Geologic map of the Yucca Mountain region, Nye County, Nevada

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Title: Geologic map of the Yucca Mountain region, Nye County, Nevada
Yucca Mountain, Nye County, Nevada, has been identified as a potential site for underground storage of high-level radioactive waste. This geologic map compilation, including all of Yucca Mountain and Crater Flat, most of the Calico Hills, western Jackass Flats, Little Skull Mountain, the Striped Hills, the Skeleton Hills, and the northeastern Amargosa Desert, portrays the geologic framework for a saturated-zone hydrologic flow model of the Yucca Mountain site. Key geologic features shown on the geologic map and accompanying cross sections include: (1) exposures of Proterozoic through Devonian strata inferred to have been deformed by regional thrust faulting and folding, in the Skeleton Hills, Striped Hills, and Amargosa Desert near Big Dune; (2) folded and thrust-faulted Devonian and Mississippian strata, unconformably overlain by Miocene tuffs and lavas and cut by complex Neogene fault patterns, in the Calico Hills; (3) the Claim Canyon caldera, a segment of which is exposed north of Yucca Mountain and Crater Flat; (4) thick densely welded to nonwelded ash-flow sheets of the Miocene southwest Nevada volcanic field exposed in normal-fault-bounded blocks at Yucca Mountain; (5) upper Tertiary and Quaternary basaltic cinder cones and lava flows in Crater Flat and at southernmost Yucca Mountain; and (6) broad basins covered by Quaternary and upper Tertiary surficial deposits in Jackass Flats, Crater Flat, and the northeastern Amargosa Desert, beneath which Neogene normal and strike-slip faults are inferred to be present on the basis of geophysical data and geologic map patterns.
A regional thrust belt of late Paleozoic or Mesozoic age affected all pre-Tertiary rocks in the region; main thrust faults, not exposed in the map area, are interpreted to underlie the map area in an arcuate pattern, striking north, northeast, and east. The predominant vergence of thrust faults exposed elsewhere in the region, including the Belted Range and Specter Range thrusts, was to the east, southeast, and south. The vertical to overturned strata of the Striped Hills are hypothesized to result from successive stacking of three south- vergent thrust ramps, the lowest of which is the Specter Range thrust. The CP thrust is interpreted as a north-vergent backthrust that may have been roughly contemporaneous with the Belted Range and Specter Range thrusts.
The southwest Nevada volcanic field consists predominantly of a series of silicic tuffs and lava flows ranging in age from 15 to 8 Ma. The map area is in the southwestern quadrant of the southwest Nevada volcanic field, just south of the Timber Mountain caldera complex.
The Claim Canyon caldera, exposed in the northern part of the map area, contains thick deposits of the 12.7-Ma Tiva Canyon Tuff, along with widespread megabreccia deposits of similar age, and subordinate thick exposures of other 12.8- to 12.7-Ma Paintbrush Group rocks. An irregular, blocky fault array, which affects parts of the caldera and much of the nearby area, includes several large-displacement, steeply dipping faults that strike radially to the caldera and bound south-dipping blocks of volcanic rock.
South and southeast of the Claim Canyon caldera, in the area that includes Yucca Mountain, the Neogene fault pattern is dominated by closely spaced, north-northwest- to north- northeast-striking normal faults that lie within a north- trending graben. This 20- to 25-km-wide graben includes Crater Flat, Yucca Mountain, and Fortymile Wash, and is bounded on the east by the "gravity fault" and on the west by the Bare Mountain fault. Both of these faults separate Proterozoic and Paleozoic sedimentary rocks in their footwalls from Miocene volcanic rocks in their hanging walls.
Stratigraphic and structural relations at Yucca Mountain demonstrate that block-bounding faults were active before and during eruption of the 12.8- to 12.7-Ma Paintbrush Group, and significant motion on these faults continued until after the 11.6-Ma Rainier Mesa Tuff was deposited. North of Crater Flat, in and near the Claim Canyon caldera, most of the tilting of the volcanic section predated the 11.6-Ma Rainier Mesa Tuff. In contrast, geologic relations in central and southern Yucca Mountain indicate that much of the stratal tilting there occurred after 11.6 Ma, probably synchronous with the main pulse of vertical-axis rotation that occurred between 11.6 and 11.45 Ma.
Beneath the broad basins, such as Crater Flat, Jackass Flats, and the Amargosa Desert, faults are inferred from geophysical data. Geologic and geophysical data imply the presence of the large-offset, east-west-striking Highway 95 fault beneath surficial deposits along the northeast margin of the Amargosa Desert, directly south of Yucca Mountain and Crater Flat. The Highway 95 fault is interpreted to be downthrown to the north, with a component of dextral displacement. It juxtaposes a block of Paleozoic carbonate rock overlain by a minimal thickness of Tertiary rocks (to the south) against the Miocene volcanic section of Yucca Mountain (to the north).
Alluvial geomorphic surfaces compose the bulk of Quaternary surficial units in the Yucca Mountain region. Deposits associated with these surfaces include alluvium, colluvium, and minor eolian and debris-flow sediments. Photogeologic and field studies locally have identified subtle fault scarps that offset these surfaces, and other evidence of Quaternary fault activity.
Topographic base from these U.S. Geological Survey 1:24,000- scale digital line graph (DLG) quadrangles: East of Beatty Mountain, Topopah Spring NW, Topopah Spring, Jackass Flats, Striped Hills, Crater Flat, Busted Butte, Big Dune, Amargosa Valley, South of Amargosa Valley, Ashton, Beatty Mountain, Carrara Canyon, Lees Camp, Leeland, Skeleton Hills. 50,000-ft grid based on Nevada State Plane coordinates. Contour interval is 40 ft. DLG's were clipped to fit into the area of interest.
Township and Range boundaries from U.S. Geological Survey 1: 100,000-scale Digital Line Graph data for the Beatty quadrangle.
Roads are from the DOE/OCRWM/YMSCO database, coverage ROADNYES, reference G97558, based on U.S. Census Bureau, 1:100,000-scale TIGER data for Nye County, Nevada.
  1. How might this data set be cited?
    Potter, Christopher J., Dickerson, Robert P., Sweetkind, Donald S., Drake, Ronald M. II, Taylor, Emily M., Fridrich, Christopher J., San, Carma A. Juan, and Day, Warren C., 2002, Geologic map of the Yucca Mountain region, Nye County, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Investigations Series I-2755, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado.

