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ARC/INFO export files Description of coverage neh_geo.e00 Faults, depositional contacts, and geologic unit identities neh_str.e00 Fold axes, oriented symbols (strike and dip information) neh_topo.e00 Base map neh_ann.e00 Labels for geologic units and faults enr_geo.e00 Faults, depositional contacts, and geologic unit identities enr_alt.e00 Alteration zones enr_str.e00 Oriented symbols (strike and dip information) enr_topo.e00 Base map enr_ann.e00 Labels for geologic units and faults tim_geo.e00 Faults, depositional contacts, and geologic unit identities tim_str.e00 Fold axes, oriented symbols (strike and dip information) tim_topo.e00 Base map tim_ann.e00 Labels for geologic units and faults til_geo.e00 Faults, depositional contacts, and geologic unit identities til_str.e00 Oriented symbols (strike and dip information) til_topo.e00 Base map til_ann.e00 Labels for geologic units and faults til_wel.e00 Well locations bla_geo.e00 Faults, depositional contacts, and geologic unit identities bla_str.e00 Fold axes, oriented symbols (strike and dip information) bla_topo.e00 Base map bla_ann.e00 Labels for geologic units and faults fai_geo.e00 Faults, depositional contacts, and geologic unit identities fai_str.e00 Fold axes, oriented symbols (strike and dip information) fai_topo.e00 Base map fai_ann.e00 Labels for geologic units and faults
Value | Definition |
contact, certain | Annotation |
dike, Tib | Dike of map unit Tib |
Value | Definition |
Qb | Beach and dune deposits (Holocene) |
Qf | Fluvial and estuarine deposits (Holocene) |
Qls | Landslide deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) |
Qt | Older fluvial and estuarine deposits (Pleistocene) |
QTg | Basalt boulder and gravel deposits (Pleistocene or Pliocene) |
Twfs | Wanapum Basalt - Frenchman Springs Member (middle Miocene) |
Tcm | Sandstone at Cape Meares (middle Miocene) |
Tgr | Grande Ronde Basalt (middle Miocene) |
Tac | Cannon Beach member of Niem and Niem (1985) - Astoria Formation (middle and lower Miocene) |
Tacs | sandstone unit - Astoria Formation (middle and lower Miocene) |
Tan | Netarts Bay member - Astoria Formation (middle and lower Miocene) |
Tam | mudstone unit - Astoria Formation (middle and lower Miocene) |
Taa | Angora Peak member of Niem and Niem (1985) - Astoria Formation (middle and lower Miocene) |
Tms | Mudstone of Sutton Creek (lower Miocene) |
Tmst | tuff beds of Sutton Creek (lower Miocene) |
Tbc | Sandstone of Bewley Creek (lower Miocene and Oligocene?) |
Tbcm | mudstone unit of Bewley Creek (lower Miocene and Oligocene?) |
Tal | Alesa Formation (lower Miocene and Oligocene) |
Tals | Feldspathic sandstone - Alesa Formation (lower Miocene and Oligocene) |
Tsg | Sandtone of Garibaldi (lower Miocene or Oligocene?) |
Tpg | Pittsburgh Bluff Formation (upper Eocene) |
Tk | Keasey Formation (upper Eocene) |
Tn | Nestucca Formation (upper Eocene) |
Tnbs | basaltic sandstone - Nestucca Formation (upper Eocene) |
Tchb | Basalt of Cascade Head (upper Eocene) |
Tc | Cowlitz Formation (upper Eocene) |
Tbs | Basaltic sandstone at Roy Creek (upper and upper middle Eocene) |
Tbpu | Upper plagioclase-porphyritic basalt - Tillamook Volcanics (upper middle Eocene) |
Tbu | Upper porphyritic basalt flows - Tillamook Volcanics (upper middle Eocene) |
Tbru | Upper submarine basalt lapilli tuff and breccia - Tillamook Volcanics (upper middle Eocene) |
Tbpl | Lower plagioclase-porphyritic basalt - Tillamook Volcanics (upper middle Eocene) |
Tba | Aphyric basalt - Tillamook Volcanics (upper middle Eocene) |
Tsf | Subaerial dacite, rhyodacite, and rhyolite - Tillamook Volcanics (upper middle Eocene) |
Tts | Epiclastic silicic tuff and tuff breccia - Tillamook Volcanics (upper middle Eocene) |
Tbl | Lower porphyritic basalt flows - Tillamook Volcanics (upper middle Eocene) |
Tpb | Submarine basalt - Tillamook Volcanics (upper middle Eocene) |
Tbr | Submarine basalt tuff and breccia - Tillamook Volcanics (upper middle Eocene) |
Ty | Yamhill Formation (upper middle Eocene) |
Tybs | basaltic mudstone - Yamhill Formation (upper middle Eocene) |
Tys | Sandstone - Yamhill Formation (upper middle Eocene) |
Tyt | Lower tuff unit - Yamhill Formation (upper middle Eocene) |
Tet | Tyee Formation (lower middle Eocene) |
Thpb | Basalt of Hembre Ridge (lower middle and lower Eocene) |
Ths | basaltic sandstone of Hembre Ridge (lower middle and lower Eocene) |
Tsbr | Basalt lapilli breccia unit - Siletz River Volcanics (lower Eocene) |
Tsb | Subaerial basalt flows - Siletz River Volcanics (lower Eocene) |
Tspb | Pillow basalt - Siletz River Volcanics (lower Eocene) |
