tulgeop tulflt tulgline tulgpnt tuldpnt tullndecThe coverage tullndec is not a "true" ARC/INFO coverage. It consists of various symbols drawn as arcs.
tulplot.aml -- ArcInfo aml used to create a graphics file tulplot.gra -- ArcInfo graphics file alcgeol.mrk -- ArcInfo marker set dike.lin -- ArcInfo line set dtpt.mrk -- ArcInfo marker set fnt039 -- ArcInfo font used in dtpt.mrkAlso included is a georeferenced TIFF image (tulrec.tif) derived from a scan of the Tularosa Mountains quadrangle topographic base map on scale-stable film. The accompanying file called tulrec.tfw is a file generated during rectification of the tiff image in ArcInfo and is needed to use the file tulrec.tif in some applications.
tulgeop tulflt tulgline tulgpnt tuldpnt tullndecThe coverage tullndec is not a "true" ARC/INFO coverage. It consists of various symbols drawn as arcs.
SURFICIAL DEPOSITS Qa Alluvium (Holocene) Qsa Playa alluvium of the Plains of San Agustin (Holocene) Deposits of prehistoric lake San Agustin Qsb Bar and barrier ridge deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) Qsfd Fan delta deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) Qss Shoreline deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) Qac Colluvium and alluvium (Holocene and Pleistocene) Ql Landslide deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) Qp Piedmont slope deposits (Pleistocene) VOLCANIC AND VOLCANICLASTIC ROCKS Volcaniclastic rocks of the Gila Group QTg Gila Group, undivided (Pleistocene(?) to early Miocene) QTgu Upper Gila Group (Pleistocene(?) to middle Miocene) QTgl Lower Gila Group (middle to early Miocene) QTs Volcaniclastic rocks of the Santa Fe Group (Pleistocene to Miocene) Volcanic rocks interlayered with the Gila Group QTb Basalt (Pleistocene and Pliocene, 0.9-2.5 Ma) QTd Basalt dikes (Pleistocene and Pliocene) QTbc Basalt scoria (Pleistocene and Pliocene) Tb Basalt, andesite, and dacite, undivided (Miocene) Tbd Basalt dikes (Miocene) Tbcc Basaltic scoria, cinders, and bombs (Miocene) Tfb Basalt on Flat Top Mesa (Miocene, 9 Ma) Rocks of Apache Peak volcano Taa Andesite at Apache Peak (Miocene, 10.6 Ma) Rocks of Eagle Peak volcano Tedp Central dacite plug (Miocene, 11.4 Ma) Tedu Upper dacite flows (Miocene) Tedl Lower andesite and dacite flows (Miocene, 12 Ma) Tedw Wilson Canyon andesite flows (Miocene) Tedm Milligan Mountain andesite-dacite flows Miocene, 12 Ma) Ted Andesite dike at Dry Mesa (Miocene) Rocks of Horse Mountain volcano Thv Predominantly dacitic, rhyolitic to andesitic lava flows (Miocene, 12-14 Ma) Thd Northwest-trending, andesitic-dacitic breccia dikes (Miocene) Tht Pyroclastic rocks (Miocene) Thp Dacite plug (Miocene) Thdr Aplite dikes (Miocene) Thb Vent(?) breccia (Miocene) Tha Megacrystic andesite lava flow (Miocene, 12 Ma) Tsb Basalt of Saliz Hill (Miocene, 12.2 Ma) Tkb Basalt at Kiehnes Canyon (Miocene, 13.5 Ma) Rocks of John Kerr Peak volcano Tjr Rhyolite domes and flows (Miocene,13 Ma) Tmr Rhyolite near Maverick Peak (Miocene, 14 Ma) Tmrd Rhyolite dike in rhyolite near Maverick Peak (Miocene) Tli Porphyritic quartz-diorite intrusions at Wet Leggett Spring (Miocene,15 Ma) Volcaniclastic rocks of the Spears Group (Oligocene and Eocene) Tsu Upper Spears Group (Oligocene) Tsl Lower Spears Group, undivided (Oligocene and Eocene) Tslw White sandstone sequence of lower Spears Group (Eocene) Tslg Green to gray sandstone sequence of lower Spears Group (Eocene) Tpu Upper Pueblo Creek Formation (Oligocene and Eocene)--Units Tt and Tt1-4 are discontinuous, thin (0 to about 5 m thick) Datil Group ignimbrites interlayered in upper Pueblo Creek Formation Tpl Lower Pueblo Creek Formation (Eocene) Volcanic rocks of the Mogollon Group (Miocene and Oligocene) Tmgu Mogollon Group, undivided (Miocene and Oligocene) Tad Andesite