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We would like to thank Jeff Davidson and Geoff Phelps of the USGS for their help gathering field data. We would also like to thank the West San Bernardino County Municipal Water District, the City of Colton, and the City of Rialto for supporting this project. Thanks to Jonathan Matti, Jerry Treiman, and Mike Rymer of the USGS for their tips on geologic and seismic data and James Hunter (Rialto City Public Works) for providing some elevation control data. Field work is not possible without the access provided by the consent of land owners. Thanks to the many unnamed people who allowed us access onto their land and a special thanks to the following helpful people: Al Cunningham and family, Cemex Materials Corp., Richard Scanlan (Rialto Municipal Airport), Lytle Creek Ranger Station, Sally McGill (California State University, San Bernardino), Mike Seal (San Bernardino County Flood Control), Steve Lowe (San Bernardino National Forest), Tom Fujiwara (City of Redlands), and Crafton Hills College.
The purpose of the survey was to locate more precisely and characterize the Rialto-Colton fault, a strand in the San Jacinto fault zone. The information developed during this study will be used in ground-water models by the USGS Water Resources Division and for the purposes of deciphering the complex basin geometry and tectonic history in this area to help understand the development of similar strike-slip basins.
Are there legal restrictions on access or use of the data?Access_Constraints: none
Use_Constraints: none
This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards or with the North American Stratigraphic Code. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
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Gravity station data and physical properties of samples
in format Columnar text
Fixed-field ASCII; FORTRAN format statement descriptors
for the field names (in this order) are
for Gravity station file: STATION NAME (a8) LAT (f3.0,f6.3) LON (f4.0,f6.3) ELEV (f8.2) OG (f10.3) FAA (f9.3) SBA (f8.3) ITC (f7.3) TC (f7.3) TC CODE (a1) CBA (f8.3) ISO (f8.3)for Physical properties file: STATION NAME (a8) LAT (f3.0,f6.3) LON (f4.0,f6.3) GRAIN DENSITY (f7.2) SATURATED BULK DENSITY (f6.2) DRY BULK DENSITY (f6.2) MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY (f7.2) GEOLOGIC MAP UNIT (a10) ROCK TYPE (a32)Size: 0.05 |
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