This digital map database, compiled from previously published and
unpublished data, and new mapping by the authors, represents the
general distribution of bedrock and surficial deposits in the mapped area.
Together with the accompanying text file (mageo.txt, mageo.pdf, or, it provides current information on the geologic structure and
stratigraphy of the area covered. The database delineates map units that
are identified by general age and lithology following the stratigraphic
nomenclature of the U.S. Geological Survey. The scale of the source maps
limits the spatial resolution (scale) of the database to 1:62,500 or
This database and accompanying plot files depict the distribution of
geologic materials and structures at a regional (1:62,500) scale. The
report is intended to provide geologic information for the regional study
of materials properties, earthquake shaking, landslide potential,
mineral hazards, seismic velocity, and earthquake faults. In addition,
the report contains new information and interpretations about the
regional geologic history and framework. However, the regional scale
of this report does not provide sufficient
detail for site development purposes. In addition, this map does not
take the place of fault-rupture hazard zones designated by the
California State Geologist (Hart and Bryant, 1997). Similarly, the
database cannot be used to identify or delineate landslides in the region.
The databases in this report were compiled in ARC/INFO, a commercial
Geographic Information System (Environmental Systems Research Institute,
Redlands, California), with version 3.0 of the menu interface ALACARTE
(Fitzgibbon and Wentworth, 1991, Fitzgibbon, 1991, Wentworth and
Fitzgibbon, 1991). The files are in either GRID (ARC/INFO raster data)
format or COVERAGE (ARC/INFO vector data) format. Coverages are stored in
uncompressed ARC export format (ARC/INFO version 7.x). ARC/INFO export
files (files with the .e00 extension) can be converted into ARC/INFO
coverages in ARC/INFO (see below) and can be read by some other Geographic
Information Systems, such as MapInfo via ArcLink and ESRI's ArcView
(version 1.0 for Windows 3.1 to 3.11 is available for free from ESRI's web
site: The digital compilation was done in version
7.1.1 of ARC/INFO with version 3.0 of the menu interface ALACARTE
(Fitzgibbon and Wentworth, 1991, Fitzgibbon, 1991, Wentworth and
Fitzgibbon, 1991).
The geologic map information was digitized from stable originals of the
geologic maps at 1:62,500 scale. The author manuscripts (pen on mylar)
were scanned using a Altek monochrome scanner with a resolution of 800
dots per inch. The scanned images were vectorized and transformed from
scanner coordinates to projection coordinates with digital tics placed
by hand at quadrangle corners. The scanned lines were edited
interactively by hand using ALACARTE, color boundaries
were tagged as appropriate, and scanning artifacts visible at 1:24,000
were removed.
8/31/99 This is the pre-release version of the report. There have
been no revisions to any part of the report.
Data Revision List
File Report Version Last Update
Last Updated 1.0 1.0 1.0
mamap.pdf 1.0
maexpl.pdf 1.0
mageo.pdf 1.0
ma-geol.e00 1.0
ma-strc.e00 1.0
ma-blks.e00 1.0
ma-altr.e00 1.0
ma-quad.e00 1.0
ma-corr.e00 1.0
ma-so.e00 1.0
ma-terr.e00 1.0
mageo.txt 1.0
mafig1.tif 1.0
mafig2.tif 1.0 1.0
madb.pdf 1.0
madb.txt 1.0
import.aml 1.0
mageol.met 1.0
This report has undergone two scientific peer reviews, one digital
database review, one review for conformity with geologic names policy,
and review of the plotfiles for conformity with USGS map standards.
This report consists of a set of geologic map database files (Arc/Info
coverages) and supporting text and plotfiles. In addition, the report
includes two sets of plotfiles (PostScript and PDF format) that will
generate map sheets and pamphlets similar to a traditional USGS
Miscellaneous Field Studies Report. These files are described below:
ARC/INFO Resultant Description of Coverage
export file Coverage
----------- ----------- --------------------------------
ma-geol.e00 ma-geol/ Polygon and line coverage showing faults,
depositional contacts, and rock units
in the map area.
ma-strc.e00 ma-strc/ Point and line coverage showing strike and dip
information and fold axes.
ma-blks.e00 ma-blks/ Point coverage showing location of high-grade
blocks in Franciscan rock units.
ma-altr.e00 ma-altr/ Polygon coverage showing areas of hydrothermal
ma-quad.e00 ma-quad/ Line coverage showing index map of quadrangles
in the map area. Lines and annotation only.
ma-corr.e00 ma-corr/ Polygon and line coverage of the correlation
table for the units in this map database.
