Entry_ID: (required) Entry_Title: The Digital Geologic Map of Colorado in ARC/INFO Format Group: Data_Set_Citation Originator(s): Gregory N. Green Title: The Digital Geologic Map of Colorado in ARC/INFO Format Publication: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report Publication_Date: 1992 Publication_Place: Denver Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey Edition: version 1.0 Data_Presentation_Form: map URL: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1992/ofr-92-0507/ End_Group Keyword: geology Keyword: geologic maps Keyword: geologic structure Keyword: bedrock geologic units Keyword: geospatial datasets Group: Temporal_Coverage Start_date: 1992 Stop_date: 1992 End_Group Data_Set_Progress: Complete Group: Spatial_Coverage Southernmost_Latitude: 37.0 Northernmost_Latitude: 41.0 Westernmost_Longitude: -109.1 Easternmost_Longitude: -102.0 End_Group Location: US08 = Colorado Group: Data_Resolution Latitude_Resolution: 1.0 Longitude_Resolution: 1.0 End_Group Access_Constraints: none Use_Constraints: This database is not meant to be used or displayed at any scale other than 1:500,000. Any hardcopies utilizing these data sets shall clearly indicate their source. If the licensee has modified the data in any way they are obligated to describe the types of modifications they have performed on the hardcopy map. Licensee specifically agrees not to misrepresent these data sets, nor to imply that changes they made were approved by the U.S. Geological Survey. Originating_Center: (required) Group: Data_Center Data_Center_Name: U.S. Geological Survey Information Services Dataset_ID: USGS Open-File Report 92-507 Group: Data_Center_Contact Last_name: U.S. Geological Survey Information Services First_name: N/A Email: infoservices@usgs.gov Phone: 1-888-ASK-USGS Group: Address Open-File Reports, PO Box 25286, Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 80225-0046 USA End_Group End_Group End_Group Storage_Medium: VAX/VMS 5.4 ARC/INFO version 5.0 Group: Distribution Distribution_Media: online Distribution_Format : ARCE Distribution_Size: 11 Fees: none End_Group Group: Distribution Distribution_Media: online Distribution_Format : Plain text Distribution_Size: 0.0508 Fees: none End_Group Group: Reference End_Group Group: Summary This dataset was developed to provide geologic map GIS database of Colorado for use in future spatial analysis by a variety of users. This database is not meant to be used or displayed at any scale other than 1:500,000. This geologic map was prepared as a part of a study of digital methods and techniques as applied to complex geologic maps. The geologic map was digitized from the original scribe sheets used to prepare the published Geologic Map of Colorado (Tweto 1979). Consequently the digital version is at 1:500,000 scale using the Lambert Conformal Conic map projection parameters of the state base map. Stable base contact prints of the scribe sheets were scanned on a Tektronix 4991 digital scanner. The scanner automatically converts the scanned image to an ASCII vector format. These vectors were transferred to a VAX minicomputer, where they were then loaded into ARC/INFO. Each vector and polygon was given attributes derived from the original 1979 geologic map. This data base consists of three major Arc/Info GIS datasets: - one the geologic map with faults, formations and volcanic vents, - two the index and correlation chart and - three the sources of geologic data. April 1995, An update was done solely for the purpose of adding the abilitly to plot to an HP650c plotter. Two new ARC/INFO plot AMLs along with a lineset and shadeset for the HP650C design jet printer have been included. These new files are COLORADO.650, INDEX.650, TWETOLIN.E00 and TWETOSHD.E00. These files were created on a UNIX platform with ARC/INFO 6.1.2. Updated versions of INDEX.E00, CONTACT.E00, LINE.E00, DECO.E00 and BORDER.E00 files that included the newly defined HP650c items are also included. End_Group Group: DIF_Author Last_name: Schweitzer First_name: Peter Middle_name: N Email: pschweitzer@usgs.gov Phone: 703-648-6533 Group: Address Mail Stop 954 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr Reston, VA 20192-0002 USA End_Group End_Group DIF_Revision_Date: 20150204 Science_Review_Date: