chew_geo.e00 Contacts, faults, geologic unit labels chew_pts.e00 Attitudes and their dip values. Dip values plotted as annotation. chew_xs.e00 lines of cross sections chew_ldr.e00 unit label leaders chew_hyps.e00 Topography chew_trans.e00 Roads, cultural information lines.rel.e00 Line dictionary points.rel.e00 Point dictionary scamp2.shd.e00 SCAMP shade set
Scale (X,Y) = (2540.622,2540.193) Skew (degrees) = (0.004) Rotation (degrees) = (-0.377) Translation = (421268.260,311632.232) RMS Error (input,output) = (0.003,7.674) Affine X = Ax + By + C Y = Dx + Ey + F A = 2540.567 B = 16.874 C = 421268.260 D = -16.718 E = 2540.137 F = 311632.232
CHEW_GEO.PAT: COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME 1 AREA 4 12 F 3 5 PERIMETER 4 12 F 3 9 CHEW_GEO# 4 5 B - 13 CHEW_GEO-ID 4 5 B - 17 LABL 35 35 C - 52 PLABL 35 35 C - 87 SHDPS 3 3 I - 90 SHDFIL 3 3 I - 93 NAME 320 320 C -LABL geologic map unit label, in plain text
Qm Mine tailings Qls Landslide deposits Qag Galcial and alluvial deposits QTs Consolidated alluvial and (or) glacial deposits Tcl Clay deposits Tcr Columbia River Basalt Group Tt Tiger Formation Tcs Conglomerate and sedimentary breccia Tcb Chlorite breccia and cataclastic rocks associated with the Newport Fault Tcc Tectonic breccia of Cusick Creek Tbl Cataclastic rocks of Bayley Lake Ts Sanpoil Volcanics Thd Hypabyssal dikes Tsp Silver Point Quartz Monzonite Tam Quartz monzodiorite of Ahern Meadows Tll Quartz monzonite of Loon Lake To O'Brien Creek Formation Kmm Monzogranite of Midnight Mine Klr Monzogranite of Little Roundtop Kbgm Muscovite monzogranite of Blue Grouse Mountain Ksh Starvation Flat Quartz Monzonite, hornblende-biotite monzogranite and granodiorite Ksha Starvation Flat Quartz Monzonite, Arden pluton Kfl Fan Lake Granodiorite Kc Biotite monzogranite of Camden Kdc Two-mica granodiorite of Dubius Creek Kgp Galena Point Ganodiorite Kb Blickensderfer Quartz Monzonite Khlc Granodiorite of Hall Mountain, Loop Creek pluton Kpl Phillips Lake Granodiorite Kli Leucocratic intrusive rocks Knb Two-mica monzogranite of North Basin Knc Monzogranite of Narcisse Creek Kbm Monzogranite of Big Meadows Koc Monzogranite of Otter Creek Klgs Leucocratic granitic rocks of Scotia Ksv Granodiorite of Spring Valley Kbr Two-mica monzogranite of Blanchard Road KJcc Hornblende-biotite quartz diorite of Cusick Creek Jlm Quartz monzodiorite of Lane Mountain MzPzf Fault-zone rocks JTrft Flowery Trail Granodiorite MCu Carbonate and clastic sedimentary rocks, undivided Ml Limestone MD3 Dolomite and slate MD2 White and pale-gray dolomite MD1 Dark-gray dolomite Ddl Dolomite and limestone Ol Ledbetter Formation OCgc Phyllite and quartzite of Gardiner Creek OCmu Metaline Formation, undivided part OCms Metaline Formation, shaly limestone member OCmd Metaline Formation, thick-bedded dolomite member OCml Metaline Formation, thick- and thin-bedded limestone member OCmld Metaline Formation, dark-gray dolomite beds OCmq Metaline Formation, limestone and carbonate-bearing quartzite member CZau Addy Quartzite, undivided part Cau Addy Quartzite, upper member Cac Addy Quartzite, coarse-grained member CZap Addy Quartzite, purple member Zal Addy Quartzite, lower member Zmu Monk Formation, undivided part Zma Monk Formation, argillite member Zmc Monk Formation, conglomerate member Zmg Monk Formation, greenstone member Zhg Huckleberry Formation, greenstone member Zhgc Huckleberry Formation, volcanic conglomerate Zhi Huckleberry Formation, intrusive greenstone Zhc Huckleberry Formation, conglomerate member Ydtu Deer Trail Group, undivided part Ybu Buffalo Hump Formation, undivided part Yba Buffalo Hump Formation, argillite Ybq Buffalo Hump Formation, quartzite Ys Stensgar Dolomite Ym McHale Slate Ywcu Wabash Detroit Formation and Chamokane Formation, undivided Ywd Wabash Detroit Formation Ywdg Wabash Detroit Formation, greenstone Ycc Chamokane Creek Formation, carbonate-bearing rocks Yccq Chamokane Creek Formation, vitreous quartzite and argillite Yt Togo Formation Ybmh Bonner Formation, Mount Shields Formation, and argillite of Half Moon Lake, undivided Ybo Bonner Formation Yms5 Mount Shields Formation, Member 5 Yms4 Mount Shields Formation, Member 4 Yms3 Mount Shields Formation, Member 3 Yhm Argillite of Half Moon Lake Yssh Shepard Formation, Snowslip Formation, undivided Yssw Shepard Formation, Snowslip Formation, and Wallace Formation, undivided Ysh Shepard Formation Ywr Wallace Formation and Ravalli Group, undivided Yss Snowslip Formation Yw Wallace Formation Ye Empire Formation Ysr St. Regis Formation Yr Revett Formation Ybk Burke Formation Yd Mafic sills Yp Prichard Formation Ypm Metamorphosed part of the Prichard Formation Ynl Newman Lake Gneiss sgg Schist, gneiss, and leucocratic granitic rocksBodies of water are designated - water body.
