clifpoly: geology polygons, contacts, and other linear features clifline: line of cross-section A-A' clifpnt: point features - bedding attitudes, drillholes
COVERAGE NAME: clifpoly USER-DEFINED ITEMS IN CLIFPOLY.PAT: ATTRIBUTE NAME: CODE DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 3,3,I,0 DESCRIPTION: numeric entity identifier; used for printing ITEM VALUES FOR 'CODE': 500 501 ATTRIBUTE NAME: P1 DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 5,5,I,0 DESCRIPTION: numeric entity identifier; used for printing ITEM VALUES FOR 'P1': Integer values in the range 100 - 586. ATTRIBUTE NAME: P2 DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 5,5,I,0 DESCRIPTION: numeric entity identifier; used for printing ITEM VALUES FOR 'P2': 20 80 ATTRIBUTE NAME: LABEL DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 6,6,C,0 DESCRIPTION: geologic unit text label ITEM VALUES FOR 'LABEL': (see table below) ATTRIBUTE NAME: MODIFIER DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 10,10,C,0 DESCRIPTION: additional information for description, if any ITEM VALUES FOR 'MODIFIER': gravel pit ATTRIBUTE NAME: SYMBOL DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 3,3,I,0 DESCRIPTION: shade symbol in color524.shd used to color polygons ITEM VALUES FOR 'SYMBOL': (see table below) ATTRIBUTE NAME: DESC DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 80,80,C,0 DESCRIPTION: text description of geologic unit ITEM VALUES FOR 'DESC': (see table below) RELATION OF ITEMS LABEL,MODIFIER, SYMBOL, and DESC: LABEL MODIFIER SYMBOL DESC Kd 454 Dakota Sandstone (Lower Cretaceous) Km 491 Mancos Shale (Upper Cretaceous) Kmg 432 Mount Garfield Formation and tongues of Mancos Shale (Upper Cretaceous) Qa 6 Alluvium of tributary channels (Holocene and late Pleistocene) Qac 25 Undivided alluvium and colluvium (Holocene and latest Pleistocene) Qalc1 11 Stream channel and floodplain deposits along the Colorado River (Holocene) Qalc1 gravel pit 11 Stream channel and floodplain deposits along the Colorado River (Holocene) Qalc2 11 Alluvium deposited by the Colorado River (Holocene and latest Pleistocene) Qalc2 gravel pit 11 Alluvium deposited by the Colorado River (Holocene and latest Pleistocene) Qls 39 Landslide deposits (Holocene and late Pleistocene) Qp4 451 Pediment deposit north of Sink Creek (early? Pleistocene) Qpmv 451 Pediment deposit east of Moulton Valley (late? Pleistocene) Qpu 451 Undifferentiated pediment deposits (early? Pleistocene) Qt1 22 Terrace alluvium (late Pleistocene) Qt2 46 Terrace alluvium (middle Pleistocene) Qt2 gravel pit 46 Terrace alluvium (middle Pleistocene) Qt3 110 Terrace alluvium (early Pleistocene) Qt3 gravel pit 110 Terrace alluvium (early Pleistocene) Qt4 62 Terrace alluvium (early Pleistocene) Qt5 29 Terrace alluvium (early Pleistocene) Qtsc 14 Terrace alluvium of Sink Creek (late to middle Pleistocene) Qtu 20 Undifferentiated terrace alluvium (middle to early Pleistocene) af 8 Artificial fill (latest Holocene) (none) 327 water USER-DEFINED ITEMS IN CLIFPOLY.AAT: ------------------------------------ ATTRIBUTE NAME: CODE DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 3,3,I,0 DESCRIPTION: numeric entity identifier; used for printing ITEM VALUES FOR 'CODE': 1 4 92 99 ATTRIBUTE NAME: P1 DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 3,3,I,0 DESCRIPTION: numeric entity identifier; used for printing ITEM VALUES FOR 'P1': 1 ATTRIBUTE NAME: P2 DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 3,3,I,0 DESCRIPTION: numeric entity identifier; used for printing ITEM VALUES FOR 'P2': 0 2 ATTRIBUTE NAME: LINETYPE DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 80,80,C,0 DESCRIPTION: description of linear feature type ITEM VALUES FOR 'LINETYPE': (see table below) ATTRIBUTE NAME: SYMBOL DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 3,3,I,0 DESCRIPTION: linesymbol in geol_sfo.lin used to draw line entities ITEM VALUES FOR 'SYMBOL': (see table below) RELATIONSHIP OF ITEMS LINETYPE and SYMBOL: LINETYPE SYMBOL contact; certain 1 gravel pit boundary 1 contact; topographic escarpment 171 map boundary 173 COVERAGE NAME: clifline USER-DEFINED ITEMS IN CLIFLINE.AAT: ATTRIBUTE NAME: CODE DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 3,3,I,0 DESCRIPTION: numeric entity identifier; used for printing ITEM VALUES FOR 'CODE': 98 ATTRIBUTE NAME: P1 DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 3,3,I,0 DESCRIPTION: numeric entity identifier; used for printing ITEM VALUES FOR 'P1': 1 ATTRIBUTE NAME: P2 DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 3,3,I,0 DESCRIPTION: numeric entity identifier; used for printing ITEM VALUES FOR 'P2': 0 ATTRIBUTE NAME: LINETYPE DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 80,80,C,0 DESCRIPTION: description of linear feature type ITEM VALUES FOR 'LINETYPE': line of cross-section A-A prime ATTRIBUTE NAME: SYMBOL DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 3,3,I,0 DESCRIPTION: linesymbol in geol_sfo.lin used to draw line entities ITEM VALUES FOR 'SYMBOL': 227 COVERAGE NAME: clifpnt USER-DEFINED ITEMS IN CLIFPNT.PAT: ATTRIBUTE NAME: STRIKE DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 7,7,I,0 DESCRIPTION: compass orientation of feature, in degrees ITEM VALUES FOR 'STRIKE': integer values in the range 0 - 360 ATTRIBUTE NAME: DIP DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 3,3,I,0 DESCRIPTION: inclination from horizontal of feature, in degrees ITEM VALUES FOR 'DIP': integer values in the range 0 -90 ATTRIBUTE NAME: DESC DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 80,80,C,0 DESCRIPTION: text description of feature type ITEM VALUES FOR 'DESC': drillhole, dry strike and dip of inclined beds ATTRIBUTE NAME: SYMBOL DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 3,3,I,0 DESCRIPTION: markersymbol used to draw feature ITEM VALUES FOR 'SYMBOL': 2 101 ATTRIBUTE NAME: SYMSET DATABASE ITEM STRUCTURE: 20,20,C,0 DESCRIPTION: ArcInfo markerset associated with the SYMBOL item above ITEM VALUES FOR 'SYMSET': geoscamp1.mrk oilgas.mrk