This database is not geospatial.
ma-so.e00 ma-so/ Line coverage showing sources of data index
map for this map database.
ma-terr.e00 ma-terr/ Polygon and line coverage of the index map of
tectonostratigraphic terranes in the map area.
(Terranes are described in mageo.txt,, or mageo.pdf).
ASCII text files, including explanatory text, ARC/INFO key files,
PostScript and PDF plot files, and a ARC Macro Language file for
conversion of ARC export files into ARC coverages: A PostScript plot file of a report containing
detailed unit descriptions and geological
information, plus sources of data and references
cited, with two figures.
mageo.pdf A PDF version of
mageo.txt A text-only file containing an unformatted
version of without figures.
mafig1.tif A TIFF file of Figure 1 from
mafig2.tif A TIFF file of Figure 2 from A PostScript plot file of a pamphlet containing
detailed information about the contents and
availability of this report.
madb.pdf A PDF version of
madb.txt A text-only file containing an unformatted
version of
import.aml ASCII text file in ARC Macro Language to convert
ARC export files to ARC coverages in ARC/INFO. A PostScript plottable file containing an image
of the geologic map and base maps at a scale of
1:62,500, along with a simple map key. A PostScript plot file containing an image of
the explanation sheet, including terrane map,
index maps, correlation chart, and unit
mamap.pdf A PDF file containing an image of the geologic
map and base maps at a scale of 1:62,500, along
with a simple map key.
maexpl.pdf A PDF file containing an image of the
explanation sheet, including terrane map, index
maps, correlation chart, and unit descriptions.
Base maps
Base Map layers used in the preparation of the geologic map plotfiles
were derived from published digital maps (Aitken, 1997), The base
map digital files are not included in the digital database package.
Aitken, D.S., 1997, A digital version of the 1970 U.S. Geological Survey
topographic map of the San Francisco Bay region, three sheets, 1:125,000
scale: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-500.
Armstrong, C. F., and Gallagher, Kathy, 1977, Fossils from the
Franciscan assemblage, Alcatraz Island: California Geology, v. 30, p. 134.
Bailey, E. H., Blake, C. M., and Jones, D. L., 1970, On-land Mesozoic
oceanic crust in California Coast Ranges: U.S. Geol. Prof. Paper
700-C; C70-C81.
Bailey, E. H., Irwin, W. P., and Jones, D. L., 1964, Franciscan and
related rocks and their significance in the geology of western California:
Calif. Div. Mines and Geology, Bull. 183, 177 p.
Berkland, J. O., 1964, Swelling vermiculite clay in the Franciscan
Formation ofnorthern California--Its role in possible chemical
stabilization of mobileslopes: Paper presented to the National Convention
of the Assoc. of Engineering Geologists, Sacramento, CA, 6 p.
Berkland, J. O., 1969, Geology of the Novato quadrangle, Marin Co., CA:
Unpublished M.S. thesis, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA.
Blake, M. C., Jr., Bartow, J. A., Frizzell, V. A., Jr., Schlocker,
Julius, Sorg, Dennis, Wentworth, C. M., and Wright, R. H., 1974,
Preliminary geologic map of Marin and San Francisco Counties and parts of
Alameda, Contra Costa, and Sonoma Counties, California: U. S. Geol. Survey
Map MF-574.
Blake, M. C., Jr., Howell, D. G., and Jayko, A. S., 1984,
Tectonostratigraphic terranes of the San Francisco Bay Region, in Blake,
M. C., ed., 1984, Franciscan Geology of Northern California: Pacific
Section S.E.P.M., Vol. 43, p. 5-22.
Blake, M. C., Jr., Howell, D. G., and Jones, D. L., 1982, Preliminary
tectonostratigraphic terrane map of California: U. S. Geol. Survey
Open-File Report 82-593, 9 p., 3 maps, scale 1: 750, 000.
