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Value | Definition |
CZw | Wood Canyon Formation |
Cb | Bonanza King Formation |
Cc | Carrara Formation |
Cn | Nopah Formation |
Cz | Zabriskie Quartzite |
DSd | Dolomite |
Dc | Dolomite limestone and sandy dolomite |
MDs | Clastic sedimentary rocks (includes Eleana) |
Mc | Chainman Shale |
Ou | Sedimentary rocks, undivided (Ely Sprs. Eureka Pogonip) |
Qa | Alluvium (Holocene) |
Qam | Alluvium (late and middle Pleistocene) |
Qao | Older alluvium (middle and early Pleistocene) |
Qay | Younger alluvium (Holocene and late Pleistocene) |
Qay/Qam | mantle of Qay over Qam |
Qay/Qem | mantle of Qay over Qem |
Qbo | Older Quaternary basalt |
Qby | Younger Quaternary basalt |
Qe | Eolian deposits (Holocene to middle Pleistocene) |
Qem | Eolian-colluvial ramp deposits (Holocene-middle Pleis.) |
Qem/Qao | mantle of Qem over Qao |
Qeo | Older eolian sand (middle to early Pleistocene) |
Qey | Eolian sand and fragments (Holocene and late Pleistocene) |
Qey/Qam | mantle of Qey over Qam |
Qey/Qeo | mantle of Qey over Qeo |
Qsd | Spring deposits (Holocene to middle Pleistocene) |
Tac | Calico Hills Formation |
Tbo | Older Tertiary basalts (Miocene) |
Tby | Younger Tertiary basalt of Crater Flat (Pliocene) |
Tcb | Bullfrog Tuff |
Tcp | Prow Pass Tuff |
Tcr | Rhyolite of Prospector Pass |
Tcs | Pre-Bullfrog Tuff bedded tuff |
Tct | Tram Tuff |
Tfb | Beatty Wash Formation |
Tfd | Lavas of Dome Mountain |
Tfs | Rhyolite of Shoshone Mountain |
Tgc | Conglomerates, fanglomerates, and rock-avalanche breccia |
Ti | Intrusions (Miocene) |
Tma | Ammonia Tanks Tuff |
Tmb | Rhyolite of Waterpipe Butte |
Tmp | Rhyolite of Pinnacles Ridge |
Tmr | Rainier Mesa Tuff |
Tmw | Rhyolite of Windy Wash |
Tpbt | Bedded tuff (Paintbrush Gp.) |
Tpc | Tiva Canyon Tuff |
Tpcy | Tuff of Pinyon Pass |
Tpd | Rhyolite of Delirium Canyon |
Tpk | Rhyolite of Comb Peak |
Tpp | Pah Canyon Tuff |
Tpr | Rhyolite lavas, undivided (Paintbrush Gp.) |
Tpt | Topopah Spring Tuff |
Tpv | Rhyolite of Vent Pass |
Tpx | Paintbrush Group tuffs, undivided (flt zn: tectonically mixed) |
Tpy | Yucca Mountain Tuff |
Trx | Rock-avalanche breccia of southern Crater Flat (Miocene) |
Ts | Older sedimentary rocks, undivided (Miocene and Oligocene |
Ttr | Rocket Wash Tuff of Thirsty Canyon Group (Miocene) |
Tvo | Older volcanic rocks, undivided (Miocene) |
Tvx | Intracaldera and caldera margin megabreccia and mesobreccia |
Tvy | Younger volcanic rocks (Pliocene to Miocene) |
Tw | Wahmonie Formation |
Zs | Stirling Quartzite |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 0 |
Maximum: | 999 |
Value | Definition |
BORDER_50K_MAP | Extent of study area |
CALDERA | Structural Boundary of Claim Canyon Caldera |
CONTACT | Geologic contact - exposed or well constrained |
CONTACT_APPROX | Geologic contact - approximately located |
CONTACT_CONCEALED | Geologic contact - concealed beneath Quaternary cover or poorly exposed |
CONTACT_Q | Geologic contact of Quaternary aged deposits |
CROSS_SECTION_LINES | Location of cross sections A-A', B-B', C-C', and D-D' |
FAULT | Fault - exposed or well constrained |
FAULT_APPROX | Fault - approximately located |
FAULT_INFER_GEOL | Fault - concealed and inferred beneath Quaternary cover |
FAULT_INFER_GP | Fault - concealed beneath Quaternary cover and inferred from geophysical data |
FAULT_PRE_TERTIARY_THRUST | Thrust fault - pre-Tertiary age, exposed or well constrained |
FAULT_PRE_TERTIARY_THRUST_INFER | Thrust fault - pre-Tertiary age, concealed and inferred beneath Quaternary cover or poorly exposed |
FAULT_LOW_ANGLE_NORMAL | Gently dipping normal fault |
SCARP_AL | Fault scarps in Quaternary deposits |
SYMBOL_CALC_DIP | Symbols displaying strike and dip of bedrock estimated using 3-point method |
SYMBOL_FLT_FLD | Symbols displaying relative horizontal movement (paired arrows) on faults, teeth on reverse faults, and queries (uncertain) fault locations), and fold axes |
SYMBOL_FOLIATION | Symbols displaying strike and dip of compaction foliation |
SYMBOL_HORIZ_BD | Symbols displaying horizontal bedding |