    Online Links:

  2. What geographic area does the data set cover?
    West_Bounding_Coordinate: -116.629
    East_Bounding_Coordinate: -116.287
    North_Bounding_Coordinate: 36.973
    South_Bounding_Coordinate: 36.566
  3. What does it look like? (PNG)
    Reduced-size image of the entire map sheet, 582x836 pixels, 220k bytes (PDF)
    Printable representation of map layout, 30 megabytes
  4. Does the data set describe conditions during a particular time period?
    Calendar_Date: 2002
    Publication date
  5. What is the general form of this data set?
    Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: map
  6. How does the data set represent geographic features?
    1. How are geographic features stored in the data set?
      This is a Vector data set.
    2. What coordinate system is used to represent geographic features?
      Grid_Coordinate_System_Name: Universal Transverse Mercator
      UTM_Zone_Number: 11
      Scale_Factor_at_Central_Meridian: 0.9996
      Longitude_of_Central_Meridian: -117
      Latitude_of_Projection_Origin: 0.0
      False_Easting: 500000
      False_Northing: 0.0
      Planar coordinates are encoded using coordinate pair
      Abscissae (x-coordinates) are specified to the nearest 65
      Ordinates (y-coordinates) are specified to the nearest 65
      Planar coordinates are specified in meters
      The horizontal datum used is North American Datum of 1927.
      The ellipsoid used is Clarke 1866.
      The semi-major axis of the ellipsoid used is 6378206.4.
      The flattening of the ellipsoid used is 1/294.98.
  7. How does the data set describe geographic features?
    szgeol polygon
    Geologic units
    Lithostratigraphic symbol
    CZwWood Canyon Formation
    CbBonanza King Formation
    CcCarrara Formation
    CnNopah Formation
    CzZabriskie Quartzite
    DcDolomite limestone and sandy dolomite
    MDsClastic sedimentary rocks (includes Eleana)
    McChainman Shale
    OuSedimentary rocks, undivided (Ely Sprs. Eureka Pogonip)
    QaAlluvium (Holocene)
    QamAlluvium (late and middle Pleistocene)
    QaoOlder alluvium (middle and early Pleistocene)
    QayYounger alluvium (Holocene and late Pleistocene)
    Qay/Qammantle of Qay over Qam
    Qay/Qemmantle of Qay over Qem
    QboOlder Quaternary basalt
    QbyYounger Quaternary basalt
    QeEolian deposits (Holocene to middle Pleistocene)
    QemEolian-colluvial ramp deposits (Holocene-middle Pleis.)
    Qem/Qaomantle of Qem over Qao
    QeoOlder eolian sand (middle to early Pleistocene)
    QeyEolian sand and fragments (Holocene and late Pleistocene)
    Qey/Qammantle of Qey over Qam
    Qey/Qeomantle of Qey over Qeo
    QsdSpring deposits (Holocene to middle Pleistocene)
    TacCalico Hills Formation
    TboOlder Tertiary basalts (Miocene)
    TbyYounger Tertiary basalt of Crater Flat (Pliocene)
    TcbBullfrog Tuff
    TcpProw Pass Tuff
    TcrRhyolite of Prospector Pass
    TcsPre-Bullfrog Tuff bedded tuff
    TctTram Tuff
    TfbBeatty Wash Formation
    TfdLavas of Dome Mountain
    TfsRhyolite of Shoshone Mountain
    TgcConglomerates, fanglomerates, and rock-avalanche breccia
    TiIntrusions (Miocene)
    TmaAmmonia Tanks Tuff
    TmbRhyolite of Waterpipe Butte
    TmpRhyolite of Pinnacles Ridge
    TmrRainier Mesa Tuff
    TmwRhyolite of Windy Wash
    TpbtBedded tuff (Paintbrush Gp.)
    TpcTiva Canyon Tuff
    TpcyTuff of Pinyon Pass
    TpdRhyolite of Delirium Canyon
    TpkRhyolite of Comb Peak
    TppPah Canyon Tuff
    TprRhyolite lavas, undivided (Paintbrush Gp.)
    TptTopopah Spring Tuff
    TpvRhyolite of Vent Pass
    TpxPaintbrush Group tuffs, undivided (flt zn: tectonically mixed)
    TpyYucca Mountain Tuff
    TrxRock-avalanche breccia of southern Crater Flat (Miocene)
    TsOlder sedimentary rocks, undivided (Miocene and Oligocene
    TtrRocket Wash Tuff of Thirsty Canyon Group (Miocene)
    TvoOlder volcanic rocks, undivided (Miocene)
    TvxIntracaldera and caldera margin megabreccia and mesobreccia
    TvyYounger volcanic rocks (Pliocene to Miocene)
    TwWahmonie Formation
    ZsStirling Quartzite
    Brief description of the map unit symbol Text (values given as definitions for field MAP_UNIT)
    Shadeset symbol; a numeric code through which the proper polygon fill can be selected from the shadeset file for plotting the map.
    Range of values
    szlines arc
    Linear map feature of geologic or cartographic signficance, including some symbols
    Geological or cartographic significance of the line
    BORDER_50K_MAPExtent of study area
    CALDERAStructural Boundary of Claim Canyon Caldera
    CONTACTGeologic contact - exposed or well constrained
    CONTACT_APPROXGeologic contact - approximately located
    CONTACT_CONCEALEDGeologic contact - concealed beneath Quaternary cover or poorly exposed
    CONTACT_QGeologic contact of Quaternary aged deposits
    CROSS_SECTION_LINESLocation of cross sections A-A', B-B', C-C', and D-D'
    FAULTFault - exposed or well constrained
    FAULT_APPROXFault - approximately located
    FAULT_INFER_GEOLFault - concealed and inferred beneath Quaternary cover
    FAULT_INFER_GPFault - concealed beneath Quaternary cover and inferred from geophysical data
    FAULT_PRE_TERTIARY_THRUSTThrust fault - pre-Tertiary age, exposed or well constrained
