Ts 12 Tv 24 Tvd 23 Tvr 6 Tvt 41 Tvv 24 _m 228 _mi 263 _rp 115 _u 262 _wf 266 water 216