MapUnit = 1 to 4 character abbreviation of geologic unit name = unit is surficial or bedrock SurfType = type of surficial unit LithPri = primary lithology of unit LithSec = secondary lithology of unit LithTer = tertiary lithology of unit Form = formal Formation name Member = formal Member within a Formation Group = formal Group name Super Group = formal Supergroup name RockClass = major rock-type classification Age = era, age, epoch, etc. Geochr = geochron GeochrTech = technique for detemining geochron GeochrRef = geochron reference Fossil = yes/no fossils collected FossilType = type of fossil, phylum etc. FossilRef = fossil reference, e.g. a report CorrelExtr = correlation of unit is extrapolated or interpolated from other data Origin = author interpretation of environment of origin of unit = potential mineral resource Color =weathered color of rock as exposed in the map area MinPri = primary mineral in unit MinSec = secondary mineral in unit MinOth = other minerals found in unit ClastPri = primary clast(s) in unit ClastSec = secondary clast(s) in unit Cement = compositon of cement or matrix ThickApprx = approximate thickness of unit ThickRange = range of thickness of unit BedThin = there are thin beds within unit BedMedium = there are medium beds within unit BedThick = there are thick beds within unit ContUp = nature of upper contact ContLow = nature of lower contact FolPri = primary foliation FolSec = secondary foliation FolTer = tertiary foliation CMPM = contact metamorphic minerals RMPM = prograde regional metamorphic minerals RMRM = retrograde regional metamorphic minerals DeformAge = interpreted geoogic age and/or orogeny of deformation = isotopic technique used to date deformation DeformRef = reference to absolute or relative age of deformation Comments = additional information about unitUser defined items in data tables for line coverages of contacts
contactnature of geologic unit contact, may be frame, approximate, exposed, or concealed. Frame is arc along the quadrangle boundary.