Originator: Jeremiah B. Workman
Originator: Christopher M. Menges
Originator: William R. Page
Originator: Emily M. Taylor
Originator: E. B. Ekren
Originator: Peter D. Rowley
Originator: Gary L. Dixon
Originator: Ren A. Thompson
Originator: Laren A. Wright
Publication_Date: 2002
Geologic Map of the Death Valley Ground-Water Model Area, Nevada and California
Edition: version 1.0
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: map
Series_Name: Miscellaneous Field Studies Map
Issue_Identification: MF-2381-A
Publication_Place: Denver, Colorado
Publisher: U. S. Geological Survey
This digital geologic and tectonic database of the Death Valley ground-water model area, as well as its accompanying geophysical maps, are compiled at 1:250,000 scale. The map compilation presents new polygon, line, and point vector data for the Death Valley region. The map area is enclosed within a 3 degree X 3 degree area along the border of southern Nevada and southeastern California. In addition to the Death Valley National Park and Death Valley-Furnace Creek fault systems, the map area includes the Nevada Test Site, the southwest Nevada volcanic field, the southern end of the Walker Lane (from southern Esmeralda County, Nevada, to the Las Vegas Valley shear zone and Stateline fault system in Clark County, Nevada), the eastern California shear zone (in the Cottonwood and Panamint Mountains), the eastern end of the Garlock fault zone (Avawatz Mountains), and the southern basin and range (central Nye and western Lincoln Counties, Nevada). This geologic map improves on previous geologic mapping in the area by providing new and updated Quaternary and bedrock geology, new interpretation of mapped faults and regional structures, new geophysical interpretations of faults beneath the basins, and improved GIS coverages. The basic geologic database has tectonic interpretations imbedded within it through attributing of structure lines and unit polygons which emphasize significant and through-going structures and units. An emphasis has been put on features which have important impacts on ground-water flow. Concurrent publications to this one include a new isostatic gravity map (Ponce and others, 2001), a new aeromagnetic map (Ponce and Blakely, 2001), and contour map of depth to basement based on inversion of gravity data (Blakely and Ponce, 2001).
This map compilation was completed in support of the Death Valley Ground-Water Basin regional flow model funded by the Department of Energy in conjunction with the U. S. Geological Survey and National Park Service. The proposed model is intended to address issues concerning the availability of water in Death Valley National Park and surrounding counties of Nevada and California and the migration of contaminants off of the Nevada Test Site and Yucca Mountain high-level waste repository. The geologic compilation and tectonic interpretations contained within this database will serve as the basic framework for the flow model. The database also represents a synthesis of many sources of data compiled over many years in this geologically and tectonically significant area.
A composite base map is included which contains topographic contour lines based upon published USGS 1:100,000-scale DLG data and computer contouring (ARC/INFO) of published USGS 1-degree (3- by 3-arc-second spacing) DEM data and road lines and political boundaries both from published USGS 1:100,000-scale DLG data. 1:100,000-scale data was generalized to 1:250,000-scale for inclusion with the 1:250,000-scale database.
The subdirectory DVRFS_BASEMAPS within the database will contain additional coverages, grids, and projection files necessary for generating graphical representation of the map along with the basemap files. These include: the hypsography (dvrfs_hp), the political boundaries (dvrfs_bd), the roads (dvrfs_rd), the Nevada Test Site boundary (nts_bd), textpoint annotations for the base map (dvrfs_hptxt), the three color separated grids used to generate the hillshade on the tectonic map (dvrfs_blue, dvrfs_green, and dvrfs_red), a polygon coverage defining the map boundary (basemaparea) used for defining mapextent in ARCPLOT, a polygon coverage defining the map area (maparea), polygon coverage defining the groud-water model area (modelarea), a polygon coverage used to shade the tectonically significant structural zones (dvrfs_tzone), text labels for faults and regional structures (dvrfs_text), a coverage used to draw a map scale bar (scale250), and two projection files for the geographic projection (geo.prj) and UTM projection (utm.prj).
