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This is a large multi-author volume with the following chapters: Introduction (G.I. Smith)
Field log of Core OL-92 (G.I. Smith)
Sediment Size Analyses of the Owens Lake Core (K.M. Menking, M. M. Hannah, J.P. Fitts, J.L. Bischoff, and R.S. Anderson)
Clay Mineralogical Analyses of the Owens Lake Core (K.M. Menking, M.M Hannah, J.P. Fitts, J.L. Bischoff, and R.S. Anderson)
Geochemistry of Sediments Owens Lake Drill Hole OL-92 (J.L. Bischoff, J.P. Fitts, J.A. Fitzpatrick, K.M. Menking, and B.W. King)
Sediment pore-waters of Owens Lake Drill Hole OL-92 (J.L. Bischoff, J.P. Fitts, and K.M. Menking)
Isotope Geochemistry of Owens Lake Drill Hole OL-92 (L. Benson, and J.L. Bischoff)
Deuterium-Hydrogen Ratios of Interstitial Fluids from Owens Lake Core OL-92 (I. Friedman, C.A. Johnson, and J.P. Fitts)
The distribution and isotopic composition of sulfur in Owens Lake Core OL-92 (M.L. Tuttle)
Rock- and Paleo-Magnetic Results from Core OL-92, Owens Lake, CA (J.M. Glen, R.S. Coe, K.M. Menking, S.S. Boughn, and I. Altschul)
Age and Correlation of Tephra Layers in Owens Lake Drill Core OL-92-1 and -2 (A. Sarna-Wojeicki, C.E. Meyer, E. Wan, and S. Soles)
AMS radiocarbon dates on sediments from Owens Lake Drill Hole OL-92 (J.L. Bischoff, T.W. Stafford Jr., and M. Rubin)
Age-Depth Relations for the Sediment Column at Owens Lake, California: OL-92 Drill Hole (J.L. Bischoff)
Diatoms in sediments (J.P. Bradbury)
Ostracodes present in sediments (C. Carter)
Identification of Mollusca from Core OL-92-2, Owens Lake, California (J.R.Firby)
Owens Lake Core OL92 Fish Remains (G.R. Smith)
Macroscopic Organic Material from Owens Lake Core (W.G. Spaulding)
Pollen present in Cores OL-92-1 and -3 (W.B. Woolfenden)
Continental-marine correlation of Late Pleistocene climate change: Census of palynomorphs from core OL-92, Owens Lake, California (R.J. Litwin, N.O. Frederiksen, D.P. Adam, V.A.S. Andrle, and T.P. Sheehan)
Supplemental data (G.I. Smith)
An important element of the investigations supported by the USGS through its Global Change and Climate History Program is the record of past changes in precipitation in now-arid parts of the United States. More than a century of geologic investigations has shown that major changes in precipitation and runoff occurred throughout much of this region, as shown by the evidence of fluctuations in the levels of lakes in the Great Basin. Although these basins--sometimes termed "nature's rain guages"--clearly document major changes in climate during the past few hundred thousand years, there is an inadequate consensus about those lakes' ages or the quantitative meaning and meteorological significance of their fluctuations. The timing and intensities of these climatic changes pose important questions to earth and paleoclimatic scientists.
