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The individual attributes for each coverage are described as follows (*=DVRFS): --------POLYGONS-<*_GEO> UNIT: see map text for explanation of lithologic unit symbols &=Pennsylvanian @=Triassic _=Cambrian UNIT_CODE: 1=surficial Quaternary unit 2=igneous Quaternary unit 3=sedimentary Tertiary unit 4=volcanic Tertiary unit 5=intrusive Tertiary unit 6=sedimentary Mesozoic unit 7=igneous Mesozoic unit 8=sedimentary Paleozoic unit 9=igneous Paleozoic unit 10=Precambrian unit TECT_CODE: 0=no tectonic significance assigned 1=Mesozoic intrusive rocks 2=Tertiary intrusive rocks 3=Proterozoic basement rocks (base of ground-water model) SYMBOL: value from CTR269 shadeset for coloring polygons --------ARCS-<*_GEO, *_FLT, *_GPFLT, *_CALD, *_LIN, *_TLINE, *_WLANE> TECT_INDEX (*_FLT only): 0=not regionally significant structure 1=regionally significant structure LABEL (*_CALD, *_LIN, *_TLINE, and *_WLANE only): character attribute describing structure LINE_CODE, DESCRIPTION (*_GEO, *_FLT, *_GPFLT and *_CALD only): 1, "contact-certain" 2, "contact-inferred" 10, "contact-faulted" + 20, "fault-certain" 21, "fault-inferred" 22, "fault-concealed" 23, "fault-queried" 30, "thrust fault-certain" 31, "thrust fault-inferred" 32, "thrust fault-concealed" 40, "low-angle normal fault-certain" 41, "low-angle normal fault-inferred" 42, "low-angle normal fault-concealed" 60, "caldera boundary-certain" 62, "caldera boundary-concealed" 90, "geophysically inferred structure-well constrained" 91, "geophysically inferred structure-poorly constrained" 99, "map area boundary" + code=10 is used for lines which represent both fault lines and unit contacts in DVRFS_GEO. It is a cartographic designation for lines repeated in both the geology and fault coverages so that they will not be drawn twice in plotting and is not used uniformly due to inconsistent attribution of source data. SYMBOL: value from GEOSCAMP1 lineset for drawing lines --------ARC-<*_SYM> SYMBOL: 1= bar and ball symbol 2= bar and ball symbol (geophysically inferred structure) 3= right-lateral offset arrows 4= right-lateral offset arrows (geophysically inferred structure) 5= left-lateral offset arrows 6= left-lateral offset arrows (geophysically inferred structure) --------POINT-<*_SYM> SYMBOL: 1= bar and ball symbol 2= bar and ball symbol (geophysically inferred structure) 3= right-lateral offset arrows 4= right-lateral offset arrows (geophysically inferred structure) 5= left-lateral offset arrows 6= left-lateral offset arrows (geophysically inferred structure) ANGLE: angle to plot offset symbol
This map compilation was completed in support of the Death Valley Ground-Water Basin regional flow model funded by the Department of Energy in conjunction with the U. S. Geological Survey and National Park Service. The proposed model is intended to address issues concerning the availability of water in Death Valley National Park and surrounding counties of Nevada and California and the migration of contaminants off of the Nevada Test Site and Yucca Mountain high-level waste repository. The geologic compilation and tectonic interpretations contained within this database will serve as the basic framework for the flow model. The database also represents a synthesis of many sources of data compiled over many years in this geologically and tectonically significant area.
Are there legal restrictions on access or use of the data?Access_Constraints: None
Use_Constraints: None
Although this digital spatial data has been subjected to rigorous review and is substantially complete, it is released on the condition that neither the USGS nor the United States Government may be held liable for any damage resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use.
Data format: | Geologic units and structural features in format Shapefile (version 1.0) Size: 82 |
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Data format: | Geologic units and structural features in format ARCE (version 8.1) Size: 82 |
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