Tifs | Wanapum Basalt Frenchman Springs Member (middle Miocene) |
Tigr | Grande Ronde Basalt (middle Miocene) |
Teib | Basalt sills (late Eocene) |
Tiab | Porphyritic basalt (late middle Eocene) |
Tis | Silicic dikes (late middle Eocene) |
Tib | Basalt dikes and sills (late middle Eocene) |
Tid | Biotite pyroxene diorite (late middle Eocene) |
Tidb | Diabase (middle Eocene) |
Value | Definition |
contact, approx. located | Contact whose position is not precisely known |
contact, certain | Observed contact |
contact, concealed | Concealed contact whose position is inferred |
contact, concealed, queried | Concealed contact whose position is questionable |
contact, inferred, queried | Contact whose position is inferred and questionable |
dike, Tib | Dike of map unit Tib |
dike, Tis | Dike of map unit Tis |
fault, approx. located | Fault whose position is not precisely known |
fault, certain | Observed fault |
fault, inferred, queried | Fault whose position is inferred and queried |
fault, concealed | Fault whose position is concealed and inferred |
fault, concealed, queried | Concealed fault whose position is questionable |
thrust fault, approx. located | Thrust fault whose position is not precisely known |
thrust fault, certain | Observed thrust fault |
thrust fault, concealed | Concealed thrust fault whose position is inferred |
thrust fault, inferred, queried_ | Thrust fault whose position is inferred and questionable |
water boundary, certain | Boundary of a body of water |
map boundary, certain | Boundary of mapped area |
scratch boundary | Location of scratch boundary |
Value | Definition |
f.a., anticline, certain | Observed anticlinal fold axis |
f.a., anticline, concealed | Concealed anticlinal fold axis whose position is inferred |
f.a., anticline, inferred, queried | Anticlinal fold axis whose position is inferred and questionable |
f.a., syncline, approx. located | Synclinal fold axis whose position is not precisely known |
f.a., syncline, certain | Observed synclinal fold axis |
f.a., syncline, concealed | Concealed synclinal fold axis |
f.a., syncline, inferred | Inferred synclinal fold axis |
oil shale | oil shale location |
Value | Definition |
approx bedding | Bedding orientation that is not precise |
bedding | Bedding orientation |
flat bedding | Bedding whoe dip is zero |
foliation | Foliation orientation |
inclined cleavage | Inclined cleavage orientation |
ot bedding | Overturned bedding orientation |
vert bedding | Bedding whose dip is 90 degrees |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 0 |
Maximum: | 359 |
Units: | degrees |
Resolution: | 1 |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 0 |
Maximum: | 359 |
Units: | degrees |
Resolution: | 1 |
Value | Definition |
alteration zone | Location of an alteration zone |
Value | Definition |
alteration boundary | Boundary of an alteration zone |
oil shale | Oil shale location |
Value | Definition |
ONG CZ#1 | well identifier |
REC CZ#1 | Well identifier |
Paleontologic age assignments of molluscan fauna have been given by Ellen James Moore, foraminifera by Weldon W. Rau, and coccoliths by David Bukry. Mike Gallagher and Cheryl Hummon provided able assistance in the field. We appreciate the comments of Angela Jayko on an earlier version of the map. Tracey Felger and Johanna Fenton compiled and edited the entire map in ARCINFO. We thank Allison Asbjornsen, Leo and Shannon Brosseau, Jim and Mary Winter and the residents of Tillamook, Netarts, and Oceanside for sharing their local knowledge and hospitality.
Together with the accompanying text file ( or tilgeo.txt), it provides the most recent synthesis of the stratigraphy and structural geology of the northern Coast Range uplift.
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Use_Constraints: None
This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards or with the North American Stratigraphic Code. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
This database, identified as "Geologic map of the Tillamook Highlands, Northwest Oregon Coast Range: A digital database," has been approved for release and publication by the Director of the USGS. Although this database has been subjected to rigorous review and is substantially complete, the USGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. Furthermore, it is released on condition that neither the USGS nor the United States Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use.
Data format: | Geologic units, structual features, and base map data in format ARCE (version 6.1.1) Size: 27.1 |
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