1. Geologic map database 2. Plot files for five sheets: Sheet 1 Geologic map Sheet 2 Correlation of Map Units Sheet 3 List of map units Sheet 4 Fault map Sheet 5 Three figures, including index map, physiographic provinces map, and sources of data 3. A pamphlet containing: a. A detailed Description of Map Units b. A discussion of the regional geologic framework c. Photographs of many rock units and geologic featuresMap nomenclature: Within the geologic map database, map units are identified by standard geologic map criteria such as formation-name, age, and lithology. The authors have attempted to adhere to the stratigraphic nomenclature of the U.S. Geological Survey and the North American Stratigraphic Code, but the database has not received a formal editorial review of geologic names.
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Value | Definition |
Cbk | Bonanza King Formation |
Cc | Carrara Formation |
Cw | Wood Canyon Formation |
Cz | Zabriskie Quartzite |
Ds | Sultan Limestone |
JTrgb | Gabbro and pyroxenite |
Ja | Granodiorite of Arrowhead Peak |
Jc | Leucocratic quartz monzonite of Crystal Creek |
Jcr | Cataclastic rocks |
Jd | Quartz monzodiorite of Dry Canyon |
Jgf | Granodiorite and quartz monzonite of Fern Canyon |
Jhc | Quartz monzodiorite of Hutak Canyon |
Jrr | Biotite quartz monzodiorite of Redonda Ridge |
Js | Leucocratic hornblende syenite |
Jsc | Fine-grained rocks of Silver Canyon |
Jwm | Monzodiorite of White Mountain |
KJc | Quartz monzodiorite of Crestline |
KJdd | Quartz monzonite of Dawn O'Day Canyon |
KJdg | Mixed diorite and gabbro |
KJgm | Mixed granitic rocks, gneiss, and quartzite |
KJhb | Hornblende-biotite granodiorite |
KJhs | Mixed granitic rocks of Hopi Spring |
KJos | Mixed granitic rocks of Oak Spring |
KJqd | Quartz-bearing diorite |
KJsc | Quartz diorite of Sand Canyon |
KJsp | Mixed granitic rocks of South Peak |
KJta | Tonalite of Ord Mountains |
KPrm | Mylonitic orthogneiss related to Vincent Thrust Fault |
KPzsg | Schist, gneiss, monzogranite, and granodiorite |
KPzst | Schist, gneiss, and tonalite |
KPzt1s | Mixed tonalite, Unit 1 and schist |
KPztm | Mixed tonalite and marble |
KPztms | Mixed tonalite, marble, and schist |
KPzts | Mixed tonalite and biotite schist |
KTrmm | Mixed monzogranite and leucocratic monzonite |
Kao | Granodiorite of Angeles Oaks |
Kaw | Alaskite of western Granite Mountains |
Kbf | Monzogranite of Burnt Flats |
Kbfg | Box Springs plutonic complex, biotite granodiorite and tonalite |
Kbfgi | Box Springs plutonic complex, biotite granodiorite and tonalite containing abundant inclusions |
Kbft | Box Springs plutonic complex, biotite-hornblende tonalite |
Kbg | Box Springs plutonic complex, porphyritic granodiorite |
Kbgt | Box Springs plutonic complex, heterogeneous granodiorite and tonalite |
Kbhg | Box Springs plutonic complex, heterogeneous porphyritic granodiorite |
Kbht | Box Springs plutonic complex, heterogeneous biotite tonalite |
Kbm | Heterogeneous, leucocratic biotite monzogranite |
Kbp | Monzogranite of Butler Peak |
Kbt | Box Springs plutonic complex, biotite tonalite |
Kcc | Monzogranite of City Creek |
Kcd | Sedimentary rocks of Cosy Dell area |
Kcdc | Sedimentary rocks of Cosy Dell area, conglomerate |
Kch | Charnockite |
Kcm | Tonalite of Circle Mountain |
Kcr | Monzogranite of Coxey Road |
Kcs | Monzogranite of Cloudburst Summit |
Kcsl | Monzogranite of Cloudburst Summit, leucocratic unit |
Kd | Diorite, undifferentiated |
Kdc | Granodiorite of Dorr Canyon |
Kdd | Deer diorite of Alf (1948) |
Kdh | Monzogranite of Devils Hole |
Kdp | Monzogranite of Deadman Point |
