Geologic Map and Digital Database of the Upper Parashant Canyon and Vicinity, Mohave County, Northwestern Arizona

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What does this data set describe?

Geologic Map and Digital Database of the Upper Parashant Canyon and Vicinity, Mohave County, Northwestern Arizona
This digital map database is compiled from unpublished data and new mapping by the authors, represents the general distribution of surficial and bedrock geology in the mapped area. Together with the accompanying pamphlet, it provides current information on the geologic structure and stratigraphy of the area. The database dilineate map units thatare identified by age and lithology following the stratigraphic nomenclature of the U.S. Geological Survey. The scale of the source maps limits the spatial resolution of the database to 1:31,680 or smaller.
This report consists of a set of geologic map database files (ARC/ INFO coverages) and supporting text and plot files. In addition, the report includes two sets of plot files (Post Script and PDF format) that will generate map sheets and pamphlets similar to a traditional USGS Miscellaneous Field Studies Report. These files are described in the explanatory pamphlets (para.eps, para.pdf, or para.txt). The base layer used in the preparation of the geologic map plot files was derived from four Digital Raster Graphic versions of standard USGS 7.5' quadrangles. These raster images where converted to Grid format in ARC/INFO, trimmed and seamed together, then converted to a GeoTIFF image. The resultant TIFF image was combined with geologic data to produce the final map image in Illustrator 8.0.
  1. How might this data set be cited?
    Harr, M.L., and Wellmeyer, J.L., 2000, Geologic Map and Digital Database of the Upper Parashant Canyon and Vicinity, Mohave County, Northwestern Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 2343, U.S. Geological Survey, Flagstaff, AZ.

    Online Links:

  2. What geographic area does the data set cover?
    West_Bounding_Coordinate: -113.4998537
    East_Bounding_Coordinate: -113.2395707
    North_Bounding_Coordinate: 36.5051742
    South_Bounding_Coordinate: 36.2450368
  3. What does it look like?
  4. Does the data set describe conditions during a particular time period?
    Calendar_Date: 2000
    The date given is the anticipated publication date.
  5. What is the general form of this data set?
    Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: geologic map
  6. How does the data set represent geographic features?
    1. How are geographic features stored in the data set?
      This is a Vector data set. It contains the following vector data types (SDTS terminology):
      • Point (3395)
      • Chain (9433)
      • GT Polygon composed of chains (3428)
    2. What coordinate system is used to represent geographic features?
      Grid_Coordinate_System_Name: Universal Transverse Mercator
      UTM_Zone_Number: 12
      Scale_Factor_at_Central_Meridian: 0.9996
      Longitude_of_Central_Meridian: -111
      Latitude_of_Projection_Origin: 0.0
      False_Easting: 500000
      False_Northing: 0
      Planar coordinates are encoded using coordinate pair
      Abscissae (x-coordinates) are specified to the nearest 1
      Ordinates (y-coordinates) are specified to the nearest 1
      Planar coordinates are specified in meters
      The horizontal datum used is NAD27.
      The ellipsoid used is Clarke 1866.
      The semi-major axis of the ellipsoid used is 6378206.4.
      The flattening of the ellipsoid used is 1/294.98.
  7. How does the data set describe geographic features?
    attribute table of para_poly (Source: ARC/INFO)
    Geologic unit label (Source: author)
    PhHermit Formation
    PkfKaibab Formation Fossil Mountain member
    PkhKaibab Formation Harrisburg member
    PtbToroweap Formation Brady Canyon member
    PtsToroweap Formation Seligman member
    PtwToroweap Formation Woods Ranch member
    Qa1Young alluvial fan deposits
    Qa2Young intermediate age alluvial fan deposits
    Qa3Older intermediate age alluvial fan deposits
    Qa4Older alluvial fan deposits
    QafArtificial deposits
    QcColluvial deposits
    QfFloodplain deposits
    Qg1Young terrace gravel deposits
    Qg2Intermediate terrace gravel deposits
    Qg3Older terrace gravel deposits
    QlLandslide deposits
    QlbLittle Tanks basalt flow
    QlpLittle Tanks pyroclastic deposits
    QsStream-channel alluvium
    QtTalus deposits
    QvValley-fill deposits
    TbbBundyville basalt flows
    TgbGrassy Mountain basalt flows
    TgiGrassy Mountain intrusive dikes
    TgpGrassy Mountain pyroclastic deposits
    TiIntrusive dikes
    TpbPoverty Mountain basalt flows
    TpiPoverty Mountain intrusive neck
    TpkbPoverty Knoll basalt flow
    TpkiPoverty Knoll intrusive dike
    TppPoverty Mountain pyroclastic deposits
    TRcpChinle Formation Petrified Forest member
    TRmlMoenkopi Formation Lower red member
    TRmmMoenkopi Formation Middle red member
    TRmsMoenkopi Formation Shnabkaib member
    TRmtMoenkopi Formation Timpoweap member
    TRmuMoenkopi Formation Upper red member
    TRmvMoenkopi Formation Virgin Limestone member
    Graphic fill pattern (Source: Author)
    0No fill pattern in poly/region
    4Breccia fill pattern
    516Dense circle fill pattern
    518Circle fill pattern
    Type of geologic or geographic feature denoted by a line in the database. (Source: author)
    CONTACT_CERTAINBoundary between two mapped units that retains the original depositional or intrusive relationship. The contact has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    HIGH_ANGLE_FLT_APPROXStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock boundaries on either side of the fault. The contact has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within 2 mm at map scale or within about 63 meters on the ground.
    HIGH_ANGLE_FLT_CERTAINStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock bodies on either side of the fault. The fault has been observed or is closely constrained, so it is well located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    HIGH_ANGLE_FLT_CONCEALEDStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity withina mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rok bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well- located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location isconstrained to be within 3 mm at mapscale or within about 95 meters on the ground
    NORMAL_FLT_APPROXStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity within a mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rock boundaries on either side of the fault. The contact has not been observed, so it is not well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location is constrained to be within 2 mm at map scale or within about 63 meters on the ground.
    NORMAL_FLT_CONCEALEDStructural boundary between mapped units or structural discontinuity withina mapped unit that has experienced relative offset between the rok bodies on either side of the fault. The fault is obscured by overlying mapped units, so it is not well- located as described in Positional_Accuracy, but the location isconstrained to be within 3 mm at mapscale or within about 95 meters on the ground
    LANDSLIDE_SCARPLine demarcating the headwall of a landslide, also serving as a contact betweena landslide unit (Ql) and the adjacent lithologic unit. This feature has been well-located as described in Positional_Accuracy.
    MAP_BOUNDARYEdge of the mapped area. Used primarily to bound polygons at the edge of the map database. The location of the boundary is well located as described in positional_accuracy.
    arc marker point type (Source: author)
    FAULT_BALL_FILLArcmarker attached to an arc describing the nature of displacement along a fault. Side of arc with bar and ball is the side with downthrown displacement.
    Attribute table of PARA_FOLD (Source: ARC/INFO)
    Attribute table of PARA_FOLD (Source: ARC/INFO)
    Type of geologic or geographic feature denoted by a line in the database. (Source: author)
    ANTICLINE_CERTAIN_REDThe surface trace of the axis of an anticline. The axis cannot been observed, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale or within about 160 meters on the ground.
    ANTICLINE_CONCEALED_REDThe surface trace of the axis of an anticline. The axis cannot been observed, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale or within about 160 meters on the ground. The axis is concealed by younger units unaffected by earlier folding.
    BASALT_FLOW_DIRECTIONLine illustrating the direction of basalt flow from volcanic vent location
    MONOCLINE_CERTAIN_REDThe surface trace of the axis of a monocline. The axis cannot been observed, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale or within about 160 meters on the ground.
    MONOCLINE_CONCEALED_REDThe surface trace of the axis of a monocline. The axis cannot been observed, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale or within about 160 meters on the ground. The axis is concealed by younger units unaffected by earlier folding.
    SYNCLINE_CERTAIN_REDThe surface trace of the axis of a syncline. The axis cannot been observed, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale or within about 160 meters on the ground.
    SYNCLINE_CONCEALED_REDThe surface trace of the axis of a syncline. The axis cannot been observed, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale or within about 160 meters on the ground. The axis is concealed by younger units unaffected by earlier folding.
    PLUNGING_SYNCLINE_REDThe surface trace of the axis of a plunging syncline. The axis cannot been observed, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale or within about 160 meters on the ground.
    PLUNGING_ANTICLINE_REDThe surface trace of the axis of a plunging anticline. The axis cannot been observed, but the location is constrained to be within about 5 mm at map scale or within about 160 meters on the ground.
    Arc marker point type (Source: author)
    ANTICLINE_REDPoint element placed on line indicating the anticlinal nature of the particular fold axis. Defined only in conjunction with an LTYPE of ANTICLINE_CERTAIN_RED or ANTICLINE_CONCEALED_RED
    MONOCLINE_REDPoint element placed on line indicating the monoclinal nature of the particular fold axis. Defined only in conjunction with an LTYPE of MONOCLINE_CERTAIN_RED or MONOCLINE_CONCEALED_RED
    SYNCLINE_REDPoint element placed on line indicating the synclinal nature of the particular fold axis. Defined only in conjunction wiht an LTYPE of SYNCLINE_CERTAIN_RED or SYNCLINE_CONCEALED_RED
    The inclination of a fold axis if obviously tilted in one or many directions (Source: author)
    Range of values
    Attribute table of PARA_DIP (Source: ARC/INFO)
    The type of planar feature which was observed and the orientation of which was measured at this point. (Source: author)
    APPROX_BEDDINGOriginally horizontal sedimentary layers were observed at this location. Through aerial photo interpretation, the approximate orientation of the layers was measured.
    BEDDINGOriginally horizontal sedimentary layers were observed and measured at this point.
    DOME_REDOriginally horizonal sedimentary layers all dipping away from center were observed at this location
    COLLAPSE_STRUCTURELocation where a circular collapse structure characterized by strata dipping inward toward central point was observed. May reflect collapse of a deep-seated breccia pipe.
    SINKHOLEObserved location of an enclosed depression or cave
    VERTICAL_JOINTThe orientation of vertical rock fractures without displacement was measured at this point.
    VOLCANIC_VENTObserved location of a volcanic vent or cinder cone center.
    The inclination of planar structures measured in degrees down from horizontal. (Source: author)
    Range of values
    The orientation of a horizontal line in an inclined planar structure measured in degrees clockwise from north. (Source: author)
    Range of values
    The databases described in this report were compiled in ARC/INFO, a commercial Geographic Information System by Environmental Systems Research Institute. Almost all the attributes in the various attribute tables of the coverages included in the report are set or calculated by ARC/INFO. The exceptions being <COVER>- ID, LTYPE, PTYPE, PTTYPE, PATTERN, STRIKE, and DIP. LTYPE, PTYPE and PTTYPE are author added aspects of the coverages added to the PAT or AAT and are used to describe the type of line (LTYPE), area (PTYPE), point or arcmarker (PTTYPE). LTYPE and PTTYPE are each defined with WIDTH 35, OUTPUT 35, and TYPE C (character). PTYPE is defined with WIDTH 5, OUTPUT 5, and TYPE C. STRIKE and DIP are only present in PARA_DIP.PAT, because they describe bedding orientation of point objects. Each is defined with WIDTH and OUTPUT of 3, and TYPE I (integer). PATTERN was another author-added attribute only in PARA_POLY.PAT, and is defined by WIDTH 3, OUTPUT 3, and TYPE I. The data in PATTERN correlates directly with specific values in the PTYPE field. One coverage not described is PARA_ANNO. This coverage contains only annotations, and leader placement.
    The report combined with paramf.eps, paramf.pdf, parageo.eps, parageo.txt, or parageo.pdf

Who produced the data set?

  1. Who are the originators of the data set? (may include formal authors, digital compilers, and editors)
    • Harr, M.L.
    • Wellmeyer, J.L.
  2. Who also contributed to the data set?
    We would like to thank Debra Block at the Flagstaff USGS for all her GIS and ARC support and all those questions. Darlene Casebier at Flagstaff for her assistance with layout and cartography, and plotting. We'll probably also thank whoever does our digital database review, whoever that person might be. Thanks also go out to Jan Zigler and Russ Graymer in Menlo Park for all their help answering questions, and making sure everything we were supposed to do got done - eventually.
  3. To whom should users address questions about the data?
    Wellmeyer, Jessica L
    2255 North Gemini Drive
    Flagstaff, AZ

    520-556-7186 (voice)

Why was the data set created?

The geologic map of the upper Parashant Canyon area covers part of the Colorado Plateau and several large tributary canyons that make up the western part of Arizona's Grand Canyon. The map is part of a cooperative U.S. Geological Survey and National Park Service project to provide geologic information for areas within the newly established Grand Canyon/Parashant Canyon National Monument. Most of the Grand Canyon and parts of the adjacent plateaus have been geologically mapped; this map fills in one of the remaining areas where uniform quality geologic mapping was needed. The geologic information presented may be useful in future related studies as to land use management, range management, and flood control programs for federal and state agencies, and private concerns.

How was the data set created?

