Value | Definition |
Qaf | Artificial fill (late Holocene)
Qw | Wash deposits (late Holocene)
Qf | Alluvial fan deposits (late Holocene)
Qa | Active axial channel deposits (late Holocene)
Qv | Active valley deposits (late Holocene)
Qc | Colluvium (late Holocene)
Qls | Landslide deposits (late Holocene)
Qe | Eolian deposits (late Holocene)
Qm | Marine deposits (late Holocene)
Qes | Estuarine deposits (late Holocene)
Ql | Lacustrine deposits (late Holocene)
Qlv | Lacustrine and fluvial deposits (late Holocene)
Qyw | Young alluvial wash deposits (Holocene and latest Pleistocene)
Qyf | Young alluvial fan deposits (Holocene and latest Pleistocene)
Qyf4 | Young alluvial fan deposits, Unit 4 (late Holocene and latest Pleistocene)
Qyf3 | Young alluvial fan deposits, Unit 3 (late and middle Holocene)
Qyf2 | Young alluvial fan deposits, Unit 2 (early Holocene)
Qyf1 | Young alluvial fan deposits, Unit 1 (early Holocene and late Pleistocene)
Qya | Young axial channel deposits (Holocene and latest Pleistocene)
Qyv | Young alluvial valley deposits (Holocene and late Pleistocene)
Qyv1 | Young alluvial valley deposits, Unit 1 (early Holocene and late Pleistocene)
Qyls | Young landslide (Holocene and latest Pleistocene)
Qye | Young eolian deposits (Holocene and latest Pleistocene)
Qypt | Young peat deposits (Holocene)
Qow | Old alluvial wash deposits (late to middle Pleistocene)
Qof | Old alluvial fan deposits (late to middle Pleistocene)
Qof1 | Old alluvial fan deposits, Unit 1 (late to middle Pleistocene)
Qofv | Old alluvial fan deposits and young alluvial valley deposits (Holocene and late to middle Pleistocene)
Qoa | Old axial channel deposits (late to middle Pleistocene)
Qoa1 | Old axial channel deposits, Unit 1 (middle Pleistocene)
Qov | Old alluvial valley deposits (late to middle Pleistocene)
Qoc | Old colluvial deposits (late to middle Pleistocene)
Qols | Old landslide deposits (late to middle Pleistocene)
Qom | Old marine deposits (late to middle Pleistocene)
Qvof | Very old alluvial fan deposits (middle to early Pleistocene)
Qvof2 | Very old alluvial fan deposits, Unit 2 (early Pleistocene)
Qvof1 | Very old alluvial fan deposits, Unit 1 (early Pleistocene)
Qvoa | Very old axial channel deposits (middle to early Pleistocene)
Qvoa2 | Very old axial channel deposits, Unit 2 (early Pleistocene)
Qvoa1 | Very old axial channel deposits, Unit 1 (early Pleistocene)
Qvols | Very old landslide deposits (middle to early Pleistocene)
Qvom | Very old marine deposits (middle to early Pleistocene)
Qr | Regolith (Pleistocene)
Qpf | Pauba Formation (Pleistocene)
Qpfs | Sandstone member
Qpff | Fanglomerate member
Qlh | La Habra Formation (Pleistocene)
Qch | Coyote Hills Formation (Pleistocene)
Qsp | San Pedro Formation (Pleistocene)
QTsw | Sandstone unit: Sandstone and conglomerate of Wildomar area (Pleistocene and Pliocene)
QTcw | Conglomerate unit: Sandstone and conglomerate of Wildomar area (Pleistocene and Pliocene)
QTs | Unnamed late Cenozoic sedimentary rocks in Riverside and Corona areas (early Pleistocene to late Pliocene?)
QTt | Late Cenozoic conglomerate of Temescal area (early Pleistocene to late Pliocene?)
QTc | Conglomeratic sedimentary rocks of Riverside West 7.5' quadrangle (early Pleistocene to late Pliocene?)
QTn | Late Cenozoic sedimentary rocks of Norco area (early Pleistocene to late Pliocene?)
QTstu | Upper member (Pleistocene): San Timoteo beds of Frick (1921) (Pleistocene and Pliocene)
QTsts | Conglomeratic sandstone beds: San Timoteo beds of Frick (1921) (Pleistocene and Pliocene)
QTstc | Quartzite-bearing conglomerate beds: San Timoteo beds of Frick (1921) (Pleistocene and Pliocene)
Tstm | Middle member (Pliocene): San Timoteo beds of Frick (1921) (Pleistocene and Pliocene)
Tstl | Lower member (Pliocene): San Timoteo beds of Frick (1921) (Pleistocene and Pliocene)
Tta | Temecula Arkose (Pliocene)
Tf | Fernando Formation (Pliocene)
Tfu | Upper Member: Fernando Formation (Pliocene)
Tfl | Lower Member: Fernando Formation (Pliocene)
Tn | Niguel Formation (Pliocene)
Tns | Sandstone of Norco area (Pliocene)
Tc | Capistrano Formation (early Pliocene and Miocene)
Tco | Oso Member: Capistrano Formation (early Pliocene and Miocene)
Tcs | Siltstone facies: Capistrano Formation (early Pliocene and Miocene)
Tmeus | Upper sandstone member (early Pliocene and Miocene): Mount Eden Formation of Fraser (1931) (early Pliocene and Miocene)
Tmem | Mudrock member (early Pliocene and Miocene): Mount Eden Formation of Fraser (1931) (early Pliocene and Miocene)
Tmels | Lower sandstone member (Miocene): Mount Eden Formation of Fraser (1931) (early Pliocene and Miocene)
Tmea | Arkosic sandstone member (Miocene): Mount Eden Formation of Fraser (1931) (early Pliocene and Miocene)
Tmec | Conglomeratic sandstone member (Miocene): Mount Eden Formation of Fraser (1931) (early Pliocene and Miocene)
Tch | Sandstone and conglomerate in southeastern Chino Hills (early Pliocene and Miocene)
Tp | Puente Formation (early Pliocene and Miocene)
Tpsc | Sycamore Canyon Member (early Pliocene and Miocene)
Tpy | Yorba Member (Miocene)
Tps | Soquel Member (Miocene)
Tplv | La Vida Member (Miocene)
Tlm | Lake Mathews Formation (Miocene)
Tcgr | Rhyolite clast conglomerate of Lake Mathews area (Miocene?)
Tcg | Conglomerate of Lake Mathews area (Miocene?)
Tm | Monterey Formation (Miocene)
Tvsr | Santa Rosa basalt of Mann (1955) (Miocene)
Tvt | Basalt of Temecula area (Miocene)
Tvh | Basalt of Hogbacks (Miocene)
Tvep | Basalt of Elsinore Peak (Miocene)
Tsob | San Onofre Breccia (middle Miocene)
Tt | Topanga Formation (middle Miocene)
Ttp | Paulerino Member: Topanga Formation (middle Miocene)
Ttlt | Los Trancos Member: Topanga Formation (middle Miocene)
Ttb | Bommer Member: Topanga Formation (middle Miocene)
Tvem | El Modeno Volcanics (middle Miocene)
Tvema | Andesitic volcanic rocks: El Modeno Volcanics (middle Miocene)
Tvemt | Tuff and tuff breccia: El Modeno Volcanics (middle Miocene)
Tvemb | Basalt: El Modeno Volcanics (middle Miocene)
Ta | Andesitic intrusive rocks (middle Miocene): Volcanic intrusive rocks associated with El Modeno Volcanics (middle Miocene)
Td | Diabase intrusive rocks (middle Miocene): Volcanic intrusive rocks associated with El Modeno Volcanics (middle Miocene)
Tvss | Vaqueros, Sespe, Santiago, and Silverado Formations, undivided (early Miocene, Oligocene, and Paleocene)
Tv | Vaqueros Formation (early Miocene, Oligocene, and late Eocene)
Ts | Sespe Formation (early Miocene, Oligocene, and late Eocene)
Tvs | Sespe and Vaqueros Formations, undifferentiated (early Miocene, Oligocene, and late Eocene)
Tcga | Conglomerate of Arlington Mountain (Paleogene?)
Tep | Sandstone of Elsinore Peak (Paleogene?)
Tsa | Santiago Formation (middle Eocene)
Tsi | Silverado Formation (Paleocene)
Kwl | Williams and Ladd Formations, undifferentiated (upper Cretaceous)
Kw | Williams Formation (upper Cretaceous)
Kwps | Pleasants Sandstone Member: Williams Formation (upper Cretaceous)
Kwsr | Schulz Ranch Sandstone Member: Williams Formation (upper Cretaceous)
Kwst | Starr Member: Williams Formation (upper Cretaceous)
Kl | Ladd Formation (upper Cretaceous)
Klhs | Holz Shale Member: Ladd Formation (upper Cretaceous)
Klbc | Baker Canyon Conglomerate Member (upper Cretaceous): Ladd Formation (upper Cretaceous)
Ktr | Trabuco Formation (upper Cretaceous)
Klct | Tonalite of Lamb Canyon (Cretaceous)
Kmeg | Granite of Mount Eden (Cretaceous)
Kthgd | Granodiorite of Tucalota Hills (Cretaceous)
Klt | Tonalite near mouth of Laborde Canyon (Cretaceous)
Khqd | Hypersthene quartz diorite (Cretaceous)
Ktcg | Monzogranite of Tres Cerritos (Cretaceous)
Kp | Pegmatite dikes: Lakeview Mountains pluton (Cretaceous)
Klmt | Tonalite: Lakeview Mountains pluton (Cretaceous)
Klml | Leucocratic rocks: Lakeview Mountains pluton (Cretaceous)
Klmm | Melanocratic rocks: Lakeview Mountains pluton (Cretaceous)
Klmc | Comb-layered gabbro: Lakeview Mountains pluton (Cretaceous)
Klmg | Hypersthene hornblende gabbro: Lakeview Mountains pluton (Cretaceous)
Klmtg | Lakeview Mountains tonalite and granodiorite, undifferentiated: Lakeview Mountains pluton (Cretaceous)
Krct | Tonalite of Reinhardt Canyon pluton (Cretaceous)
Kbpg | Monzogranite of Bernasconi Pass (Cretaceous)
Kbpm | Migmatitic rock within Monzogranite of Bernasconi Pass: Monzogranite of Bernasconi Pass (Cretaceous)
Ktbh | Tonalite of Bernasconi Hills (Cretaceous)
Kp | Granitic pegmatite dikes: Box Springs plutonic complex (Cretaceous)
Kbt | Biotite tonalite: Box Springs plutonic complex (Cretaceous)
Kbfg | Biotite granodiorite and tonalite: Box Springs plutonic complex (Cretaceous)
Kbfgi | Biotite granodiorite and tonalite containing abundant inclusions: Box Springs plutonic complex (Cretaceous)
Kbhg | Heterogeneous porphyritic granodiorite: Box Springs plutonic complex (Cretaceous)
Kbhgl | Layered heterogeneous porphyritic granodiorite: Box Springs plutonic complex (Cretaceous)
Kbg | Porphyritic granodiorite: Box Springs plutonic complex (Cretaceous)
Kbft | Biotite-hornblende tonalite: Box Springs plutonic complex (Cretaceous)
Kbht | Heterogeneous biotite tonalite: Box Springs plutonic complex (Cretaceous)
Kbgt | Heterogeneous granodiorite and tonalite: Box Springs plutonic complex (Cretaceous)
Kba | Amphibolitic gabbro: Box Springs plutonic complex (Cretaceous)
Kvt | Val Verde tonalite: Val Verde pluton (Cretaceous)
Kvtk | Potassium feldspar-bearing tonalite: Val Verde pluton (Cretaceous)
Kvti | Inclusion-rich tonalite: Val Verde pluton (Cretaceous)
Kgr | Granophyre (Cretaceous)
Kgab | Heterogeneous mixture of olivine, pyroxene, and hornblende gabbros: Green Acres gabbro complex (Cretaceous)
Kgao | Olivine gabbro: Green Acres gabbro complex (Cretaceous)
Kgah | Hornblende-rich gabbro: Green Acres gabbro complex (Cretaceous)
Kgat | Troctolite: Green Acres gabbro complex (Cretaceous)
Kgaa | Anorthositic gabbro: Green Acres gabbro complex (Cretaceous)
Kgam | Metagabbro: Green Acres gabbro complex (Cretaceous)
Kgg | Hypersthene monzogranite: Gavilan ring complex (Cretaceous)
Kgt | Massive textured tonalite: Gavilan ring complex (Cretaceous)
Kgtf | Foliated tonalite: Gavilan ring complex (Cretaceous)
Kgti | Tonalite containing abundant mesocratic inclusions: Gavilan ring complex (Cretaceous)
Kgh | Hypabyssal tonalite: Gavilan ring complex (Cretaceous)
Kgct | Coarse-grained biotite-hornblende tonalite: Gavilan ring complex (Cretaceous)
Kght | Heterogeneous tonalite: Gavilan ring complex (Cretaceous)
Kmp | Micropegmatite granite (Cretaceous)
