FILES INCLUDED WITH THIS DATA SET: jsp24k: geology polygon coverage jsppnt: strike/dip point locations and data jspcontrol: field elevation control points jspcontour: structure contours on the top of the Boone Formation geoscamp1.lin: geologic line symbols geoscamp1.mrk: geologic marker symbols fnt037: font used with geoscamp1.mrk wpgcmykg.shd: shadeset used to color polygons in jsp24k coverage fnt027: font containing geologic age symbols
DATABASE STRUCTURE - ARC/INFO ==================================== Jasper Geology Coverage (jsp24k) AAT The arc attribute table contains two user-defined items: Item name width output type DESCRIPTION 25 25 c LINECODE 5 5 n The item 'LINECODE' contains the number that corresponds to a line symbol in ArcInfo lineset carto.lin contact = 1 quad boundary = 1 cross-section = 18 exposed fault = 102 inferred fault = 110 concealed fault = 149 PAT The polygon attribute table contains four user-defined items: Item name width output type GEOLOGY 10 10 C COLOR 3 3 N HATCH 10 10 I SPECGEO 10 10 C The item 'geology' corresponds to the geologic code (ex: Qty, Qto) The item 'color' corresponds to the appropriate number in the shadeset wpgcmykg.shd The item 'hatch' is used to specify the hatch marks required to plot Mbs units. The item 'hatch' has a value of 29 for Mbs (corresponding to an appropriate hatch symbol in the shadeset plotter.shd) and a value of zero for every other geologic unit. The aml used to plot this map will shade the polygons using the item 'color' and the shadeset wpgcmykg.shd; selected polygons will be shaded a second time using the item 'hatch' and the shadeset plotter.shd. The item 'specgeo' is used to specify special geologic characters associated with the age of the lithologic units (ex: Pennsylvanian). These are plotted using font 027. Qty Younger terrace and alluvium deposits (Holocene and late Pleistocene) Qto Older terrace and alluvium deposits (Quaternary) Qc Colluvial deposits (Quaternary) Pbu Upper part of Bloyd Formation (Pennsylvannian) Pbl Lower part of Bloyd Formation (Pennsylvanian) Phg Prarie Grove Member of Hale Formation (Pennsylvanian) Phc Cane Hill Member of Hale Formation (Pennsylvanian) Mp Pitkin Limestone (Mississippian) Mf Main body of Fayetteville Shale (Mississippian) Mfw Wedington Sandstone Member(Mississippian) Mbv Batesville Sandstone(Mississippian) Mb Main body of Boone Formation (Mississippian) Mbs St. Joe Limestone Member (Mississippian) Of Fernvale Limestone (Ordovician) Oe Everton Formation (Ordovician) Op Powell Dolomite (Ordovician) Jasper Strike-Dip Coverage (jsppnt) PAT The point attribute table contains 8 user defined items: Item name width output type DIP 10 10 I AZIMUTH 8 8 I MARKER 10 10 I DESCRIPTION 20 20 C ARROWAZ 4 4 I DIAMAZ 4 4 I ARROWDIP 4 4 I DIAMDIP 4 4 I The item 'dip' is the angle that the bed dips from the horizontal. The item 'azimuth' is the direction of strike of the bed using azimuthal measurements (N = 0, E = 90, S = 180, W = 270) The item 'marker' is used to specify the symbol from geoscamp1.mrk used for plotting. The item 'description' provides a brief explanation of the symbol type. The item 'arrowaz' is used to specify the azimuth of a fault dip. The item 'diamaz' is used to specify the azimuth of a fault rake. The item 'arrowdip' is used to specify the angle associated with a fault dip arrow symbol. The item 'diamdip' is used to specify the angle associated with a fault rake diamond symbol. Jasper Control Point Coverage (jspcontrol) PAT The point attribute table contains 2 user defined items: Item name width output type VALUE 10 10 I BOONE_FORM 10 10 C The item 'value' is used to specify the elevation of the control point in feet. The item 'boone_form' specifies either the top or bottom of the Boone Formation. Jasper Structure Contour Coverage (jspcontour) AAT The arc attribute table contains one user defined item: Item name width output type CONTOUR 10 10 I The item contour contains a value for the elevation of the base of the Boone Formation, in feet above Mean Sea Level.