  1. From what previous works were the data drawn?
  2. How were the data generated, processed, and modified?
    Date: 18-Jul-2000 (process 1 of 2)
    The databases in this report were compiled in ARC/INFO version 7.1.2, a commercial Geographic Information System (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Redlands, CA). The files are in either raster (GRID) or vector (coverage) format. Coverages are stored in uncompressed ARC export format. ARC/INFO export files with the .e00 extension can be converted into ARC/INFO coverages in ARC/INFO and can be read by other commercially available Geographic Information Systems. Stable-base maps were scanned at the Flagstaff USGS Field site using an Optronics 5040 raster scanner at a resolution of 50 microns (508 dpi). The resulting raster file was in RLE format and converted to the RLC format using the "rle2rlc" program written by Marilyn Flyn. The RLC file was subsequently converted to an ARC/INFO Grid in ARC/INFO. The linework was vectorized using Gridline. A tic file was created in latitute and longitude and projected into the base map projection (Polyconic) using a central meridian of -114.0000. Tics are defined in the four extreme corners of the map are in the geologic coverages corresponding with quadrangle corners both in base maps and digital maps. The tic file was used to transform the grid into Universal Transverse Mercator projection. ARC/INFO generated an RMS (root mean square) report after transforming the original Grid (raster image) into UTM. Scanned lines were edited interactively by hand using the ARC module ARCEDIT and a series of macros and menus, polygon regions were attributed as necessary, and all artifacts and scanning errors visible at 1:31,680 were removed.
    This is the pre-release/pre-digital-review version of the report. View textfile mf2343.rev for further information.
    Fred Miller, L. Sue Beard, Susan Priest, Charles L Powell all contributed to the technical review process
    Date: 21-Sep-2000 (process 2 of 2)
    Creation of original metadata record Person who carried out this activity:
    Wellmeyer, Jessica L
    2255 North Gemini Drive
    Flagstaff, AZ

    520-556-7186 (voice)
  3. What similar or related data should the user be aware of?

How reliable are the data; what problems remain in the data set?

  1. How well have the observations been checked?
  2. How accurate are the geographic locations?
    Well located data item are intended to have a positional accuracy within .5 mm at a 1:31,680 map scale, or 16 meters on the ground.
  3. How accurate are the heights or depths?
  4. Where are the gaps in the data? What is missing?
    This report is designed to describe completely the surficial and bedrock geology at a 1:31,680 scale. Geologic information only mappable at a larger scale has been omitted.
  5. How consistent are the relationships among the observations, including topology?
    Polygon and chain-node topology present

How can someone get a copy of the data set?

Are there legal restrictions on access or use of the data?
Access_Constraints: None
Uses of this digital geologic map should not violate the spatial resolution of the map area (1:31,680) even though the digital data form removes the constraint of scale on a paper map. The accuracy inherent in map scale are also present in digital format. At a scale larger than 1:31,680, higher resolution data is not available and will not yield greater real detail.
  1. Who distributes the data set? (Distributor 1 of 1)
    USGS Information Services
    Box 25286, Denver Federal Center
    Denver, CO

    (303) 202-4200 (voice)
    (303) 202-4695 (FAX)
  2. What's the catalog number I need to order this data set? USGS Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-2343
  3. What legal disclaimers am I supposed to read?
    Any use of trade, product of firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Although this publication has been subjected to rigorous review and is substantially complete, the USGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. Furthermore, it is released on condition that neither the USGS nor the United States Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use.
  4. How can I download or order the data?
    • Availability in digital form:
      Data format: Plotfile package consists of two PostScript files, one for the map sheet and one for the pamphlet. in format PostScript PostScript files generated by Adobe Illustrator 8.0 Size: 5.6123
      Network links:
      Data format: Plotfile package consists of two PDF files, one for the map sheet and one for the pamphlet. in format PDF PDF files generated by Adobe Illustrator 8.0 Size: 4.5869
      Network links:
      Data format: Digital Database package consisting of 11 ARC/INFO export files, along with supporting text and pamphlets, revision list, metadata (this file), and import AML. in format ARCE (version 7.2.1) Size: 9.0820
      Network links:
    • Cost to order the data: none

Who wrote the metadata?

Last modified: 13-Jun-2016
Metadata author:
Peter N Schweitzer
USGS Midwest Area
Collection manager, USGS Geoscience Data Clearinghouse,
Mail Stop 954
12201 Sunrise Valley Dr
Reston, VA

703-648-6533 (voice)
703-648-6252 (FAX)
Metadata standard:
Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (FGDC-STD-001-1998)

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