Kdqd | Diorite and quartz diorite, undifferentiated |
Keh | Tonalite of Elephant Hill |
Kg | Granitic dikes, undifferentiated |
Kgb | Gabbro |
Kgc | Mylonitized leucogranite |
Kgd1 | Granodiorite, Unit 1 |
Kgdb | Biotite granodiorite |
Kgdc | Biotite granodiorite, Cajon area |
Kgdp | Granodiorite |
Kgdt | Granodiorite and tonalite, undifferentiated |
Kgl | Mixed leucocratic and granitic rocks |
Kgp | Tonalite of Ganesha Park |
Kh | Granodiorite of Hanna Flat |
Khc | Granodiorite of Hook Creek |
Khl | Heterogeneous leucocratic granitic rocks |
Khr | Hybrid rocks |
Kht | Heterogeneous tonalite |
Kk | Monzogranite of Keller Peak |
Kkc | Monzogranite of Kinley Creek |
Kl | Leucocratic granitic rocks |
Klg | Leucocratic granite dikes |
Klmg | Leucocratic muscovite monzogranite |
Klv | Heterogeneous granitic rocks of La Verne area |
Kmbb | Biotite monzogranite |
Kmc | Monzogranite of Malony Creek |
Kmg | Monzogranite and granodiorite |
Kmgt | Monzogranite and tonalite, undivided |
Kml | Mixed mafic and leucocratic granitic rocks |
Kmp | Monzogranite |
Kms | Monzogranite of Muddy Spring |
Kmx | Mixed granitic rocks of Heaps Peak |
Kpg | Monzogranite of Punchbowl Fault area |
Kpm | Porphyritic biotite monzogranite |
Kr | Rattlesnake Mountain pluton of MacColl (1964), even-grained monzogranite |
Krl | Leucocratic rocks of Rattlesnake Mountain pluton of MacColl (1964) |
Krp | Rattlesnake Mountain pluton of MacColl (1964), porphyritic monzogranite |
Ksa | Quartz diorite of Mount San Antonio |
Ksgr | Tonalite of San Gabriel Reservoir |
Kss | Tonalite of San Sevaine Lookout |
Kssg | Mixed tonalite of San Sevaine Lookout and gneiss |
Kssm | Mylonitized tonalite of San Sevaine Lookout |
Kssm1 | Mylonitized tonalite of San Sevaine Lookout, Unit 1 |
Kt | Tonalite |
Kwc | Granodiorite of Willow Creek |
Kwcy | Monzogranite of Willow Canyon |
Mm | Monte Cristo Limestone |
MzPrb | Mixed metamorphic and granitic rocks of Big Dalton Canyon |
MzPrd | Gneiss of Devil Canyon |
MzPrl | Mixed granitic rocks, quartzite, and schist of Lizard Springs |
MzPrm | Mixed granitic and metamorphic rocks |
MzPzm | Mixed granitic and metasedimentary rocks, and gneiss |
Mzc | Diorite of Cram Peak |
Mzdy | Diorite, Yucaipa area |
Mzfg | Foliated granitoid rocks |
Mzg | Granitoid rocks |
Mzga | Orthogneiss of Alger Creek |
Mzgd | Gneissic granodiorite of Holcomb Ridge |
Mzggm | Foliated gabbro, granodiorite, and monzogranite |
Mzgr | Biotite monzogranite of Big John Peak |
Mzgy | Mesocratic granitoid rocks |
Mzh | Monzogranite and granodiorite of Holcomb Ridge |
Mzhg | Heterogeneous granitic rocks, San Gabriel Mountains |
Mzi | Inclusion-rich granitoid rocks |
Mzmg | Mylonitic and cataclastic granitoid rocks |
Mzmx | Mixed mafic rocks and monzogranite |
Mzog | Heterogeneous hornblende-biotite orthogneiss |
Mzp | Pelona Schist, undifferentiated |
Mzpa | Pelona Schist, amphibolite grade unit |
Mzpb | Pelona Schist, biotite-quartz schist unit |
Mzpg | Pelona Schist, greenstone unit |
Mzpm | Pelona Schist, marble unit |
Mzpq | Pelona Schist quartzite unit |
Mzpr | Gneiss of Pinyon Ridge |
Mzps | Pelona Schist, muscovite schist unit |
Mzsl | Mixed granitic rocks of Silverwood Lake |
Mzu | Mesozoic granitic rocks, undivided |
PPbs | Bird Spring Formation |
Pra | Anorthosite |
CPrcc | Shay Mountain metamorphic complex of MacColl (1964), biotite schist of Cox Creek |
Prgc | Coarse-grained biotite granite augen gneiss |
Prgd | Foliated to gneissic granodiorite |
Prgm | Medium-grained biotite granite augen gneiss |
Prgn | Layered gneiss, undifferentiated |
Prgn1 | Layered gneiss, Unit 1 |
Prgn2 | Layered gneiss, Unit 2 |
