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Value | Definition |
bedding | Bedding orientation |
flat bedding | Bedding whose dip is practically zero |
foliation | Foliation orientation |
horz foliation | Foliation whose dip is zero |
ot bedding | Overturned bedding |
vert bedding | Bedding whose dip is 90 |
vert foliation and bedding | Foliation and bedding whose dips are both 90 degrees |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 0 |
Maximum: | 90 |
Units: | degrees |
Resolution: | 1 |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 0 |
Maximum: | 359 |
Units: | degrees |
Resolution: | 1 |
Value | Definition |
caldera-struct-margin, approx loca | Structural caldera margin whose position is not precisely known |
caldera-struct-margin, certain | Observed structural caldera margin |
caldera-topo-well, approx. located | Topographic wall of caldera whose location is not precisely known |
caldera-topo-wall, certain | Observed topographic wall of caldera |
margin-uncertain, inferred, queried | Margin of caldera whose position is inferred and uncertain |
Value | Definition |
map boundary | Location of map boundary |
Value | Definition |
f.a., anticline, approx. located | Anticlinal fold axis whose position is not precisely known |
f.a., anticline, certain | Anticlinal fold axis whose position is certain |
f.a., minor plunging anticline, app | Minor plunging anticlinal fold axis whose position is not precisely known |
f.a., minor plunging overturned anticline | Minor plunging anticlinal fold axis whose position is certain |
f.a., minor plunging overturned anticline | Overturned minor plunging anticlinal fold axis |
f.a., minor plunging syncline, approx. located | Minor plunging synclinal fold axis whose positoin is not precisely known |
f.a., minor plunging syncline, certain | Minor plunging synclinal fold axis whose position is certain |
f.a., overturned anticline, approx. located | Overturned anticlinal fold axis whose position is not precisely known |
f.a., overturned syncline, approx. located | Overturned synclinal fold axis whose position is not precisely known |
f.a., plunging anticline, approx. located | Plunging anticlinal fold axis whose position is not precisely known |
f.a., overturned syncline, certain | Overturned synclinal fold axis whose position is certain |
f.a., plunging anticline, certain | Plunging anticlinal fold axis whose position is certain |
f.a., plunging overturned syncline, certain | Plunging overturned synclinal fold axis whose position is certain |
f.a., syncline, approx. located | Synclinal fold axis whose position is not precisely known |
Value | Definition |
QTa | Alluvial-fan, fluvial, and colluvial deposits, undivided |
Qe | Eolian sand and silt, undivided |
Qp | Playa deposits |
Qt | Travertine (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
QTp | Older playa, marsh, and spring deposits (Pleistocene? and Pliocene) |
Qby | Younger Quaternary basalt (Pleistocene) |
Qbo | Older Quaternary basalt (Pleistocene) |
Typ | Pliocene and youngest Miocene basalt (Pliocene) |
Tgf | Funeral Formation (Pliocene and Late Miocene?) |
Tgy | Younger sedimentary deposits (Pliocene and Miocene) |
Tgfc | Furnace Creek Formation (Late Miocene) |
Tgo | Gravel of Oasis Valley (Pliocene and Late Miocene) |
Tsp | Spearhead Member of Stonewall Flat Tuff (Miocene) |
Tyb | Thirsty Canyon and younger basalts (Miocene) |
Tgm | Late synvolcanic sedimentary rocks (Miocene) |
Tgc | Caldera moat-filling sedimentary deposits (Miocene) |
Tgyx | Younger landslide and sedimentary breccias (Miocene) |
Ttt | Trail Ridge Tuff - Thirsty Canyon Group (Miocene) |
