--------------------------------------------------------------- COVERAGE NAME: dillonpoly --------------------------------------------------------------- USER-DEFINED ITEMS IN DILLONPOLY.PAT: ------------------------------------ ATTRIBUTE NAME: DESCRIPTION DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 80,80,C,0 DESCRIPTION: Short textual description of the map unit. Complete descriptions of the map units are normally provided in an accompanying report. This description is typically shown on the legend printed on the map sheet. ATTRIBUTE NAME: LABEL DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 6,6,C,0 DESCRIPTION: Map unit label. ATTRIBUTE NAME: SYMBOL DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 4,4,I,0 DESCRIPTION: Integer index of the proper color for this polygon. The index indicates which element of the shade set color524.shd is used. CORRELATION OF ITEMS SYMBOL, LABEL, AND DESCRIPTION IN DILLONPOLY.PAT: SYMBOL LABEL DESCRIPTION 0 water 2 Qal alluvium 12 Qcl colluvium and loess, undivided 16 Qls younger landslide deposits 23 Qg terrace gravel 25 Qac alluvium and colluvium, undivided 26 Qt talus 29 Xdi diorite and quartz diorite 32 Qf fan deposits 35 Qop Pinedale outwash gravel 35 Qop? Pinedale outwash gravel, uncertain 64 Xgr granodiorite and quartz monzonite 75 Xbg biotite gneiss 88 YXggp granitic rocks, biotite gneiss, and pegmatite 98 QTgm gravel of Mesa Cortina 102 Xsg biotite-muscovite-sillimanite gneiss and schist 112 Qtb Bull Lake till 115 Qtp Pinedale till 150 YXpg pegmatite and granite complex 156 YXp pegmatite 222 Xqz quartzite 334 Xam amphibolite 367 Kpm Pierre Shale, shale and sandstone member 371 Kb Benton Shale 411 Kps Pierre Shale, sandstone member 416 Kp Pierre Shale, undivided 417 Kpl Pierre Shale, lower shale member 427 Jm Morrison Formation 440 Kn Niobrara Formation 444 QTd diamicton 449 QTls older landslide deposits 454 Kd Dakota Sandstone 455 Qgo older outwash gravel 456 Qr rock-glacier deposits 468 Xkbg microcline-biotite gneiss 496 Qdf debris-flow deposit 504 Xbmg biotite-muscovite gneiss and schist 514 af artificial fill 520 Xmg migmatite USER-DEFINED ITEMS IN DILLONPOLY.AAT: ------------------------------------ ATTRIBUTE NAME: DESCRIPTION DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 80,80,C,0 DESCRIPTION: Text indicating the type of linear geologic feature. ATTRIBUTE NAME: SYMBOL DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 3,3,I,0 DESCRIPTION: Integer index of the line type used for plotting the feature on the map. The symbol set used to plot these features is geol_sfo.lin. CORRELATION OF ITEMS SYMBOL AND DESCRIPTION IN DILLONPOLY.AAT: SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 0 water boundary 1 contact 2 contact, approximately located 4 contact, concealed 14 thrust fault 20 thrust fault, approximately located 24 thrust fault, concealed 50 normal fault 173 map boundary 176 fault, concealed 176 normal fault, concealed 183 normal fault, approximately located 184 normal fault, concealed 216 fault, approximately located 227 fault --------------------------------------------------------------- COVERAGE NAME: dillonline --------------------------------------------------------------- USER-DEFINED ITEMS IN DILLONLINE.AAT: ------------------------------------ ATTRIBUTE NAME: DESCRIPTION DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 80,80,C,0 DESCRIPTION: Text indicating the type of linear geologic feature. ATTRIBUTE NAME: SYMBOL DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 3,3,I,0 DESCRIPTION: Integer index of the line type used for plotting the feature on the map. The line type is given by the symbol set (whose name is specified in an accompanying attribute) and this index value. ATTRIBUTE NAME: SYMSET DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 20,20,C,0 DESCRIPTION: Name of the symbol set containing the appropriate line style to be used for plotting this feature. Text. CORRELATION OF ITEMS SYMBOL, SYMSET, AND DESCRIPTION IN DILLONLINE.AAT: SYMBOL SYMSET DESCRIPTION 11 geoscamp1.lin scarp 15 geoscamp1.lin sackung structure 60 geol_sfo.lin anticline 63 geol_sfo.lin anticline, concealed 92 geol_sfo.lin plunging syncline 92 geol_sfo.lin syncline 95 geol_sfo.lin plunging syncline, concealed 95 geol_sfo.lin syncline, concealed 173 geol_sfo.lin cross-section line A-A' 173 geol_sfo.lin cross-section line B-B' --------------------------------------------------------------- COVERAGE NAME: dillonpoint --------------------------------------------------------------- USER-DEFINED ITEMS IN DILLONPOINT.PAT: ------------------------------------ ATTRIBUTE NAME: DESCRIPTION DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 80,80,C,0 DESCRIPTION: Text indicating the type of geologic point feature. ATTRIBUTE NAME: AZIMUTH DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 7,7,I,0 DESCRIPTION: Integer value in the range 0-359 indicating rotation of the point feature in the horizontal plane. In the case of bedding or jointing, this value indicates the strike. ATTRIBUTE NAME: INCLINATION DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 5,5,I,0 DESCRIPTION: Integer value in the range 0-90 indicating the inclination from horizontal of the point feature. In the case of bedding or jointing, this value indicates the dip. ATTRIBUTE NAME: SYMBOL DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 3,3,I,0 DESCRIPTION: Integer index of the point type used for plotting the feature on the map. The point type is given by the symbol set (whose name is specified in an accompanying attribute) and this index value. ATTRIBUTE NAME: SYMSET DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 20,20,C,0 DESCRIPTION: Name of the symbol set containing the appropriate symbol to be used for plotting this feature. Text. CORRELATION OF ITEMS SYMBOL, SYMSET, AND DESCRIPTION IN DILLONPOINT.PAT: SYMBOL SYMSET DESCRIPTION 2 geoscamp2.mrk strike and dip of inclined beds 53 plotter.mrk sample locality for zircon age dating 81 geoscamp2.mrk strike and dip of foliation 82 geoscamp2.mrk vertical foliation 122 usgs.mrk gravel pit 130 geoscamp2.mrk bearing and plunge of lineation