    FAULT_PRE_TERTIARY_THRUST_INFERThrust fault - pre-Tertiary age, concealed and inferred beneath Quaternary cover or poorly exposed
    FAULT_LOW_ANGLE_NORMALGently dipping normal fault
    SCARP_ALFault scarps in Quaternary deposits
    SYMBOL_CALC_DIPSymbols displaying strike and dip of bedrock estimated using 3-point method
    SYMBOL_FLT_FLDSymbols displaying relative horizontal movement (paired arrows) on faults, teeth on reverse faults, and queries (uncertain) fault locations), and fold axes
    SYMBOL_FOLIATIONSymbols displaying strike and dip of compaction foliation
    SYMBOL_HORIZ_BDSymbols displaying horizontal bedding
    SYMBOL_OVRTRN_BDSymbols displaying overturned bedding
    SYMBOL_STRIKE_DIPSymbols displaying strike and dip of bedding
    SYMBOL_VERT_BEDSymbols displaying vertically dipping bedding
    UNIT_LABELSLine leaders from map unit to text describing bedrock geologic units
    UNIT_LABELS_QLine leaders from map unit to text describing geologic units of Quaternary age
    All coverages contain the standardized attributes for arcs and polygons assigned by ARC/INFO. For arcs these attributes are:
    For polygons these attributes are:
    plate1-----lines-----cultural linework  (roads, township and range, NTS boundary, map border and tics)
    ITEM: layer          DESCRIPTION:
    ROADS_FINAL          Roads in study area
    TOWN_RANGE           Township and range boundaries
    SECTIONS_100K        Township and range section lines
    NTS                  Nevada Test Site boundary
    BORDER               Map border
    TICS_STATE_PLANE     Nevada State Plane graticules
    TICS_LAT_LONG        Latitude and longitude graticules
    ball_bar-----lines--------displacement symbols on faults
    ball_bar-----polygons-----displacement symbols on faults
    ITEM: ssym          DESCRIPTION:
    1                   Number corresponding to a shadeset symbol
    szgeol-----polygons-------geologic units
    ITEMS:              DESCRIPTION:
    MAP_UNIT            Lithostratigraphic symbols
    UNIT_DESCRIPTION    Description of lithostratigraphic symbols
    SSYM                Number corresponding to a shadeset symbol
    (Values for the coverage items are presented in table format below)
    MAP_UNIT...UNIT_DESCRIPTION...                                        SSYM
    CZw        Wood Canyon Formation                                       694
    Cb         Bonanza King Formation                                      461
    Cc         Carrara Formation                                           601
    Cn         Nopah Formation                                             518
    Cz         Zabriskie Quartzite                                         810
    DSd        Dolomite                                                     55
    Dc         Dolomite limestone and sandy dolomite                        52
    MDs        Clastic sedimentary rocks (includes Eleana)                 332
    Mc         Chainman Shale                                              179
    Ou         Sedimentary rocks, undivided (Ely Sprs. Eureka Pogonip)     238
    Qa         Alluvium (Holocene)                                         748
    Qam        Alluvium (late and middle Pleistocene)                      705
    Qao        Older alluvium (middle and early Pleistocene)               501
    Qay        Younger alluvium (Holocene and late Pleistocene)            575
    Qay/Qam    mantle of Qay over Qam                                      705
    Qay/Qem    mantle of Qay over Qem                                      767
    Qbo        Older Quaternary basalt                                      98
    Qby        Younger Quaternary basalt                                   130
    Qe         Eolian deposits (Holocene to middle Pleistocene)            759
    Qem        Eolian-colluvial ramp deposits (Holocene-middle Pleis.)     767
    Qem/Qao    mantle of Qem over Qao                                      501
    Qeo        Older eolian sand (middle to early Pleistocene)             576
    Qey        Eolian sand and fragments (Holocene and late Pleistocene)   715
    Qey/Qam    mantle of Qey over Qam                                      705
    Qey/Qeo    mantle of Qey over Qeo                                      576
    Qsd        Spring deposits (Holocene to middle Pleistocene)            681
    Tac        Calico Hills Formation                                      184
    Tbo        Older Tertiary basalts (Miocene)                            129
    Tby        Younger Tertiary basalt of Crater Flat (Pliocene)           372
    Tcb        Bullfrog Tuff                                               509
    Tcp        Prow Pass Tuff                                              422
    Tcr        Rhyolite of Prospector Pass                                 151
    Tcs        Pre-Bullfrog Tuff bedded tuff                               322
    Tct        Tram Tuff                                                   152
    Tfb        Beatty Wash Formation                                       632
    Tfd        Lavas of Dome Mountain                                      119
    Tfs        Rhyolite of Shoshone Mountain                               633
    Tgc        Conglomerates, fanglomerates, and rock-avalanche breccia    652