Prgn3 | Layered gneiss, Unit 3 |
Prgn4 | Layered gneiss, Unit 4 |
Prgn5 | Layered gneiss, Unit 5 |
Prgn6 | Layered gneiss, Unit 6 |
Prgnd | Dioritic gneiss or amphibolite |
CPrgsq | Shay Mountain metamorphic complex of MacColl (1964), mixed gneiss, schist and quartzite |
Prgt | Pelitic gneiss of Troop Peak |
Prgu | Granulitic gneiss, mylonite, and cataclasite |
CPrlsm | Shay Mountain metamorphic complex of MacColl (1964), Quartzite of Little Shay Mtn |
Prm | Granulitic gneiss, mylonite, and cataclasite, retrograde |
Prpv | Gneiss of Pleasant View Ridge |
Prpva | Gneiss of Pleasant View Ridge, augen gneiss |
CPrqc | Shay Mountain metamorphic complex of MacColl (1964), quartzite and calcsilicate rocks of Little Pine Flat |
Prsc | Stirling Quartzite, carbonate-rich rocks |
Prscq | Stirling Quartzite, carbonate and quartzite member |
CPrsm | Shay Mountain metamorphic complex of MacColl (1964), Gneiss of Shay Mountain |
Prsq | Stirling Quartzite, quartzite member |
Prsu | Stirling Quartzite |
Pza | Amphibolite |
Pzmb | Marble, San Bernardino Mountains |
Pzmg | Marble, San Gabriel Mountains |
Pzmp | Marble, Peninsular Ranges |
Pzqg | Quartzite, San Gabriel Mountains |
Pzsg | Metasedimentary schist and gneiss, San Gabriel Mountains |
Pzsp | Biotite schist and gneiss, Peninsular Ranges |
QTfz | Crushed rock in fault zones |
QTjh | Juniper Hills Formation, undifferentiated |
QTjha | Juniper Hills Formation, arkosic sandstone unit |
QTjhb | Juniper Hills Formation, arkosic breccia unit |
QTjhc | Juniper Hills Formation, clay-shale unit |
QTjhcs | Juniper Hills Formation, conglomeratic sandstone unit |
QTjhf | Juniper Hills Formation, fine-grained unit |
QTjhp | Juniper Hills Formation, playa deposit unit |
QTjhr | Juniper Hills Formation, red arkose unit |
QTjhs | Juniper Hills Formation, siltstone unit |
QTjhsb | Juniper Hills Formation, sedimentary breccia unit |
QTjhv | Juniper Hills Formation, volcanic clast unit |
QTpp | Phelan Peak deposits of Weldon (1984), undifferentiated |
QTpp3 | Phelan Peak deposits of Weldon (1984), Unit 3 |
QTs | Conglomerate, conglomeratic arkose, and clayey arkose |
QTstcq | San Timoteo beds of Frick (1921), quartzite-bearing conglomerate member |
QTstr | San Timoteo beds of Frick (1921), Reche Canyon member |
QTstu | San Timoteo beds of Frick (1921), upper member |
Qa | Very young alluvial-valley deposits |
Qa1 | Very young alluvial-valley deposits, Unit 1 |
Qab | Very young alluvial-valley deposits |
Qac | Very young alluvial-valley deposits |
Qaf | Artificial fill |
Qb | Sedimentary breccia of Meisling (1984) |
Qc | Very young colluvial deposits |
Qdg | Disturbed ground |
Qe | Very young eolian deposits |
Qf | Very young alluvial-fan deposits |
Qf1 | Very young alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 1 |
Qf1b | Very young alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 1 |
Qf2 | Very young alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 2 |
Qf2b | Very young alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 2 |
Qfb | Very young alluvial-fan deposits |
Qfg | Very young alluvial-fan deposits |
Qh | Harold Formation |
Ql | Very young lacustrine deposits |
Qls | Very young landslide deposits |
Qoa | Old alluvial-valley deposits |
Qoa1 | Old alluvial-valley deposits, Unit 1 |
Qoa2 | Old alluvial-valley deposits, Unit 2 |
Qoa3 | Old alluvial-valley deposits, Unit 3 |
Qoc | Old colluvial deposits |
Qoe | Old eolian deposits |
Qoed3 | Old eolian deposits (dune sand), Unit 3 |
Qoes3 | Old eolian deposits (sheet sand), Unit 3 |
Qof | Old alluvial-fan deposits |
Qof1 | Old alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 1 |