SYMBOL_OVRTRN_BD | Symbols displaying overturned bedding |
SYMBOL_STRIKE_DIP | Symbols displaying strike and dip of bedding |
SYMBOL_VERT_BED | Symbols displaying vertically dipping bedding |
UNIT_LABELS | Line leaders from map unit to text describing bedrock geologic units |
UNIT_LABELS_Q | Line leaders from map unit to text describing geologic units of Quaternary age |
COLUMN--ITEM_NAME----------WIDTH-----OUTPUT-----TYPE---#_DECIMALS 1-------FNODE#---------------4----------5---------B---------\ 5-------TNODE#---------------4----------5---------B---------\ 9-------LPOLY#---------------4----------5---------B---------\ 13------RPOLY#---------------4----------5---------B---------\ 17------LENGTH---------------8---------18---------F---------5 25------<cover>#-------------4----------5---------B---------\ 29------<cover>-ID-----------4----------5---------B---------\ For polygons these attributes are: COLUMN--ITEM_NAME----------WIDTH-----OUTPUT-----TYPE---#_DECIMALS 1-------AREA-----------------8---------18---------F---------5 9-------PERIMETER------------8---------18---------F---------5 17------<cover>#-------------4----------5---------B---------\ 21------<cover>-ID-----------4----------5---------B---------\ COVERAGE-----FEATURE-----DESCRIPTION Items/Attributes----------Values plate1-----lines-----cultural linework (roads, township and range, NTS boundary, map border and tics) ITEM: layer DESCRIPTION: ROADS_FINAL Roads in study area TOWN_RANGE Township and range boundaries SECTIONS_100K Township and range section lines NTS Nevada Test Site boundary BORDER Map border TICS_STATE_PLANE Nevada State Plane graticules TICS_LAT_LONG Latitude and longitude graticules ball_bar-----lines--------displacement symbols on faults ball_bar-----polygons-----displacement symbols on faults ITEM: ssym DESCRIPTION: 1 Number corresponding to a shadeset symbol szgeol-----polygons-------geologic units ITEMS: DESCRIPTION: MAP_UNIT Lithostratigraphic symbols UNIT_DESCRIPTION Description of lithostratigraphic symbols SSYM Number corresponding to a shadeset symbol (Values for the coverage items are presented in table format below) MAP_UNIT...UNIT_DESCRIPTION... SSYM CZw Wood Canyon Formation 694 Cb Bonanza King Formation 461 Cc Carrara Formation 601 Cn Nopah Formation 518 Cz Zabriskie Quartzite 810 DSd Dolomite 55 Dc Dolomite limestone and sandy dolomite 52 MDs Clastic sedimentary rocks (includes Eleana) 332 Mc Chainman Shale 179 Ou Sedimentary rocks, undivided (Ely Sprs. Eureka Pogonip) 238 Qa Alluvium (Holocene) 748 Qam Alluvium (late and middle Pleistocene) 705 Qao Older alluvium (middle and early Pleistocene) 501 Qay Younger alluvium (Holocene and late Pleistocene) 575 Qay/Qam mantle of Qay over Qam 705 Qay/Qem mantle of Qay over Qem 767 Qbo Older Quaternary basalt 98 Qby Younger Quaternary basalt 130 Qe Eolian deposits (Holocene to middle Pleistocene) 759 Qem Eolian-colluvial ramp deposits (Holocene-middle Pleis.) 767 Qem/Qao mantle of Qem over Qao 501 Qeo Older eolian sand (middle to early Pleistocene) 576 Qey Eolian sand and fragments (Holocene and late Pleistocene) 715 Qey/Qam mantle of Qey over Qam 705 Qey/Qeo mantle of Qey over Qeo 576 Qsd Spring deposits (Holocene to middle Pleistocene) 681 Tac Calico Hills Formation 184 Tbo Older Tertiary basalts (Miocene) 129 Tby Younger Tertiary basalt of Crater Flat (Pliocene) 372 Tcb Bullfrog Tuff 509 Tcp Prow Pass Tuff 422 Tcr Rhyolite of Prospector Pass 151 Tcs Pre-Bullfrog Tuff bedded tuff 322 Tct Tram Tuff 152 Tfb Beatty Wash Formation 632 Tfd Lavas of Dome Mountain 119 Tfs Rhyolite of Shoshone Mountain 633 Tgc Conglomerates, fanglomerates, and rock-avalanche breccia 652 Ti Intrusions (Miocene) 217 Tma Ammonia Tanks Tuff 721 Tmb Rhyolite of Waterpipe Butte 111 Tmp Rhyolite of Pinnacles Ridge 707 Tmr Rainier Mesa Tuff 124 Tmw Rhyolite of Windy Wash 905 Tpbt Bedded tuff (Paintbrush Gp.) 116 Tpc Tiva Canyon Tuff 901 Tpcy Tuff of Pinyon Pass 732 Tpd Rhyolite of Delirium Canyon 114 Tpk Rhyolite of Comb Peak 154 Tpp Pah Canyon Tuff 542 Tpr Rhyolite lavas, undivided (Paintbrush Gp.) 155 Tpt Topopah Spring Tuff 336 Tpv Rhyolite of Vent Pass 554 Tpx