    Ti         Intrusions (Miocene)                                        217
    Tma        Ammonia Tanks Tuff                                          721
    Tmb        Rhyolite of Waterpipe Butte                                 111
    Tmp        Rhyolite of Pinnacles Ridge                                 707
    Tmr        Rainier Mesa Tuff                                           124
    Tmw        Rhyolite of Windy Wash                                      905
    Tpbt       Bedded tuff (Paintbrush Gp.)                                116
    Tpc        Tiva Canyon Tuff                                            901
    Tpcy       Tuff of Pinyon Pass                                         732
    Tpd        Rhyolite of Delirium Canyon                                 114
    Tpk        Rhyolite of Comb Peak                                       154
    Tpp        Pah Canyon Tuff                                             542
    Tpr        Rhyolite lavas, undivided (Paintbrush Gp.)                  155
    Tpt        Topopah Spring Tuff                                         336
    Tpv        Rhyolite of Vent Pass                                       554
    Tpx        Paintbrush Group tuffs, undivided (flt zn: tectonically mixed) 577
    Tpy        Yucca Mountain Tuff                                         514
    Trx        Rock-avalanche breccia of southern Crater Flat (Miocene)    303
    Ts         Older sedimentary rocks, undivided (Miocene and Oligocene   387
    Ttr        Rocket Wash Tuff of Thirsty Canyon Group (Miocene)          555
    Tvo        Older volcanic rocks, undivided (Miocene)                   909
    Tvx        Intracaldera and caldera margin megabreccia and mesobreccia 541
    Tvy        Younger volcanic rocks (Pliocene to Miocene)                527
    Tw         Wahmonie Formation                                          304
    Zs         Stirling Quartzite                                          494
    szlines-----lines-----attributed with ITEM layer as follows:
    ITEM: layer                        DESCRIPTION:
    BORDER_50K_MAP                     Extent of study area
    CALDERA                            Structural Boundary of Claim Canyon Caldera
    CONTACT                            Geologic contact - exposed or well constrained
    CONTACT_APPROX                     Geologic contact - approximately located
    CONTACT_CONCEALED                  Geologic contact - concealed beneath Quaternary cover or poorly exposed
    CONTACT_Q                          Geologic contact of Quaternary aged deposits
    CROSS_SECTION_LINES                Location of cross sections A-A', B-B', C-C', and D-D'
    FAULT                              Fault - exposed or well constrained
    FAULT_APPROX                       Fault - approximately located
    FAULT_INFER_GEOL                   Fault - concealed and inferred beneath Quaternary cover
    FAULT_INFER_GP                     Fault - concealed beneath Quaternary cover and inferred from geophysical data
    FAULT_PRE_TERTIARY_THRUST          Thrust fault - pre-Tertiary age, exposed or well constrained
    FAULT_PRE_TERTIARY_THRUST_INFER    Thrust fault - pre-Tertiary age, concealed and inferred beneath Quaternary cover or poorly exposed
    FAULT_LOW_ANGLE_NORMAL             Gently dipping normal fault
    SCARP_AL                           Fault scarps in Quaternary deposits
    SYMBOL_CALC_DIP                    Symbols displaying strike and dip of bedrock estimated using 3-point method
    SYMBOL_FLT_FLD                     Symbols displaying relative horizontal movement (paired arrows) on faults, teeth on reverse faults, and queries (uncertain) fault locations), and fold axes
    SYMBOL_FOLIATION                   Symbols displaying strike and dip of compaction foliation
    SYMBOL_HORIZ_BD                    Symbols displaying horizontal bedding
    SYMBOL_OVRTRN_BD                   Symbols displaying overturned bedding
    SYMBOL_STRIKE_DIP                  Symbols displaying strike and dip of bedding
    SYMBOL_VERT_BED                    Symbols displaying vertically dipping bedding
    UNIT_LABELS                        Line leaders from map unit to text describing bedrock geologic units
    UNIT_LABELS_Q                      Line leaders from map unit to text describing geologic units of Quaternary age
    szlines-----annotation-----Text for geologic units, borehole and map symbol labels
    subclass:    anno.dxf    Description
    1                        geology labels
    3                        fault names
    4                        cross section trace labels
    5                        borehole labels
    6                        foliation labels
    7                        measured strike and dip labels
    8                        calculated strike and dip labels
    9                        overturned bedding labels
    10                       queries symbols(?)on fault traces
    szlines-----points-----borehole locations
    ITEM: layer              DESCRIPTION:
    BOREHOLES_1996           Location of selected bore holes in study area
    Topo24k_pot-----arcs-----topographic base
    ITEMS:                   DESCRIPTION:
    elev_ft                  elevation of line
    index200                 1 if line is a 200 ft index contour, otherwise 0

Who produced the data set?

  1. Who are the originators of the data set? (may include formal authors, digital compilers, and editors)
    • Christopher J. Potter
    • Robert P. Dickerson
    • Donald S. Sweetkind
    • Ronald M. Drake II
    • Emily M. Taylor
    • Christopher J. Fridrich
    • Carma A. San Juan
    • Warren C. Day
  2. Who also contributed to the data set?
    Bedrock geology mapped by Christopher J. Potter, Robert P. Dickerson, Donald S. Sweetkind, Ronald M. Drake II, Christopher J. Fridrich, and Warren C. Day, 1997-1998, and compiled from data sources cited below. Surficial geology mapped by Emily M. Taylor in 1998, and compiled from data sources cited below. Geologic contacts and faults digitized by Ronald M. Drake II, Carma A. San Juan, and Emily M. Taylor.
  3. To whom should users address questions about the data?
    Christopher J. Potter
    U.S. Geological Survey
    Denver Federal Center, MS-939
    Denver, Colorado

    (303) 236-1735 (voice)

Why was the data set created?

This geologic map was constructed to provide the structural and stratigraphic framework for a saturated-zone groundwater model for the Yucca Mountain Project site area.

How was the data set created?

  1. From what previous works were the data drawn?
    Ackermann and others, 1988 (source 1 of 39)
    Ackermann, H.D., Mooney, W.D., Snyder, D.B., and Sutton, V.D., 1988, Preliminary interpretation of seismic-refraction and gravity studies west of Yucca Mountain, Nevada and California: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1790.

    This is part of the following larger work.

    Carr, M.D. (editor), and Yount, J.C. (editor), 1988, Geologic and hydrologic investigations of a potential nuclear waste disposal site at Yucca Mountain, southern Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1790, U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C..

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Geophysical data guiding fault interpretation beneath Quaternary basins
    Bath and Jahren, 1984 (source 2 of 39)
    Bath, G.D., and Jahren, C.E., 1984, Interpretations of magnetic anomalies at a potential repository site located in the Yucca Mountain Area, Nevada Test Site: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 84-120, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Geophysical data guiding fault interpretation beneath Quaternary basins
    Blakely and others, 2000 (source 3 of 39)
    Blakely, R.J., Langenheim, V.E., Ponce, D.A., and Dixon, G.L., 2000, Aeromagnetic survey of the Amargosa Desert, Nevada and California--A tool for understanding near-surface geology and hydrology: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-188, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Geophysical data and interpretations guiding fault interpretation beneath Quaternary basins
    Brocher and others, 1993 (source 4 of 39)
    Brocher, T.M., Carr, M.D., Fox, K.F., Jr., and Hart, P.E., 1993, Seismic reflection profiling across Tertiary extensional structures in the eastern Amargosa Desert, southern Nevada, Basin and Range province: Geological Society of America Bulletin v. 105, Geological Society of America, Boulder, Colorado.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Geophysical data guiding fault interpretation beneath Quaternary basins
    Burchfiel, 1966 (source 5 of 39)
    Burchfiel, B.C., 1966, Reconnaissance geologic map of the Lathrop Wells 15-minute quadrangle, Nye County, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-474, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia.

    Type_of_Source_Media: pamphlet, map
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 62500
    Source_Contribution: Bedrock geologic contacts
    Byers and others, 1976 (source 6 of 39)
    Byers, F.M., Jr., Carr, W.J., Christiansen, R.L., Lipman, P.W., Orkild, P.P., and Quinlivan, W.D., 1976, Geologic map of the Timber Mountain caldera area, Nye County, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-891, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia.