Qof1a | Old alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 1 |
Qof1b | Old alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 1 |
Qof2 | Old alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 2 |
Qof2a | Old alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 2 |
Qof2b | Old alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 2 |
Qof2s | Old alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 2 |
Qof3 | Old alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 3 |
Qof3s | Old alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 3 |
Qofa | Old alluvial-fan deposits |
Qofag | Old alluvial-fan deposits |
Qofb | Old alluvial-fan deposits |
Qofc | Old alluvial-fan deposits |
Qofg | Old alluvial-fan deposits |
Qofga | Old alluvial-fan deposits |
Qofgb | Old alluvial-fan deposits |
Qofs | Old alluvial-fan deposits |
Qolb | Old lacustrine deposits (bar) |
Qols | Old landslide deposits |
Qos | Old surficial deposits |
Qp | Very young playa deposits |
Qp1 | Very young playa deposits, Unit 1 |
Qs | Very young surficial deposits |
Qs1 | Very young surficial deposits, Unit 1 |
Qsg | Very young surficial deposits |
Qsh | Shoemaker Gravel |
Qsw | Very young slope-wash deposits |
Qt | Very young talus deposits |
Qvoa | Very old alluvial-valley deposits |
Qvoa1 | Very old alluvial-valley deposits, Unit 1 |
Qvoa2 | Very old alluvial-valley deposits, Unit 2 |
Qvoa3 | Very old alluvial-valley deposits, Unit 3 |
Qvoab | Very old alluvial-valley deposits |
Qvof | Very old alluvial-fan deposits |
Qvof1 | Very old alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 1 |
Qvof1ag | Very old alluvial-valley deposits, Unit 1 |
Qvof1b | Very old alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 1 |
Qvof1g | Very old alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 1 |
Qvof2 | Very old alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 2 |
Qvof2b | Very old alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 2 |
Qvof2g | Very old alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 2 |
Qvof3 | Very old alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 3 |
Qvofag | Very old alluvial-fan deposits |
Qvofb | Very old alluvial-fan deposits |
Qvofg | Very old alluvial-fan deposits |
Qvols | Very old landslide deposits |
Qvolsa | Very old landslide deposits |
Qvor | Very old regolith and (or) pedogenic soil |
Qvos | Very old surficial deposits |
Qvosw | Very old slope-wash deposits |
Qw | Very young wash deposits |
Qw1 | Very young wash deposits, Unit 1 |
Qw1a | Very young wash deposits, Unit 1 |
Qw1g | Very young wash deposits, Unit 1 |
Qw2 | Very young wash deposits, Unit 2 |
Qw3 | Very young wash deposits, Unit 3 |
Qwag | Very young wash deposits |
Qwb | Very young wash deposits |
Qwg | Very young wash deposits |
Qya | Young alluvial-valley deposits |
Qya1 | Young alluvial-valley deposits, Unit 1 |
Qya2 | Young alluvial-valley deposits, Unit 2 |
Qya3 | Young alluvial-valley deposits, Unit 3 |
Qya4 | Young alluvial-valley deposits, Unit 4 |
Qya5 | Young alluvial-valley deposits, Unit 5 |
Qyaa | Young alluvial-valley deposits |
Qyc | Young colluvial deposits |
Qye | Young eolian deposits |
Qyed1 | Young eolian deposits (dune sand), Unit 1 |
Qyes1 | Young eolian deposits (sheet-sand), Unit 1 |
Qyf | Young alluvial-fan deposits |
Qyf1 | Young alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 1 |
Qyf1b | Young alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 1 |
Qyf2 | Young alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 2 |
Qyf2a | Young alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 2 |