Paintbrush Group tuffs, undivided (flt zn: tectonically mixed) 577 Tpy Yucca Mountain Tuff 514 Trx Rock-avalanche breccia of southern Crater Flat (Miocene) 303 Ts Older sedimentary rocks, undivided (Miocene and Oligocene 387 Ttr Rocket Wash Tuff of Thirsty Canyon Group (Miocene) 555 Tvo Older volcanic rocks, undivided (Miocene) 909 Tvx Intracaldera and caldera margin megabreccia and mesobreccia 541 Tvy Younger volcanic rocks (Pliocene to Miocene) 527 Tw Wahmonie Formation 304 Zs Stirling Quartzite 494 szlines-----lines-----attributed with ITEM layer as follows: ITEM: layer DESCRIPTION: BORDER_50K_MAP Extent of study area CALDERA Structural Boundary of Claim Canyon Caldera CONTACT Geologic contact - exposed or well constrained CONTACT_APPROX Geologic contact - approximately located CONTACT_CONCEALED Geologic contact - concealed beneath Quaternary cover or poorly exposed CONTACT_Q Geologic contact of Quaternary aged deposits CROSS_SECTION_LINES Location of cross sections A-A', B-B', C-C', and D-D' FAULT Fault - exposed or well constrained FAULT_APPROX Fault - approximately located FAULT_INFER_GEOL Fault - concealed and inferred beneath Quaternary cover FAULT_INFER_GP Fault - concealed beneath Quaternary cover and inferred from geophysical data FAULT_PRE_TERTIARY_THRUST Thrust fault - pre-Tertiary age, exposed or well constrained FAULT_PRE_TERTIARY_THRUST_INFER Thrust fault - pre-Tertiary age, concealed and inferred beneath Quaternary cover or poorly exposed FAULT_LOW_ANGLE_NORMAL Gently dipping normal fault SCARP_AL Fault scarps in Quaternary deposits SYMBOL_CALC_DIP Symbols displaying strike and dip of bedrock estimated using 3-point method SYMBOL_FLT_FLD Symbols displaying relative horizontal movement (paired arrows) on faults, teeth on reverse faults, and queries (uncertain) fault locations), and fold axes SYMBOL_FOLIATION Symbols displaying strike and dip of compaction foliation SYMBOL_HORIZ_BD Symbols displaying horizontal bedding SYMBOL_OVRTRN_BD Symbols displaying overturned bedding SYMBOL_STRIKE_DIP Symbols displaying strike and dip of bedding SYMBOL_VERT_BED Symbols displaying vertically dipping bedding UNIT_LABELS Line leaders from map unit to text describing bedrock geologic units UNIT_LABELS_Q Line leaders from map unit to text describing geologic units of Quaternary age szlines-----annotation-----Text for geologic units, borehole and map symbol labels subclass: anno.dxf Description Level 1 geology labels 3 fault names 4 cross section trace labels 5 borehole labels 6 foliation labels 7 measured strike and dip labels 8 calculated strike and dip labels 9 overturned bedding labels 10 queries symbols(?)on fault traces szlines-----points-----borehole locations ITEM: layer DESCRIPTION: BOREHOLES_1996 Location of selected bore holes in study area Topo24k_pot-----arcs-----topographic base ITEMS: DESCRIPTION: elev_ft elevation of line index200 1 if line is a 200 ft index contour, otherwise 0
Bedrock geology mapped by Christopher J. Potter, Robert P. Dickerson, Donald S. Sweetkind, Ronald M. Drake II, Christopher J. Fridrich, and Warren C. Day, 1997-1998, and compiled from data sources cited below. Surficial geology mapped by Emily M. Taylor in 1998, and compiled from data sources cited below. Geologic contacts and faults digitized by Ronald M. Drake II, Carma A. San Juan, and Emily M. Taylor.
This geologic map was constructed to provide the structural and stratigraphic framework for a saturated-zone groundwater model for the Yucca Mountain Project site area.
Are there legal restrictions on access or use of the data?Access_Constraints: None
Use_Constraints:Acknowledgment of the U.S. Geological Survey would be appreciated in products derived from these data.
Although these digital spatial data have been subjected to rigorous review and are substantially complete, they are released on the condition that neither the USGS nor the United States Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from their authorized or unauthorized use.
Data format: | Geologic units and structural features in format ARCE (version 8.0.2) Size: 7 |
Network links: | |