    Type_of_Source_Media: pamphlet, map
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 48000
    Source_Contribution: Bedrock geologic contacts
    Christiansen and Lipman, 1965 (source 7 of 39)
    Christiansen, R.L., and Lipman, P.W., 1965, Geologic map of the Topopah Spring NW quadrangle, Nye County, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-444, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia.

    Type_of_Source_Media: map
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 24000
    Source_Contribution: Bedrock geologic contacts
    Cole, 1997 (source 8 of 39)
    Cole, J.C., 1997, Major structural controls on the distribution of pre-Tertiary rocks, Nevada Test Site vicinity, southern Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-533, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper, map
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 100000
    Source_Contribution: Thrust fault locations
    Cole and Cashman, 1998 (source 9 of 39)
    Cole, J.C., and Cashman, P.H., 1998, Geologic map of Paleozoic rocks in the Calico Hills, Nevada Test Site, southern Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-101, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper, map
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 6000
    Source_Contribution: Bedrock geologic contacts
    Day and others, 1998 (source 10 of 39)
    Day, W.C., Dickerson, R.P., Potter, C.J., Sweetkind, D.S., San Juan, C.A., Drake, R.M. II, and Fridrich, C.J., 1998, Bedrock geologic map of the Yucca Mountain area, Nye County, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Investigations Series Map I-2627, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado.

    Type_of_Source_Media: pamphlet, map
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 24000
    Source_Contribution: Bedrock geologic contacts
    Day and others, 1998 (source 11 of 39)
    Day, W.C., Potter, C.J., Sweetkind, D.S., Dickerson, R.P., and San Juan, C.A., 1998, Bedrock geologic map of the central block area, Yucca Mountain, Nye County, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-2601, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado.

    Type_of_Source_Media: pamphlet, map
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 6000
    Source_Contribution: Bedrock geologic contacts
    Dickerson and Drake, 1998 (source 12 of 39)
    Dickerson, R.P., and Drake, R.M. II, 1998, Geologic map of the Paintbrush Canyon area, Yucca Mountain, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-783, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper, map
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 6000
    Source_Contribution: Bedrock geologic contacts
    Faulds and others, 1994 (source 13 of 39)
    Faulds, J.E., Bell, J.W., Feuerbach, D.L., and Ramelli, A.R., 1994, Geologic map of the Crater Flat area, Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Map 101, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Reno, Nevada.

    Type_of_Source_Media: map
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 24000
    Source_Contribution: Bedrock geologic contacts
    Frizzell and Shulters, 1990 (source 14 of 39)
    Frizzell, V.A., Jr., and Shulters, J., 1990, Geologic map of the Nevada Test Site, southern Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-2046, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia.

    Type_of_Source_Media: map
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 100000
    Source_Contribution: Bedrock geologic contacts
    Greenhaus and Zablocki, 1982 (source 15 of 39)
    Greenhaus, M.R., and Zablocki, C.J., 1982, A Schlumberger resistivity survey of the Amargosa Desert, southern Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 82-897, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Geophysical data guiding fault interpretation beneath Quaternary basins
    Healey and others, 1987 (source 16 of 39)
    Healey, D.L., Harris, R.N., Ponce, D.A., and Oliver, H.W., 1987, Complete Bouguer gravity map of the Nevada Test Site and vicinity, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 87-506, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper, map
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 100000
    Geophysical data guiding fault interpretation beneath Quaternary basins
    Kane and Bracken, 1983 (source 17 of 39)
    Kane, M.F., and Bracken, R.E., 1983, Aeromagnetic map of Yucca Mountain and surrounding regions, southwest Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 83-616, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado.

    Type_of_Source_Media: map, paper
    Geophysical data guiding fault interpretation beneath Quaternary cover
    Langenheim and others, 1993 (source 18 of 39)
    Langenheim, V.E., Ponce, D.A., Oliver, H.W., and Sikora, R.F., 1993, Gravity and magnetic study of Yucca Wash, southwest Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 93-586-A, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Geophysical data guiding fault interpretation beneath Quaternary cover
    Lipman and McKay, 1965 (source 19 of 39)
    Lipman, P.W., and McKay, E.J., 1965, Geologic map of the Topopah Spring SW quadrangle, Nye County, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-439, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia.

    Type_of_Source_Media: map
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 24000
    Source_Contribution: Bedrock geologic contacts
    Maldonado, 1985 (source 20 of 39)
    Maldonado, Florian, 1985, Geologic map of the Jackass Flats area, Nye County, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-1519, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia.

    Type_of_Source_Media: map
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 48000
    Source_Contribution: Bedrock geologic contacts
    McCafferty and Grauch, 1997 (source 21 of 39)
    McCafferty, A.E., and Grauch, V.J.S., 1997, Aeromagnetic and gravity anomaly maps of the southwestern Nevada volcanic field, Nevada and California: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP-1015, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado.

    Type_of_Source_Media: map
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 250000
    Geophysical data guiding fault interpretation beneath Quaternary basins
    McKay and Sargent, 1970 (source 22 of 39)
    McKay, E.J., and Sargent, K.A., 1970, Geologic map of the Lathrop Wells quadrangle, Nye County, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-883, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia.