Qyf2b | Young alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 2 |
Qyf3 | Young alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 3 |
Qyf3a | Young alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 3 |
Qyf3ag | Young alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 3 |
Qyf3b | Young alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 3 |
Qyf3c | Young alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 3 |
Qyf3cs | Young alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 3 |
Qyf3ga | Young alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 3 |
Qyf3s | Young alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 3 |
Qyf3sc | Young alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 3 |
Qyf3sg | Young alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 3 |
Qyf4 | Young alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 4 |
Qyf4b | Young alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 4 |
Qyf4g | Young alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 4 |
Qyf5 | Young alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 5 |
Qyf5b | Young alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 5 |
Qyf5ga | Young alluvial-fan deposits, Unit 5 |
Qyfa | Young alluvial-fan deposits |
Qyfag | Young alluvial-fan deposits |
Qyfb | Young alluvial-fan deposits |
Qyfc | Young alluvial-fan deposits |
Qyfg | Young alluvial-fan deposits |
Qyfgb | Young alluvial-fan deposits |
Qyfs | Young alluvial-fan deposits |
Qyls | Young landslide deposits |
Qyp | Young playa deposits |
Qys | Young surficial deposits |
Qysw | Young slope-wash deposits |
Qyt | Young talus deposits |
Qyw | Young wash deposits |
Qyw1 | Young wash deposits, Unit 1 |
Qyw2 | Young wash deposits, Unit 2 |
Qyw3 | Young wash deposits, Unit 3 |
Qywb | Young wash deposits |
TKmg | Mafic granodiorite |
TMztp | Pelona Schist and granodiorite of Telegraph Peak |
Ta | Andesite dike rocks |
Tad | Andesite dikes |
Tav | Anaverde Formation, undifferentiated |
Tavb | Anaverde Formation, pale-tan arkose unit |
Tavc | Anaverde Formation, clay-shale unit |
Tavr | Anaverde Formation, red arkose unit |
Tavw | Anaverde Formation, white arkose unit |
Taz | Sedimentary rocks of Azusa area |
Tazc | Sedimentary rocks of Azusa area, conglomerate |
Tb | Basalt dikes |
Tcc | Conglomerate of Crestline |
Tcd | Conglomerate and sandstone, San Sevaine Canyon area |
Tcf | Conglomerate of Fredalba |
Tcr | Crowder Formation |
Tcr1 | Crowder Formation, Unit 1 |
Tcr2 | Crowder Formation, Unit 2 |
Tcr3 | Crowder Formation, Unit 3 |
Tcr4 | Crowder Formation, Unit 4 |
Tcr5 | Crowder Formation, Unit 5 |
Tcu | Conglomerate and arkose, undifferentiated |
Tcv1 | Cajon Valley Formation, Unit 1 |
Tcv2 | Cajon Valley Formation, Unit 2 |
Tcv3 | Cajon Valley Formation, Unit 3 |
Tcv4 | Cajon Valley Formation, Unit 4 |
Tcv5 | Cajon Valley Formation, Unit 5 |
Tcv5a | Cajon Valley Formation, Unit 5a |
Tcv6 | Cajon Valley Formation, Unit 6 |
Td | Dacite dikes |
Tdc | Duarte conglomerate of Shelton (1946) |
Tdg | Olivine diabase and gabbro |
Tfl | Fernando Formation, lower member |
Tflc | Fernando Formation, lower member, comglomerate |
Tfu | Fernando Formation, upper member |
Tfuc | Fernando Formation, upper member, conglomerate |
Tg | Glendora Volcanics, undifferentiated |
Tga | Glendora Volcanics, andesite flows |
Tgb | Glendora Volcanics, basalt flows |
Tgbt | Glendora Volcanics, palagonitic tuff and pillow lava |
Tgc | Glendora Volcanics, volcanic conglomerate |
Tgf | Glendora Volcanics, fine-grained andesite |
Tgh | Hypabyssal granitic rocks |
Tgi | Glendora Volcanics, andesite dikes |