Part_Name: DVRFS_GEO
Part_Type: ArcInfo coverage of type POLY/ARC
Part_Description: Geologic contacts and unit labels.
Part_Name: DVRFS_FLT
Part_Type: ArcInfo coverage of type ARC
Part_Description: Geologic fault structures.
Part_Type: ArcInfo coverage of type ARC
Part_Description: Structures based upon interpretation of gravity data.
Part_Name: DVRFS_SYM
Part_Type: ArcInfo coverage of type ARC/POINT
Part_Description: Fault symbols representing offset orientations in both cartographic arc format and point format.
Part_Type: ArcInfo coverage of type ARC
Part_Description: Caldera walls (both structural and topographic in some cases).
Part_Name: DVRFS_LIN
Part_Type: ArcInfo coverage of type ARC
Part_Description: Lineaments.
Part_Type: ArcInfo coverage of type ARC
Part_Description: Axis of tectonically significant structural zones (shown on the printed tectonic map as broad stippled zones using the coverage DVRFS_TZONE which is included in the basemap data discussed in the Supplemental_Information element above). These lines are being used as the first order structures in the ground-water model constructed from this geologic model.
Part_Type: ArcInfo coverage of type ARC
Part_Description: Eastern limit of Walker Lane where constrained by geology and geophysics.
Calendar_Date: 2002
Currentness_Reference: publication date
Progress: Complete
Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: None planned
West_Bounding_Coordinate: -118.000
East_Bounding_Coordinate: -115.000
North_Bounding_Coordinate: 38.250
South_Bounding_Coordinate: 35.000
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: USGS Thesaurus
Theme_Keyword: geology
Theme_Keyword: geologic maps
Theme_Keyword: bedrock geologic units
Theme_Keyword: geologic structure
Theme_Keyword: geospatial datasets
Theme_Keyword: faulting (geologic)
Theme_Keyword: tectonic processes
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: none
Theme_Keyword: basin and range
Theme_Keyword: southern Great Basin
Theme_Keyword: walker lane
Theme_Keyword: eastern California shear zone
Theme_Keyword: Death Valley-Furnace Creek fault zone
Theme_Keyword: southwest Nevada volcanic field
Theme_Keyword: Death Valley Ground-Water Flow Model
Theme_Keyword: Garlock fault
Theme_Keyword: Las Vegas Valley shear zone
Theme_Keyword: Stateline fault zone
Theme_Keyword: sevier thrust belt
Theme_Keyword: Death Valley thrust belt
Theme_Keyword: central Nevada thrust belt
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: ISO 19115 Topic Categories
Theme_Keyword: geoscientificInformation
Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: none
Place_Keyword: Nevada
Place_Keyword: California
Place_Keyword: Nevada Test Site
Place_Keyword: Death Valley National Park
Place_Keyword: Las Vegas
Place_Keyword: Nellis Air Force Base
Place_Keyword: Inyo County
Place_Keyword: San Bernardino County
Place_Keyword: Clark County
Place_Keyword: Nye County
Place_Keyword: Esmeralda County
Place_Keyword: Lincoln County
Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: Augmented FIPS 10-4 and FIPS 6-4
Place_Keyword: f32023 = Nye
Place_Keyword: f32003 = Clark
Place_Keyword: f32009 = Esmeralda
Place_Keyword: f32017 = Lincoln
Place_Keyword: f06027 = Inyo
Place_Keyword: f06071 = San Bernardino
Access_Constraints: None
Use_Constraints: None
Contact_Person: Jeremiah B. Workman
Contact_Organization: U. S. Geological Survey
Address_Type: Mailing Address
Address: Box 25046
Address: Denver Federal Center, MS-913
City: Denver
State_or_Province: CO
Postal_Code: 80225
Country: U.S.A.
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 303-236-1257
SunOS 5.7, sun4m UNIX
ARC/INFO version 8.1