Blake, M. C., Jr., Irwin, W. P., and Coleman, R. G., 1967, Upside-down
metamorphic zonation, blueschist facies, along a regional thrust in
California and Oregon: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 575C, p. 1-9.
Blake, M. C., Jr., and Jones, D. L., 1974, Origin of Franciscan melanges
in northern California: S.E.P.M., Special Paper No. 19, p. 255-263.
Blake, M.C., Jr., and Wentworth, C.M., 1999, Structure and metamorphism
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Bonilla, M. G., 1971, Preliminary geolgic map of the San Francisco South
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U.S. Geol. Survey Misc. Field Studies Map MF-311, (1:24,000).
Brown, R. D., Jr., 1970, Faults that are historically active or that
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Brown, R. D., and Wolfe, E. W., 1970, Map showing recently active
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Bolinas Bay, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Open File Map,
Brabb, E.E., Graymer, R.W., and Jones, D.L., 1998, Geology of the Palo
Alto 30 X 60 minute quadrangle, California: A digital database: U.S.
Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-348, includes plotfiles for 2
sheets, scale 1:100,000, database description pamphlet, 9 pp, geologic
description and interpretation pamphlet, 16 p.
Budding, K.E., Schwartz, D.P., and Oppenheimer, D.H., 1991, Slip rate,
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Clark, J.C., and Brabb, E.E., 1997, Geology of Point Reyes National
Seashore and vicinity: a digital database: U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 97-456.
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to Point Reyes: Both sides of the San Andreas fault, in Sloan, D., and
Wagner, D. L., eds., Geologic Excursions in Northern California:
California Division of Mines and Geology, Special Publication 109, p.
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Curry, F. B., Cox, Allan, and Engebretson, D. C., 1984, Paleomagnetism
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Franciscan Geology of Northern California: Pacific Section S.E.P.M., Vol.
43, p. 89-98.
Curtis, G. H., Evernden, J. F., and Lipson, J., 1958, Age determinations
of some granitic rocks in California by the potassium-argon method:
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Field Studies Map MF-2200, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000.
Evarts, R.C., 1977, The geology and petrology of the Del Puerto
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Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, v. 95, p. 121-139.
Fitzgibbon, T.T., 1991, ALACARTE installation and system manual (version
1.0): U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 91-587B.
Fitzgibbon, T.T., and Wentworth, C.M., 1991, ALACARTE user interface -
AML code and demonstration maps (version 1.0): U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 91-587A.
Fox, K.F., Jr., Fleck, R.J., Curtis, G.H., and Meyer, C.E., 1985a,
Implications of the northwestwardly younger age of the volcanic rocks of
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Fox, K.F., Jr., Fleck, R.J., Curtis, G.H., and Meyer, C.E., 1985b,
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north of San Pablo Bay, California: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous
Field Studies Map MF-1753, 9 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:125,000.
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digital database: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-252,
includes plotfiles for 2 sheets, scale 1:75,000, database description
pamphlet, 14 p., geologic description and interpretation pamphlet, 33 p.
Graymer, R.W., Jones, D.L., and Brabb, E.E., 1999, Geology of the
Cordelia and the northern part of the Benicia 7.5 minute quadrangles,
California: A Digital Map Database: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File
Report 99-162, includes plotfiles for one sheet, scale 1:24,000, database
description pamphlet, 11 p., geologic description and interpretation
pamphlet, 8 p.
Grimsich, J.L., Scott, G.R., Swisher, C.C., III, and Curtis, G.H., 1996,
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Wentworth, C.M., Blake, M.C., Jr., McLaughlin, R.J., and Graymer, R.W.,
1998a, Preliminary geologic map of the San Jose 30 X 60 minute quadrangle,
California: A digital map image: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report
98-795, includes plotfiles for 2 sheets, scale 1:100,000, database
description pamphlet, 6 pp, geologic description and interpretation
pamphlet, 47 p.
Wentworth, C. M., Jones, D. L., and Brabb, E. E., 1998b, Geology and
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Wright, R.H., 1984, Geology of the Nicasio Reservoir terrane, Marin
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Northern California: Pacific Section, Society of Economic Paleontologists
and Mineralogists, Book 43, p. 99-111.
Youngman, M.R., 1986, K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, geochemistry,
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