Tgj | Glendora Volcanics, tuff breccia of Johnson Peak area |
Tgr | Glendora Volcanics, rhyolite and dacite flows |
Tgrb | Glendora Volcanics, rhyolite and dacite breccia |
Tgry | Granodiorite, Yucaipa area |
Tma | Mill Creek Formation of Gibson (1971), arkose unit |
Tmcp | Mill Creek Formation of Gibson (1971), Pelona Schist-bearing conglomerate unit |
Tmcv | Mill Creek Formation of Gibson (1971), volcanic-clast-bearing unit |
Tmd | Mountain Meadows Dacite |
Tmm | Mill Creek Formation of Gibson (1971), mudstone unit |
Tms | Mill Creek Formation of Gibson (1971), sandstone unit |
Tp | Puente Formation, undifferentiated |
Tpbb | Punchbowl Formation, breccia unit |
Tpbd | Punchbowl Formation, diorite-clast unit |
Tpbv | Punchbowl Formation, volcanic clast unit |
Tpls | Soquel and La Vida Members, undifferentiated |
Tplv | Puente Formation, La Vida Member |
Tpp1 | Phelan Peak deposits of Weldon (1984), Unit 1 |
Tpp2 | Phelan Peak deposits of Weldon (1984), Unit 2 |
Tpsc | Puente Formation, Sycamore Canyon Member |
Tpscc | Puente Formation, Sycamore Canyon Member, conglomerate |
Tpsq | Puente Formation, Soquel Member |
Tpsqc | Puente Formation, Soquel Member, conglomerate |
Tpy | Puente Formation, Yorba Member |
Tr | Rhyolite porphyry dikes |
Tra | Alaskite of Sunset Cove |
Trcp | Monzonite of Cedarpines Park |
Trdg | Diorite and gabbro of Bare Mountain |
Trf | Monzonite of Fawnskin |
Trfl | Leucocratic monzonite of Fawnskin |
Trfp | Monzonite of Fifteenmile Point |
Trh | Monzonite of Hill 4001 |
Trlb | Mount Lowe Intrusive Suite, equigranular leucocratic biotite quartz monzonite |
Trlh | Mount Lowe Intrusive Suite, hornblende-biotite quartz monzonite |
Trll | Mount Lowe Intrusive Suite, porphyritic biotite quartz monzonite |
Trlm | Fine-grained leucocratic monzonite |
Trlq | Mount Lowe Intrusive Suite, porphyritic quartz monzonite and quartz monzodiorite |
Trlu | Mount Lowe Intrusive Suite, undifferentiated |
Trm | Monzogranite of Manzanita Springs |
Trrl | Monzonite of Rabbit Lake |
Trsp | Quartz monzonite of Strawberry Peak |
Ts | Mixed marine and nonmarine sedimentary rocks |
Tsa | Santa Ana Sandstone |
Tsf | San Francisquito Formation |
Tsfb | San Francisquito Formation, basal boulder conglomerate unit |
Tsfc | San Francisquito Formation, conglomerate unit |
Tsfl | San Francisquito Formation, limestone lenses |
Tsfs | San Francisquito Formation, shale unit |
Tsg | Conglomerate, sandstone, and arkose |
Tstl | San Timoteo beds of Frick (1921), lower member |
Ttd | Hypabyssal dikes |
Ttp | Granodiorite of Telegraph Peak |
Tv | Vaqueros Formation |
Tvc | Volcaniclastic conglomerate |
Tvt | Vasquez Formation, tuffaceous rocks |
Tvv | Vasquez Formation |
Tw | Formation of Warm Springs Canyon |
cgm | Chloritized cataclastic granitic rock |
cru | Crystalline rocks, undifferentiated |
dgm | Diorite gneiss and migmatite |
gb | Gabbro |
gg | Gneissic granitoid rocks and gneiss |
gn | Mixed metamorphic rocks of Ord Mountains area, gneiss |
gnb | Gneiss of Blue Cut area |
gnm | Cataclastic gneiss |
gr | Granitic rocks, undifferentiated |
mm | Mixed metamorphic rocks of Ord Mountains area, marble dominant |
mmc | Mixed metamorphic rocks of Ord Mountains area, marble and calcsilicate rock |
mms | Mixed metamorphic rocks of Ord Mountains area, marble and schist dominant |
mq | Mixed metamorphic rocks of Ord Mountains area, quartzite dominant |
ms | Mixed metamorphic rocks of Ord Mountains area, schist dominant |
mx | Mixed metamorphic rocks of Ord Mountains area, mixed |
water body | water body |
Value | Definition |
3 | Contact, scratch, poorly located or gradational over hundreds of meters |