Ttp | Pahute Mesa and Rocket Wash Tuffs - Thirsty Canyon Group (Miocene) |
Tfu | Upper Fortymile rhyolite lavas (Miocene) |
Tft | Post-Timber Mountain basaltic rocks (Miocene) |
Tfn | Trachyte of Donovan Mountain (Miocene) |
Tfs | Rhyolite of Shoshone Mountain (Miocene) |
Tfd | Lavas of Dome Mountain (Miocene) |
Tiy | Younger intrusive rocks (Miocene) |
Tfr | Rhyolite of Rainbow Mountain (Miocene) |
Tfb | Beatty Wash Formation (Miocene) |
Tfl | Tuff of Leadfield Road |
Tff | Rhyolite of Fleur-de-lis Ranch (Miocene) |
Tma | Ammonia Tanks Tuff - Timber Mountain Group (Miocene) |
Tmx | Timber Mountain landslide breccia - Timber Mountain Group (Miocene) |
Tmc | Rhyolite of Buried Canyon - Timber Mountain Group (Miocene) |
Tmt | Basalts in Timber Mountain Group - Timber Mountain Group (Miocene) |
Tmr | Rainier Mesa Tuff - Timber Mountain Group (Miocene) |
Tmrf | Rhyolite of Fluorspar Canyon - Timber Mountain Group (Miocene) |
Tmn | Transitional Timber Mountain rhyolites (Miocene) |
Tgnx | Transitional Timber Mountain breccia and sedimentary rocks (Miocene) |
Tpu | Post-Tiva Canyon rhyolites - Paintbrush Group (Miocene) |
Tpc | Tiva Canyon Tuff - Paintbrush Group (Miocene) |
Tpx | Paintbrush caldera-collapse breccias - Paintbrush Group (Miocene) |
Tpy | Yucca Mountain Tuff - Paintbrush Group (Miocene) |
Tpm | Middle Paintbrush Group rhyolites - Paintbrush Group (Miocene) |
Tpp | Pah Canyon Tuff - Paintbrush Group (Miocene) |
Tpt | Topopah Spring Tuff - Paintbrush Group (Miocene) |
Tac | Calico Hills Formation (Miocene) |
Tio | Older intrusive rocks (Miocene) |
Tw | Wahmonie Formation (Miocene) |
Tws | Salyer Member (Miocene) |
Tcp | Prow Pass Tuff (Miocene) |
Tcb | Bullfrog Tuff - Crater Flat Group (Miocene) |
Tcr | Rhyolites in the Crater Flat Group (Miocene) |
Tct | Tram Tuff (Miocene) |
Tgp | Rocks of Pavits Spring and older sedimentary deposits, undivided (Miocene) |
Tgox | Older landslide and sedimentary breccias (Miocene) |
Trl | Lithic Ridge Tuff (Miocene) |
Trd | Dikes of Tram Ridge (Miocene) |
Trr | Rhyolite of Picture Rock (Miocene) |
Tn | Tunnel Formation (Miocene) |
Tqs | Tuff of Sleeping Butte (Miocene) |
Ton | Older tunnel beds (Miocene) |
Toy | Tuff of Yucca Flat (Miocene) |
Tge | Prevolcanic sedimentary rocks (Oligocene-Early Miocene) |
Tgt | Titus Canyon Formation, lower part (Oligocene) |
TKd | Diorite dikes (Oligocene-Cretaceous?) |
Kg | Granitic rocks (Cretaceous) |
dPt | Tippipah Limestone (Early Permian and Pennsylvanian) |
dMcs | Chainman Shale and Scotty Wash Quartzite (Early Pennsylvanian and Mississippian) |
MDe | Eleana Formation (Mississippian and Late Devonian) |
Dsf | Slope-facies rocks (Devonian) |
Dg | Guilmette Formation (Late and Middle Devonian) |
Ds | Simonson Dolomite (Middle Devonian) |
DSlm | Lone Mountain Dolomite (Early Devonian? and Late Silurian) |
DSsl | Sevy Dolomite and Laketown Dolomite, undivided (Early Devonian and Silurian) |
Sr | Roberts Mountains Formation (Silurian) |
Oes | Ely Springs Dolomite (Late Ordovician) |
Oe | Eureka Quartzite (Late and Middle Ordovician) |
Op | Pogonip Group (Middle and Early Ordovician) |
fn | Nopah Formation (Late Cambrian) |
fbb | Banded Mountain Member - Bonanza King Formation (Late and Middle Cambrian) |
fbp | Papoose Lake Member - Bonanza King Formation (Late and Middle Cambrian) |
fc | Carrara Formation (Middle and Early Cambrian) |
fz | Zabriskie Quartzite (Early Cambrian) |
fZw | Wood Canyon Formation (Early Cambrian and Late Proterozoic) |
Zs | Stirling Quartzite (Late Proterozoic) |
Zj | Johnnie Formation (Late Proterozoic) |
Yk | Kingston Peak Formation (Middle Proterozoic) |
