Table 2. Location description code (digit one). [The number after the alphabetical code indicates the total number of gravity stations for which the code was used.] B 45 On level-line benchmark incorporated into U.S. Geological Survey vertical control system. N 14 Near benchmark. P 188 Location of surveyed elevation. X 5 Near location markers such as section corners. D 1 Near assumed location of any of the above markers that were destroyed or not found. R 1 Lake or reservoir elevation determined from leveling to benchmark. F 32 Near a location with or without a marker at which a surveyed elevation is indicated on a published topographic map. G 58 Near a location (on a manuscript map or a published map) at which spot elevations are determined by photogrammetry or near a doubtful F-location. W 12 Near edge of lake or canal; interpolated elevation or elevation given for water at unknown height relative to present level. Table 3. Accuracy of elevations (digit two). [The number after the numerical code indicates the total number of stations for which the code was used. Note that uncertainty of horizontal location tends to reduce the elevation accuracy]. Code Number Accuracy (feet) 1 230 0.1 On benchmark; surveyed elevation 2 10 0.5 Elevation difference hand-leveled to nearby benchmark 3 7 1 Near benchmark or checked water level 4 2 2 Near assumed location of benchmark that was not found 5 70 5 Near location with 10-foot contour interval 6 36 10 Photogrammetric elevation on map with 20-foot contour interval 7 1 20 Uncertain location of spot elevation point Table 4. Accuracy of horizontal location (digit three). [The number after the numerical code indicates the total number of stations for which the code was used.] Code Number Accuracy (feet) 2 252 84 Near section corners and benchmarks; surveyed locations 3 80 210 Near road intersection, stream crossings, hillcrests 4 22 420 Road curve; uncertain spot elevation location 5 2 840 Location depends on odometer measurement or other estimate Table 5. Accuracy of observed gravity (digit four). [The number after the numerical code indicates the total number of stations for which the code was used. Accuracies are relative to the value at the Adel base station.] Code Number Accuracy (mgal) 2 3 0.02 Reading repeated several times 3 8 0.05 Repeated reading 4 345 0.10 Non-repeated reading