Server: UserID: anonymous Passwd: your email address Directory: /pub/wpg/supplies/geoage/mac (for Macintosh fonts) /pub/wpg/supplies/geoage/unix_and_nt (Unix and Windows fonts)SHDPS polygon color from shadeset scamp2.shd (included in the data package)
CHEW_GEO.AAT: COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME 1 FNODE# 4 5 B - 5 TNODE# 4 5 B - 9 LPOLY# 4 5 B - 13 RPOLY# 4 5 B - 17 LENGTH 4 12 F 3 21 CHEW_GEO# 4 5 B - 25 CHEW_GEO-ID 4 5 B - 29 L-TAG 25 25 C - 54 L-SYMB 3 3 I - 57 L-NAME 200 200 C -L-TAG line attribute which consists of a character and numerical value, e.g. C17, allows the user to relate the line entity to its corresponding definition in lines.rel
C17 Contact, landslide, location meets map accuracy standard C29 Contact, sedimentary, location meets map accuracy standard C31 Contact, sedimentary, inferred, location may not meet map accuracy standard C42 Contact, sedimentary, gradational, location may not meet map accuracy standard C49 Contact, igneous, location meets map accuracy standard C51 Contact, igneous, inferred, location may not meet map accuracy standardC58 Contact, igneous, gradational, location may not meet map
accuracy standard C67 Contact, metamorphic, inferred, location may not meet map accuracy standard C99 Contact, igneaous, scratch boundary CL1 Cartographic line, map boundary CL2 Cartographic line, water boundary F1 Fault, high angle, slip unspecified, generic, location meets map accuracy standard F4 Fault, high angle, normal slip, location meets map accuracy standard F5 Fault, high angle, reverse slip, location meets map accuracy standard F7 Fault, high angle, slip unspecified, location meets map accuracy standardF10 Fault, high angle, normal slip, location may not meet map
accuracy standard F11 Fault, high angle, reverse slip, location may not meet map accuracy standard F19 Fault, high angle, slip unspecified, inferred beneath mapped covering unit, location may not meet map accuracy standard F22 Fault, high angle, normal slip, inferred beneath mapped covering unit, location may not meet map accuracy standard F23 Fault, high angle, reverse slip, inferred beneath mapped covering unit, location may not meet map accuracy standard F40 Fault, high angle, normal slip, existence questionable, inferred beneath mapped covering unit, location may not meet map accuracy standard F83 Fault, low angle, slip unspecified, younger over older, inferred, location may not meet map accuracy standard F84 Fault, low angle, slip unspecified, younger over older, inferred beneath mapped covering unit, location may not meet map accuracy standard F113 Fault, low angle, normal slip, younger over older, detachment, location meets map accuracy standard F114 Fault, low angle, normal slip, younger over older, detachment, location may not meet map accuracy standard F116 Fault, low angle, normal slip, younger over older, detachment, inferred beneath mapped covering unit, location may not meet map accuracy standard F87N Fault, low angle, slip unspecified, younger over older, existence questionable, inferred beneath mapped covering unit, location may not meet map accuracy standardL-SYMB stores appropriate line symbol value from the lineset geoscamp2.lin (included in the data package)
CHEW_PTS.PAT: COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME 1 AREA 4 12 F 3 5 PERIMETER 4 12 F 3 9 CHEW_PTS# 4 5 B - 13 CHEW_PTS-ID 4 5 B - 17 P-SYMB 3 3 I - 20 P-TAG 25 25 C - 45 P-DIP 3 3 I - 48 P-STRIKE 3 3 I - 51 P-DIPDIR 3 3 I - 54 P-PLUNGE 3 3 I - 57 P-BEARING 3 3 I -P-SYMB calls the point-type from the markerset geoscamp2.mrk (included in the data package)
B1 Bedding, horizontal, sedimentary rocks B2 Bedding, inclined, sedimentary rocks B4 Bedding, vertical, sedimentary rocks B6 Bedding, overturned, sedimentary rocks B11 Bedding, wavy or crinkled, inclined, sedimentary rocks B27 Bedding, inclined, volcanogenic rocks FN13 Foliation, primary igneous, inclined FN14 Foliation, primary igneous, vertical FN42 Foliation, metamorphic, inclined FN43 Foliation, metamorphic, vertical CLV2 Cleavage, inclined CLV4 Cleavage, vertical L12 Lineation, crushed and streaked mineral grains, horizontal L14 Lineation, crushed and streaked mineral grains, inclined L37 Lineation, metamorphic, minor fold axisP-DIP the dip of planar features