Yb | Beck Spring Dolomite (Middle Proterozoic) |
Yc | Crystal Spring Formation (Middle Proterozoic) |
Xmi | Metamorphic and intrusive rocks (Early? Proterozoic) |
Value | Definition |
atten. fault, certain | Observed attenuated fault |
atten. fault, concealed | Concealed attenuated fault whose position is inferred |
atten. fault, inferred | Attenuated fault whose position is inferred |
contact, certain | Observed geologic contact |
fault, Quaternary fault, certain | Observed Quaternary fault |
fault, Quaternary fault, inferred | Quaternary fault whose position is inferred |
fault, approx. located | Fault whose position is not precisely known |
fault, certain | Observed fault |
fault, concealed | Concealed fault whose position is inferred |
fault, inferred | Fault whose position is inferred |
map boundary, certain | Boundary of mapped area |
normal fault, approx. located | Normal fault whose position is not precisely known |
normal fault, certain | Observed normal fault |
normal fault, concealed | Concealed normal fault whose position is inferred |
scratch boundary, certain | Scratch boundary is used to close off areas with unknown aerial extent for display purposes. |
thrust fault, certain | Observed thrust fault |
thrust fault, concealed | Concealed thrust fault whose position is inferred |
Value | Definition |
contact, certain | Observed contact |
fault, certain | Observed fault |
metamorphic.facies, approx. located | Metamorphic facies whose location is not precisely known |
metamorphic.isograd, certain | Observed metamorphic isograd |
Compilation of the digital database depended on advice and assistance in the use of ALACARTE - ARC/INFO from T.T. Fitzgibbon, C.M. Wentworth, and G.A. Phelps, and Johanna Fenton
Together with the description of map units (btyrep.txt or, and in conjunction with the recently published Nevada Test Site Region map database (Sawyer and others, 1995, USGS Open-File Report-567), the Beatty geologic map database provides the most recent synthesis of the stratigraphy and structural geology of the southwestern Nevada volcanic field, the Nevada Test Site, and the Yucca Mountain site.
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Use_Constraints: none
This map is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U. S. Geological Survey editorial standards or with the North American Stratigraphic Code. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U. S. Government. Although these data have been used by the U. S. Geological Survey and have been successfully imported into the data base programs, no warranty expressed or implied, is made by the USGS as to how successfully or accurately the data can be imported into any specific application software running on any specific hardware platform. The fact of distribution shall not constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the USGS in connection thereby.
This database, identified as "PRELIMINARY DIGITAL GEOLOGIC MAP DATABASE OF THE BEATTY 30 X 60-MINUTE QUADRANGLE, SOUTHERN NEVADA" has been approved for release and publication by the Director of the USGS. Although this database has been subjected to rigorous review and is substantially complete, the USGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. Furthermore, it is released on condition that neither the USGS nor the United States Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use.
Data format: | Faults, depositional contacts, and geologic unit identities, Fold axes, Oriented symbols (strike and dip information) in format ARCE (version 7.x) Size: 8.6 |
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