0 | Pegmatite and granitic dikes |
0 | Sand dune crests identified from aerial photographs; accurately located |
0 | intra-unit grain-size boundary |
1 | Contact; accurately located |
1 | Crown scarps formed by landsliding; accurately located |
1 | Dike rocks |
1 | cartographic, map boundary |
4 | Scarps produced by sequential stream downcutting; accurately located |
5 | water body: Lake Arrowhead |
5 | water body: Silverwood Lake |
5 | water body |
11 | Crown scarp, landslide |
50 | Fault, normal slip; accurately located |
50 | Fault, reverse slip; accurately located |
50 | Fault-line scarp, reverse slip on eroded fault; approximately located |
50 | Fault-line scarp, slip unspecified on eroded fault; accurately located |
50 | High-angle fault, left oblique slip; accurately located |
50 | High-angle fault, scarp, normal slip; accurately located |
50 | High-angle fault, scarp, oblique slip; accurately located |
50 | High-angle fault, scarp, reverse slip; accurately located |
50 | High-angle fault, scarp, slip unspecified; accurately located |
50 | High-angle fault, slip unspecified; accurately located |
50 | Left-lateral strike-slip fault; accurately located |
50 | Right-lateral strike-slip fault, scarp; accurately located |
50 | Right-lateral strike-slip fault; accurately located |
50 | Right-lateral strike-slip fault; concealed beneath mapped covering unit |
50 | Thrust fault, older over younger; accurately located |
50 | Thrust fault, older over younger; concealed beneath mapped covering unit |
52 | 52 |
52 | Fault, reverse slip; approximately located |
52 | High-angle fault, right oblique slip; approximately located |
52 | High-angle fault, scarp, slip unspecified; approximately located |
52 | High-angle fault, slip unspecified; approximately located |
52 | Left-lateral strike-slip fault; approximately located |
52 | Right-lateral strike-slip fault; approximately located |
53 | Fault, reverse slip; concealed beneath mapped covering unit |
53 | Fault, inferred by indirect methods; concealed beneath mapped covering unit |
53 | Fault, normal slip; concealed beneath mapped covering unit |
53 | Fault, reverse slip, concealed beneath mapped covering unit |
53 | Fault, reverse slip; concealed beneath mapped covering unit |
53 | High-angle fault, left oblique slip; concealed beneath mapped covering unit |
53 | High-angle fault, right oblique slip; concealed beneath mapped covering unit |
53 | High-angle fault, slip unspecified; concealed beneath mapped covering unit |
53 | Left-lateral strike-slip fault; concealed beneath mapped covering unit |
53 | Right-lateral strike-slip fault; concealed beneath mapped covering unit |
53 | Thrust fault, older over younger; concealed beneath mapped covering unit |
113 | Thrust fault, older over younger; accurately located |
113 | Thrust fault, scarp, older over younger; accurately located |
115 | Thrust fault, older over younger; approximately located |
116 | Thrust fault, older over younger; concealed beneath mapped covering unit |
128 | Fault, variable angle, rotational slip; accurately located |
131 | Fault, variable angle, rotational slip; concealed beneath mapped covering unit |
137 | Fault, intruded; preintrusive existence inferred |
211 | Topographic lineament formed by aligned saddles, swales and breaks in slope; accurately located |
Technical review by Paul Stone led to significant improvements that eventually were reflected in aspects of the database, the plot file, and in the discussion of the regional geologic framework and the description of the geologic units of the San Bernardino 30' X 60' quadrangle.