Figure 4-1-2, -3, -4 Text for section 4-3-2 (Friedman et al. Deuterium) Table 4-3-2-1 Figure 4-3-2-1, -2, -3, -4 (can reproduce from table) Text for section 4-3-3 (Tuttle Sulfur) Table 4-3-3-1, -2 Figure 4-3-3-1, -2a, -2b, -3a, -3b Text section 5-1 (Glen et al. Paleomag) Figures 5-1-1 through 5-1-22 (probably don't want these) Tables 5-1-1 through 5-1-4 Figure 5-4-3, -5, -6 Figure 6-1-1 through 6-1-22 (probably don't want these) Appendix 6-1-1 and 6-1-2 Text for section 6-2 (Carter Ostracodes) Table 6-2-2 Text for 6-6-1 (Woolfenden Pollen) Tables 6-6-1-1 and 6-6-1-2 Figures 6-6-1-1a and 6-6-1-1b Figures 6-6-2-1a, 6-6-2-1b, 6-6-2-2, 6-6-2-3a, 6-6-2-3b, Table 6-6-2-1, 6-6-2-2a, 6-6-2-2b, 6-6-2-3
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This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards (or with the North American Stratigraphic Code). Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
Data format: | Log of core OL-92-1 in format ASCII tab-delimited |
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Data format: | Log of core OL-92-2 in format ASCII tab-delimited |
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Data format: | in format ASCII tab-delimited Log of core OL-92-3 |
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Data format: | Raw point sample grain size data in format ASCII tab-delimited |
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Data format: | Mass of gravel, sand, and silt plus clay used in each point sample grain size analysis in format ASCII tab-delimited |
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Data format: | Statistical measures of grain size in format ASCII tab-delimited |
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Data format: | Channel sample grain size data in format ASCII tab-delimited |
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Data format: | Diffraction peaks used to identify minerals in the clay fraction of the Owens Lake core channel samples in format ASCII tab-delimited |
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Data format: | Peak areas of selected clay and non-clay mineral reflections, in counts per second. in format ASCII tab-delimited |
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Data format: | Analyses of sediment channel-samples in format ASCII tab-delimited |
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Data format: | Carbonate and organic carbon in format ASCII tab-delimited |
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Data format: | Major oxides, Cs2O, and ignition loss (LOI) in format ASCII tab-delimited |
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Data format: | Minor-element composition in format ASCII tab-delimited |
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Data format: | Densities of composite samples in format ASCII tab-delimited |
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Data format: | Averaged characterstics of sediments in format ASCII tab-delimited |
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Data format: | Comparison of OL-92 sediment with granodiorite and shale in format ASCII tab-delimited |
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Data format: | Water content and pore water composition of sediments from OL-92 in format ASCII tab-delimited |
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Data format: | d13C and d18O analyses of sediment channel samples from OL-92 in format ASCII tab-delimited |
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Data format: | Data on tephra samples studied from the Owens Lake core in format ASCII tab-delimited |
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Data format: | Electron-microprobe analyses of volcanic glass shards from tephra layers in Owens Valley Cores OL92-1 and OL92-2, and one surface sample in the vicinity of Owens Lake. Oxides are given in weight percent, recalculated to 100 percent (fluid-free basis). (S) - SEMQ 9-channel probe; (J) - Jeol 5-channel probe in format ASCII tab-delimited |
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Data format: | Data on the thick, coarse tephra-bearing interval near the base of Owens Lake core OL92-2. The table shows sample number, depth, color, qualitative grain size, and percentage of glass present in format ASCII tab-delimited |
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Data format: | AMS Radiocarbon dates from carbonates and organic matter from sediments from drill hole OL-92, Owens Lake, CA in format ASCII tab-delimited |
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Data format: | AMS Radiocarbon dates on various organic fractions from two sediment samples from drill hole OL-92, Owens Lake, taken from depths below radiocarbon dating limit in format ASCII tab-delimited |
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Data format: | Averaged parameters (weighted) from Owens Lake sediments in drill hole OL-92 used for calculating mass-sedimentation rates in format ASCII tab-delimited |
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Data format: | Parameters of sediment intervals from Owens Lake drill hole OL-92 used to calculate accumulation times and age to base of intervals from model of constant accumulation rate in format ASCII tab-delimited |
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Data format: | Age-depth relations for Owens Lake core OL-92 based on model of constant accumulation rate in format ASCII tab-delimited |
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Data format: | Drive number; Slug; Depth in meters; Weight in grams; Candona = Candona sp.; L.cerio. = Limnocythere ceriotuberosa; Limno = Limnocythere sp.; L.sappaen. = Limnocythere sappaensis; C.lacust. = Cytherissa lacustris; fish = fish bones, teeth, scales; diatoms in format ASCII tab-delimited |
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Data format: | Listing of fauna by sample in format ASCII tab-delimited |
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Data format: | Depths to tops of "Drives" and "Slugs" in cores OL-92-1, -2, and -3 in format ASCII tab-delimited |
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Data format: | Depths to tops, bases, and mid-points of channel samples used for selected analytical determinations in format ASCII tab-delimited |
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Data format: | Supplemental determinations organic carbon, deeper sections, OL-92 in format ASCII tab-delimited |
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