    Type_of_Source_Media: map
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 24000
    Geophysical data guiding fault interpretation beneath Quaternary basins
    McKay and Williams, 1964 (source 23 of 39)
    McKay, E.J., and Williams, W.P., 1964, Geology of the Jackass Flats quadrangle, Nye County, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-368, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia.

    Type_of_Source_Media: map
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 24000
    Source_Contribution: Bedrock geologic contacts
    Monsen and others, 1992 (source 24 of 39)
    Monsen, S.A., Carr, M.D., Reheis, M.C., and Orkild, P.P., 1992, Geologic map of Bare Mountain, Nye County, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-2201, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia.

    Type_of_Source_Media: map
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 24000
    Source_Contribution: Bedrock geologic contacts
    Orkild and O'Connor, 1970 (source 25 of 39)
    Orkild, P.P., and O'Connor, J.T., 1970, Geologic map of the Topopah Spring quadrangle, Nye County, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-849, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia.

    Type_of_Source_Media: map
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 24000
    Source_Contribution: Bedrock geologic contacts
    Ponce, 1996 (source 26 of 39)
    Ponce, D.A., 1996, Interpretive geophysical fault map across the central block of Yucca Mountain, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-285, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Geophysical data guiding fault interpretation beneath Quaternary cover
    Ponce and others, 1988 (source 27 of 39)
    Ponce, D.A., Harris, R.N., and Oliver, H.W., 1988, Isostatic gravity map of the Nevada Test Site and vicinity, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 88-664, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California.

    Type_of_Source_Media: map
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 100000
    Geophysical data guiding fault interpretation beneath Quaternary basins
    Ponce and Langenheim, 1994 (source 28 of 39)
    Ponce, D.A., and Langenheim, V.E., 1994, Preliminary gravity and magnetic models across Midway Valley and Yucca Wash, Yucca Mountain, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-572, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Geophysical data guiding fault interpretation beneath Quaternary cover
    Ponce and others, 1993 (source 29 of 39)
    Ponce, D.A., Langenheim, V.E., and Sikora, R.F., 1993, Gravity and magnetic data of Midway Valley, southwest Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 93-540-A, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Geophysical data guiding fault interpretation beneath Quaternary basins
    Sargent and others, 1970 (source 30 of 39)
    Sargent, K.A., McKay, E.J., and Burchfiel, B.C., 1970, Geologic map of the Striped Hills quadrangle, Nye County, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-882, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia.

    Type_of_Source_Media: map
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 24000
    Source_Contribution: Bedrock geologic contacts
    Sargent and Stewart, 1971 (source 31 of 39)
    Sargent, K.A., and Stewart, J.H., 1971, Geologic map of the Specter Range NW quadrangle, Nye County, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-884, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia.

    Type_of_Source_Media: map
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 24000
    Source_Contribution: Bedrock geologic contacts
    Scott, 1996 (source 32 of 39)
    Scott, R.B., 1996, Preliminary geologic map of southern Yucca Mountain, Nye County, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-266, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado.

    Type_of_Source_Media: paper, map
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 12000
    Source_Contribution: Bedrock geologic contacts
    Simonds and others, 1995 (source 33 of 39)
    Simonds, F.W., Whitney, J.W., Fox, K.F., Ramelli, A.R., Yount, J.C., Carr, M.D., Menges, C.M., Dickerson, R.P., and Scott, R.B., 1995, Map showing fault activity in the Yucca Mountain area, Nye County, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-2520, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia.

    Type_of_Source_Media: map
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 24000
    Source_Contribution: Faults with Quaternary displacement
    Swadley, 1983 (source 34 of 39)
    Swadley, WC, 1983, Map showing surficial geology of the Lathrop Wells quadrangle, Nye County, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-1361, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia.

    Type_of_Source_Media: map
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 48000
    Source_Contribution: Surficial geologic contacts
    Swadley and Carr, 1987 (source 35 of 39)
    Swadley, WC, and Carr, W.J., 1987, Geologic map of the Quaternary and Tertiary deposits of the Big Dune quadrangle, Nye County, Nevada, and Inyo County, California: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-1767, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia.

    Type_of_Source_Media: map
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 48000
    Source_Contribution: Surficial geologic contacts
    Swadley and Hoover, 1989a (source 36 of 39)
    Swadley, WC, and Hoover, D.L., 1989, Geologic map of the surficial deposits of the Jackass Flats quadrangle, Nye County, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-1994, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia.

    Type_of_Source_Media: map
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 24000
    Source_Contribution: Surficial geologic contacts
    Swadley and Hoover, 1989b (source 37 of 39)
    Swadley, WC, and Hoover, D.L., 1989b, Geologic map of the surficial deposits of the Tonopah Spring quadrangle, Nye County, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-2018, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia.

    Type_of_Source_Media: map
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 24000
    Source_Contribution: Surficial geologic contacts
    Swadley and Parrish, 1988 (source 38 of 39)
    Swadley, WC, and Parrish, L.D., 1988, Surficial geologic map of the Bare Mountain quadrangle, Nye County, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-1826, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia.