Geologic mapping and digital preparation of this report were sponsored jointly by (1) the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program of the U.S. Geological Survey, and (2) the Southern California Areal Mapping Project (SCAMP).
The data set for the San Bernardino 30'x60' quadrangle has been prepared by the Southern California Areal Mapping Project (SCAMP), a cooperative project sponsored jointly by the U.S. Geological Survey and the California Geological Survey. The San Bernardino data set represents part of an ongoing effort to create a regional GIS geologic database for southern California. This regional digital database, in turn, is being developed as a contribution to the National Geologic Map Database of the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program of the USGS. The San Bernardino quadrangle database has been prepared in cooperation with the National Forest Service, as part of an ongoing project to provide the San Bernardino National Forest with a geologic map base for use in managing National Forest resources and in developing interpretive materials.
Online Links:
Are there legal restrictions on access or use of the data?Access_Constraints: None
Use_Constraints:The San Bernardino 30' x 60' geologic-map database should be used to evaluate and understand the geologic character of the San Bernardino 30' x 60' quadrangle as a whole. The data should not be used for purposes of site-specific land-use planning or site-specific geologic evaluations. The database is sufficiently detailed to identify and characterize geologic materials and structures. However, it is not sufficiently detailed for most site-specific determinations.
Use of this digital geologic-map database should not violate the spatial resolution of the data. Although the digital form of the data removes the constraint imposed by the scale of a paper map, the detail and accuracy inherent in map scale are also present in the digital data. Use of this digital geologic map should not violate the spatial resolution of the data. The San Bernardino 30' x 60' database was compiled from many sources including: (1) 1:62,500 reconnaisance mapping, (2) mapping from 1:24,000 USGS Open-File releases, (3) unpublished 1:24,000 mapping (4) Quaternary mapping from interpretation of 1:24,000 aerial photography, and (5) detailed 1:9,600 and 1:12,000 mapping from California Geological Survey Open-File releases. See Sheet 5, figure 3 for detailed sources of mapping. Any enlargement beyond the spatial resolution of the original geologic source data violates the spatial resolution of the data. Similarly, the digital topographic base data are derived from the U.S. Geological Survey, 1:100,000-scale San Bernardino 30' x 60' Digital Line Graphs (DLGs); any enlargement beyond this scale may be misleading. Where this database is used in combination with other data of higher resolution, the resolution of the combined output will be limited by the lower resolution data. No part of the database is intended to serve for site-specific studies.
Examination of a plot of the geologic map (Sheet 1) indicates detail in some areas that is far to fine to show well at 1:100,000 scale. This detail is purposely maintained to draw attention to areas where detailed information, compiled from large-scale maps is available. This detail may be viewed by on-screen examination of the digital map coverage or by plotting selected areas at larger scales. However, any enlargement beyond the spatial resolution of the original geologic source data violates the spatial resolution of the data.
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) provides these geographic data "as is." The USGS makes no guarantee or warranty concerning the accuracy of information contained in the geographic data. The USGS further makes no warranties, either expressed or implied as to any other matter whatsoever, including, without limitation, the condition of the product, or its fitness for any particular purpose. The burden for determining fitness for use lies entirely with the user. Although these data have been processed successfully on computers at the USGS, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS regarding the use of these data on any other system, nor does the fact of distribution constitute or imply any such warranty.
In no event shall the USGS have any liability whatsoever for payment of any consequential, incidental, indirect, special, or tort damages of any kind, including, but not limited to, any loss of profits arising out of use of or reliance on the geographic data or arising out of the delivery, installation, operation, or support by USGS.
This digital, geologic map database of the San Bernardino 30' x 60' quadrangle, 1:100,000 map-scale, and any derivative maps thereof, is not meant to be used or displayed at any scale larger than 1:100,000 (e.g., 1:24,000).
Data format: | Geologic units, structural features, and base map features in format ARCE (version 8.1) Size: 35 |
Network links: |
http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2003/of03-293/sanbern.tar.gz |