Online Links:
Value | Definition |
caldera | Fault associated with a caldera |
normal | Normal fault |
thrust | Thrust fault |
Value | Definition |
certain | Observed fault |
concealed | Concealed fault whose position is inferred |
inferred | Fault whose position is inferred |
Value | Definition |
CON | Certain contact |
FLTC | Certain fault and geologic contact |
FLTCNCLC | Concealed fault at the same location as a geologic contact |
FLTINFC | Inferred fault with a geologic contact at the same position |
FLTTHRC | Certain thrust fault with a geologic contact at the same position |
FOLDANTC | Certain anticlinal fold axis that has the same position as a geologic contact |
FOLDOAC | Certain overturned anticlinal fold axis that shares the same position as a geologic contact |
FOLDSYNC | Certain synclinal fold axis whose position is the same as a geologic contact |
LINEARC | Linear feature |
POLYBRK | Location of a polygon break |
Value | Definition |
contact | Location of a geologic contact |
fault | Location of a fault |
fold | Location of a fold axis |
linear | Location of a linear feature |
polybrk | Location of a polygon break |
Value | Definition |
N/A | Not applicable |
anticline | Anticlinal fold axis |
normal | Normal fault or contact |
overturned anticline | Overturned anticlinal fold axis |
syncline | Synclinal fold axis |
thrust | Thrust fault |
Value | Definition |
N/A | Not applicable |
certain | Observed feature |
concealed | Concealed feature |
inferred | Inferred feature |
Value | Definition |
yes | Arc is both fault and contact |
no | Arc is either fault or contact or none of the above |
Digital products such as this map would not exist without the geologic mapping of generations of geologists whose work contributed to the small-scale state geologic maps that have been published by most states. We gratefully acknowledge the work of the geologists and agencies that supported compilation of this map. Those agencies include the US Geological Survey and the Washington State Department of Natural Resources. USGS geologists, Thor Kiilsgaard and Fred Miller, provided useful advice about regional geology and the identification of unlabeled features on the published state geologic maps. We particularly wish to acknowledge Patrick Geehan, the Bureau of Land Management Project coordinator for the Interior Columbia River Basin Ecosystem Management Project, for recognizing the importance of geology to ecosystem management and for supplying funds to digitize the Washington map.
To provide a digital geologic map database of Idaho state to the public.
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This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with US Geological Survey editorial standards or with the North American Stratigraphic Code. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for desciptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the US Government.
Data format: | ARCE |
Network links: | |