    Type_of_Source_Media: map
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 48000
    Source_Contribution: Surficial geologic contacts
    Wright and Troxel, 1993 (source 39 of 39)
    Wright, L., and Troxel, B.W., 1993, Geologic map of the central and northern Funeral Mountains and adjacent area, Death Valley region, southern California: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-2305, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia.

    Type_of_Source_Media: map
    Source_Scale_Denominator: 48000
    Source_Contribution: Bedrock geologic contacts
  2. How were the data generated, processed, and modified?
    Date: 1997 (process 1 of 16)
    Bedrock geologic mapping and compilation of new mapping in AutoCAD.
    Date: 1997 (process 2 of 16)
    Digitize and compile bedrock mapping from previously published sources, and modify these based on new mapping, using AutoCAD.
    Date: 1997 (process 3 of 16)
    Interpret, digitize, and compile geophysically inferred faults, using AutoCAD.
    Date: 1998 (process 4 of 16)
    Compile surficial geology on 1:24,000-scale orthophotoquad maps, combining new mapping with previously published sources.
    Date: 1998 (process 5 of 16)
    Digitize surficial geology using AutoCAD.
    Date: 1998 (process 6 of 16)
    Review of data by M. Chornack.
    Date: 1998 (process 7 of 16)
    Review of data by D. O'Leary.
    Date: 1998 (process 8 of 16)
    Review of data by M. Hudson.
    Date: 1998 (process 9 of 16)
    Review of data by W.R. Page.
    Date: 1998 (process 10 of 16)
    Review of data by C. Menges.
    Date: 1998 (process 11 of 16)
    Review of data by D. Buesch.
    Date: 1999 (process 12 of 16)
    Review of data by M. Fahy.
    Date: 1998 (process 13 of 16)
    Edit map in AutoCAD to address review comments.
    Date: 1999 (process 14 of 16)
    Import digital map elements into ARC/INFO.
    Date: 1999 (process 15 of 16)
    Edits made in ARCEDIT to existing data include: unclosed polygons closed, incorrectly attributed polygons relabeled, incorrect structural symbols fixed, fault attributes and displacement symbols edited, and global changes made to colors.
    Date: 22-Nov-2002 (process 16 of 16)
    Creation of original metadata record Person who carried out this activity:
    Christopher J. Potter
    U.S Geological Survey
    Box 25046
    Denver, Colorado

    303-236-1735 (voice)
  3. What similar or related data should the user be aware of?

How reliable are the data; what problems remain in the data set?

  1. How well have the observations been checked?
    Part of the database consists of newly generated data (mapped or interpreted contacts and faults) that were compiled on mylar base maps and then in AutoCAD before being imported to ARC/ INFO. Part of the database was compiled from preexisting digital data and combined in AutoCAD before being imported to ARC/INFO. Frequency tests were run on the arc and polygon labels to ensure that no features are unlabeled. The attributes have been checked by both the authors and the reviewers for agreement with published maps, unpublished field mapping, and preliminary drafted versions of the map. The attribute data in the data set should be taken as an accurate representation of the authors' geologic interpretations.
  2. How accurate are the geographic locations?
    The estimated horizontal positional accuracy of the data is 65 meters. All data used from published and unpublished digital sources are limited by the accuracy of that data. Attempts were made to verify the accuracy of these data by comparison to published topographic data and overlap with other digital data.
  3. How accurate are the heights or depths?
  4. Where are the gaps in the data? What is missing?
    This dataset includes only the coverages pertaining to the geologic map. Any marginalia on the printed map (explanation of map symbols, and so forth) are not included. This map was produced to be used at 1:50,000 scale. Any geologic features too small to be shown at this scale have been omitted or generalized if they are of significant importance. The smallest objects are approximately 20 meters on a side.
  5. How consistent are the relationships among the observations, including topology?
    All lines were visually inspected by the authors for proper intersections, repetition, overshoots, undershoots, and overall logical consistency. The geologic features in the map area are all described, in the view of the authors, at a consistent scale of 1:50,000. All coverages were cleaned and built in ARC/INFO ( version 8.0.2) to ensure a logical consistency that is topologically clean.

How can someone get a copy of the data set?

Are there legal restrictions on access or use of the data?
Access_Constraints: None
Acknowledgment of the U.S. Geological Survey would be appreciated in products derived from these data.
  1. Who distributes the data set? (Distributor 1 of 1)
    U.S. Geological Survey Central Publications Group
    Box 25046
    Denver Federal Center, MS-902
    Denver, Colorado

    303-236-5486 (voice)
  2. What's the catalog number I need to order this data set?
  3. What legal disclaimers am I supposed to read?
    Although these digital spatial data have been subjected to rigorous review and are substantially complete, they are released on the condition that neither the USGS nor the United States Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from their authorized or unauthorized use.
  4. How can I download or order the data?

Who wrote the metadata?

Last modified: 13-Jun-2016
Metadata author:
Peter N Schweitzer
USGS Midwest Area
Collection manager, USGS Geoscience Data Clearinghouse,
Mail Stop 954
12201 Sunrise Valley Dr
Reston, VA

703-648-6533 (voice)
703-648-6252 (FAX)
Metadata standard:
Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (FGDC-STD-001-1998)

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