Kmpc | Micropegmatite and granodiorite of Cajalco pluton, undifferentiated (Cretaceous)
Ktd | Tonalite dikes of Mount Rubidoux (Cretaceous)
Kmrg | Granite of Mount Rubidoux (Cretaceous)
Krg | Granite of the Riverside area (Cretaceous)
Kmhg | Mount Hole Granodiorite (Cretaceous)
Klst | La Sierra Tonalite (Cretaceous)
Katg | Granodiorite of Arroyo del Toro pluton (Cretaceous)
Kcto | Tourmalized monzogranite and granodiorite: Cajalco pluton (Cretaceous)
Kcg | Monzogranite: Cajalco pluton (Cretaceous)
Kcgd | Granodiorite: Cajalco pluton (Cretaceous)
Kct | Tonalite: Cajalco pluton (Cretaceous)
Kcgq | Granodiorite and quartz latite, undifferentiated: Cajalco pluton (Cretaceous)
Kcgb | Granodiorite and gabbro, undifferentiated: Cajalco pluton (Cretaceous)
Kld | Quartz latite dikes: Domenigoni Valley pluton (Cretaceous)
Kdvg | Granodiorite to tonalite of Domenigoni Valley: Domenigoni Valley pluton (Cretaceous)
Kgbf | Fine grained hornblende gabbro, Railroad Canyon area (Cretaceous): Domenigoni Valley pluton (Cretaceous)
Kpvgr | Granophyre: Paloma Valley Ring Complex (Cretaceous)
Kp | Pegmatite dikes of Paloma Valley Ring Complex: Paloma Valley Ring Complex (Cretaceous)
Kpvg | Monzogranite to granodiorite: Paloma Valley Ring Complex (Cretaceous)
Kpvt | Tonalite: Paloma Valley Ring Complex (Cretaceous)
Kpvgb | Granodiorite and gabbro, undivided: Paloma Valley Ring Complex (Cretaceous)
Ksmg | Monzogranite of Squaw Mountain (Cretaceous)
Kts | Tonalite of Slaughterhouse Canyon (Cretaceous)
Kp | Granitic Pegmatite dikes (Cretaceous)
Kg | Granitic dikes. (Cretaceous)
Kgu | Undifferentiated granite (Cretaceous
Kgd | Granodiorite, undifferentiated (Cretaceous)
Kt | Tonalite, undifferentiated (Cretaceous)
Ktm | Tonalite and mafic rock, undifferentiated (Cretaceous)
Kqd | Quartz diorite (Cretaceous)
Kdqd | Diorite and quartz diorite, undifferentiated (Cretaceous)
Kd | Diorite, undifferentiated (Cretaceous)
Kgb | Gabbro (Cretaceous)
Khg | Heterogeneous granitic rocks (Cretaceous)
Ks | Serpentinite (Cretaceous)
Kc | Carbonate-silicate rock (Cretaceous)
Kvsp | Santiago Peak Volcanics (Cretaceous)
Kvspi | Intrusive rocks associated with Santiago Peak Volcanics (Cretaceous)
Kvem | Estelle Mountain volcanics of Herzig (1991) (Cretaceous)
Kvr | Rhyolite of Estelle Mountains volcanics of Herzig (1991) (Cretaceous)
Ksv | Intermixed Estelle Mountain volcanics of Herzig (1991) and Cretaceous(?) sedimentary rocks (Cretaceous?)
Kvs | Intermixed Estelle Mountain volcanics of Herzig (1991) and Mesozoic sedimentary rocks (Mesozoic)
Mzmg | Mylonitic and cataclastic granitic rocks: Deformed granitic rocks of Transverse Ranges Province (Mesozoic)
Mzd | Diorite: Deformed granitic rocks of Transverse Ranges Province (Mesozoic)
Jbc | Bedford Canyon Formation (Jurassic)
Jbm | Marble (limestone)
Mzu | Mesozoic metasedimentary rocks, undifferentiated (Mesozoic)
Mzg | Graywacke (Mesozoic)
Mzq | Quartz-rich rocks (Mesozoic)
Mzqg | Intermixed quartzite and graywacke (Mesozoic)
Mzgp | Intermixed graywacke and phyllite (Mesozoic)
Mzp | Phyllite (Mesozoic)
Mzs | Schist (Mesozoic)
Mzm | Marble (Mesozoic)
Mzi | Interlayered phyllite (or schist) and quartzite (Mesozoic)
Mzds | Metadunite and serpentinite (Mesozoic)
Mzdx | Amphibole- and pyroxene-bearing rocks associated with metadunite-serpentinite (Mesozoic)
Mzdc | Marble associated with metadunite (Mesozoic)
Mzmn | Manganese-bearing rocks (Mesozoic)
Pzu | Paleozoic(?) rocks, undifferentiated (Paleozoic?)
Pzs | Biotite Schist (Paleozoic?)
Pzq | Impure quartzite (Paleozoic?)
Pzm | Marble (Paleozoic?)
Pzc | Calc-silicate rocks (Paleozoic?)
Pzms | Marble and schist, undivided (Paleozoic?)
Pza | Amphibolite (Paleozoic?)
KgMz | Intermixed Mesozoic schist and Cretaceous granitic rocks (Mesozoic)
KgPz | Intermixed Paleozoic(?) schist and Cretaceous granitic rocks (Mesozoic and Paleozoic?)