Version 1.0 of the Digital Geologic Map of the Butler Peak
7.5'quadrangle consists of three Arc/Info coverages:
1) btlrpk_geo - geology
Geologic units are delineated by geologic line entities and
described by polygons which are attributed with the following
set of attribute items in btlrpk_geo.pat. For display purposes,
the geology coverage contains one annotation subclass: anno.geo
contains unit labels.
1 AREA 8 18 F 5
9 PERIMETER 8 18 F 5
17 BTLRPK_GEO# 4 5 B -
21 BTLRPK_GEO-ID 4 5 B -
25 TAG 25 25 C -
50 LABL 35 35 C -
85 PLABL 35 35 C -
120 SHD 3 3 I -
123 SHDFIL 3 3 I -
126 SHDPS 3 3 I -
129 NAME 200 200 C -
TAG enables identification of polygons, within a unit, of
which the geology is sufficiently distinct from that of the
overall unit. The default designation is the unit label with
the suffix A. Polygons representing unique properties other
than the default can be identified with suffixes B, C...etc.
All polygons in the Butler Peak quadrangle are designated by the
suffix A.
LABL geologic map unit label, in plain text
PLABL coded geologic map unit label used to generate plot labels
with relevant stratigraphic symbols. The geologic units with LABL
Cbk, Cc, Cw, Cz (Cambrian); Mzu (Mesozoic); PPbs (Pensylvanian);
Prcc, Prgsq etc. (Proterozoic); Trf, Trfl, Trlm (Triassic) appear as
_bk, _c, _w, _z; }u; &bs; <cc, <gsq etc.; ^f, ^fl, ^lm respectively
in the item PLABL. The replacement characters call their
corresponding symbols from the Stratagem Font Group. Geologic map
unit labels will plot on derivative map plots with appropriate
stratigraphic symbols if PLABL is used as the source of unit labels.
The Stratagem Font Group is accessed through geofont.txt. However,
the Stratagem Font Group is unavailable for general release at this
SHD allows assignment of polygon colors from shadesets other
than those used in this dataset
SHDFIL polygon fill pattern from shadeset geology2.shd
(included in the data package)
SHDPS polygon color from shadeset scamp2.shd (included in the
data package)
NAME geologic name of each unit
Geologic lines, which include features such as faults, and
contacts are attributed with the following set of feature
attribute items contained in btlrpk_geo.aat. (A complete
description of each line type is available in the data table,
1 FNODE# 4 5 B -
5 TNODE# 4 5 B -
9 LPOLY# 4 5 B -
13 RPOLY# 4 5 B -
17 LENGTH 8 18 F 5
25 BTLRPK_GEO # 4 5 B -
29 BTLRPK_GEO -ID 4 5 B -
33 L-SYMB 3 3 I -
36 L-TAG 25 25 C -
L-SYMB stores appropriate line symbol value from the lineset
geoscamp2.lin (included in the data package)
L-TAG line attribute which consists of a character and numerical
value, e.g. C17, allows the user to relate the line entity to
its corresponding definition in lines.rel
2) btlrpk_pts - geologic point data
Geological point data includes information describing the types
and the orientation of bedding, foliation, and lineations. One
annotation subclass is included in the geologic points coverage:
dip displays the respective dip and plunge values associated
with individual point data.
1 AREA 8 18 F 5
9 PERIMETER 8 18 F 5
17 BTLRPK_PTS# 4 5 B -
21 BTLRPK_PTS-ID 4 5 B -
25 P-DIP 3 3 I -
28 P-STRIKE 3 3 I -
31 P-SYMB 3 3 I -
34 P-TAG 25 25 C -
59 P-UNIQUE 200 200 C -
259 P-AGECON 50 50 C -
309 P-SOURCE 200 200 C -
509 P-AGE 100 100 C -
609 P-PLUNGE 3 3 I -
612 P-DIPDIR 3 3 I -
P-DIP the dip of planar features
P-STRIKE the azimuth strike of planar features
P-SYMB stores the point-type value from the markerset
geoscamp2.mrk (included in the data package)
P-TAG point attribute which consists of a character(s) and
numerical value, e.g. FN42, allows the user to relate the point
entity to its corresponding definition in the data table, points.rel
P-UNIQUE allows for the description of attributes
uniquely associated with a particular point datum location
P-AGECON indicates the confidence with which a geologic
age is assigned to a point feature
P-SOURCE allows identification of sources other than the
U.S. Geological Survey authors of this map product from which
data were compiled
P-AGE indicates the geologic age assigned to the feature,
where determined
P-PLUNGE lineation plunge value
P-DIPDIR azimuthal direction of dip
To date, there is no other way to indicate to the user the
cardinal direction of dip using the traditional convention
(traditional geologic notation allows a quadrant designation
following the dip value).
3) btlrpk_ldr - annotation leaders
Annotation leaders point to unit labels that are placed outside
the perimeter of a particular geologic polygon. These
cartographic line entities are attributed with only a single
attribute, L-SYMB, and all have the same value, 1.
1 FNODE# 4 5 B -
5 TNODE# 4 5 B -
9 LPOLY# 4 5 B -
13 RPOLY# 4 5 B -
17 LENGTH 8 18 F 5
25 BTLRPK_LDR# 4 5 B -
29 BTLRPK_LDR-ID 4 5 B -
33 L-SYMB 3 3 I -
A complete description of the polygon, line, and point data coding schemes
is available in U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Reports 97-859, OFR
97-860, and OFR 97-861 (full source citations follow):
Matti, J.C., Miller, F.K., Powell, R.E., Kennedy, S.A., Bunyapanasarn,
T.P., Koukladas, Catherine, Hauser, R.M., and Cossette, P.M., 1997b,
Geologic-point attributes for digital geologic-map databases produced by
the Southern California Areal Mapping Project (SCAMP), Version 1.0:
U.S.Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-859
Matti, J.C., Miller, F.K., Powell, R.E., Kennedy, S.A., and Cossette, P.M.,
1997c, Geologic-polygon attributes for digital geologic-map databases
produced by the Southern California Areal Mapping Project (SCAMP), Version
1.0: U.S.Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-860
Matti, J.C., Powell, R.E., Miller, F.K., Kennedy, S.A., Ruppert, K.R.,
Morton, G.L., and Cossette, P.M., 1997a, Geologic-line attributes for
digital geologic-map databases produced by the Southern California Areal
Mapping Project (SCAMP), Version 1.0: U.S.Geological Survey Open-File
Report 97-861