dikes (Miocene and Oligocene) Bearwallow Mountain Andesite (Oligocene, 25-26 Ma) Tba Basaltic-andesite to dacite lava flows (Oligocene) Tbad Andesitic dike (Oligocene) Tbap Andesite plugs (Oligocene) Tbac Andesitic cinder and scoria deposits(Oligocene) Thr Rhyolite of Hay Canyon (Oligocene?) Tfr Rhyolite at Frying Pan Creek (Oligocene?) Tsr Rhyolite of Stallings Tank (Oligocene) Tct Tuff of Triangle C Ranch (Oligocene, 28.1 Ma) Tbt Bloodgood Canyon Tuff (Elston, 1976)(Oligocene, 28.1 Ma) Tca Basaltic-andesite of Cottonwood Canyon (Oligocene) Tst Shelley Peak Tuff (Oligocene, 28.1 Ma) Taylor Creek Rhyolite and associated rocks Tgt Tuff of Garcia Camp (Oligocene, 28.1 Ma) Ttr Taylor Creek Rhyolite (Oligocene, 28.1 Ma) Tsa Squirrel Springs Canyon Andesite(Oligocene, 28.5 Ma) Tvt Vicks Peak Tuff(Oligocene, 28.6 Ma) Tgr Rhyolite of Gwynn Canyon (Oligocene, 28.7 Ma) Tlt La Jencia Tuff (Oligocene, 28.9 Ma) Tdt Davis Canyon Tuff (Oligocene, 29.0 Ma) Ta Andesite flows (Oligocene) Tbr Rhyolite of Bat Cave Wells(Oligocene) Rocks of Telephone Canyon volcano Tta Andesite of Telephone Canyon, undivided (Oligocene, 32.9-29.7 Ma) Volcanic rocks of the Datil Group (Oligocene and Eocene) Tdgu Datil Group, undivided (Oligocene and Eocene) Tcbt Caballo Blanco Tuff(Oligocene, 31.6 Ma) Thmt Hells Mesa Tuff (Oligocene, 32.1 Ma) Tt Distal outflow of regional ignimbrites (Oligocene and Eocene)-- Labeled Tt-Tt4 where present in sequence Rocks of Saddle Mountain volcano Tas Andesite lava flows (earliest Oligocene or latest Eocene, about 33.3 Ma) Tasb Andesite agglomerate (Oligocene or Eocene) Tasd Andesite dikes (Oligocene or Eocene) Tsca Andesitic intrusive-extrusive complex of Saliz Canyon (Eocene) Tscb Andesitic vent(?) breccia (Eocene, 33.6 Ma> Tla Andesite of Dry Leggett Canyon (Eocene) Tlai Possible plug or vent for andesite of Dry Leggett Canyon (Eocene) Rocks of Horse Springs volcano or volcanic center Thsd Horse Springs dacite (Eocene, 33.7 Ma) Thsb Megabreccia and mesobreccia (Eocene) Tbct Blue Canyon Tuff (Eocene, 33.7 Ma) Trt Rock House Canyon Tuff (Eocene, 34.4 Ma) Tbrt Blue Canyon and Rock House Canyon Tuffs, undivided (Eocene) Tlwt Tuff of Lebya Well (Eocene, 34.7 Ma) Tpt Tuff of Bishop Peak (Eocene, 34.6 Ma) Tkt Kneeling Nun Tuff (Eocene, 34.9 Ma) Tft Tuff of Farr Ranch(Eocene, 35.6 Ma) Twt Datil Well Tuff (Eocene 35.5 Ma) Twft Datil Well Tuff and (or) tuff of Farr Ranch, undivided (Eocene) Tac Basaltic lava flow of Alamocito Canyon (Eocene)OLDER SEDIMENTARY ROCKS
Sedimentary rocks, undivided (Permian)The tulgeop.aat INFO file consists of the following items:
Volcanic rocks interlayered with the Gila Group QTd Basalt dikes (Pleistocene and Pliocene) Tbd Basalt dikes (Miocene) Rocks of Eagle Peak volcano Ted Andesite dike at Dry Mesa (Miocene) Rocks of Horse Mountain volcano Thd Northwest-trending, andesitic-dacitic brecciadikes (Miocene) Thdr Aplite dikes (Miocene) Rhyolite near Maverick Peak (Miocene, 14 Ma) Tmrd Rhyolite dike in rhyolite near Maverick Peak (Miocene) Volcanic rocks of the Mogollon Group (Miocene and Oligocene) Tad Andesite dikes (Miocene and Oligocene) Bearwallow Mountain Andesite (Oligocene, 25-26 Ma) Tbad Andesite dike (Oligocene) Volcanic rocks of the Datil Group (Oligocene and Eocene) Tt Distal outflow of regional ignimbrites (Oligocene and Eocene)-- Labeled Tt2-4 where present in sequence Rocks of Saddle Mountain volcano Tasd Andesite dikes (Oligocene or Eocene) Tpt Tuff of Bishop Peak (Eocene, 34.6 Ma) rd Rhyolite dike (mapped only in Upper Pueblo Creek Formation and in Bloodgood Canyon Tuff)The tulgpnt coverage consists of points that are localities of strike and dip measurements on sedimentary bedding surfaces and compaction foliation of ignimbrites (ash-flow tuffs); also includes locations of volcanic centers or vents.